Hey,I'm playing this game for the first time.Would these roads work well?
Hey,I'm playing this game for the first time.Would these roads work well?
It'd work for starting out, but don't build main roads off of that. Make one side for shops/industry and the other for housing and other required structures.
No, you have to replace the highways that are going in and out of your city with a single country road.
God I fucking hate the traffic management in this game. Just let me build a beautiful city god damn it.
Traffic is just a visual effect. You can force a massive congestation that takes a truck to get years to go through your city and it would be economically fine.
Beautiful cities have pleasantly controlled traffic.
Think of roads like a tree rather than a donut
Really? How come my stores don't get goods because trucks take 40 years to reach them? I try to make lots of roundabouts and make the traffic flow yet I always reach a point where my highway is moving at extremely slow speed. They refuse to use more than one lane and they ALWAYS take the closest route even though the other one that it just a little bit longer it completely free.
Just ignore it and only look at your income/expense tab. It's all just fluff.
But the stores shut down after not recieving goods for a while.
Look at your annual income and not whenever they say they receive goods or not. 90% of my residents all die at once due to the stuck traffic once every year, but I still make the same money.
You have to set up the proper traffic regulations and take advantage of all street types. You want trucks and stuff to go into the commercial area and back out as directly from the highway as possible. You don't want commuters clogging up the commercial areas so you use public transport and enforce biking rules. That way people aren't driving to work or to shop and getting in the way of the commercial trucks. You also want a direct line from your industry to the commercial area. Same theory of not letting workers get in the way. Also zone the roads for heavy trucks to stay off certain roads. Use public transport in your industry too so workers won't drive.
Agent simulation was a mistake. This is particularly strange since one of the things you should learn in a computer science education is, always doing the best thing right now almost always leads to doing the wrong thing overall. (These are called "greedy algorithms," and there's very few situations where the greedy solution is any good.) But if they'd gone with a global optimization (maximum flow) approach, you wouldn't be able to follow an individual car to its destination, and it's important to make traffic a fucking nightmare if it means you can follow an individual car. Or, alternatively, to do a globally-optimizing agent simulation, which would require a supercomputer to play.
you're completly wrong
every servive like police, fire dep or garbage trucks need to actually get to the building otherwise you have stuff like piling garbage or dead people everywhere
t. builder of 300k city
post cities
Highway placement (and all those mod downloads) were the exact reason I dropped this game, triggered my perfectionist flaw
I have the type of autism where my cities must be based on a grid layout
Has there anyone that can create good mountainous city? In my cunt we have comfy city that have waterfall beside it but it's so hard to recreate it in game.
which citybuilder is this?
looks very impressive
I think that is achivable with traffic manager mod
or you could use some other regural structure like concentric rings
irregular cities are pretiest imo
the most impressive part is that is has ~70% traffic flow
That's my first
too many junctions for thst highway yo brob only need two for that size
how do I into interchanges aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
a little more up to date screenshoot of my road network
Beautiful to behold
What custom assets do you use?
not that many desu
large recycling center and pentagon interchange are most important ones
imagine flying and looking down. do you think a place like that would exist?