ITT: Vidya Redflags that someone has is low-iq

>Thinks MM3D is better than N64
>Thinks dangan ronpa v3's ending is bad
>doesn't understand either of the above
>Thinks the town made him stupid
>likes bioshock infinite or God of war 4

Attached: unknown-27.png (951x972, 524K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Posting wojaks is a red flag for me.

Thinking images like this give your post value

fpbp. trannies will seethe at this.

1) Valid and understandable opinion, just not the correct one
2) Dangan Ronpa is a shit series so it leads to follow that the endings would also be shit
3) What I don't understand is why you're so mad
4) Oh that's what this is about
5) Both were a 7/10

>playing dangan ronpa
thats a low iq play

>He plays Zelda

I agree with the first and fifth one, didn't play dangan ronpa though
they're around 6/10, both are mediocre games for countless reasons


no one thinks mm3d was better

Here is my opinion if you are a brainlette shit.
>you didn't like majoras mask over 10 years ago and only liked it now when every YouTuber has called it their favorite game

When I came to Yea Forums in 2006 no one fucking liked it. No one played it. OoT fans shit on it. I could never discuss my favorite game without shit posting. OoT sold maybe 3 to 4 times more copies than majoras mask.

Now every below 70 IQ brainlette loves it because everyone parrots it. Go fuck yourselves. I think it's even #1 now on Yea Forumss top game list. Fuck you faggots.

>thinks mgs4 was bad but 5 was good

>thinks ffx wasn't the peak of the franchise

Attached: top saddam.jpg (663x1011, 233K)

>actually enjoys metal gear games outside Rising

Metal gear games is fucking 80% cutscenes shit with horrible gameplay. Yes even the first game had long ass cutscenes. They are all shit.

t. splinter cell cocksucker

It's a mixed bag, there are some nice quality of life features but the other changes are just bad. OOT 3D is the definitive way to play OOT. I don't know why they fucked up Majora so badly though

this, at this point I just report and hide every wojak and frog post that I see without even reading it because I know that it's 100% a repetitive worthless reddit shitpost

I miss when people that posted this were told to go back to pleddit

>OOT 3D is the definitive way to play OOT

This. Yet so many people claim they liked 12. 12 pissed me off so badly in its shit stolen star wars story. It's literally a New HOPE. Here brainlettes

Bunny girl - chewbacca
Captain vasq-obi wan

All copy pasted characters. Game even has jawas and tusken raiders for fuck sake.

no it isn't, the 3ds version has some nicer looking areas and textures, but overall a far worse aesthetic

10times better in stealth than shitty metal gear. And better writers from a non hack.

There is no reason to play the original. The only downside of 3D is it's a lot brighter otherwise it's an improvement in virtually every way

The endings were the natural conclusion of a series about jumping sharks. the ending to V3 was the biggest shark they could ever jump so they had to kill the series afterwards

Zoomers won't reply to this post due to shame

whoa how long ago was that?

Stay blasted splintercuck, your franchise will never be relevant

Da Dedend O' Delda

I will disregard your opinion if you say nonsense like
>no good games from the west
>no good games from the east
another lie
>PC is irrelevant to the industry
only in your echo chamber
>sales equal quality
I also think lowly of the way PS4 shills use the same 4 games to justify their console's existence. This is not something only PlayStation fan boys do but I never expected better of Nintendorks to not shill Mario and Zelda

You're not wrong but the main reason MM didn't sell as well was mostly it's late release on the N64

>Any Dark Souls game is even below average.
>Smash cutfag
>Smash leakfag


fuck you faggot I always loved majora's mask, I made Majora's Mask in ceramics classes in elementary school all the time

It needed to be shit on since OoT is a 6/10 game and MM is a 5/10 game.

I played it when it came out and it having the illusion of a living breathing town with people having schedules and a relative fuckton of sidequest, blew my mind back then and made me fall in love with it instantly.
I also liked they way more heavy and sometimes even alien atmosphere compared to Oot.

I like both though and for me Oot is more about an epic journey through Hyrule and time and MM is a way more personal quest with Terminia being smaller but denser and Clock Town being a defined mainhub.

There is no peak in FF, every entry ranges from mediocre to trash.

>B-but they censored the muslim symbols

Shoot and gearswap mechanics alone make this game better than the original. I've always loved the Watertempel because it actually had me figure out some shit instead of beeing a glorified hallway with a few siderooms but having to pause every ten seconds to switch boots was bullshit.

>always loved MM
>if I ever mention it's my favorite zelda someone mentions some youtuber I've never watched
fuck I just like how dark it is and shit, it's artsy and depressing, the atmosphere is top tier and it just feels so different
OoT is great but it's extremely vanilla
majora's mask felt like it didn't do anything conventional, it's the strangest zelda out of them all. no handholding, the game doesn't spoonfeed the plot to you, the music is beyond beautiful. but I can't even begin to describe it, it's just so unique
it's a similar case with god hand though I don't hold god hand in as high regard as majora's mask
and in fairness, even in 2011 a decent amount of Yea Forums loved both majora's mask and god hand, it's just people who care about top 100 games of all time lists

>thinks P5 is good

Is this the unpopular opinion thread? Yay! Tsumugi Shirogane was my favorite V3 girl!

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what hentai?

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In order of how cancerous:

>exclusively plays on PC
>blindly hates a company
>blindly fanboys for a company
>only plays recent games or re-releases

If you think MM3D is significantly worse than the N64 MM then you have a meme opinion that you wouldn't have arrived at by yourself and only hold because your whole identity revolves around memes.

Whatchu talkin bout, foo?

Thinking taste has anything to do with IQ

What's wrong with exclusively playing on PC, consoles offer nothing, I don't like 3rd person shooters or Zelda, and I've played enough Mario for the rest of my life.

"Sonic had a rought transition to 3d..."
"Too many shitty friends..."
"Sonic was never good..."
"Sonic just doesn't work in 3d..."

Pretty much.
While I did see some (understandable) bitching about some of 3D's changes before, people viewed it as decent and the QOL changes making up for it.
Then a youtuber came out, shat on it, and suddenly MM3D is reviled.

Sonic sucks ass bro it was always a better cartoon then a game. Tiny Toons Adventures was a better Genesis Platformer

what game or crusty ass cartoon is that wamen from

People who spout the tranny buzzword are also a redflag

>I don't like Skyward Sword because the motion controls are too hard :((((((

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I literally gave a character's first and last name, AND the name of the product she came from. Come on, son

You literally never typed Danganronpa, just for that, OPINION REJECTED

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which one?

I enjoyed the gameplay though, it was most of the other things that sucked ass, with an almost empty skyworld that could have used atleast another 5-10 isles with actual conent, alot of lame dungeons, having to fight some black faggot three times and the regions being more additional gating procedures before dungeons themselves than fun places to explore even when revisiting them.
It had some great stuff too but it really feels like the weakest 3d entry so far.

ive always found the argument to waggle being shit is "works on my machine bro :^)"

>playing visual novels at all

The fact that he likes Daranganpopopopoa says it all really.

Bioshock infinite was good game, it just did not stand up to outstandingly good 1 & 2 so it just looks bad in comparison.

Kill yourself wojakposting tranny

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go back

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>redditor telling someone to go back
like pottery

go to reddit, there's no wojaks there

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I feel like people that say this either aren't familiar with Splinter Cell that intimately or aren't familiar with Metal Gear that intimately. I love both, and as overall series it's more accurate to say they take different approaches than to say one is clearly better than the other. That said, MGSV does occasionally feel like a snappier Splinter Cell -- especially if you're judging it alongside Blacklist in particular.

Majoras mask was a retard filter on addition of not selling as well.

So you have a 1/4 of a chance a OoT player got majoras mask also.
On top of that most kids were too stupid to figure out the time mechanic and quit when the moon fell thr first time.

The game was shit on for years by people who didn't play it and people too dumb to play it. YouTube and streamer started to popularise it. It was not till 2010 that people started to slightly really love it in Mass.