Why do straights seethe over homosexual inclusion in video games?
Why do straights seethe over homosexual inclusion in video games?
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blizzard says he sucks dicks lmao now check this 6
why do gays seethe over regular people finding them revolting?
Unless they’re literally fucking in front of you I don’t see what there is to be revolted by.
because its obvious Blizzard just wants to be relevant so they make any character gay for headlines. Overwatch is dying
Why are the majority of pedophiles gay?
They’re not. Actually read it this time, maybe you’ll learn something.
Nigga you literally just got the FIRST result from google. You didn't even read it.
>they're not
Except they are, sorry faggot.
because homos deserve the rope
Cause nobody likes fags
They are though, hes right
feel my apathy
The penis breath
Because they made 76 gay instead of making their game not shit.
Majority of pedophiles are white christian men,
Middle east.
>majority of the world is brown people
>"nah white dudes do it more than the other 90% of the population"
it must be hard being that retarded
Why do faggots keep making the same threads over and over again?
It must be hard praying with the pope and his friends who fuck children.
Because forced diversity is cancer.
fuck christians and fuck you, good job bumping a page 10 shit thread back up you insufferable faggot
because its gay
and gay
Because they're fucking disgusting.
cuz nobody likes you faggits
If you insist on posting in this thread at least sage
Triggered pussies. Go back to your safe space.
Being evolutionary dead ends.
Mistakes of science, god and nature.
Having diseases, bugchasers.
Some choosing to be flamboyant and feminine(james charles).
Some who have fetishes for straight men(james charles).
The vast majority of child predators are gay.
I can go on but you might kill yourself if I keep typing
Its actually natural to be disgusted by faggots, it is just a fact of life
I bet you know someone who is gay and don’t realize it.
>Having diseases, bugchasers.
Oh that's right. I almost forgot that gay people are riddled with STD's because they're hedonistic pigs that fuck hundreds on men on average.
It's because it's unnecessary inclusion. There's not enough of you people to warrant having to shove them into literally every fucking piece of fiction out there. It's become annoying to the point where I just drop shows that have a token gay boi or token lesbo, fuck off with that shit.
Same shit as workplace diversity, that can go fuck itself too. If women don't want to work in the sciences then LET THEM.
Aww, does baby need his safe space? Yea Forums might be a bit too scary for you. Try Reddit or Facebook, I think those are more your speed.
I've been with 2 guys in my life, one at 12 and the other at 19. Best friend was gay. We both date women now because the gay community is not something that promotes a good and long life that allows us to have a legacy.
There are specific guys that actually want to get diseases so they can stop worrying about life and just fuck til they die.
It doesn't really work when you call someone a baby and meanwhile you suck cocks.
Sucking thumbs is still better than sucking cock user.
Gee I wonder if this is the same person with a 10 word vocabulary
I don't seethe over homosexual inclusion, but I do seethe over Blizzard going "quick retcon someone in Overwatch to be gay to distract everyone" every time they fuck something up.
Shitting your pants tho? I'd rather suck cock than shit my pants
It’s upside down, let’s see if I can fix that
He's actually correct, men kissing is like gore: tolerable, but you don't open the thumbnail unless you're either turned on by it or you enjoy feeling disgusted.
This. I'm not against gays but men kissing is just fucking gross man. I also really don't like it when girls do it so, eh.
The gayness of token inclusions feel like an afterthought, something just tacked onto a character that would've made sense being straight, as if studios are trying to push the notion of "Look, gays are just like you and me!" Except in real life that is unture and they are foppish, promiscuous degenerates with fuckall morals; good luck finding a video game in 2019 that will portray them as they truly are though.
You invade 4chinz and you tell us to leave like you own the place. Do you think this strategy will work? Genuinely?
When character development is forced and doesn't build up properly, that's when people get upset, or pull the gay card as "character development." A sexual preference does not define a character, yet that's what the media wants and focuses on, it makes people feel as though they are one dinensional, it's like if the only character trait is them being straight instead of the other things a character does. It's a double standard that effects both sides. An example of character developement done properly is Ellie from the Last of Us, even though she is a lesbian, that's not her defining character, or Kung Jin from Mortal Kombat X, where he has a whole backstory of where he is afraid of being ostracized by the Shaolin because of his preference, but he has other characteristics to him, and both don't feel forced either. Sorry to say... but most Overwatch characters are one dimensional at best. Their stories are fine, but they all feel forced for the sake of a plot, this guy is bad because of course he his, this girl is independant because the backstory says so. Hell, when I first played the game, I didn't even know anyones backstory and couldn't tell who they were from their design. It tells me nothing.
He's right, stupid faggot. Now kys future pedo.
*one dimensional, not dinensional
Sorry, auto correct...
So many characters are just so fucking boring
fuck off
Its people like you that hate the truth and would rather live in lies they've made up themselves is why the world is as shit as it is. Any time people face a fact that's uncomfortable they would rather call it a lie and throw tantrums.
Pedolad comes to cum in kids
Why do gay people molest children?
Why do gay people scream when I impale them through the ass? I thought they liked it???
Finally some good fucking post.
The fuck is this. Men don't have nipples like this you fucking degenerates.
...I donno man. I think i'd rather shit my pants every day for the rest of my life than be gay. It's like, yeah i'll be gross and no one will want to be around me but at least i'm not a homosexual.
They call me chad the impaler
My front lawn looks like Dracula’s mansion
I’d definitely rather shit my pants than be gay.
its the other way you dum dum
Just because you suck cock doesn't mean you're homosexual user holy shit get with the times grandpa.
Too bad fag, go be gay somewhere else
It should be legal to kill gays. Or at least deny them of health care, etc.
It actually works both ways :^)
Who cares?
because if you want to fuck kids youre not het because they all look agender? i dont get the question
Buddy... this is Yea Forums, not Reddit or Facebook or Twitter. This is the wrong place to be asking these questions. I'm alright with it, but you may not get an answer, only insults. I'm only saying this for your own good.
Are astroturfers this autistic?
Those are some nice looking tits
kys faggot
Who gets turned gay the next time Blizzard has a massive fuck up they need to smokescreen?
that's a nice rack as well
some nice, good, masculine male titties with protruding hard nipples, yum
Probably Sombra. But why trust Blizzard. They only want to do mobile...
This just means that straight men are psychologically deranged and should be exterminated.
is zarya a lesbo already or are they still holding on to that?
Because when a gay character is included, it's either forced down your throat by proclaiming their love of the same gender, or it's done in such a subtle way that it's an "oh, okay" moment. The former is far more common, and it's as annoying as any other nonsense that gets annoying really fast. Dude sucks dicks, good for him, leave that detail as a hidden bio thing. It is completely unnecessary information.
Straight gamers don't go flaunting their stuff, so gay folks shouldn't either.
>it's either forced down your throat by proclaiming their love of the same gender
>Straight gamers don't go flaunting their stuff
yes they do
>Straight gamers don't go flaunting their stuff
Yes they literally do.
Exactly my point when I explained it in Characters who are gay are perfectly OK in my opinion... just don't make it the focal point.
>hets are scared of maggots and the natural spoilage of food
The 90's were a different time, as we grow older and more mature, stuff like that becomes... embarrassing to remember. But some people still like that stuff, others do not. It depends on the market they are going for.
Fishing for SJW points
Add some milk and you got a deal senpai
I always find it funny how the sexual minority of the population never takes into account that they they are an anomaly and that people have been taught to pretend that you are normal, even though it is just a courtesy of modern times.
S76 wasn't an "inclusion" it was a conversion. There was nothing hinting at him being gay until Blizzard came out and told everyone he sucked cock in a desperate attempt to rally up interest in their dying game. If you're going to include gay characters, it helps if you intend them as such during the design process, rather than a retrospective retcon for brownie points. It lacks any sort of authenticity and only works on idiots who will clap and cheer when you say things they like, regardless of how sensible or congruent they are. A.k.a the Overwatch playerbase.
yes, manmilk is vital
>tfw no game with Transbian relationships
>retconced gay for social virtue
no one would care if he was ghey from the start
>sexuality in OW
yah it was pointless thing for a anetion to dying gayme
fuck off tranny you will never be a girl
>stuff like that becomes... embarrassing to remember
I'm not embarrassed in the slightest, and if you are then you're incredibly insecure and/or easily led.
im a cis girl who loves my trans gf, friend
As someone who's best friend is gay, she has stated that S76's sudden preference reveal made her not appreciate Blizzard or Overwatch anymore as she felt as though they only did it to gain some kind of recognition (being WOKE) and nothing else. How it actually offends her of real characters with development.
When we are young, hormones control all of us. It's the way of life. Whether it's for the same or opposite gender.
It's just a naked person, user. It's not embarrassing. There's literally nothing wrong with your sexuality and you don't need to feel ashamed of it.
It was when homosexuals were oppressed and forced to act normal did people think you could be accepted into regular society, now that you are accepted and protected everyones fears of homosexuals is a reality. They are the disgusting and degenerate creatures people have always knew and talked about, it was only through the oppressive pressures of society that they could fake normalcy.
That is the reality, some people just need to be oppressed and scorned openly in order to be kept in check.
Dang... that's messed up... even for Yea Forums... no wonder the gaming community has a bad rep with the public. Try to stay neutral with these topics.