ITT: We summarize the endings of video games in the style of a Twilight Zone closing monologue
ITT: We summarize the endings of video games in the style of a Twilight Zone closing monologue
>And so concludes the tale of a man consumed and destroyed by his own ambition. An ambition to rise above. An ambition to change the world. An ambition to to tame that which was never meant to be, and cannot be controlled, be it within our world--or even within The Twilight Zone.
>The desire for beauty, for some simply a part of the morning routine, for others it can be an obsession. For poor Gruntilda Winkybunion this obsession bought upon her the wrath of earth's most peaceful creature...the Bear. So next time you walk to the makeup aisle you may want to check the sign as you may also find...the Twilight Zone.
>"Revan, dark lord, Sith, Jedi, human; age early to mid thirties. Is it wrong to betray your country to save it? Is there even a right or wrong to begin with? Revan asked these questions and got a cruel answer. When captured, they were changed into an entirely different person and came to the same conclusion in the end and became the person they once were once again. Right and wrong only exist in how much those believe it does put the effort to make it so. Revan learned of this answer when they witnessed the wanton slaughter of millions of innocent men, women and children by galactic marauders, a horrific atrocity home only to the Twilight Zone."
>In the eyes of many, dreams are thought to be windows providing a glimpse into another world. For Elliot and Claire, their perception of one of these other worlds came not in the form of a window, but rather a door, leading into the Twilight Zone.
And then the cycle ended.
He, or rather it, awakened from it's tomb, eager to repair the world of men and pass on their legacy.
Halo 3's ending basically had one written down.
This just makes me sad that Rod Serling is dead
>Gluttony. One of the seven deadly sins. To Mr. Man, this gluttony has trapped him within his own mind, doomed to navigate the labyrinths of his deteriorating sanity, chased by the ghosts of his past. A shimmer of hope shines when Mr. Man found a tunnel, which he viewed as a possible escape from the endless torment. To his horror, this tunnel led not to an exit, but rather a wrap-around, leading right back into the Twilight Zone.
>A nameless knight, a ruined kingdom, a lonely guardian. A story of hardships and sacrifices beyond count to hold back a tide of madness and ruin. And yet, can you truly say the towering spires and white palaces of a grand city are more worth of saving than the tales of a friendly explorer, or the cheery song of a girl lost in her own dreams? Beware the prices you pay, or else you may wonder whether truly there is no cost too great... lost in in the depths of the Twilight Zone.
>There was no answer to the man's final question. No moral to take away from the cruelty of his struggle. Just another field of massacre, lost amidst a world that already made such conflicts its foundation. A world best forgotten, but ever remembered, in the Twilight Zone.
Got a pretty good laugh out of me.
Should I watch The Twilight Zone? Where do I start?
Imagine if you will, a young blue haired boy, whose choice in drab colors is an echo of the life that he lives until these next fleeting moments. A boy whose only company is the shadow of death itself.
He soon learns to let go of his inner torment and open himself up to friendship, and to be bound... with death.
A fate crueler than imagination, most shudder won't exist in their own every day lives, but such a fate is very common... for the Twilight Zone.
first season. They had a lot of good ideas at the beginning. it peeters out and gets worse when its restarted. but the first few seasons are remembered for a reason.
>Seven years ago, Harry Mason found a child outside the cozy town of Silent Hill, a child he called his own. Seven years to the day and Mr. Mason has found himself another child, though the vivid memories of blood and rust have painted over the image of the once cozy town, and perhaps over the image of the child itself. The image left is an unmistakable stain, a loss, one so remarkable that it could only have come from the Twilight Zone
>Mr. Sunderland had gone to the town of Silent Hill in search of his wife, and what he found instead were truths; truths about himself, truths that could save him, truths that could condemn him. All this from a letter he had received. The next time you receive a letter, check to see who had sent it, for it could easily be a letter from the Twilight Zone
>For the young Heather, dreams and nightmares were just as real as the reality that had spawned them. She woke from one nightmare, only to wake from another, then another, and another. Each dream a layer, and each one a question asked; "Am I awake?" Each time she wakes, she grows ever closer to the walking world, and ever further from the realm of sleep that is the Twilight Zone
>The place, South Ashfield Heights, Room 302. The comforts of home can quickly become a prison, a tomb when that is all we are afforded. For some, this tomb can be like a womb, cradling the weak and the twisted until they are ready to enter the world. For others, they know that there is nothing for them in the world out there; for them they are not afforded the luxury of being born into the world, but are instead cursed, cursed to be thrown out into the the world we call the Twilight Zone
>Each dream a layer, and each one a question asked; "Am I awake?" Each time she wakes, she grows ever closer to the walking world, and ever further from the realm of sleep that is the Twilight Zone
Top tier.
>Imagine if you will, a young blue haired boy, whose choice in drab colors is an echo of the life that he lives until these next fleeting moments
>The year is 1989, the place is Miami. Amidst the neon haze and electric sounds are streets of blood; the blood of the guilty, and the blood of the unfortunate. The young man gazes upon these streets, painted with his hands, and as the soft, dull taste of fire courses through his lungs, a moment of calm comes upon him. The haze starts to clear, the sounds begin to quiet, and before him he sees the city for what it truly is; a home for those born to suffer in the Twilight Zone
>1300 years into the future, and humanity is at it's close. Two actors in this cruel play; one a girl with no father to call her own, the other a cursed woman with no one to call a friend. Echoes of images cross her mind, a flicker of something that never was, or could it have been? If not from her memories, where could the woman have drawn these images from? Perhaps like the shadows of our fleeting minds, this too was just a glimpse into the passing world of the Twilight Zone
I'm feeling it.
whys the new twilight zone so fucking shit
first episode was decent, second was better
then it's all fucking downhill
what the fuck was that christmas episode
dropped at ep4
Short answer: Cheap unskilled labor attached to marketable IPs
Long answer:
IPs are never revisited by people that understand them. They're made by people that take superficial ideas and try and staple on their own views onto the project.
They're like cover albums, they're only done by skill-less hacks that have no artistic vision, experience, or integrity. They leach off the popularity and quality of something created by experts working on their passion projects.
And this only happens because
A. IPs are recognizable thus profitable
B. unskilled directors/writers/actors are cheap as balls
CTRL+C and CTRL+V problem.
When you create something from scratch you naturally make an organic idea that evolves from logic.
When you copy someone elses work and change it, the process is like fixing a car when you don't know how a car works. you don't just take an engine, change how the wheels look, and then slap a few doors on it.
this is why themes are pretty important. They help writers keep the idea consistent.
Why is ducktales filled with MLP references and several characters are now latino?
Why is She Ra lesbian propganda?
Why did Twin Peaks happen? (Not a reboot but same thing)
I didn't know there was a new Twilight Zone but I'm sure it's just as gay.
>Why did Twin Peaks happen? (Not a reboot but same thing)
because david lynch is a fucking mad man and when he said 25 years later he actually meant it.
This is what, the third reboot of the Twilight Zone? And they've all been awful. Why are you surprised? The original is probably my favorite show, I wish there were more modern anthology shows. Black Mirror is the only high quality one and I can't stand how over the top grim it is.
Does anybody have the pasta about steam being hell?
>The struggle of morality is not of Good versus Evil, but of man against his inner beast. It is because the seductiveness of greed and ambition why no moralizing truth can effectively inoculate against the dangers everpresent within our own minds, and why you must be TAAAUGHT THROUGH FEEEELINGS, be it in your side of your screen or here in the Twilight Zone.
>I wish there were more modern anthology shows
for some reason everyone flipped over to continuity.
The new ones always lacked the charm of the original
>2nd was better
Getting heavy Five Characters in search of an Exit vibes from this one.
Too relativistic, Sterling was very moralizing.
Continuity makes people feel like they're part of some secret club for following the retarded shit. And wikis have removed the barrier to entry for that kind of thing.
It makes sense that anthologies aren't big anymore too, because you can't reuse work across episodes, so they'll be more expensive for the same production value.
Every single Sterling episode in order. Yes, even the hour long ones. Yes, even the mediocre ones.
It is the closest television has ever been to true art. And art is known by its successes as well as it failures. It is an experience that cannot be broken into parts. It is the perfect anthology. This is not a dichotomy.
The reboots fucking suck, though. I made it through one season of the first reboot, couldn't watch anything of the second or third.
c-c-c-ombo breakerrr
The Twilight Zone? More like The Reddit Zone haha
Allies can be found in the unlikeliest of places, as Chell discovered. But sometimes the scars of the past do not heal, and now she finds herself alone, another escapee into the endless fields... of the Twilight Zone.
A broken man, leaving behind a broken city. He wanted to be a hero, but no hero can ever remain when the dust clears. This is Captain Walker, former soldier, former man, who left a piece of himself... in the Twilight Zone.
best ITT
>Wishes, as is natural all people want what they cannot have love, money, or in this particular case power. However what Mr. Koopa failed to realize through his rampant wish making is that all things even wishes have a cost. So as the old adage goes if you wish upon a star you just may find yourself in The Twilight Zone.
Bump 2
Four fingers and a thumb. A palm. We know this appendage like the back of it; the human hand. Enter Gene and Olivia. Two dusty ramblers with three human hands, and one not-so-human hand, between them. Thanks to this hand from high, these two will find themselves in a spot worse than a metaphorical rock and a literal hard place; these two will find themselves in a place beyond logic and far from reason. A place called The Twilight Zone.
Thank you for this gift of a thread op
>Major Alexander. Former Zone occupant. Leaving on a one way trip to deliver the worst news the Ukrainian Security Service could ever expect. 'Operation Fairway' was anything but. Their dream of controlling the Zone could only be achieved in their deepest slumber, uninterrupted by the stricter growing rules of an almost insane reality. For just as five Stingrays learned in the ever expanding and always changing zone. A map to The Twilight always obsolete
Watch the original series, and none of the reboots. Watch all the episodes, because the best ones will always make it to internet top 10 lists you can google, but they won’t be your personal favorite. That’s just how the Twilight Zone is. Mine is Long Distance Call.
>A bullet to the head. Certain death for many but for this courier: a slight case of amnesia. But to be dug up from a premature grave gave them both figurative and literal new life. For even though his last delivery was an army to the highest points of the Hoover Dam. His first delivery was to The Twilight Zone.
fuck thats good
>Garcian Smith was never the kind to let go. For the man who took on the burden of the Smith syndicate, the things he carried meant something, and each had its purpose. But for a man who wraps his fingers so tightly around the handle of his briefcase, it should come as no surprise that within, he carries his past. A silver-sided memorial, packed with sorrowful care... in the Twilight Zone.
>As the elder, so too the younger. Two brothers, walking in lockstep into, and out of the office of vengence. As in each of our hearts, the evil we do, even in the service of good, seeps in, and dyes us in its color. Once, this tragedy was stalled, a heart kept clear of wrath with a genius invention and the care of a sweet little girl. But a reckoning can only be delayed. Perhaps when you look up in the sky tonight, you will see a blood moon. Do not fret; for not a drop will seep from the hands of its covetous usurper. If you listen closely, you can hear it hum through the live wires of a killer: the Count of Malice, crowned... in the Twilight Zone.
So I like Suda51, Sue me.
>Mine is Long Distance Call.
Either The Lonely or What You Need for me.
but I don't think I've even finished season 1.
Sometimes... dreams can reflect our reality. But reality, like people, can be very deceiving. A man who chases his dreams, can lead himself to a nightmare of consequences. You must stay cautious walking between the fine line of reality, or you may find yourself falling victim to the Twilight Zone.
>"falling victim"
And so concludes yet another tragic tale of a lost soul searching for paradise, only to find their own personal hell. Mr. user, so desperate for the discussion of videogames, in an ironic twist of fate allowed his pursuit to take him to the one place where this was not possible. A place where no true vidya discussion was held since the beginning of time. A place where shitposts and bait await the naïve and the innocent. A place where those who enter are doomed to remain forever. The Twi/v/ight zone.
fucking 10/10 so far
>cute and funny. Two different words with entirely different meanings, but to those with insights best forgotten, both meant a third word all together. It's meaning as twisted as the minds that coined it. A word you could only learn, in the Twilight Zone.
How are you all so good at this? My attempts are all garbage
Was it their love of puzzles that brought a group of four together on this island? Or maybe it was some cruel twist of fate influenced by some malevolent entity. For these poor souls in this dire situation only their combine wit and strength helped them in their journey. Yet their journey never ended as they had to take place of the old Island Master and be forever stuck... in the Twilight Zone.
>They say, 'A picture is worth a thousand words.' However, of all the secrets that are held within these paintings that decorate the walls of this abandoned castle, words are not among them. If you ever happen to find yourself wanting to appreciate this fine art, be careful and try not to wander to close, or you might just fall right into... the Twilight Zone.
The trick is to build it backwards. Decide how you get to "...The Twilight Zone" and walk it back to the character, premise or setting
From there, it's just following Sterling's general habits. Long, deliberate sentences, bouncing into philosophical lines, but always returning quickly enough to maintain focus. Use literary references, but twist them. Engage with the reader as an audience. Use indefinite articles to make it sound like you could exchange anyone into the blurb
Most importantly, when you're done, read it aloud with a narrator's voice. You'll be able to tell the moment it breaks down when it feels wrong on your tongue.
>For but a while Axel had been granted that most furtive pleasure: to go anywhere, to do anything. Moreover was a tenet that none would come to harm were he to even wish such a thing, and further he would be paid for it all. His taxi work had so far granted him little of his hopes, only silent drives around repeated neighbourhoods, but this day had been different from its dawn. His music had graced every airwave, the sun had shone and the promise of fleeting infinity had been dangled by the deific timer above his head as he felt the glee of the rush, saw new corners of the city he called home - expanding the borders he felt had constricted him.
>From the cockpit of his yellow dream he had lamented the mysterious countdown and had sought only one thing: a day without end. That a day most remarkable when one can feel presently what is most often felt in the memory of a childhood's summer day: a blissful belonging that may never come again, but a lightening of our brow would forever be proof that it had happened once - long ago, in The Twilight Zone.
Walking Distance is my favourite episode.
>a good thread on Yea Forums about video games
What the fuck is happening?
I write a lot so this is good practice. I'll probably edit it and repost it again next time we have this thread and we WILL have it again cause it's a brilliant idea.
>Joseph was your average film fanatic. His obsessions eventually lead him to losing the one thing he loved most to the silver screen.
>Chasing his past, he can never return to the life he had once lived, for his final act lies in... the Twilight Zone.
The tone is all wrong, for one. I don't know how to describe it, but everything feels off, but in a bad way.