Games that make you feel as powerful as John Wick...

Games that make you feel as powerful as John Wick? I'm talking everyone knows who you are and is terrified of you coming and you proceed to effortlessly rip through them. Doom doesn't quite fulfill it.

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Hotline Miami
Katana Zero

I know what you mean. Not in rin n tear, but with finesse and grace

Closest I've felt was max payne 2 with the hardcore mods

Max Payne

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Half life

My initial thought was Max Payne or Splinter Cell. The latter isn't direct enough though until later games.

You mean like Splinter Cell Conviction?
Yeah people don't like it for being so action oriented but it's pretty good in its own right if you don't think of it as a SC game

You can make enemies terrified of you in Mark of the Ninja. It doesn't work on every enemy but it's great to do.

That's a pretty good one too. What's Klei been up to since then

BDO when you're at the gs hardcap and a group of guys flag on you on the lvl 50 lake.

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Uncharted 4 kind of does this. The whole enemy army knows it doesn't stand a chance against the legendary Nathan Drake

>replacing the music
almost perfect

Resident Evil 6 when you pull both triggers and do crazy moves. Helena's Hydra shotgun is the closest to this feeling I've gotten.

John Wick mode in fortnite if your good at the game.


every Ace Combat game

>start out as a generic fighter pilot
>end of game the enemy is shitting themselves when they see your plane

Payday 2 as John Wick

Batman: Arkham Knight.

Batman Arkham

They made a good handful of games that mostly went forgotten for whatever reasons despite being decent games. They made Stealth Inc which was essentially Xcom but with spies.


Master Chief comes to mind except the Covenant calls him Demon

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>Doom doesn't quite fulfill it

fork knife

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Too bad it takes about $3000 worth of real money to get that GS hardcap.

BDO is so fucking pay 2 win its insane. See related for info:

>official wallpaper is a jpg with heavy artifacting
billion dollar company

>muh John Wick


Buddy, I don't think you know the game. Try $300.000. Whaling is incredibly inefficient if you want GS upgrades. Paypaling someone money for a pre-order or just buying an account is what happens.

John Wick is like a fried cheeseburger drizzled in miracle whip and ice cream and everyone praises it because it tastes "good" despite everything else about it

Epic is too busy bribing developers to care about basic programming

Just look at their store with no fucking shopping cart

You don't play the RNG game.
You buy the RNG.
see There are accounts with shit numbers that will always be shit to make people invest more money.


I've heard far cry 2 does this more directly, with enemies becoming more frightened of you as you progress

>this whole fucking paste
Oh i am laffin, how does it feel knowing I haven't spent a cent on the game and yet I'm full Tet and have over 20bil?

>turn it to Legendary and enemies start mock you in song
Halo 2 was alright

Came to say Max Payne
Also Earthbound after you defeat each boss

I'd call bullshit on you. Provide screenshots.

non bdo player here

pics or it didnt happen faget

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Splinter Cell purists will hate me for this but...

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Rage 2

I doubt he has full TET, but why is unlikely? I've got full TRI with a TET wep I got through a pre-order (put up before I left the game for a year break) and only bought costumes. The issue with BDO is that you can't directly buy power. You buy convinience to get towards the things that give you power. Gear doesn't even matter outside of PvP aka. node war.

No it's just a well crafted action movie with good fights good music and good visuals you contrian dickhead. It doesn't need to be any more than that just like those of us who don't get off to sniffing our own farts over hating popular things still enjoy movies like Rambo, Bloodsport and Death Wish

>I'm talking everyone knows who you are and is terrified of you coming and you proceed to effortlessly rip through them.
Ace Combat series is 100% exactly this from the PS2 games onwards, if you don't mind planes. Basically the games start with you as a nobody and by the later missions you have enemy comms pissing themselves and wondering how in the fuck you're taking out like 90% of their air/navel force so quick.

You bought pay 2 win. Deal with it.

>food analogy
>zero substantive arguments
>no counter-example
big brain post

>No one has said doom or even nu doom yet
What the fuck

Ace Combat, but especially AC4.

its literally in the OP you sillybrain

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Probably because OP said that Doom wasn't quite filling it for them.

user here already kinda nailed it Plus demons being "scared" of Doomguy is mostly just log shit. It's a little less effective when they're seemingly mindless hell spawn


I dont know. John Wick seemed very slow and sluggish compared to his enemies and could have been killed many times over if his enemies really wanted to, he just simply seemed to be able to tank hits inexplicably and his enemies chose not to shoot him or stab him or cut him when they had plenty of chances to

Splinter Cell Conviction because of a similar style of shooting and hand to hand combat and people being legitimately scared of Sam kicking their asses.