Mario Maker thread

mfw when they forget to add SMB2USA again.

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>Extra Game Styles
Don't lose hope yet, user.

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Mario Maker 2 should be a pretty popular game since it's on the Switch this time. I'm actually pretty excited for it. Somehow I feel like once I get it in my hands I'll get incredibly lazy and never make a level worth a shit though. ;_;

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It's just Mario USA not Mario 2 USA

It's the only 2D Mario game style left since every NSMB game looks pretty much the same.

And Miymaoto would never let them use Super Mario Land 2.



they could use another 3d style. honestly Galaxy, Odyssey, and Sunshine could all be fantastic. especially Galaxy and Sunshine.

I feel like thy're basically reselling Mario Maker to a new audience. Why I'm sure switch blocks, parachutes and Boom Boom will have lots of strange interactions with just about everything just like the original, I feel like they just took the orignal and redressed it.

And no amiibo mushrooms is just disapointing. that was ltierally the best part.

>took the original and redressed it
I skipped the original game but I wouldn't doubt it. They've been rereleasing Wii U games to very great success on the Switch. It's incredible, really. It's like these games never existed to these people. Games that had mediocre sales on Wii U like DKTF sold great numbers on Switch. I'm surprised they haven't ported Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3 yet but I assume they're tying those to other upcoming releases.

I hear people talking about a lack of costumes in the new edition of Mario Maker though? I remember seeing footage of the first game where people were playing as N64 Kirby and stuff. Why would they remove that stuff?

Why does the NSMBU styled angry sun have a "i'm not angry. just disappointed" look?

I'mNotAngryI'mJustDisappointed Sun

gimme odyssey pls nintendo

I'd love a Yoshi's Island style. I can't really think of any other game I'd want in.
I don't even want SMB2USA. Nothing against the game, but I don't think the visuals are totally gripping to me.

I can't stand this sun. What were they thinking?

I've learned to love it because of how hilariously true these observations are

It's because he's being trying to kill mario for so many years without success, he's become distraught with himself. But that's just while he's in the air, when he finally goes down to get mario his face will contort itself into something truly unholy and evil, the face of something that has long abandoned any concept of good and evil. Disappointed sun is just hiding his power level.

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or maybe he's just tired
anybody know this design's origin btw?

It looks like a fucked-up version of the sun from PM64.

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Turns out you that night theme gimmicks aren't restricted to certain styles.

>my face when when

Honestly I just want to see what kind of crazy shit people will do with on/off blocks. You just know some insane person is going to make a functional graphing calculator or something with that.

I wonder what inspiration created this idea for its design.

We have the ice theme now, give me my melt-able ice blocks now.

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>some insane person
So Ceave?

They need to add an advanced tech tag, since even if you're not planning on creating a super hard level if you have even one p-jump/shell jump etc in your level you're already blocking off most kiddies from beating it. So just give people the ability to filter those kinds of levels.

They added a shit ton more. The online multiplayer alone is pretty huge. Then there's the 3D World style with all the unique content, more level themes and night variations etc.

They'll probably announce DLC level campaigns (one per Mario game featured) before contemplating Mario USA.

3D World is cool but I feel like it's the main draw here with the other mode being an afterthought.

But maybe I'm underselling the appeal of multiplayer. That alone will create a whole slew of new course types and that's not even factoring in Nighttime gimmicks. I'm just worried about the lack of new enemies because I'm sure everyone is already sick of lakitu/bullet bill spams by now.

Mario Maker recreated in Mario Maker

Would need a large map size for that.

They don't look anything alike
the sun tower had rad music though

I would like that actually, so I could have a overworld, underworld and vertical level if I so wished.

I think the most unnerving part about this sun is that it is not looking down at Mario, but rather at you, the player.

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what else can they do? the first one was on a dead console

Does the game actually teach you the basics of Mario level design?

I don't know shit about what makes a good Mario level

oh you're one of those faggots you lack creativity

I think the Story Mode will run you through some courses showing what the game is capable off, but I think they will be closer to tech demos than they are finely crafted levels.

As far as 2D level design goes, I think it is better to look to Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze than it is looking to Mario. Get a gist of the design philosophies and try to incorporate that into your levels.

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