Play multiplayer

>play multiplayer
>get your fun removed

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Imagine just wanting to make some trains before a bunch of zoomers come in and fuck it up

why would someone do that

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that's really fucked up

god i fucking hate niggers

Damn, that sucks

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>play multiplayer

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why are whites so violent?

Most likely black people

doesn't matter if their skin is white, black, or chinese it's fucked up

Nigger scum, got it.

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100% niggers

Reminder these people are so dedicated they are also the ones who spends hundreds (because no is actually expected to by all) on Train Simulator

Nice way to say niggers

fuck old people lol

too bad we'll never get to see pictures of those "yobs" because (((they))) wouldn't want us looking down on those poor dindus

Sure does matter when 13% do 50%.

Youths, huh.

I already know you /pol/cels will go silent or even defend the kids once it's revealed they aren't black. Seek mental help.

I wish there was a punishment for evil.

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How many crimes do the "youths" have to commit before nirmal people realize there's a problem to address?

>mom not doing shit/noticing
>girl not calling the police

Women really are retarded. Impossible to feel sorry for them once you realize their problems would stop if they just did SOMETHING.

>He doesnt know what "youths" mean
Imagine being that much of a retarded faggot

There is, it's called justice. Justice and the law are two different things, and it's a citizen's job to uphold justice where the law fails.

why would someone do this
Whats the point of just trashing some poor old man's trains
fuck dude

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Have children.


>once it's revealed they aren't black
it won't ever be revealed cause they're underage. so their identities are protected by law
keep seething tho

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And will you chug some cyanide when you're overly defensive leaps and boudns of mental gymnastics gets btfo'd for the 100000000th time?

Some people see other people's things and destroy them out of jealousy.

Because people are jealous of others having fun, so "no fun allowed"?

I know just the train ride for these youths

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Those who cant build, can only destroy.

I don't get understand shit like this. Like, stealing I get, as shitty a thing as it is to do, but just breaking up stuff for the sake of it and lighting fires and all that shit? It's completely pointless.

you do realize "youths" is a euphemism, right?

This is true, but the people from /pol/ are no different than rabbid dogs, they will just bark at you with their nonsense, don't take it personal, they are primitive and aggressive, it's their nature.

>Some people
I wouldn't say those are "people" and no, I don't mean this in a racist way. The kind of asshole that does this sort of shit do not qualify as a person, regardless of skin color

It's more like "They're having fun and I'm going to stop it"


No, FUCK you guys. PROVE they're black. Stop creating imaginary crimes against groups you hate.
>Hurr, but they used secret code word
Retards, any youths would be described as youths, because reporters don't disclose the identities of youths.

Stop making racist fucking assumptions. The article starts with "yobs." This is clearly in the UK. Clearly they were muslims.

Because "gang shiet nigguh bixnood"

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>t. blackoid

Deep down you know the truth. You know you can only picture one group

Baby boomers deserve this and more.


I'm just making the safest assumption based on facts and statistics
blacks commit an overwhelmingly greater amount of violence, so there's an obviously greater chance that this was caused by blacks

>mfw I read the op pic

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>make a good friend willing to love you, pay for your journey and give you a place to stay
>ghost him and decide to just fucking kill yourself instead

what a bitch

I can smell your black ass from here nigger.

How are you supposed to pronounce bixnood? Bicks Nude doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard a nigger say.


Men commit 90% of all violent crimes, yet you probably get triggered when women view you as a danger.

This applies to 99% of ebonics, just mumble it

who gives a fuck about what women think

In that part of the world.
At that time of night.
They snuck into a school.
And systematically destroyed every model train set they could get their hands on?

If we're using "common sense" here, this doesn't add up to a black culprit. Blacks will pull snatch and grabs, sure. But trashing the entirety of their train exhibit? That takes a level of dedication and follow through that you just don't see in black crime.

>This is true, but the monkies from the ghetto are no different than rabbid dogs, they will just bark at you with their nonsense, don't take it personal, they are primitive and aggressive, it's their nature.

Men are stronger than women and more violent yes. Now if we can agree on that we agree on this other fact yes?

Should've said urban citizens if they didn't wanted to adres niggers.

I don't interact with women

Guys its okay, people donated 60,000 pounds to the club members for the damage

I mean it wont make up for all the work but at least they can start again

based and redpilled

Did you just compare gender and ethnicity you uneducated college dropout.

>white vandals don't exist

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>white people dindus all over the thread upset that white trash behave like trash

Lemme make sure I understand the code words.
>youths=black children
Any others I should know?

>the trains wuz racis
>the teachers wuz racis
>the school wuz racis
Niggers don't require a motive for violence, they require an excuse to commit it.

But both are social constructs user

they're all 60-70 year old geezers, they don't get to start over their 20 years long projects
I'm glad about the fundraier, but you can't donate lifespan

es nawt roight ta caul em such wurds, theys be youfs it din mater how dahk they skin moight be

Didn't the arrest thing say they commit 50% of the murders? If I remember correctly whites had more of everything else but that was only because it was porportional to how many got arrested.


>this thread

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oi yous gots a loicense fo tolkyn like da'

>but you can't donate lifespan
Maybe we can take away all the wasted youth on /pol/ and give it to them so they can do something constructive with it rather than spend it all day calling black people niggers on a Mongolian basket weaving image board.

This is worse than that one time a guy glued the second to last domino in a Guinness World Record Competition to the ground so they were 1 domino short of the record.


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>any youths would be described as youths, because reporters don't disclose the identities of youths.
The cucked media would cum themselves and leap at every chance they get to disparage whites

you forgot one

>school shooter=white

Probably niggers

Holy shit what

Today, I will remind them

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100% white. A few years ago they'd have been called Chavs. In the UK it's predominantly the white population that do this kind of thing.

What's a "Yob"?

Some of them will probably die before they can finish rebuilding it

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I could see them being white but most probably shit skins
either way they are trash

Clearly a britbong article. I live here and it was definitely some white fucking chav scum that did this. Chavs are literally what you'd call a nigger but white.

Nah faggot I'll just assume they are slavs or jews and dehumanize them anyway


i havent seen that pic in years considering its been wojackshit back to back in the past half decade

only smart people suicide

Young person that causes trouble.

I was having a nice night

this happened in Cromartie manga

Just like the modern negro

can't commit suicide if you get killed by your fellow dindu at the first chance they get

Missing one
>white= Jew

even if they start today they wont be able to reach the station in time and finish it all

they are all out of steam

really down in the train tracks now

toot toot

Nice fantasy. Is playing the victim a fetish of yours?

as long as fun is being had somewhere someone is gonna get their kicks from ruining it

it's why aimbots exist

but white people are supposed to have it easy
the jews told me so

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that's because jews are included in umbrella term "white"

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>he thinks england isn't full of chav yob niggers

Men are also 50% of the population. Being scared of half the people around you isn't reasonable. Meanwhile, per capita...

this thread sure got derailed pretty fast

anyway, Stamford Lincolnshire is white as fuck.

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white "people" are eternally upset about everything, makes sense.

People intelligent enough to realize the futility of their efforts tend to suicide yes

let me guess, the kids they arrested were either black or middle eastern?




i thought that was niggers and jews

GODDAMMIT! If I was given a single wish in life, I wouldn't ask for money, fame, wealth, none of that. I just want every person on this planet to be given one do over. Hell, I wouldn't even count my self in this if it would make it more possible.

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>they never caught who did it
>Despite it being obvious it was this guy

I mean come on, just look at him.

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They were "asian".

is /pol/ doing their gay little raids again? fuck off already you mouthbreathing retards

What country is this?

I'm guessing bongland?

Everything is an injustice to white people. Be it real or imagined. Life is never fair enough for them.

I guess asians have the yinyang perspective. they experience bad things, but they just call it a balance.

"Asian" So yes, Middle Eastern

No, that's just something else white people are upset about. For one black person complaining, you have 3 white people complaining that no one listens to their complaints.

>Implying it wasn't paki shits
You do know what "youths" mean, right?

>blacks have a low suicide rate
rats, fleas, moles and other vermin; pests rarely kill themselves. besides blacks get welfare, advantageous victim status. all they have to do is not rob liquor stores or murder people. which in either case they're still incapable of doing.

good thing they're very proficient at killing each other otherwise we'd be overrun. must be a natural coping mechanism built into their DNA.

nigs gotta nig