Plans to expand SIE Worldwide Studios through organic growth or acquisitions

What studios will Sony buy lads?

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FROM Software
Insomniac Games

PS5 gon' be good.

If they're buying anyone it'd likely just be one of those third-party studios that do 90% of their work for Sony anyway like Bluepoint or Insomniac (though that entirely hinges on whether or not Ted Price is still adamant about Insomniac retaining their independence). In terms of "organic" growth we already known from hirings that they've set up a new VR studio in Manchester and a new AAA studio in San Diego that's centred around some ex-Rockstar and Naughty Dog personnel.

Very doubtful they'd buy anyone in Japan all things considered. A few years ago I would've thought they might buy one of those C-tier studios who frequently collaborated with Japan Studio like Acquire or Shift, but that's pretty unlikely today.


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A bunch of American movie studio wannabes like the past 15 years.

>13 studios around the world
So only in europe, he means?

I'm thinking Lionsgate, Weinstein Comany and Dreamworks.

They're reasonably spread out.

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Japan unlike America enforce they anti-trust laws

>even more censored games

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>Sony Pictures expanding
Lol no

Pretty based. I just hope they have these studios working on a variety of titles. Getting the devs of Syphon Filter to make a generic. cinematic zombie survival game with crafting elements has me concerned for the future of their 1st party titles.

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They'll probably invest in Insomniac and make it like how Nintendo was with Rare in their heyday, other than that they might bring on some of smaller second parties that have been loyal like Bluepoint and Q-Games as well as open up a few studios probably in Canada and the US. I don't think they are going to acquire anyone big since they have good developer relations with the big studios and will continue to just do exclusivity deals with them

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Insomniac might as well be owned by Sony at this point so probably them. You're delusional if you think any actual good nip development studio will want to go anywhere near Snoy.


They won't buy studios. They will expand on existing studios they already own just like are doing right now with Guerilla and San Diego. They also will strike more and more second-party partnerships like with Insomniac and From Software, maybe with other studios

>any actual good nip development studio
None of those make garbage echi game so yes they would want to get closer with Sony

Don't care. Not going to buy censored games.

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Not a chance. Without even factoring in their changing mentality towards sleazy Nipponese games in the last year, Sony had already begun to move away from JRPGs this generation.

The last JRPG that Sony published and at least partially developed was Oreshika, which came out in 2014.

All the good Japanese development studios are already owned by powerful publishers such as Capcom, Square, Bandai Namco or Sega. And they already release all their games on Playstation, sometimes exclusively like the newest Sakura Wars from Sega or FF7 remake from Square.
Sony has literally no need to invest in Japan right now.

Only the wokest and brokest.

>From Software
It's a possibility, they have a pretty close relationship
>Insomniac Games
I don't think this will happen, they already tried before and Insomniac refused, they like to be a independent studio
For what reason would Sammy sell Sega to Sony?

Hopefully none, their censorship cancer should stay as contained as possible.

>For what reason would Sammy sell Sega to Sony?
Wishful thinking of the snoyim

>Kojima Productions (Death Stranding)
>Bluepoint Games (Shadow of the Colossus)
>From Software (Bloodborne)
>Illfonic (Predator: Haunting Grounds)
>Other Ocean Interactive (MediEvil)

>>Insomniac Games
>I don't think this will happen
Once the VR meme fails (which it will) they'll capitulate to save their red-tape addled Burbank Capeshit sweatshop and worthless NC studio.

kek full of anglos trashy studions

It's gonna be Platinum or Remedy.

The PS3 gen must've fucked them up badly, because despite a rocky start, their 1st party output was still prolific and well-made. This gen, however, it's like they started out with hardly confidence the PS4 would do well. 1st party support has been weaker than any PS gen before it.

They seem hype about PS4 "selling" 96 million, though, so maybe they'll go back to actually using their studios for more than just one game per fucking gen.

Hey you guys, don't do shit yet until Sony fucks up.

If they acquire Sega, make sure it hurts.

>Microsoft bought a lot of independent studios recently
>But are not showing any interest in buying Remedy
Damn, Quantum Break was really that bad?

some western one.
will never happen. the japanese market doesnt matter for amerimutts, and they dont speak japanese lol

>interested in acquisition OR organic growth
They buy nothing

I hope they buy my favourite Japanese studio so they can replace all the writers and directors with "white" californian "men", and they can keep making progressive and diverse experiences!

Too skinny, needs more meat

>FF7 remake
timed exclusive

Can't speak for the others, but Sony Santa Monica only really came to prominence 2/3s of the way through the gen because their they'd been working on a big budget ARPG in the vein of Destiny, "Project Darkside", that got canned after Sony had already channelled $70m into it. It's the reason why Stig Asmussen and quite a few other staff members "left" in 2014. If Dad of War had failed, the studio absolutely would've been closed

>The people who were licensed to make the game NIS was creating
>it's broken dog shit trash
Sabotage or incompetence?

Maybe, if that's the case replace it with Granblue Fantasy by Cygames, Judgment from Sega, Persona 5 Royal by Atlus or 13 Sentinels by Vanillaware
There is no shortage of Japanese exclusives for the PS4

>After they said how happy they were to now be able to self-publish

ForwardWorks also makes FGO right ? They probably knew what they are doing, but something went wrong along the way

>NISA calls out Sony for being mean to smaller publishers
>NIS president apologizes
>Sony no care
Gg bois
they buying NIS

When’s Persona 5 coming to the Switch?

>FROM Software
They'd sooner be bought by Bandai Namco.
Good luck.

Sony won't be buying either of these.

Platinum would sooner go to Nintendo.

They are more likely to merge with another company a la Square Enix, Koei Tecmo, Bandai Namco.

They even refused to show thier game on thier e3. Quantum break was huge disaster and horrible game in many senses

>they buying NIS
That's a really bad idea when they'll need to get more college grads for a new Disgaea. They already lost the original team, 5 had a few leave, D1C was such trash its honestly amazing how incompetently it was put together. I don't see it turning out well since they'd just have the IPs but no one with talent to make use of it.

Platinum is being bought by ms, look up the leaks

>ever credible
They just spoke about being free to publish their own stuff and not needing outsiders for that. WHY WOULD THEY TURN AROUND FROM THAT?

Then why do they have so many massive conglomerates? Zaibatsu is their history


Time to clean up Japan

Because the Phil Spencer Propaganda Pajeet Squad says so!

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that leaker specifically said it was unlikely and only listed it because it was allegedly being rumoured.

>Sony buys Illusion
>Everyone just leaves and makes a new company with blackjack and hookers

For some reason Platinium, FromSoft and Insomniac have been on the fanboy shopping list for years
It's like they cannot accept the idea of independant studios, everyone should be on corporate cock like they are

>Granblue Fantasy by Cygames
It has been stated that both Granblue Fantasy Relink and Granblue Fantasy Versus will be developed for PC when they get an opportunity to do so. They won't be exclusive.
>Judgment from Sega
The entire Yakuza series is coming to PC. Judgment won't stay exclusive.

>13 Sentinels by Vanillaware
This game was meant to come out for the Vita. Regardless with all the delays and from what we know of the game and Vanillaware in general. The game has sadly most likely been struck by Sony's censorship. Which is fucking bullshit.

Just because the PS4 is receiving games, it doesn't mean the games are exclusive or that a PS4 is needed to play them. With very few exceptions.

CD Projket Red.

I've seen that and just don't get it. Then again I don't get these people. Aren't they American? Shouldn't they be more supportive of freedom than being tied down by some corporate overlord?

Kids don't think too hard about what it means for a developer to be bought. They think it's a popularity contest and they want their favorite guy to win.

America loves them big corporations. They are the only country that is retarded enough to elect billionaires corporate suits at political positions and think that they will work for the greater good of the people

It's unironically astroturfers who try to drum up "hype" in the chance you'll pull the trigger and buy a console. Remember the M$ marketers last year who were spamming about how a Microsoft-funded Ninja Gaiden 4 would be revealed at E3? It's the same with all those old Sony "leaks" on NeoFAG when the PS4 was new; exclusive Square game, another Level-5 collab etc. etc., none of which was remotely true.

PC is neither a competition or an alternative for Playstation, that's why most Jap games have gotten multiplat and yet there are still coming to PS first and foremost.
>The game has sadly most likely been struck by Sony's censorship.
Please. There are enough shit revolving around actual censorship, there's no need to invent censorship that does not exist.

Remember how hyped Yea Forums went when philly spencer announced microsoft acquired 30 devs

>The game has sadly most likely been struck by Sony's censorship.
What makes you think that? Nothing in the trailers shown so far was worth getting censored.
You guys act like every game coming out on PS4 is getting censored.

Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives all the same

The future sure looks dark

Actually it might mean less.
Nintendo censors their own games but leaves others alone.
Sony censors others games but leaves their own alone.

The fact that it's extremely "Japanese looking", has or at the very least was going to have attractive titties and ass flopping about all over. Combined with the fact the man's previous titles have had negative media attention in the west prior.

I would love to be wrong. I really, really would. But if they don't censor this then Sony would just be ridiculously inconsistent considering everything else. This thing hits all the marks.

>from software
>platinum games
>eidos from square-enix

Your favorite studio

Why no one is talking about Kojima Productions? Honestly i can't see Kojima leading a independent studio when he only wants to make AAA games with a high budget and motion capture.

>t. Microsoft employee

Kojima said he doesn't want nu-KojiPro to be owned by any major publisher. Probably worried about shit potentially going the same way it did with Konami.

He'll do fine just off commissioned gigs by big publishers since his name alone sells copies.

God Sony fanboys are retarded, From is owned by someone else, Insomniac wants to remain independent & Sega is owned by a massive corporation

based corporate fanboy

From is owned by Kadokawa

I hope shitty western ones so I won't have any reason to buy a ps5. even yakuza is on pc now.

Who the fuck is Muslim fucker anyway? He's the face of Sony on the internet?

>snoy drives japanese devs off their console
>snoy then seeks to acquire japanese devs just to make sure they die
such a lust to destroy the japanese industry


PlayStation will never not make this board ass hurt.

>organic growth
can you plant seeds, give it water and sunshine and grow a studio that way?

Thats what obsidian, 4a, ioi etc,,, said before ms money


>attractive titties and ass flopping about all over
Where? The sexiest parts are a woman in a tight bodysuit and a girl in bloomers.
It's not Dragon's crown. Even Odin Sphere and Muramasa had more fanservice.

>Sony would just be ridiculously inconsistent considering everything else
Let's not forget, that Soul Calibur 6 with its floppy tits came out uncensored and Dragon's Crown Pro was uncensored as well (although it was released May of last year a couple of months before the censorship drama began). Games like Metro Exodus and RDR2 had nudity and nobody complained.This censorship thing was inconsistent from the very beginning and nobody really knows what is acceptable and what is not. However, 13 Sentinels looks pretty safe so far unless every school girl needs to wear a burka, because the skirts are deemed too short.

>The sexiest parts are a woman in a tight bodysuit and a girl in bloomers.
The naked blue cut-ins of the pilots as they pilot the sentinels. Just to mention one thing.

Illfonic if the Predator game goes well. Firesprite to lock down WipEOut forever. Probably Insomniac Games, despite many saying they want to stay independent. In the last two years they've had their most successful games ever with Sony. Job listings show PlayStation hiring for Insomniac Games. It wouldn't surprise me at this point.

>naked piloting
Shit you're right. I forgot about that.

waifushit is unnecessary.

Investing in an exclusive licensed Predator game to try and kickstart some kind of multiplayer market shift seems like such a strange choice on Sony's part considering that the Predator IP is probably at its all-time lowest point now thanks to Shane Black.

>platinum being bought by MS after the scalebound debacle and hitting it big with square enix after
Xbox owners are really retarded

Yeah. If that's no longer in the final game I wouldn't be surprised. But you can be sure the game was meant to go all SRW with that shit, with the usual voluptuous art that the game still has.
It would be nice to be wrong, but yeah. It is worrisome.