oh no
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck that's one ugly motherfucker damn son
yii k e s
Isn't rockpapershotgun that one website where that chick, who's now lead writer in VTM:Bloodlines 2, used to write about the artistic representation of dickpics and cocks in videogames?
It's part of the collective.
thats just some random dude that looks like him that guy has nothing to do with the game
The mc looks like the meta representation of all hipster men.
He encompasses them all.
I remember that, yikes.
Sometimes I wonder if my life would've been easier were I a delusional retard.
They get guaranteed piss-easy jobs, payment, and they get to live in their own little shitbubbles without a care in the world.
>Feels insulted by association because he purposely made a dirtbag insert that people didn't like.
I don't think he even knows what he was trying to achieve.
RPS used to be so respected back in the day
wtf happened. who was the talent exodus that turned them into shit
it was the numale influx
This is what he really looks like btw
They all come from the same conglomerate of schools that shit out garbage people like this. It just so happens that their trash pieces make for high-intensity clickbait. It won't last for long though as Buzzfeed has shown the world.
yes but how did they get hired
did they just replace the old guard?
>invite someone to an interview so you can shit on their work and push your moral sophistry down their throat
>surprised when it gets awkward
diversity hiring
Didn't he base the main character's appearance off of some random musician he knew, though?
I wanted to like this game but I only last 10 hours in. They shouldn't have released the game with the battle system it has. Still a lot of cool shit here though.
These people genuinely believe the people they pontificate towards will happily drink the kool-aid and thank them for it.
did he know a musician that looks just like him?
It's an interview but he makes it so obvious that he only cares about spreading his opinion and not about the guy interviewed at all.
Yeah, but why would people who were so based lack such integrity?
Why do people here keep posting about this game? What is the hang-up with it?
That photograph makes me think of this article.
First some liberal college graduate gets into HR, then they get to gatekeep jobs and allow in only people from right side of history.
Was it RPS that wrote an article about how Rimworld was sexist because there was a bug in an update?
Some years from now, Yea Forums will unironically call this game a underrated masterpiece.
Is it pronounced like Yike or yeek? I can't tell.
what is this interview about? and why does it sound like a priest chastising a wayward member of his flock?
Why would you ever pronounce the games name?
Yeah, but if they were so smart and redpilled, why let some liberal college graduate in?
>Kilrathi sympathizers have infiltrated the Terran media
This bodes ill for the war effort.
you can get fired for wrongthink user other employees let them do whatever the fuck they want to keep their jobs
I dont even have a cat, but who the fuck ever said cats were for women? What the fuck is going on inside the brains of these idiots?
Apparently it's pronounced the same way as the Y2k problem.
They weren't, they were apolitical and wrote about vidya like they were supposed to
Nobody thought this shit was coming, it was too stupid an idea
what is up with this new wave of people that hate masculinity and femininity. Like some how its wrong to fall into a stereotype, even if its biologically based.
why are they trying so hard to fight against this. They gain nothing besides the right to claim that they are changing the fabric of litterally everything.
jesus christ nigger what the fuck are you doing
>lead writer
bloodlines 2 lead writer is chris avellone wtf
Fuck off, man your existence is cringeworthy.
What game is this for?
Cats are more based than those men.
>le cringe
fuck off reddit
Heroes of the Storm
Anyone that equates x animal for masculinity/femininity is retarded in the first place. Is this insecurity?
I read this post right after my umpteenth rewatch of Fight Club and man, that movie would be fucking DESTROYED by the critics nowadays
>shaven head, probably started balding at 22
>shitty stubble beard
>generally creepy look, bags under eyes
i instantly hate anyone that looks like this.
Was when RPS interviewed the game director of Heroes of the Storm to bitch about the female character design.
ah so you pronounce it as "SHIT"
How is direct linking clickbait not bannable? Isn't there are rule against advertising your garbage?
>clotheslined by a cat
Yeah. That's just a dumb clickbait article if there was any.
I love cats, and I'm a misogynistic arsehole. Can't trust a woman if even your own mother betrays your family and can run out on you all, even after 40 years of marriage to your dad.
They're all capable of doing evil, mad, and absolutely pointless shit.
I'll never understand them. I never want to make friends with them. As soon as I hear any attractive girl mention a boyfriend I lose all interest and walk away. Because I'm a straight man, and that's what we do. Those that orbit need to learn some self-respect. Don't let a woman use you to satiate her boredom. Fuck that. Women ain't worth it.
But I sure as hell miss my cat I had for 19 years. He was my bro. A good boi.
Their parents told them they weren't allowed to have a cat because they didn't make the football team, and this is how they take revenge upon society.
precision fucking attack right there, pure hunter instinct
good job samefaggin about something literally no one cares
>lmao he doesn't declaw his cats
>inb4 peta posters saying its immoral and painful
Because the right is still naive enough to allow leftists to have a place and a voice in their spaces.
You don't need to declaw a cat. Just don't act like a retard in front of it and wind it up too much like this moron was doing.
>I declaw my cats!
What about gendered languages that use male or female descriptions for animals?
You can't truly discipline a cat, but if they are your friend and respect you they won't act up. Get the odd mischief but nowhere near as destructive as Dogs or Rabbits can be.
shoulda known tumblr posts soi
i've a cat who can be a real cunt sometimes. she jumped up on my dinner table to steal my food, growled at me when i tried to shoo her. i slapped that bitch off the table. she didnt try that again.
>bawww animal abuse
no, i disciplined the bitch
Nah, nigga. I love my cat and she wouldn't hurt me seriously but just by playing she'll sometimes get too excited and bite or scratch more than she intended, in comparison my old dog was a chill bastard that literally never harmed anyone and just loved to bask under the sun, take walks and sleep all day by my side.
Ah, I see, thank you.
>Introducing generic modern woman #3496841
Try dying your hair some crazy unnatural color, that'll surely work this time! Or, maybe, just acknowledge that men are antisocial too and want to retreat to our rooms just as much as you do. Maybe make a commitment and not be such a bitch? Nah. Better wait until I hit the wall hoping for my non-existent prince to show up to save me from myself, but only until a better option comes along of course. Only the best. There's always other fish in the sea, until you figure out there aren't.
Yes. I hate the female mentality. Women insult us by not believing we understand them just as much.
racism is not a culture
make them learn a better one
You can if you have TONS of cuddling as it grows up
I'm thinking more along the lines within the English language, but I will have to think on your question as that should make a difference.
In my experience, native speakers of languages with gendered nouns treat that as arbitrary linguistic convention. Like, why are tables female in French? Who knows, or cares?
Incidentally, in French, chien means dog, and chienne means bitch or slut.
I bet you mutilated your dick too faggot
because they spend their days on all four
>have sex with me please, Im a harmless man see?
>sonychad suddenly gets tainted by onions
>sonycat snaps him out of it
Based sonycat
they arent sjws anyway, are just hipster weebs who arent harmful to anyone. i dont get why people suddenly bitch about it just because of some sampling shit from a japanese author. its uncreative but was only used for a small part, its not that special. disney that ripped off a tezukas work as a whole is actually much more criminal and immoral than them.
also the devs dont look like that right one on other photos
That's not real discipline, and cats that get too much love just end up being incredibly cuddly and overdependant on you, which can be a pain when the thing becomes literally unacapable of feed itself if not under your presence
Sometimes you just gotta show that furry piece of shit who's the boss of the gym
they arr rook same
Guys you have to declaw your cats, or they may attack you when you're opening your vasectomy day presents, as seen here
no good reason to declaw your cats unless you're shit at owning them
>This behavior isn't universal.
Mother fucker I see women well into their 50's with that mindset. I'm going to keep saying it! They're a bunch of cunts who think reality is something it's not. I'd rather just build sex bots than play along with them anymore.
Did he really plagiarize? Does this check out?
why is he making puppy eyes
Brian Mitsoda is the narrative lead and Cara Ellison is doing the dialogue.
>it's bad to be masculine if you're a man, but good to be feminine if you're a man
>btw the concepts of masculinity and femininity don't exist
>btw the genders of man and woman don't exist
>but it's still totes cringe to act masculine if you're a man
don't give these lunatics the space in your head, they'll eat each other eventually (or if they don't, you can move to the countryside)
imagine having a cat
cats are for lazy people and basedboys
he's begging for a handbeezy
>SNOYguys gets BTFO by cat
If the game was an academic paper, the school would reprimand and possibly expel him for violating plagiarism rules and the student code of ethics.
it is
As opposed to dogs which are for niggers AND basedboys.
I'll admit I'm lazy, wagecucks and dog owners make me sick.
>what is this interview about? and why does it sound like a priest chastising a wayward member of his flock?
That's exactly what this shit show of an industry has turned into.
The entire article (archived here btw
If Yiik is shit, it's not because of what RPG says.
toxo confirmed
poor cat
They have the religion of "anything at all that seems restrictive in any way is bad and must be destroyed"
it's literally cutting their last knuckles off
urban animal owners should just fucking die
Archive that shit.
nah, he's /ourguy/.
My sister seriously thinks we need to run a finely tuned propaganda campaign and brainwash people just enough to counter-weigh the effects of any social pressures or norms, neutralizing them on a statistical level and making it fair. She's 31.
I'm too much of a shill to do that, sorry.
fuck off billy
>dishonest clickbait is okay when it supports opinions you want to have
RPS is the one that should be archived at all times
it won't even let you look at the site with adblocker on
Welcome to the internet since about 2012
Yeah it is because that's the game you lefty trannies want to play, and even then, oneangrygamer is based and honest.
That's not the guy who made the game. Yes, he's a nu male but he keeps getting shit on twitter for being the wrong nu male.
Yeah. My cat used to love roughhousing too. (He was never into toys). But you just stop and tell them no as soon as they overdo it and usually they will stop too.
You just have to train them to not use their hind legs. That's where they do the deepest cuts. Though, to be fair when my cat did it bad enough to scar me he'd been wound up by both me and my dad in consecutive playfights, so he was on the brink of going berserker.
My cat apologised later and gave me a big cuddle though because I made a point of it being a bad thing to do by play acting upset and not petting him or giving him attention for a while.
I remember one time my dad really wound him up and he later randomly walked up to my dad and bit him on the leg and walked off nonchalantly. Not hard, just like he'd come down to settle an argument. It was hilarious at how random it was.
Probably was like "hey asshole. Not so rough next time ok?"
>even numales can't stand eachother
get the fuck out of here
>>btw the concepts of masculinity and femininity don't exist
>>btw the genders of man and woman don't exist
masculinity and femininity are genders. male and female are sex.
and idk people who say they dont exist, even the dumb loud ones
>declawing a cat
Just don't let it outdoors and buy a scratching post
If you're not a fucking hyperactive retard who treats it like a puppy because it's small it's not going to hurt you
What's the problem?
win elections
He thinks you're a tranny. Some (((people))) get upset when you use improper pronouns.
Heroes of the Storm, "problematic" skins like this one.
That joke of an article is penned by one Nathan Grayson, who worked at RPS at the time. That whole fucking interview was a joke.
>>lmao he doesn't declaw his cats
What the fuck, people do this?
>He is so beta, he needs to declaw his cat or cat will woop his ass
Definition of soi beta cuck.
>Never had more than one cat before
Learn some grammar user. I was talking about cats as a collective, not as a gender neutral pronoun.
I've had three cats. All very different in temperament, but all of them respected their boundaries at a fundamental level (except the odd mischief), because we established the ground rules with them early.
You can't stop a cat from jumping up on the table, for instance, they just can't help being curious and wanting to beg for scraps, you just give them a reason to not want to.
And just because your cat has a go at your mince because you were dumb enough to leave it uncovered doesn't mean it's a bad cat either. In it's eyes nobody's watching it, so to the cat, it's fair game. It's probably unwanted.
If the cat does it you just put the cat down, flick it on the nose and tell it "No!". Next time, give it a little bit of raw mince or feed it first, and it will usually behave depending on how hungry/greedy the little beggar is. Assuming it's been behaving that is.
>Nobody thought this shit was coming, it was too stupid an idea
Not true at all, people were warning about it in the late 80s/early 90s and were told
>just ignore them lol
The ambiguity is at the point where you should elaborate on your intent. I thought you intended it to be, "high school", but now I'm not fully certain. Either way. I'm 100% right.
The problem is they're just starting to deny reality. I completely understand that they're just desperately looking for others who will participate in their delusions with them; but you can't force others to play. A participant must want to contribute, however, and the internet is our global collective. We don't actually live on this metaphysical space that we communicate over. It's very much a real-time ether.
Naturally, the only reason we gravitate to each other is similarity in understanding; but women have us so damn terrified in person that we don't know how to approach them.
>based and honest
>bitching about Arthur's gay teacher
He'll reach around even outside of vidya to find some straws to grasp at.
have sex
user you do realize that they use genders on animals because they know its gender right? cat can be gato or gata
I had a cat do shit like this all the time. You could just be walking down the stairs and he'd attack you. Had to kill him with a hammer because I didn't want to waste money going to the vet.
It changes nothing, you salacious bitch.
w e
The HR conspiracy is so dumb. It's marketing. HR is just there to make sure you don't call your coworkers chinks and niggers. Being respectful isn't apolitical.
Which, for the record, I have.
Your post doesn't discredit or disprove my claim at all. It's a fact that they made Arthur's teacher a fag so he's honest, and he's based for pointing out that nothing is safe from these degenerates.
win elections
have sex
And sure. nh
you'd think they'd learn the existence of singular they being an age old pronoun
h s i
In RPS' case the original founder left to write comics and made the worst of the SJW shitbags editor in chief.
Seriously, nothing John Walker writes is of any remote value.
Not going to play cryptographic games with you. Fuck you. Suck my dick.
Also people probably think this is cruel but when my cat was a kitten and accidentally pooped or pee'd where he shouldn't my dad picked him up and put his face in the poop/pee stain and held it for a few seconds.
Obviously this is quite unpleasant for the cat, but it sure as hell worked after a few times.
Don't be afraid to be fairly strict to a cat. Calmly discipline your kittens if they do something wrong. Unlike children, they don't respond to words as well, but they definitely learn quickly how to avoid bad situations and set themselves up around you for good ones.
Cat's eventually like "oh. I don't get poop or pee in face when I use litterbox owner put me in. And he's being nice to me afterwards. Ok. I'll try to do this from now on"
Same sort of thinking as "oh. My human gets up at 6am everyday. If I wait by the bathroom window he'll likely see me and let me in. That's quicker than backdoor. But if he leaves bathroom, I'll go there instead and ask. He'll probably let me in then and give me breakfast and strokes. I like those"
a b c d e f g
fuck off reddit
You want to hear some real growling? Our spoken words are nonsense!
Cats can be pretty funny sometimes
h i j k l m n o p
Capitulation. I like that.
good maybe these stupid western devs get it through their heads self inserts suck ass unless you reveal actual flaws people can relate too as well as strengths.
Some guy on reddit said that it was more of an homage or reference and I don't care enough to form my own opinion so I'm going with that. he said untertale did something similar was wasn't criticized because people liked that game.
They're the ones that wrote all the articles about the head of Stardock being a filthy rapist because their former marketing director used a sexual harassment claim to jump ship right when the hard part of her job kicked in, and refused to retract any of it when the Judge threw the claim out of court.
It's manufactured outrage for clicks. So much that a "gamer" is now about cartoon commentary. It's based because you agree and you see it as honest because you're delusional.
He also pretended to be stuck on the roof of the house a few times. He'd act up so bad we had to grab him in from a bedroom window. He was old so we were worried he couldn't get back down.
We thought he was actually stuck, but then I called to him when I thought he was missing in the garden and he climbed down from the roof casually via the drain pipes and was all like "hey. Sup bro? Was just on the roof."
Even when he was old, he was still a little mischievous troll at times.
it IS immoral and painful you fucking fag
get a scratching post or one of those electric claw trimmer things you see on TV
Yeah, it's a tough call. References often come with heavy winks and nods to something known. Lifting material word for word from something lesser known smells like copying and trying to away with it.
>bloodlines 2 lead writer is chris avellone
lmao. He just did a little bit of support work as a contractor.
Bengals, Maine Coons and Norwegian forest cats are more alpha than any dog breed.
Cats are disgusting creatures.
I think everyone qualifies as a disgusting creature.
have sex
t. d*gfag
nice. I bet that was satisfying
dont ever have sex
Birds > dogs > cats
I get it for shitposting purposes but why do people censor a single letter of a word as if it will magically make it fine to say?
It's biting him you fucking retard.
>I'm a lazy neet and proud of it.
I wonder if your experiences with dog owners is them being obnoxious or you, but I don't know you personally.
Catfags are pieces of shit as a rule. Fat, lazy, poor, unwilling to properly care for a pet in both time and money so they opt for a cat because it's more like a decoration to them
dog owners are fucking mental
I've met literally one person with an unhinged dog that didn't go
>oh no, no, he doesn't usually eat babies, he's a good boy
Fucking women. Great pets if trained properly though. Dogs, that is.
Can someone please give me a link of this?
reminder there is no such thing as bad press and you are giving this mofo and his shitty ass game more advertising thus giving him money
>used to write about the artistic representation of dickpics and cocks in videogames
What the fudge? For what purpose?
>game is red flag central
>combat looks like shit
>dicksucking earthbound
>on top of main character being a massive faggot (hurr even if he redeems himself)
>supposedly an anti-consumerism narrative, in a video game
>Guys you have to declaw your cats, or they may attack you when you're opening your vasectomy day presents
>nigger never tried to raise his cat and teach it to not open claws
You need to fucking give your animals a good slap if they act up otherwise they won't learn, they aren't gonna understand what the word no means if you don't make them understand
If your dog is acting up you raise your voice a little, say no a give it a whack on the nose and it'll learn what no means
You don't even have to whack it hard just let it know what's up
no you're just a tard
treat a cat with care and it will love you, worst my last cat ever did was scratch me when it would want to play as a kitten, most of the time I had him he'd just chill with me all day and sleep in my lap and stuff
>tfw you will never again destroy the homeplanet of your enemy and win the war, for the first time again
Too lazy to archive it.
cats are psychopaths who murder for fun and will turn on you the moment you die.
is this word banned now?
Informative content is still good. Dominic Tarason writes good articles.
I'd shut down the interview immediately too if the speaker just wanted to question my morals instead of talking about the game.
This should be the only response that "videogame journalists" should get
But you see devs and publishers bend the knee to this kind of lunacy time and time again
Fuck this gay industry
That is some sloppy interview work
As someone who has had to conduct interviews before and took courses for that, if you're either answering the questions yourself and basically just ask "do you agree with what i just said", need more than one sentence to ask your every one of your question or if you're just plain talking more than the person you're interviewing, then you've already failed. This is like the first thing they teach you.
It's the only right move. There's nothing they could have said to change the interviewers mind, he went into the interview wanting to complain about the sexy girls, and any defense of why you decide to design characters they way you want to would have just been used as a quote in some shitty bait article of "bigot defends drawing skimpy women, don't buy his game".
It's a shame they aren't getting more backlash for trying to push their morals onto others in interviews rather than just be fucking impartial
Blizzard published a formal apology afterwards
Best part is that people collated a list of games that have an unlikeable protag that becomes likeable like Tales of the Abyss and .hack and TWEWY and God of War.
You never had a cat, John..
It was your little brother Jimmy that you murdered
If you liked that, read their interview with the Age of Decadence developer.
Probably the best black-and-white evidence of why hiring bloggers as "journalists" was a terrible idea. They all try to spew their opinions instead of elicit the truth/new information
>t. Brenda from HR
fuck you bitch, asking Sarah for a progress update on her testing is not harrassment
Next thing you know they will say reptiles are for spiders
YIIK? More like Yuck!
What are some good alternatives to replace what RPS used to be? RPGcodex can be relied on for that niche, but other than that there are too many sycophantic/anything-artsy-is-good game sites out there. And that's the ones that aren't completely bought and paid for.
Maybe that's the point
She's the worst of the bunch, and that's saying something.
The worst thing my cat ever did to me was use my head as a springboard to jump off of once.
Aren't you using ublock origin?
this whole game and stuff around it is so fucking cringy god dammit. I even feel bad making fun of it.
oh jesus fuck what is this shit
he's just arguing with him, repeating his questions 2-3 times when the interviewee doesn't affirm his hot takes
They're probably russian trolls trying to stir shit by advertising a russian based archiving site instead.
>game journalist site asks for a interview
>sure, it's a mutual benefit for both of you, you get some info about your game out and people go to his site
>go to it
>starts asking your opinion on the state of intersex people in some third world country
Everyone just wanted video games. Why did this have to happen
We live in an age where we are told “speech = violence” and “silence = violence” impartial is something that is no longer available.
>tfw HR women hates me because I got to skip past all the hoops because I met the boss at a job fair and he liked me enough to hire me almost right away
I hear them talking shit behind my back all the god damn time. I just want to be left alone and do my work, is that so much to ask? They keep talking how I'm weird that I don't keep active on social media accoutns and shit.
Play their game and exploit the HR system for them harassing you.
>Did he really plagiarize? Does this check out?
the dev is already trying to damage control that claim, so yes he did plagiarize:
Not to mention in the game there is a really tasteless suicide scene and the when people post screenshots on twitter, the devs like to harass them and claim it's an edit. Source:
Isn't this an American thing?
>Dealing with animal claws is beta
>Mutilating an animal so you're safe from scawy cwitters is Alpha
Why is yiik a thing besides le funny basedman self insert and make the bad game I seriously wasn't paying attention and this thing just became a 4chin meme
>Made retarded game
>Retarded game flopped
>Creators said it flopped because people "don't get it".
>Not because the game is fucking retarded.
Based af. Im on the same path as you user.
seems like anyone can make a game these days
How kafkaesque
>Like some how its wrong to fall into a stereotype
It's not wrong, but god damn are you basic.
Please, no meat touching
>Creators said it flopped because people "don't get it".
post the pics user