Sony shows off PS5 loading times
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10k$ pc fags on suicie watch
>console comes with an ssd
based how will anyone ever recover
sony is doing godly
>how will anyone ever recover
they put SSD's in their consoles.
>hey guys whatsup here is how much we ripped you off when you bought a ps4 pro and not a pc with an SSD thanks for beta testing PS5
Means nothing because they still will only have one worthwile exclusive (Bloodborne 2)
holy shit user your a game changer
>Press X to doubt
t. Phil Spencer
there will never EVER be a cuckborne 2
It's gonna be PS3 all over again
unlikely. what kind of led set ups do you have for your PS?
Hahahaha, this is pathetic.
that's the best exclusives PC has, RGB LEDs
Imagine how fast they can render blinding light rays and crop out panty shots! Truly remarkable.
all shitposting aside, zen2 cpus, gddr6 memory, and ssds are gonna be great for next gen consoles.
it will truly be a generational leap when it comes to load times, level of detail loading, and even frame rate.
Nice, but it's still just fluff at this point. Nintendo were saying the same shit about the N64 in the PS1 era.
>no loading! look at how fast things load!
Yeah. Cool. Now what? Show the games.
It’s funny because I bet you could easily find a bunch of examples of how the PS4 Pro was supposed to have load times like the one on the left, before Sony shat the bed and made it almost insignificantly faster than a standard version for twice the cost. Anyone who genuinely thinks this is what PS5 load times are going to be like deserves another $599 conjob again.
Won't a pure SSD still be expensive as fuck though? Isn't it likely that they'll sell some kind of hybrid machine where only the currently played games gets put on the SSD?
I feel like I've just skipped over the past few e3s. $599 US DOLLARS and RIIIDGE RACCERR were hard to top for me.
>buying a censorstation 5
Are living under the rock? SSDs are cheap as fuck
Last gen games load pretty fast on my PS4 too. This means nothing. Boggy framerates and performance on next gen are guaranteed.
>Be sony
>Stick SSD in console, sell the console for double the price of the previous one
>Fans eat it up and praise the shit out of the company even though SSDs have existed since the PS3 era
>buying anything 9th gen when this gen was absolute pure shit
I imagine it's going to be NVME based but I'd rather see it hybrid based. 1TB standard HDD but at least 128GB NVME. Swap data in as necessary.
>loading static images
>loading pre-rendered videos
>sell the console for double the price of the previous one
bring us source and maybe I'll give you another (You)
>dad muh PS5 desn't instalw gams anymoh, wuts rong?"
>"I'll check it for ya son, let me look on forums"
>40 minutes later
>"ok son, I'm going to buy you a fixing piece, but you can't install more than 5 games this time or it will break again, it's called an SSD"
>"ok dads :)"
>7 days later
>"daaaaad, it broke agaaaaain shiiiit fuuuug"
>"wow son, who tought you those bad words?"
You don't know what you're talking about
Nice, almost a second to load a JPG.
Nice I can load my commiefornia propaganda movies even faster now.
and free of the internet that you already paid for, free games, the ability to use creation software, and the ability to see boobs
finally able to beat 2005's computers
thats the spiderman game map theyre loading
You don't remember 2010? That's most important E3.
>Snoyggers finally discover SSDs
how long does it take to load an uncensored pair of breasts though?
Only the konami shit
They can stream them trait to your brain from the cloud.
Cope weeb fag
Now we just have to wait for the downgrade.
wow one whole next-gen game can fit because devs are fucking morons that cant compress their games for shit
>SSD's have been a mainline thing in PC gaming for at least 5 fucking years
>Sony is half a decade late
Oh what innovation truly cutting edge. You know the real problem with an SSD on the PS5 is the fact that it will likely only be 1TB because any bigger is going to get too costly. This was an issue for the PS4 and Xbone but was resolved by allowing for external drives to make up for it. For the PS5 its going to need to be an expensive SSD USB drive. Games are only getting bigger and I expect them to be close 100gb as the norm next gen. Those drives are going to fill up fast. PC gamers face similar issues but can generally just add another drive to their rig in addition to what they already have.
In any case the bigger that SSD gets the more expensive that PS5 gets and I doubt Sony is going to be willing to lose a shit ton of money per unit like they did with the PS3. That is a disaster they are unlikely to repeat.
I am going to call it now PS5 will end up the equivalent of a rig with a Ryzen 7 and GTX 1080. All that 8k and other shit is going to end up being a meme and the system will be stuck with most games being 30fps with dips.
>God of War 2 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, The Last of Us Part III, Horizon 2, Gran Turismo 7, Final Fantasy VII Remake Part II, Death Stranding 2
>Backwards compatible
>Best VR support
>all multiplats, from all territories
>best controller, if it’s DS4 2.0
How can they be stopped?
why would i need to cope over ps5 having less stuff on it?
Nah it'll be 500GB and the cost of the console will be $800.
but where are the video games?
wow, 10 year old technology finally reached consoles!
>>SSD's have been a mainline thing in PC gaming for at least 5 fucking years
PS4 came out 6 years ago
a machine for aaa games
do you know what swap means
Don't forget Ray tracing can god ray your anime belly buttons and swimsuits in real time. What a time to be alive.
Not him but blacking out breast is not what I had in mind for "raising the bar"
No need for coping when they could just play on Switch or PC.
which means 10 more years of PC still getting console left overs.
undergoing rigorous sun-beam implementations
So they got an SSD?
sorry, thars a sony excluded feature
>anime bellybuttons and swimsuits
o i am laffin
god why do you fucking idiots bother posting. Thats literally live capture of the open world from Spiderman PS4
I think that's the destiny for PC games for the rest of eternity. Platform's fuckin dead.
>have to wait on HDD/SATA speeds for the game to swap when you want to launch it
with 100GB games its not going to be fast
*censors your games*
Sorry honey, i’m either going Xbot or sticking with Nintendies+PC only next gen.
>at least 5 fucking years
had an ssd on my 2009 pc, nigger
ssd's are basic hardware for at least 15 years and mainstream for at least 10
>mfw I bought a 1TB SSD right before the price drop
i think he meant that the sun ray censors will look more realistic than ever before.
Seething and countercoped.
Damn you, stop making fun of Sonybros
>1tb ssd
For what fucking purpose.
>load times and framerate
Yawn, I want another massive leap in graphics and physics like we had from PS2 -> Xbox 360
Loli fapbait aren't games.
Game makers will just compensate by putting bigger textures so the load times will end up the same.
yfw spidermans load times were tied to framerate (like kh2) and this is why it loads so fast having nothing to do with super secret advanced ssds.
>reproducing the exact same movie on both consoles
>not pre-rendered
Probably too young to even know any of those SNK games lmao
>Owned a PS1-2-3-4
I can't believe I might be going Xbox now, but we'll see. it's who has games at the end of the day.
Cope hard, SJWonypony.
>unironically defending censorship
graphics have already peaked user
So it can run spider-man at 8x the fps of the ps4 pro? That's also great
>SSDs are cheap as fuck
Sure if you buy a 250gb one but this is a console with games reaching 100gb each they're going to have to slap a 2tb ssd in there and they ain't cheap.
I don't even care anymore:
>be life long console gamer
>build gaming PC
>can run new release games at full settings with a stable framerate
>see no reason to buy a PS5, unless it gets more exclusives and calms down on censorship
I finally understand why people say "PS4 has no games" now. When you have a gaming PC, it really doesn't (that often).
Remember this forever: Sony always (ALWAYS) wins
>This retard
Bless you
Developer now seem to just waist the expanded tools given to them in fillers. big budget games don't seem to have time to make things visually unique.
A. This is a straight up lie and will still have long loading times
B. You can dust off your 599 memes
>they're going to have to slap a 2tb ssd
500 for base at max.
1-2tb only for elite edition
I said at "least" 5 years. The technology is way older than that but we didn't see large amounts of people using them for anything outside the boot OS until around 5 years ago. Only people that used them for installing games had deep pockets but there was still a fair amount of people doing it. The PS4 didn't have an SSD so I don't see how that matters. But I will admit if the PS4 did release with an SSD it would of been more impressive than the mediocre shit heap we got.
In the end it doesn't matter most of Sony's old exclusives went multiplat like most the JRPG series on it. All that leaves for exclusives is Sony owned IP's but most of those are movie games that are not worth buying a console for because you can just watch them on youtube. Sony has some good stuff like Wild Arms and Ape Escape but they refuse to do anything with those.
Lets also not forget Sony always lies heavily about its new consoles so everything they say is meaningless until production actually starts and we get prices for the thing.
2TB SSD is fucking $699 on amazon.
One of the stupidest memes in modern gaming. Unless you haven't seen any modern, high quality cg, you've gotta be trolling. Until it looks identical to reality, you can (not that you should) always go further.
>JAuJ392 Yo8
PS5 Pro will be $1099 USD
Let's have a reasonable discussion here.
>Will you buy a PS5?
>Will you buy one down the road?
>If no to both, why not? (please be reasonable and don't shit stir)
I ask as somebody new to PC gaming that doesn't see much value in MS and Sony consoles anymore.
You didn't get the joke. the Ray tracing technology is used to put god rays over the swim suits and evil belly buttons so the Amish target audience doesn't have to see that and get swayed to the path of evil.
I just got myself a ps4
It’s still pre rendered retard
increasing fps in kh2 just 2x was enough to get results like in op. try again
>Lets also not forget Sony always lies heavily about its new consoles
They WILL forget. You've seen this all before. People enjoy the lies/hype.
Neither are all the movie games sony has for its first party in house studios. Most of those are less game than shit like Senran Kagura.
did you specifically look for the highest price you could find?
Special boy
At risk of sounding like I justify the censorship, which I don't, I like the dress better than the bikini.
Probably because those thick thighs are more accentuated, but that's just me.
How long does an ssd live for nowadays? I’ve been putting off buying one for years.
>500 for base at max.
Instant flop right there.
>Paying 1000$ for a console
>implying all this will mean anything when they add so much post processing bullshit that games still run at 30fps
>For what fucking purpose.
>Bloodborne in 480fps, 8k quality
Welcome to 2010
A lot of the hardware faults have been ironed out and if you're not a retard treating it like a HDD (constantly writing to/from the drive instead of putting just the OS and whatever you want instant-access to on it) it'll last as long as any other mechanical drive.
Imagine how fast it would be if they didn't need to use 10k polygons everywhere.
So this is what the pro should have been?
you are literally retarded
>Sony informs everyone Ps5 will include retrocompatibility
>Ps4 is more than 5 years old
>E3 in less than a month with a guaranteed reveal for the new console
how dumb can you be?
Now available on PS5! Gaymers unite!
A SSD is like 50 bux my dude
Will Sony have a direct during e3 or will they reveal the PS5 at TGS?
>windows 10
You did nothing wrong, end of console lifespan was the best time to buy. Same was with ps3.
fucking BASED
Damn, movie menu screens are that fast? Sony are so based. I can't wait to watch The Last of Us 2 at 23 fps.
by original IP. unfortunately there's not much going around
But it also broke a lot of shit since the physics were tied to framerate.
>E3 in less than a month with a guaranteed reveal for the new console
how would the PS5 be revealed at e3?
What's up with the black bars? Is your mommy going to get mad if you were to repost?
State of Play: Episode 4, Season 2
I have a laptop with a GTX 1080. I'm probably safe for a couple of years more.
My income will increase overtime so in 3 or 5 years I'll upgrade to an up to date laptop.
There's no Sony on this E3 you dumb fuck.
By xbox scalret doing everything you mentioned better by huge margin.
A disaster like the xbone?
Unfortunately FromSoft doesn't know how to go more than 60 fps even on pc
>Buy PS5?
In its current state? No
>Buy it down the road?
When it hits sub 200$ maybe
I brought a PS4 payed about 4 games on it then it became my Netflix machine until I sold it when I moved.
Now I have a Roku and honestly I don’t miss it
a 2tb drive is going to run around $200 on the cheap end to around $330. Of course Sony will get them cheaper than that from whoever ends up supplying them but its going to add a significant cost to the console since we also have to worry about CPU,GPU and Ram. This is why I think its only going to be 1tb
>clip shows the camera moving through the city "fast"
>it's slower than sonic unleashed
I wish sega would fucking pull their head out of their asses and actually make something good with the shit they know how to do
Samsung 860 Pro. OK, adata is $247. Buying bulk might took it to $150-200 for storage alone. $699 is possible.
They might do some storemi bullshit.
we hoardin data?
They also censor non-''loli fapbait'' games and it's not even the point.
SNOY should have no business in dictating this much what developers can and can't do on the platform.
People blame the Sony hq move to commiefornia and that may be part of it but the tiny dicked jap jews of Sony corporate have always hated sex, probably because it reminds them what they're incapable of due to their microscopic bugman wangs.
>Will you buy a PS5?
>Will you buy one down the road?
>If no to both, why not? (please be reasonable and don't shit stir)
Because i am fine with my ps4, i don't have games that struggle to run on it, and i am not a graphic whore, most my games are weeb fightings and beat em ups.
>PS4 Pro uses a 5400RPM Hard drive
>People are surprised by load times
No, Daddy Sony wont let me ;_;
So you don't know what swap means or what it does, okay
>Render speeds fast enough to fly through cities at break-neck speeds
>Still no Superman game
Please tell me you have at least one backup from all of that
>hurrr durrrr Sony will not make ANY announcement during E3
>t-they do have their direct b-but they're not going to announce anything lmao hahaha SNOY amirite?
Square has their own show on E3.
I'd be surprised if they went over 1TB anyway, at least for the base version
that's not even an exclusive so i don't know what you're trying to prove with that image.
Amd is going and will talk about next gen cpu and gpu, which sony will use, they may very well be there. But i doubt it.
>hey guys I made a post that clearly shows my disgust for Windows 10, am I cool yet? what do you mean I'm not on /g/?
>and i am not a graphic whore,
Yes, you are, or you would've stuck with the PS3. Inb4: "i just wanted new games!" Could've bought a console you never owned before, or just gone to pc.
I have an external drive for backup of the shit I sort of care about
pretty much only my password safe really matters though
we debate this at work sometimes and generally we say 4 years if its the boot drive and sees a lot of use. but more like 8 years if you are just running games or other software on it. Unless of course you are running that shit all fucking day. It varies and most SSD's have pretty good maintenance software that manages them.
>live in poorslavstan
>hear that after 10 years consoles start to use SSD
>I already bought second for my PC
>games already load faster than this
Are SNOYboys literal niggers?
>PS4 pro takes 8 seconds to load pictures
PS4 is such a joke system, why the fuck does this exist
and yet the big reveal was during Sony's presentation
hi funnyjunk
Sony does not own Square Enix and Square has their own booth and show. That game isn't even going to be exclusive just like the other FF games aren't anymore. Typical Sonyger pull out the multiplats and pretend they are Sony exclusive.
>he doesn't use ssd
And Dragonball Fighterz was at Microsoft's what's Your point?
Didn't the WiiU have an SSD?
Stop believing corporate lies. Remember that Killzone 2 demo years ago?
I still remember all the hype for the cell processing, Sony showing off pre-rendered tests doesn't amount to much.
moving the goalpost won't help you, just accept that Ps5 will be revealed during E3, that's all there is
They are cheap to mass produce and require less money to get into and less brains to operate. Its perfect for children and plebeians. Its basically the Mc Donalds of gaming.
No fucking way the hdd is that slow, the hdd in my OG Xbox is faster than that.
ok? is DMC5 an xbox exclusive because the reveal was at xbox's presentation and it had the xbox exclusive demo?
it's not an exclusive, continue to cope
>asking consoletards to stop being retarded
>look guise the new machine loads a last gen game faster! upgrade!
lmfao it's like flaunting that a ps2 can run a ps1 game, cucks
SSD on PS4 (and Pro) won't make much difference because they're using bloody USB to connect it directly with motherboard.
And slow CPU.
>, just accept that Ps5 will be revealed during E3
Sure it will.
E3 2020.
because of an ssd?
the graphics will barely be any different
I never said it was an exclusive you clearly can't read anymore
How fast does PC load Spiderman then?
There's not even Sony on E3 this year.
why do people support consoles and artificial IP scarcity.
>tech demo is loading pre-rendered footage of a PS4 game
the second the first PS5 dedicated game is made(as in, wasn't a last gen game) comes out, all these tech demos will become useless.
Children are being lobotomized by smartphones so much they consider consoles "complicated".
Well, that means more job for comp-sci guys like me.
rofl i remember this
This just in, Sony are massive Jews.
Did you know that the DS4's parts also come up to about $24 for one controller?
That was at launch too so they should be dirt cheap by now.
and what ever you support is suppose to be better? lol
so... you're saying the ps5 reveal will... be on square enix's e3 conference?
I dont think I've ever seen a more pathetic attempt at bullshittery.
Bravo Sony, I hope you die.
*Sony shows off PC loading times
please, PLEASE, read the posts you're responding to before responding
Which one?
My backlog is big enough and I never played a single Spidermen game to this day.
Come to think about it, I only played emulated X-MEN arcade and that one Hulk game from Marvel games.
This was supposed to be a PS3 game, and people actually believed this is how it would look back in the day. Even on Yea Forums. I know because I was here.
And yet here we are again, and you idiots are still believing bullshit.
a rigged demo to suck up to investors followed up by a butchered consumer version.
like clockwork .
Timed exclusive at worst or just marketing bullshit. Its not unusual for non time exclusive games to be announced at Xbox or Sony presentations while not mentioned at the competitions even though its for both systems. Basically it probably means fuck all. Remember when versus 13 was said to be a ps3 exclusive only to end up in development hell and be delayed into the next gen renamed to FF15 and released on PS4 and Xbone at the same time with a PC release later. Things change even Kingdom Hearts 3 ended up on Xbone. I noticed when browsing the Eshop on my switch that FF7 is also on that system. Square enix is not going to give up on its other fans just to please Sony. Timed exclusive that Sony paid out the ass for is the best they can hope for.
Literally why does this thread have 200 replies in under an hour, bunch of zoomerfags.
revealing a whole new console on a state of play stream would be a pretty retarded thing to do considering the current reputation of the state of play streams.
I've never seen this many people absolutely seething in one place.
>they're using bloody USB to connect it directly with motherboard.
Lol I never heard of that before. Hilarious if true
I think you're just retarded if you don't even clarify which E3, when the closest one is in a month.
I just have very little expectations.
ah yes, the current reputation of two (2) whole streams clearly will be shatered to pieces if they announce ANYTHING about their next generation console during one
Get out of here, Ballmer!
I think you're retarded if you can't guess that by yourself
>This was supposed to be a PS3 game
A lot of things were supposed to be ps3 games.
steam and gog desu.
they don't have exclusivity between platforms, just different services.
wow SSDs truly are magical! Can't wait for this wonderful technology to finally hit the market
Correct. The snoy nintendo directs were your E3. It's just VR shit because Sony is out of ideas. See you in 2020!
Until Dawn was supposed to be a PS3 game
>xbox ver is also censored
americuns cant enjoy sex
Oh shit Blast Processing is back!
>the graphics will barely be any different
Then what's the point?
>believing tech demos represent the final product ever
man I'm excited for all these games for these respective systems, really showcased the extent of the tech and it always delivered
That's were you're wrong, buddy, since it's pretty obvious to anyone that "E3" this close to actual E3, would mean the closest E3. You should work harder on making things clear, not just on the Internet, but I assume real life as well.
Yeah, that is why they cut their dicks.
>post makes fun of people saying snoy unironically
>unironically says snoy in response
you npc's are all so boring I swear
Literary who? No custom ssd, no vr, no exclusives
Wait, I thought you can already install SSD on PS4. Why do they even boast about loading times?
I will most likely get one as I can easily afford one and I'm a cuck who has every current gen console (except xbone because who the fuck needs that when you have a pc).
I was talking about 2019 E3 you absolute retard piece of shit, your two-digits IQ makes you unable to understand that single information even after reading all the posts?
>Why do they even boast about loading times?
Selling points for the idiot masses
Then you're genuinely retarded.
Fucking N4G has smarter fags than Yea Forums these days.
All Yea Forums does erryday is sony bad.
People are forgetting to mention new ssd is nvme type, supposedly soldered and topping 3000mb/s speeds. Thats on level of samsung 960-970 m.2. I have 970 evo m.2 and it tops 3400mb/s read and 2700mb/s write I think. Regular ssd's are around 550mb/s read and write
>n-no u
fuck off and eat a dick shithead
>custom ssd
>implying SONY will not slap a proprietary socket for PS5 SSDs and fleece retards
For me its not even the hardware but the censorship. Whats the point of buying the incomplete version of the game? Sony has nothing else that isn't already on PC other than its shit movie games like The Last of Us or Uncharted. I wouldn't play or buy that shit.
>Square Enix jumped ship and went mulitplat
>Atelier series went multiplat
>Tales games got ported to PC
>Yakuza games went multiplat
>Neptunia and a shit ton of niche weeb series that were all Sony only jumped ship and went multiplat
>censorship policy just means more studious are going to stop being Sony only and go multiplat
Honestly what is fucking left aside from Bloodborne 2 that may end up going multiplat anyway. A sequal to Horizon zero Dawn a soulless ubisoft open world clone? Don't bother mentioning games that may be good like Red Dead series and other shit that has been multiplat for fucking ever. Perhaps Sony will honor us with another playstation all stars or little big planet. not paying $500 to $700 for that shit.
I guess there is Death Stranding but I don't have much hope for that game but hey with Bloodborne that is 2 games so already doing better than ps4.
Well that's just not possible. Sony isn't going to E3 this year.
I did. It's still loading.
Hope that's a live render and not a prerendered image.
but its a shit game bro
>All Yea Forums does erryday is sony bad
And yet they get the most praise here.
No because it's going to be overpriced
at least they kept the tits on display for the box art.
also, when you go to the game's page on the xbox marketplace the first thing you see is the whole huge 1080p image with no logo on it.
i don't think it was censorship. the xbone version came later so they just made another box art for it with a different logo for some reason.
>implying SONY will not slap a proprietary socket for PS5 SSDs and fleece retards
so like the Vita Memory card fiasco all over again?
For the love of God who cares!
Cerny already said sony made theyr own proprietary ssd solution for ps5.
we dont live in the past nigger.
clearly you cared enough to respond :^)
inb4 2012 tier SSD prices
remember $120 120GB SSDs?
Detroit Become Human, Last Guardian, Until Dawn, and a shit ton of other games were "supposed to be PS3 games" and then they all got delayed to other systems
M.2 drives aren't deathly expensive anymore, either.
>hurr nvme is just a format
Maybe try reading for yourself instead of what /g/ is trolling you with.
>we now have 10 year old technology in our consoles because they're extremely cheap now, no need to thank us!
wow... based.. b-b-based!!
Holy shit it's real
What the fuck
Yes. Thanks for beta testing this one PC gamers. Appreciate it. You'll get your yearly alotted scraps in a few months.
You're genuinely delusional. There won't be proper announcements of new hardware other than teases, just like with Switch or PS4 Pro. Console manufacturers other than Microsoft went full smartphone announcements way, with reveal short of release.
PS5 is going to go PS4 way if anything, being announced next E3 and releasing October-November 2020, so it launches alongside the AAA games such as CoD Assassin's Creed and FIFA.
Honestly, I just wanted Bloodborne and Spiderman.
I did. Sony still isn't doing an E3 presentation
now just for comparison, when you visit the ps4 version's page, you're still only seeing that "alternate" box art they only have.
>Defending Censorship
I don’t give a fuck about these games but censorship any deeper than ESRB which finally got the stick out of its ass is too damn much
>Ps5 launches with cod and FIFA
It's literally all happening again. Fucking hell. FIFA Box 5. 130 million units sold. What a fucking joke.
Incoming nu-NeoGAF with charts showing how those limited SSDs "beat" top open market products while costing twice as much
you didn't since you didn't see my previous post to this argument
NVMe really isn't much difference if you just gonna read stuff on it to load them to your RAM, it only really take advantage if you're working with alot of file transfer involved.
And for the same workload as regular SSD it generates much more heat, not worth it.
With the removal of load times comes the loss of soul. Gone are the days where you would look forward to the loading screens to see what secrets devs would hide in them.
>Wanting his video games to be photorealistic
Nigga go outside and stare at trees irl instead of paying 60$ for a game when the city park is free
that really fills me with no hope. I remember last time they made a processor and it was called the Cell the most over designed costly piece of shit to put in their system that in the end couldn't really out do the more run of the mill stuff in the xbox 360. Or when they needlessly shoved a blu-ray drive in that was so slow the games were massively bloated compared to 360 and PC versions because they had to be filled with redundant data to cut down in seek time. I guess it makes sense if Sony intends to make its own SSD line though. They can use the Playstation budget and the Ps5 to fine tune it and then release a consumer version later on for PC.
I didn't see what the fuck was said in Skyrim loads, you will not need them too.
M.2. Not nvme. M.2.
>that K located in the perfect position to show off the thong while also implyimg that it is censoring a camel toe
Can nintendo be any better than they are now? We are in an age of gods who walk among men.
>implying loading screens today aren't just elevator rides suddenly taking a million years or just static images with a spinning circle in the corner
What people expect from SSDs on console?
>5 seconds loading times
What we'll get?
>over a minute loading times, now even on PCs with SSD
Detroit Become Human was never going to be a PS3 game, you are full of shit. IIRC it was not even going to be a game at first, it was just a tech demo but it was so well received that they devided to go ahead and develop a full game around it.
If the ps5 isn't $399 its finished. The xbox one and the ps3 were clear examples that a console above $399 doesn't fucking sell till its price cut to that price. The ps2, ps4, xbox 360 and Wii were all $399 or below and all of them sold like crazy. In comparison the xbox one and ps3 were both $500+ and sold like absolute garbage till they got price cut and lost a bunch or features in the way like xbox one lost kinect and ps3 lost backwards compatibility.
>Console fags just now getting SSD's
God help them
Do you even know story behind Cell? It is super good, but one fuckhead at dell, made choices that screwed up architecture and made it realllly hard to develop for, because of recent ms contract to design 360's cpu. Theres a book about all of that, from one of main designers of cell.
>tfw know the source
That's cool, devs will find some way to make games run at 24 fps and make load times like for 5 minutes. Doesn't matter what Sony does.
Not IBM?
It's been good for years
I've been using a 120GB samsung TLC from 2015 and it still works just fine.
It has like 1/5 the TBW of modern drives
Ah fuck, my bad
>He already doesnt have ssd
Ive had one for 3 years at least in laptop, still runs no problem. I have newer 970 evo m.2 in desktop, almost for a year, works fine as well
That's only on the original PS4
Slim and Pro uses SATA
Just get one already, you won't understand how you even put up with shit without it.
>how can they be stopped
no games and censorship from california killing themselves
Sata3 sure is amazing technology
I don't think current devs are capable of fucking up load times THIS much unintentionally.
At worst I suspect what happened with swap to dualcores, where old jap guard was stubborn about switching programming techniques like delta-time and synching to frame rate.
So I predict that for at least 2 years there will be still fixed load times like in 1998 PCs.
>o I predict that for at least 2 years
It'll probably be like 5 or so.
IBM was pretty scummy. But the games industry as a whole was just about to show its ugly head to any Japanese company in gaming back in 2005 to 2007. We're lucky the few that remain today managed to survived, other than the ones who decided to fuck it and leave mainstream gaming altogether like Konami.
Might be faster. Might be pcie 4 for higher throughput. Might be custom protocol and not nvme with maybe less latency and better parallelism.
Or not
Hopefully a focus on 60fps but who am I kidding
Sony fanboys being amazed by a fucking ssd is amusing, it's been standard for many years now
>I don't think current devs are capable of fucking up load times THIS much unintentionally.
I doubt it's ever really intentional, they're just incompetent. Look at Anthem.
Not even the worlds strongest computer can handle a single realistic rendered person yet.
Dilate and have sex
Fucking based Sony is destroying everyone again
Hope they won't have a proprietary SSD
real world: FIFA 21, GTA 6, Fortnite and Netflix
All depends on how much data you write to it.
Excluding defective hardware, used as an OS/boot drive they'll last around 10 years on average. Similar to a mechanical hard drive.
Also a mechanical hard drive will often fail with little to no warning.
An SSD keeps a log of how much data it has written over its life, so you can compare that number with the manufacturers guaranteed write numbers and get a decent idea of how much life the drive has left. Most drives have a little software tool from the manufacturer that does that for you.
How many good first party titles even exist for the ps4 anyway?
I mean, there's Bloodborne but that's a third party exclusive more than anything else.
How is that bad? Everyone watches Netflix, everyone is looking forward to GTA6, don't care about fifa or fortnite but more power to those i guess.
Don't complain to us when you get more casualized garbage next gen.
user he's one of the casuals. He will happily eat more casualized garbage, it's what he likes.
Can't wait for dev's to use the consoles hardware as a crutch and not optimize anything leading to igames looking and running worse than it does now
So GTA6 is going to be casualised garbage?
Shut your faggot contrarian ass up you idiots.
They removed the other platforms in the latest trailer which means FF7R will be a timed exclusive for sony.
GTA 5 already is.
Contrarian about what? No one in their right mind would call ps4 games hardcore.
Pc fags coping cause they jelly for our esclusives
Dude imagine if we had CLOUD loading
all of you loli-loving pedos should be lawfully enforced into castration
degenerate scum
My PS4Pro boots fairly quickly. Launching a game and loading into it takes forever (about 1m30s for both Mafia 3 and AC Unity for example).
lol a indie car game sold more than any snoy movie exclusive. i thought those GOTY movie games were the system seller and best thing ever.
perfect thread to ask this since you guys are discussing SSDs. amazon is currently running a browser sale of $10 off any SSD. i'm looking to get a 240 or 500gb for under $40, but not sure what to look for. could you guys quick rundown on the essentials of buying one? I plan on using it as a boot drive, with daily use of firefox, small photoshop task and other lite work.
And let real pedos roam?
but then why does snoy allow the games to be published at all if they don't want the games' audience to buy them?
I still remember the day when Splatoon 1 sold gangbusters. Shit was hilarious.
Shame that guy didn't eat his crows and dicks.
How old are you? Are you unable to google motherfucker? SSD's cost like 100 bucks a tb.
Now this is based
To kill them, duh. Every other PS system caused the death of a few studios.
Does anybody that isn't a fag want to play more uninspired sequels and "remakes"?
Name them.
kill yourself
If you are using it as a basic boot drive, no point in going massive, just get the 250GB one and a HDD if you are pinching pennies.
SDD are so fast that extra $ for "top quality" is almost invisible in usual usage.
I got a Samsung 250GB SDD for OS, 1.5TB HDD for archive and big games and later added an extra 500GB Crucial SDD for slow loading games.
kill yourself
This doesn't really impress me. Does it run at 4K and a stable 60fps?
Tranny's advocate
Rocket League is like 10 bucks
cool, I might just go with that. I already have 2x 1tb drives, but kind of wanted around 240-500 in case I decide to put one big load game on it.
i'll just grab a 240 for $25 and call it a day.
All of this will be made pointless with the way the industry approaches game development.
More bloated graphical features and the constant pursuit of extreme resolutions to make consumers feel as if their 8K+ 80 inch panel TV is worth it just means demos like this will eternally stay "proof of concept" forever.
These corporations do the same thing every generation, and we get similar results on the final product every time.
They can be.
The graphical hardware right now and in the PS5 can be pushed further if you remove bottlenecks like data streaming and by making an SSD mandatory, developers can really let loose.
Will it happen? That depends on whether or not developers will do stuff like high-res textures for PS5 version of games, because until game engines change and get better, there is no magical switch that you can just flip and make next gen games look unbelievably different from current gen at first, which will probably warrant a lot of complaining by stupid people when it comes out.
Dont forget
>bloodborne 2
>ryzen 2 paired with used gtx 1070
>ddr5 ram
>1080p 144hz monitor
>all for under a grand
I wish I still play video games.
have sex weeb
Exactly. They push out high-fidelity tech demos running at 60fps, everyone gets hyped. Then devs need end up pushing the hardware/not optimizing, and they end up with 30fps at a lower res than initially advertized. Every. Single. Time.
maybe he's just not retarded and doesn't feel the need to play japanese homogames for lonely virgins
Fucking FIFA, this shit just lays around for 5$ after a new one releases
Also, here is an example of what possibly could happen in next gen:
Right now, we have games like Spider-Man which people say look amazing, but that is because developers are circumventing the limitations of data streaming by only focusing on making the focal objects really detailed. Spider-Man is super detailed, secondly all the villains are pretty detailed and finally the NPCs all have low detail.
With an SSD that removes the datastream bottleneck, you could have everything in the game look just as detailed as the main character, which the untrained eye probably won't even notice when playing the game, so will it happen?
Again, that depends on how the developer uses this extra data bandbwith. Maybe it is not worth it to make NPCs more detailed, but maybe it would make more sense to have way more of them in scenes? Anyway, this is purely an example of what extra bandwith can do to "graphics".
I have a pretty good PC and a PS4 Pro and i think i will. I'll sell my PS4 Pro a few months before the launch of the PS5 and just get it with the money i get.
Attack on titan is 40y old?
Sony: *does anything*
Yea Forums: AH HAH AHHHH
>3000 dollar Yea Forums machine
Mustards on suicide watch
I'll wait for slim
I don't trust Sony with launch models
I can't wait for them to try and sell all these features while their games look exactly the same compared to PS4 games.
>Buying Tranniestation 5
I will not be buying a PS5
PS4 has been disappointing, I'm sticking with Microsoft Xbox because it's simply a much better platform
woah... the future is today...
Don't like games, huh?
I think you've made the right choice.
how do you even play games on any other os that isnt windows
They're really going to act like an SSD is revolutionary aren't they?
It seems to be the most exciting thing they came up with, honestly, it's better than another K
Normally I'd call bullshit, I've built several computers over the years. One thing that definitely I wasn't prepared was how much faster load times are on SSD. I knew it was faster but I really didn't realize by how much. SSD are still stupidly expensive so the obvious worry is they'll have a tiny ass drive to save on cost. 500GB is totally inadequate Even if you go disc only that fills up very fast. and managing what is and isn't on your disk drive is giant pain in the ass.
I like games, but XboneX runs multiplats much better and probably 80% of the games I play are multiplats
Sony probably has 5 or so decent exclusives, but you can beat each of them in a single week and never touch them again
Isn't Kara basically pre-Detroit Become Human and The Dark Sorcerer basically pre-Until Dawn?
jesus, i remember buying a ssd back in 2012 to improve battlefield 3's loading times
can't you already replace your ps4's hdd with an ssd anyway?
Actually I think Game of Souls is their next seller.
RAM drives are even better if you have a lot of disposable income. 1TB $10k RAM drive and you will literally not see loading screens.
Pee sea buyers remorse.
>can't you already replace your ps4's hdd with an ssd anyway?
It improves your loading times somewhat, but not in a way ssd in PC would improve it.
>he cannot cope with uncensored breasts in games
hahahaha, what a total faggot
ok, what about the frames
If Bloodborne 2 releases and I can play first Bloodborne at 60fps then maybe
Xbone is the best version because it hides that fat tumblr-waist.
>adds ssd
>that will be $699 plus taxes ty very much
>backwards compatible
How naive. Also you forgot
>no optical drive
>games digital only
nigger pump
>Bloodborne will never be 4k 120fps
It hurts a lot, bros...
My problem with this is that it uses a current-gen game to showcase fast loading times, which means that older games aren't totally tuned to newer hardware, which may be why loading times are so fast.
I want to see an actual PS5/XBox whatever game that has such fast loading times.
>muh SSD shit
I have a Ryzen 7 with a GTX 1080 and fucking 10 year old HDD and i play any game i want at 60+fps
SSDs are a meme for gaming
>falling for the marketing hype yet again
When will they learn?
>SSDs are a meme for gaming
You would say that if you never tried it.
Fast loading times have existed and been publicly available for years. Sorry you're either too poor to afford an SSD or your parents won't buy you a gaming computer.
What would i achieve by trying?
>Muh fast loading times
i dont give a single fuck, i'd take better graphics or more fps over that shit any day like any sane person
Call me when they manage to do something impressive for once.
>make fake powerpoint
>go to university at night
>film yourself alone in empty class room
user SSDs dont make your games load in a second, this are m2
consoles are for children and poorfags
Thats still not impressive whatsoever.
Again, call me when they do something actually impressive.
>fps only zoomer
any game with any kind of load time is so much better with an ssd
Supercharged pc again?
You mean they finally included a SSD as standard
Ember how the PS3 could do 120FPS?
Well they forgot to say with PS2 games but who cares right?
Same case here, it will run PS4 games extremely well but take way longer with more intensive PS5 games.
except they do
>Will you buy a PS5/Will you buy one down the road?
if they end up with a good library of first party exclusives, then I may end up getting one after a price cut or revision ala Pro. I never ended up getting a PS4, I borrowed one off a friend whilst they went on holiday so that I could play Bloodborne and after that, I used my at the time housemate's Pro to play through RDR2. I haven't bothered with any other console exclusives this generation.
>it's only 250GB
This is a selling point.
What was the PS4's selling point meant to be? It did nothing new, and nothing notably better.
Supercharged PC better than any PC of it's time or even today
They did the same with the PS3
>it can do 120fps
>Supercharged PC better than any PC of it's time or even today
We're talking about the PS4 here.
Honestly I'm more excited for PS5 VR than PS5 triple A games
Honestly at this point I don't even know why the other companies bother to stay in the market, this is Sonys world now.
This is nice and all, but devs will just seek better graphics, even if it hampers performance. They'll still put out poorly optimized games that run at 30FPS, but at least the pores of every character's skin is fully rendered in HD.
>i'd take better graphics or more fps over that shit any day like any sane person
I'd rather have both.
SSD's aren't even expensive.
>best looking games of all time are God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2
>both PS4 exclusives
Oh no no no no
How do you fake the fixed pop-ins?
>console discover SSDs
Reminds me when they discovered HDR and made it sound like a big deal.
No they aren't.
The best looking version on RDR2 is even on Xbone X
to be fair nobody gave a fuck about HDR in games before consoles adopted it
My 2010 ssd is at 98% life
>A lot of the hardware faults have been ironed out and if you're not a retard treating it like a HDD (constantly writing to/from the drive instead of putting just the OS and whatever you want instant-access to on it)
So if i want a fuckton of storage that i need to write on/read constantly do i still need an HDD? Lmao
>generic, soullees pine forest and mountains
>best looking games ever
Fucking obedient shit eating instects
so... lies
>snoibois will believe this is a revolution in gaming
It is for consoles
>He enjoys his games being a stuttering low FPS mess
>i-i-it doesn't affect performance, just load times! It's not like games constantly load from the drive or anything!
I better be able to play all PS1,PS2,PS3 and PS4 games on it natively from disk for no extra cost. It definitely has the pwoer to that. With the blueprints of the cell, they can easily emulate nowadays or put it on a chip as big as stamp.
welcome to 10 years ago then
>Whats better having 7 fps for a half a second every 3 minutes and constant 80+fps or having dips to 30 every 3 minutes and constant 40 fps
There's a difference between prerendered and real-time CG, you twat. It takes fucking supercomputers to do some of the shit you see in Hollywood films. Monster University at barely two hours apparently took 100 million CPU hours to render and that shit isn't even photorealistic
I can't use PC without SSD anymore.
user the people who care about that are a minority and even if Sony can do that there's no incentive for them to do so because the marginal profit is negligible at best
I've had a ssd since 2012
I feel sorry for consolefags
Comparing a digital turd to current standards storage
>old enough to not be naive enough to fall for marketing lies or to be called zoomer
>not old enough to be rich boomer who had easy life from start to an end
You sure showed me.
Pre-rendered movies don't stutter to begin with, try to learn the difference before posting.
Finally using technology that was widely available 10 years ago to reduce load times to normal is a good start. Will PS5 also finally run 3D games at steady 60 FPS too?
Didn't know it was called Hunger
Old chart. Hunger became "little nightmares", and it came out on PC.
>8.10 seconds
LMAO fucking really? This is the PS5? How fucking sad.
It's been around since 2012. You are using technology that has been around for a long time. Hopefully it will get to 3 seconds loading on a M.2 in another 9 years.
>The graphical hardware right now and in the PS5 can be pushed further if you remove bottlenecks like data streaming and by making an SSD mandatory, developers can really let loose.
LMAO!!! It's storage. And even by that point PC games will already be ahead of the curve on this.
8.10 seconds is the PS4 Pro...
Real time games don't stutter either. The camera should continue moving, whether or not the buildings had time to load. Whoever put the presentation together, tampered with it enough to force pauses on loading. Who is to say they didn't prerender the whole thing?
PC is better we have a library that is 30 years long at this point. May as well join over.
your mind on sonybro
>load some prerendered images
Why are people so stupid? Why don't they wait to see it in action before making poor decisions?
The power of SSD's is finally harassed by a console.....
Only because its cheap as shit to mass produce now.
Remember that consoles ship with 5400rpm mechanical drives.
You can achieve this with a $50 SSD
>How can they be stopped?
By hiding from the public and not going to E3 because they embarrass themselves every year.
>loading times
Is this really their main selling point?
Nevermind that is still fucking sad though. PC can already have the ability. All developers need to do is patch it and that's it.
what's the point of all these improvements if at the end of the day the actual games are spread around multiple consoles?
The draw of PC for me is the inherent backwards compatibility and the possiblity of emulation.
If consoles are designed to make their previous iteration irrelevant then I can see the point, but as it stands, you still can't play tons of PS2 and PS3 games due to lack of BC.
All I want is stable 60fps and bearable loading times. Visuals should be the first thing to take a hit in favor of these.
If I remember right didn't Sony do this on the PS3 when talking about Killzone 2? They said everything was in real time and cutscenes will virtually be less than a few seconds.
>i'd take better graphics or more fps over that shit any day
You can have both you fucking retard. You don't have to choose between one or another. Stop outing yourself as a console fag who has no idea what a PC is.
>The draw of PC for me is the inherent backwards compatibility and the possiblity of emulation.
You better not forget the Steam Library that has games dating back to the 1990's. Besides I do not need to rebuy games I already paid for.
The Sony leadership was most likely different that time.
Cerny has been the lead architect of the PS4 and 5 and actually demonstrated open world load time improvements in Spiderman in a private event in Sony HQ a few weeks before this.
>Sony make external hard drive illegal
>Sony make any kind of hard drive illegal is it's not Sony brand
I can see that happening again, the PS5 will be the new Vita
Can't be more retarded than my friend who hoards anime shows on his stacks of 4tb drives and probably never watches them again after the first.
>Death Stranding 2
The first isn't even out yet. What the fuck is this list smoking?
This is what we call Consolefags that like to settle with less standards. When for 300$ more in the 700$-900$ range could easily have all of the power needed for a nice Gaming rig.
sure and when its actually released the tiems go up
>current gen games loaf faster on next gen hardware
Wow, how surprising.
This will mean nothing, except that devs will have even less priority on load times eventually ending up with similar load times as we have now.
Will it have free online ?
>God of War 2 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, The Last of Us Part III, Horizon 2, Gran Turismo 7, Final Fantasy VII Remake Part II, Death Stranding 2
Most of these will be on PC up can count on it.
Had it since the beginning of time
>Backwards compatible
As is PC
>Best VR support
Steam does have better VR support even for WMD headsets. Sony does not have much games or programs that take advantage of this.
>best controller, if it’s DS4 2.0
That might be the only thing I agree with here.
You have to PAY to be online!
and the ssd will shat itself within a year
can't wait for the refunds
Better than sitting on Yea Forums talking about playing games.
> Real time games don't stutter either. The camera should continue moving
No, you absolute tard. If there's texture pop-in, it doesn't affect the framerate or camera. If it stutters, the camera is affected too.
It lives longer if you use over-provisioning. i.e. don't format more than 90% of the drive.
t. /g/
I won't. I just play on PC. Not even Bloodborne could convince me to get a PS4, unless a miracle happens I'm not getting a PS5 either.
>Games can load instantly.
>Will still be full of corridors and dumbfuck dumpster shoving "puzzles" TLoU style because Sony can't design games for shit.
This will fix nothing.
>implying im gonna give money to the most censoring fucks ever.
which is a shame as i jumped fromt he 360 to the ps4 and i really like it.
Im not going to buy a ps5 but you are a total moron.
Too bad Sony has no games, eh? Morons may know how to make a good piece of tech but don't know how to use it.
It will be PC(+Ninty) only for me thanks.
fucking revolutionary
>>Will you buy a PS5?
at launch ? of course not, i'm not that kind of idiot
>>Will you buy one down the road?
Maybe, if he get at least 3-4 good actual exclusives and bloodborne 2, yes, but if PS5 get only movies, cinematic experiences and open world garbage like spiderman, NO.
I have the feeling after the Japanese problems with censorship and shit, we will never get bloodborne 2 or actual new exclusives for PS5
Will this mean less hidden loading walk-n-talk scenes like 90% of God of War?
No. But you get a boot to the head.
I doubt it. When given extra hardware resource to work with, developers overwhelmingly choose to "push the limits" of the new tech by pumping up graphics and map size, instead of improving performance on games of a similar profile to those they made last gen. It's happened every time before, and will happen again.
It's analoguous to Parkinson's Law
>weeb fag
meme from reddit and he hates anime. Wow,wonder where this person came from? go back
>shitposting aside
Look at the fucking specs the PS4 pro is literally a 2009 laptop CPU with shared memory and a GTX780
Do you think that the PS5 will be something more powerfull than a 2013 laptop CPU again with shared memory and maybe a GTX980 just because of an SSD?
M.2 can never get much faster than a sata ssd on random reads. It's bound by latency from the distance between it and the cpu. Outside of plugging it directly to the cpu, it's not gonna beat something like a ramdisk.
>1 TB of SSD
i used my SSD for 6 months and it's already 188 GB/500 full.most of my games are on HDD instead of it, i am not retarded enough to even consider putting videos on a SSD, i uninstalled shitty games from it , i cleaned it, i symlinked away as many things windows allowed me, i don't even play that many vidya and yet it's still almost half-full.
you know that they rely on wear levelling to increase their lifetime, so you never want to fill them up to 90% or any kind of activity on it might wear it down very quickly.
1 TB doesn't sound far-fetched at all.
>gamelogic and physic tics tied to framerate
Gee i wonder
Yeah, it's tied to 30 fps.
Guess what, kid, it dips below 30 fps all the time.
Snoy master race.
I think they'll have some sort of hybrid system. Small SSD where only part of the game is installed and then it streams additional data to memory from a HDD.
It's going to be great for some loads but suck shit for others.
That's what they don't tell you at the presentations.
>I think that's the destiny for PC games for the rest of eternity. Platform's fuckin dead.
>when loading times are the only thing to try to sell your shitty console with NO GAEMS
you obviously don't. if I'm swapping from HDD to SDD it's gonna be at HDD read speeds. and if you play more than 1 game a day that fucking SSD is going to be fucking shreded within a year. you can't fucking rewrite an entire SSD several times a day.
I bought a 1TB SSD for $75 new. Good luck getting the same thing for $150 when the PS5 uses their own proprietary format faggot.
Don't cheap out and just get a big enough SSD, you fucking idiot.
>loading pre rendered ingame spiderman footage
hahahaahah the absolute state of a snoy nigger
PS5 can now load videos STUTTER FREE unlike the DISGUSTING PS4 Pro did
See that user????
You better be ready for NEXT GENERATION CONSOLES who can MATCH the loading times of a 2009 PC SSD
Companies do not sell to other companies at consumer pricing
they get massive discounts due to huge bulk orders
motorstorm was the worst offender for me back in the day. and i wanted to believe that trailer so much, it was incredible.
>shitting on the PS4 Pro whilst showing off absolutely nothing for PS5
I won't give a fuck about any of this shit until I see fun games. Specshit is useless without good games
Censorship is ruining Sony. Not buying watered down versions of games for the same price, not buying shit that bans me from eating steak just cause babies cant chew on it or vegan bitches will whine about it on social media
Snoy won't be at E3
gotta show off something you know.... like static pre renderd images from Spiderman, a game nobody gives a flying shit about
I liked Spiderman though. Spiderman games are a sort of niche I'd say. There's so many of them that its like a mini genre. Really, the web-slinging physics in Spiderman 2 the game really changed the face of spiderman games in general. Its too bad the guy who worked on this genius technology is making roblox games
loading from buffer
loading from hdd
fucking lol so this is the power of an ssd wow.... ...for... ....the.... ....retards....
>I'm having trouble telling the two apart.
>Genius technology
fuck off retard you miss the entire point of the presentation
Nice reading comprehension.
>we are able to load ps4 game
big yikes from me
nice coping spidey
And here we go again, edgy contrarians shitting on what's popular. Such cool hipsters. God Yea Forums is such trash. Grow the fuck up, you losers, they're just fucking TOYS.
This doesn't show anything. You can't even see it getting into a menu or opening Youtube.
It could just as much be booting from sleep and you'd be none the wiser. My PC can do that too.
sonygroes are truly braindead
SSD are getting hella cheap m8. I recently bought a 240 GB SSD for 30 bucks.
since when are SSDs or Flash popular or new
back to plebbit
Have dialation
my fucking 2012 pc can boot in under 6 seconds faggot
You said the same thing about the ps4, and its now the fastest selling console of all time
You're an extra retarded dipshit, they dont make these events to lie to investors and insiders, everyone there actually understands technology and isn't a consoling warring spastic retard like you, you're so out of your depth.
I highly doubt that
You think I’m just gonna forget the PS3 and all the lies they sold us?
Not our fault if console peasants are living in the past.
>PS3 has Demon’s Souls
>PS4 has Bloodborne
PS5 is gonna have a Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne crossover called Demon’s Blood: Souls ReBorne