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Other urls found in this thread:


who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





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Ah yes... chadglade...home...

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that's it I'll be rolling druid

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I've been playing a shaman on northdale all day
even with all the people crowding the starting zones, it's been a lot of fun
haven't even noticed any chinese
why are you still refreshing your bnet client waiting for a beta invite than will never come, when you can just come home today?

>There are guys who are going to roll a female character in 2019
>They're probably in this thread right now

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I don't believe it.

Im rolling male paladin and female mage, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

Why do they release it when school and semester starts?

>Me? I'm rolling male orc warlock

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I want to do this but I know I'd end up maining the cute girl and never playing the guy.

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Same desu. Even made a shaman

they hate original classic players

We must convene with the elders to learn more of the warrnigger crisis

>mfw I'm taking a 2 week vacation when classic launches
>mfw I'm going to be a useless piece of shit and play video games all day

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I teach and this is a fucking nightmare.

>I teach
lmao, is there a more cucked job than wasting your life away teaching other people's snot nosed shits?

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Based and deadbeatpilled

Just follow your heart user.

>snot nosed shits

Haha, what? Maybe in murricah
My kids are fucking great

just quit your job

My heart tells me to make a male character because I find getting randomly hit on by spergs in MMOs to be incredibly awkward. Such is life.

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sounds comfy user i hope you will have fun


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Reminder that antisocial players will make zero progress.


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>playing on dead 3k servers
>even paying for it

Fuck off shill faggot nigger tranny

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Why yes, yes we are. Female human protection warrior here. I am a giant masochist.

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Alliance or Horde lads? Why?

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Alliance because I like Loch Modan a lot.

well memes aside with the whole 'horde is better, or alliance is better'.

For me its when i first started playing. Which was a human. So alliance.

Still haven't decided but I'm leaning towards Tauren Druid over Night Elf Druid.

The Night Elf class lore is neat but I like being a big guy.

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Horde if PvP, Alliance if normal or RP.

>reinstalling wow
>in 2019
do these people not have phones?

Alliance because I'm not evil

How does it feel to know the server you choose will be inhabited by a streamer that claims to rule over you and who's cock is sucked near daily by fanatics? You literally cannot escape this fate for Classic now. This is happening now.

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Horde, first time I played WoW was when I was 10 and my friend's entire household were all horde players. I thought undead was cool so I got a mage to level 34 and logged in shimmering flats near the bug camp.

Gonna roll tauren druid on classic though

He's right you know.

All of it is right.

My anxiety for classic is too much. I think I'll pass on this game.

Never gotten hit on on an RP server funnily enough.

habeeb it. and miss me with that twinkie house shit.

>more time to play with school zoomers away
sounds like a win. Most vanilla players will have actual careers now so one week isn't different than another for me

I have gotten hit on even when playing male characters and none of my friends have ever had to deal with it either.

It's not even people I've talked to. I will randomly just get people walking up to me and whispering me. I don't get it.

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>virgin horde males and their hunched postures
>chad orc female and her chest forward posture
reminder that alliance doesn't have this issue

The alliance cities and areas are way better in my opinion.
If, ou play Horde you have the choice to either walk around in boring wastelands or gloomy woods filled with undead trash

>orc female

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I played on an RP server pre-TBC and no one ever (at least publicly) talked about ERPing and if someone was caught doing it they'd become the laughing stock of the entire server. What the hell happened over the years to make people go RP = ERP?


I'm going to fuck around on Chinkdale.

M Tauren Druid or F Undead Priest?

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Playing femorc is my least liked pserver meme.

not really classic but
>playing a wrath private few days ago server
>everyone is a female belf paladin or male orc dk

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>F Undead Priest
save droid for release

Undead priest

>mfw I have to wait until Aug 27th

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why does your mind immediately go to america. there are 195 countries in the world and you have to be obsessed with ours

no bully

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shut up nelf tranny

Americans are the only people from a 3rd world country that post on Yea Forums.

Aw, are you still mad some Chad horde raiders killed your e-gf sex in goldshire

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reality check

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The uglier the orc the harder my dick gets.

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Hubba Hubba

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>perfectly sized community, everybody knows eachother
>hit max level casually in a couple of days yet doesnt have that soul-draining raidlogging "time to get bis so people will like me" feel
>only a few e-celebs despite seething Yea Forumss bitching jealousy because no-beta-invite
>all these giant WPVP warbands
>casually participating in all the fun without having to sell your soul and play the game like its a second job
>Sonychad's RP-PVP guild constantly blowing asmon/tips/staysafe's entire shitty stream guilds the fuck out and seeing their mental breakdowns as they call all their players terrible idiots
this was the peak classic experience, its never going to get this fun, and i FUCKING MISSED IT

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Females have smaller hitboxes. Enjoy trying to jump through skips in BG as a wide fat fuck male character.

Female human has the best hitbox for wallclimbing + exploring so yes. I'll be rolling one, a mage to be exact. I'll send postcards from literally anywhere. \{°~°}/

>Smacking people from a mile away as Tauren. Worth it manlet.

wow i never realized the males playing females were insectoid bugmen too
i thought they were just lowtest betas trying to be snowflakes


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Horde, Alliance attracts literal retards and faggots. All the newfags who have never played WoW/Vanilla will be on alliance, so have fun with that.
The Alliance races are so boring visually, literally just Humans in different aspect ratios.
Horde has the best racials for PvP, which is all vanilla is about. PvE is a fucking joke, if you're playing for that only, you will be disappointed.

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fuck, they should add mailing screenshots

>oh shit oh fuck we said summer and we haven't even figured out how to remove sharding yet, they're never gonna let us live this down
>hey Dave, November's still summer, right?
>alright, fuck it

it's the pants

it's all about that furry/fag/AGP turbosperg pandering now

no one's going to watch your shitty videos no matter how much you spam them
piss off

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>Want to play Warlock
>Alliance means choosing between Human and Gnome
>Humans are alright but generic, and Gnomes are fucking Gnomes so they're out of the question
>Also means dealing with fucking Will of the Forsaken in pvp
>Horde means choosing between Orc or Undead
>Undead Warlocks are peak style but being on the Horde means living in Mud Hut Central for my entire play time
If only Dwarf Warlocks were real

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Truly based

troll, you mean. dwarves should've had mages

What did Goblins(Elune's Chosen People) mean by this?

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Horde. Alliance is the Zoomer Faction.

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right here buddy, i expect someone will buy me my mount when I hit lvl 40

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>want to play orc hunter, the only class I got to max level on Horde in vanilla
>want to be a Rexxar-like wanderer, making my way through the Barrens and all the amazingly comfy Horde zones with my trusted pet, with the gear I made myself through leatherworking
>hunters have such a shitty reputation finding dungeon groups is going to be a chore and are so awful at endgame that unless you already have a raiding guild set up before the launch you're as likely to get a raid spot as fucking ret palas are


>start on TBC pserver just for fun
>meeting up with people and questing
>meeting them later again and talking in party chat
>cozy all around
classic is gonna be just like this bros, I can't wait


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based neckchad

are vanilla nights back?

SL Lock and S.Priest completely and utterly destroy a Warrior in 1v1. You will die to a S.Priest and they will have full HP because their shields make it so you don't gain any rage. SL lock (this is a certain spec) is just way too fucking beefy for you to win against and their fear spam will win destroy you. These 2 classes are in the un-winnable tier for warriors.

Frost mage is also up there but not completely un-winnable like the previous two are. As long as you have grenades ready and other tricks up your sleeve (the cloth lvl 31 spider belt, nifty watch, viking helm ). These are necessary or don't bother. Even with all these gadgets if the mage is also just as prepared and skilled they will win. A druid will also almost always win against you unless they're just extremely awful. Entangling roots into starfire, faire fire, moon fire, swarm all that ticking damage while getting kited as they shift out of your hamstring constantly is what kills warriors 100% of the time. I've dueled a lot of Druids who know what they are doing and it's scary. Only reason I don't put them in un-winnable tier is because I feel like most players won't be good with this class. Prob highest skill ceiling in PvP. Rogue is kinda tough if they are skilled but honestly I've won way more of these than lost, they aren't that bad.

That leaves you against Ret and Warriors. These classes in 1v1 are a win if your skill level is above theirs. Shaman is one of those classes that are either very good or very bad against you. I haven't fought against enough of these to have a solid opinion on them.

This is all coming from someone who has played on RetroWoW and Henhouse for 6+ months. I've dueled all of them, these guys are sweaty and they know the ins and outs of their classes. I am not kidding you in this list.. This is all 1v1 of course which is THE way everyone will be flexing their dicks at high level. Because it's fun. Anyways thought I would drop some education here for all future Warriors.

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>classic is gonna be just like this bros

They're on shard #14, ask mike for an invite he just jumped there to farm devilsaurs.

already happening in beta because you can not get ahead without groups

>best matchup is a warrior
>worst matchup is a warlock
I honestly don't mind. But I'm not making a warrior again.

Sharding for the beginner area makes sense for the first few weeks unless you want blizzard to roll out dozens of servers who will die within weeks due to unstable populations.

I dont like it either but beta has already shown that there is a need for it unless you wanna wait spend 5 hours trying to get to lv5

>Cursed to being a mushroom makes you both the best and worst at everything

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At least you're at the same cucked level as rogues in vanilla. Rogues also only have like 1 or 2 favorable matchups unless the rogue is much better than his opponent.

t. Frost mage who never lost to rogues or warriors

the upcoming stress test is going to be an utter shit show and convince everyone that layers aren't a bad thing. imagine 10k people trying to kill their 10 kobold vermins? it will literally be impossible.

can't wait to play world of roguecraft!!

I dont like it but for the beginner areas 1-10 i can totally see the need for it (at least in the first month). I just dont want shit like in retail when you do a city raid and half your raid ends up in another instance or any cross server shit

> for the beginner area
Too bad it's every zone in the game. The fuck were they thinking.

Layers should only exist for the first content phase. After that it should be removed for everywhere except the 1-12 areas.

arent BGs cross server? I dont remember when they put that in

I think that would be the best solution

>hunters have such a shitty reputation finding dungeon groups is going to be a chore and are so awful at endgame that unless you already have a raiding guild set up before the launch you're as likely to get a raid spot as fucking ret palas are

Not true at all.
Pet Pulling/Ranged pulling+Feint Death manipulation mob resetting
Hunters can Trap creatures no one else can CC.
Flares+Track Invis to reveal invis monsters from a massive distance.
Kiting, which cheeses loads of bosses.

Raids need a mandatory minimum 2 hunters for tranq rotation, if this server is actually like real retail vanilla, they will need more because the hit chance requirement for Tranq didn't exist on private servers. So you will most likely need 4 hunters now just in case they miss.

thats some hard truth bombs. dont kill these kids draems i need some easy HK kills

We used to call it VC because the last boss was VanCleef.

Frost Mages are so insane it's not even funny. You still lose against a S.Priest and SL Lock but at least you beat everything else

No, we called it CK because the last cock gets gookie

Say hello to your server's future Scarab Lord!

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I stared during Tbc; were hunters good in vanilla?

I'm not rolling on a PvE server so I don't really care what this dude does.

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Easiest to level but braindead and had a reputation because of it. Were expected to only autoshot until later on when debuff limit was raised and they had talent reworks.

only if he rolls pve otherwise hes gonna get fucked like with his axe quest

If I had one wish then I'd wish for the Horde to open the gates of AQ and get the title on the server Asmonbald plays. But he would just transfer then, being a miserable little cunt who can't accept defeat he is.


He's gonna sign on tomorrow with the WW axe already equipped guaranteed.

>hunter has to PAY for ammo to do shit dps
>pet can't do shit in most boss fights without dying
is there anything more cucked than being hunter """dps""" in raids

Truly redpilled.

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Alliance because i played Horde in vanilla. I don't really understand people like who'll just have the same experience. Why not try the other side?

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playing a hybrid for dps and later being forced to healslut

>PvE Server
>In Vanilla
Unless his guild dominates the entire server, he won't get Scarab Lord because he won't be able to clear out enemy guilds/faction from killing the bugs.
I genuinely hope it tanks his views. Going to be so boring for lil'zooms to watch.
Meanwhile all the /fit/ Horde PvP Chads are going to tearing it up.

Other people can just farm the items for him and trade, not hard.

real ranking

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horde. always liked orcs and always will.

2 is mandatory minimum, but how many guilds are going to bring more than 3-4 hunters to a forty man raid?

stv is great, I never got ganked a lot even by 60's. I've played on chinkdale and nost and hillsbrad was always way more pvp and gankfests than stv. I don't know why stv gets the rep when even in vanilla it was tame. there's too much mob density so everyone's just trying to do their quests and pass by everyone. hillsbrad is the real warzone during leveling, especially at that fucking yeti cave

Not me, I'm probably a bigger fucking loser now than I was back them.

You never played pre-TBC, LARPer.

just pray that you are one of the designated 2 they bring on raid so you can AFK for most of the raid and roll need on everything anyways

Listen you tbc faggot, Scarab Lord title is not a thing in vanilla, wont be in classic either. It was introduced in TBC.

getting hitcap is easy as shit even before the scope is out
just buy a warmonger and swap to it whenever you need to tranq and that's that, you've enough hit from the rest of your pre-raid gear(even without devilsaur) to hit cap

by "we" you mean private server crew?

peak hunter performance right there

give me the fucking beta blizzard. right now.

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>says hitler was clever
>told me the american politic ans are controlled by the jews
>said that americans are "hybrids"
Where were you when china players were redpilled as hell?

i almost will miss them, Yea Forums. lights hope server btw

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>Why not try the other side?
Whats not to say I already have?

>Put Pet on Stay with the Melee Dps group.
>Send pet in on pull.
>Put him on Passive when melee run out.
>Pet alone adds 5% total boss dps
>Combine that to my total dps
>Top the meters

heh nothing personnel rogues ;^) pls cry more about how I'm "padding the meters" and "pet dps doesn't count, only personal".

Boy, I can't wait to farm for hours and then use all those soulstones to summon lazy morons and then trade 39 individual healthstones because that is peak fucking WoW 1.0 I know I can't get enough of

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Do wow players give their pets the same name as themselves so it fools damage meters into counting them both? Have seen this done in other mmos.

I feel like there's meaning to life now. Shame none of my buddies even play now

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only thing i dread is 30-50.
mauradon and dire maul fucking blows.

PvP is only open to those who have raid BiS and those who choose to be Honor farmed by the former.

nah, any half-decent parser does that automatically, or at least has a one-button option to toggle it
many still do to fuck with targeting macros though

i fuckin love seeing instances from the outside and it being somewhat accurate. shadowfang keep and to an extent, hellfire ramparts.

DM isn't out on release, I think Mara is though for Blizzards version. But you can easily skip it, then go back at 60 and 2 man to get the key staff for princess runs.

mara weeds out the weak

i'm rolling hunter. never played one in my wow experiences and from all this shit, they look like they are the easiest to fuck up shit on

Chinese dont grow up under white guilt propaganda and look at the shit objectively. That said they got their own form of indoctrination

that'd probably be mage

it has a good range of leveling from 30-45 ish iirc. most 60s can go through there on a mount and pick off players because most don't have a mount yet.

We all gonna just ignore this?

princess isn't that bad. it's a bit short. its those parts of it i do not like. especially the green blob parts

>DM isn't out on release
I knew that would be the case reflecting that of Vanilla, but figured it would be still there anyway.
But that just means more fucking for t0.5 instead of DM gear.

you just weren't that funny

>w-what do y-you mean I have to run out of the gas?

T0.5 sadly isn't in until the final phase, with naxx
I like the blobs. I leveled up a mage grinding those.

Im reading your post through a cracked screen fuck you

those dungeon sets are fucking trash

I was approaching it from the point of view that is a massive waste of time running it at the appropriate level range. Outside of Fun or Nostalgia.
>Barely any Quests.
>Takes fucking Hours to run.
>Run back from a wipe takes 10mins+.
>Always takes groups hours to run out to the instance without summons.

It's complete aids, its up there with Gnomer in terms of inconvenience.

that's better

nothing pisses me off more than gnomes, night elf and human rogues

i found it only worth doing for thrash blade and the blackstone ring, possibly the croc boots too.
i dont know about other classes though. i only played rogue in vanilla and again on a private server.

but yeah just getting to the fucking instance blows with all those centaurs

im going troll male rogue

good choice. but their one skill animation for gouge and eviscerate look fuckin goofy doing a little ballerina spin

>tfw last thing you see before death is a troll male doing a ballerina spin

>add broken ones and ogres instead of elves and eredar
>finish the outlaw system that turned you hostile to everyone if you got too many dishonorable kills
>delete flying
This is how they fix TBC

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truly a sight to fear but also admire

i think dwarf rogues are underappreciated. you dont see many of those.

It doesn't make sense, the overpopulated areas in launch day are the best part of the game. Blizzard is neutering their own launch and you drones are lapping it up, just like you ate up retail shit.
Have you thought about what happens if the population gets bigger, not smaller?

Just imagine being such an absolute loser that is so desperate to play Classic WoW that you spent 4 hours digging through old notes to find the e-mail you used to play WoW in 2004 and then another hour resetting the passwords for both that e-mail and your old WoW account.

Then you paid for 6 months having no interest in WoW in it's current form but you did it anyways in the hope that the all-powerful beta picker sees your 2004 account and that 6 months of game time means you are dedicated to test it for the next 3 months and beyond.

Man, I would hate to be that loser...

Based as fuck

I think there will be more dwarves around now when everyone knows how OP their racial is.

Based. I'll assist you combat brudda. I'll be the bait.

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stop spamming whatever cutter whore you're currently stalking

>playing anything but orc, forsaken, dwarf or gnome
Pve shitters LMAO

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DUDE playing a race with useless racials makes me so unique and special !!

Yea dude me too, but also spending time speaking to a Blizzard GM for over 30 minutes about getting my account back while he talks about how much fun he's having playing classic after work.

What a loser imagine actually playing that game...

I never cared about racials. Troll was my first race back in 2005. (my other being blackest human fem, also a rogue)

this the same girl?

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>*tink tink tink*

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Because you are trash at the game my man

no shield no inv

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i dont understand the timeline with the clothing difference. but part of me thinks shes a fake bitch

>im 100% going to get scarab lord, it's a done deal
>can't even get WW axe

Fuck this guy

>*pretends to have played vanilla as his job*

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Nah I just don't care too much about being hardcore etc, its just a game. I still pvped and got a decent rank. I was a kid back then, stop busting my balls

>30% attack speed is useless.
>Can use it on anything Mount, Hearthstone, Picking Herbs

heh good luck getting that black lotus from AV.

Thats why he's going PvE server. I think if he does that it will really hurt his audience tho. Every other streamer is going PvP including his two friends who play this Esfand & McConnel. He's in a shitty spot.

=>undead priest
if i were to plaY i Wuld do same thing haha

noooooo how are you going to clear rfc without +2% damage

Can't wait, soulstone farming is great & makes Lock's OP utility rightfully have a cost

Back in the day Horde was generally considered the choice of more mature players.

surprised you even got to talk to somebody.

it almost as if people like to wear different things

Are they keeping speed level XP mechanics? I heard shards are cut, and the vanilla WoW 1-60 record is 4 days 6 hours.

Very stupid how classic has boosted this nobody into the spotlight.

>The following is a list of commonly-reported gameplay in WoW Classic that is not actually a bug, and is working as we expect it to:
>You are unable to Polymorph enemy targets that are tapped by players with whom you are not grouped.
pserver babbies btfo again

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He has such a punchable face. And a shit player on top of all of it. The duel tournament today was embarrassing for him. He's lucky he didn't stream or there would be more clips of him getting shit on.


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Correction, 3 days 9 hours. Still, if you're casually hitting 40 in a few days, what speed mechanics are still in?

only 40% on prot?


>soon you'll be playing classic with based corpsegrinder
Best timeline

kek that chat was quick to call him on his bullshit

I wasn't saying I don't believe you. I am asking what fast leveling mechanics are left in, or is it just less of an XP grind? If it's less of an XP grind, did they cut quests, or do you just level faster than the quests?

Tauren shammy here. Gonna roll over all you little kid alliance kids.

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any war can fucking tank 1-50 dungeons if he is not an inbred

I want to play alliance, but I don't want to play with a bunch of faggots.
Dwarf only realm when?

Any vods for that duel tourney? who won?

based choices for both class and race user

I liked how he tried really hard to get footage.

that disqualifies most of them then

Funny how RMAH turned out to be the biggest reason for me to enjoy in D3. Haven't touched the game since they removed it.

orc warlock. im gonna be a huge douchebag and kill everyone i see

I want his voice in my life.

Like when I make toast in the morning when the toast pops out I want tip's voice to say "your toast is buttery warm" and when I dollop obscene amounts of jam onto it I was tip's voice to say "nice, nice, that's absolutely insane".


>playing a Blizzard product
>in 2019

You deserve everything horrible that ever happens to you.

Thanks bro, what are you rolling?

Attached: AF341EA4-F230-43D8-8E47-5FB10122945C.jpg (1125x1148, 167K)

Until you realize warlocks are mushrooms

forsaken warrior

>peak style
>having your clothes torn to shreds for next to zero reason
Clearly, wanting to play the same fucking caster class that gets eaten by stance-dancing warriors is your issue.

I seriously can't tell what you're trying to say. It's supposed to be vanilla, unchanged(sans sharding). People have just gotten better/more autistic.


Only ultimate cucks are not making groups themselves while playing tanks

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Horde probably but i'm worried about all the zoomers that will swarm the faction since there's 4 alliance streamers total and like 15 horde ones, also the biggest streamers being horde too.

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Want to play Druid. Friends want to play alliance so can’t play Tauren. Have you seen a male Night elf? No thanks.

>gets eaten by stance-dancing warriors is your issue.

not in 1.12

>being free HK's for one of the most straightforward classes in the game

that was warlocks before death coil
if you play a death coil in classic you can death coil because in 1.12 there's death coil

laintime is my hero

You're a faggit and probably support sharding

>every PvP encounter is a 1v1

Attached: 1533419771284.png (467x332, 111K)

>that webm
Can someone be more of a faggot?, I mean I could be sucking a sack full of dicks and be manlier

Here is the OST


>night elf rogue
These fuckers and paladins raped my ass in stv

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I guess I'm just remembering hor long it took to go 1-40 originally. The more I think about it, the more I agree with what you just said, though. I am now remembering just how much of a clusterfuck dungeons were. It was rare to find pick up group that could make it through simple dungeons.

Mages lose to druids as well.

he thinks he's laintime. he's not

>prot paladin
now there's the memest of meme specs

Attached: 1558409559611.jpg (1200x675, 329K)

Alliance would be full of trannies and gamer gurls anyway. Not like it matters since top 5% of ally would always overshadow top 5% of the horde thanks to ally being a stronger faction which attracts better players.

>muh racials
glorious palachad utility>useless shamancuck+bunch of fotm racials

Yeah, I had like 30 days /played the first time because I ran so many dungeons. Probably would've made it in half that time otherwise. Doing one run for the quests can be pretty nice though.

Take your meds /pol/

>horde will now be zoomer central thanks to streamers
>faction balance will be fucked
I just wanted cozy elf free horde

Attached: 1551866637640.png (613x578, 292K)

No they dont tauren are larger than the other races but they make up for it because they can hit from much father away

Create trial account on moonguard and walk to goldshire, pitifull reddit faggot

>deleted battle.net
>deleted pservers
>still can't stay away from threads
I just don't wanna spoil myself since it's so close now

The worst are rogues and destro in t3. At least against locks and spriests you can pop recklessnes. Rets and eles in bis are unbeatable but I don't think you'll see a lot of those.

you mean metal head manchildren?


>that big nasty grin peaking through his helmet
When did wow stop getting art like this

there are places male gnomes can't get into but female taurens can, character hitbox heights are fucked

Mained Tauren shaman back in the day so I'll probably main Alliance this time. Thinking priest or mage.


>rpers represent the average players
Peak retard, i've met way more girls on horde but they are usually nice people so who cares.

Trolls have one of the best racials in vanilla.

>Berserking: Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 25%. At full health the speed increase is 10% with a greater effect up to 25% if you are badly hurt when you activate Berserking. Lasts 10 sec. 3 min cooldown.

>method (best guild EU) is rolling horde for classic
>venruki, cdew, other arena legends all are playing horde

>asmongold, a cry baby who can't get a WW axe without the help of an entire server
>esfand, a retribution paladin who is based but plays the wheelchair spec
>and uh.... hmm

And hunters


why should I care about any of this?

All the zoomers are going Alliance tho. Because of Asmongold.

>retail players
I wish them luck in their race for the world 100 rag

Servers will be like 70% horde just like on retail

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>ally being a stronger faction which attracts better players.

I mean I just proved you wrong.

>implying Horde hasn't always been zoomer central

Delusional green nigger.

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Average players playing frontline, idiot.

Soda is the main appeal for zoomers, people just watch asmongold to see him lose.
Soda is a way bigger streamer too.

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Wait so you can't grief people by Polying their mobs?

Taz Dingo hunter

You can't.

it doesn't matter gameplay wise, it's all aesthetics choice

exactly my thoughts
the fuck happened to this place

It was the mature faction in the real vanilla but it's shaping up to be really fucking shitty in classic because of all the zoomers.

Sad to see it get ruined for true horde players a second time after elves ruined it in retail.

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post your beta builds

Attached: lvl30.png (739x464, 595K)

You know multiple people can get scrab lord right? Theres no stopping someone from getting it if they have the scepter. Even if you kill them over and over again because they can just respawn closer and closer to the gong

What if you shoot them?

Isn't it limited to a faction though? Who opens the gates first?

title doesnt exist in vanilla stfu

this is why i'm going alliance. all edgy kids will move to horde.



Attached: D35A4089-BB68-48B6-89D8-4B1FC6697CD7.jpg (1200x628, 53K)

We always had edgy kids playing forsaken but the average age of other races was much higher.

I'm happy that the Alliance main capital will once again be the Ironforge instead of the shitty Stormwind.

>short human
>shorter human

nice race choices you got there.

>m-muh c-cities
Alright got me there, but I mean they had to develop nice cities for Alliance since that's where 90% of your time will be spent.

Attached: 1556054211031.png (240x262, 91K)

>/fit/ alpha chads who play the actual video game and excel at a competitive level, chilled out, love life and the game.
>Bunch of loser faggots who do nothing but whine and complain while collecting dressups and minipets, all while being nothing more than virtual friends/father figures to a generation of children raised by single mothers.


>guild healer died from vanilla back in 2011
>was a danish grill
>also a redhead
god is too cruel man

Attached: 1528013024010.gif (498x372, 2.74M)

That's fucking retarded. Why would you get Improved charge instead of more points in Tactical Mastery or Anger Management.

rogue will be the most over saturated class I bet.

vanilla killed her in 2011?

>died from vanilla
it's a pretty mild taste though

>going to play shaman
>going to laugh at "muh hybrids aren't viable" idiots while I heal niggas and burst niggas at the same time

Attached: 1528126895763.gif (330x275, 1.99M)

Not when retail niggers realize you go slow in stealth.


Nah, easily forsaken mage followed by forsaken rogue.

Horde was never considered the choice of more mature players. It was the designated "nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor" emo gaia-fags faction. And it's pretty clear today now, seeing your "OH WOW I WAS SO MATURE BACK THEN, MORE MATURE THEN ANY OTHER MATURE GUYS" attitude. It was also always the horde faggots who constantly larped about the entire horde vs ally conflict. While the horde screamed FUCK THA ALLIANCE FOR DA HORDE and ganked when having advantage, alliance just played the game and looked at horde with indulgence, the same way you look at kids beeing kids and doing stupid stuff.

Stop larping already.

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naw Night Elf Hunter 100%. Home.

This, no greater feeling then purging elves.

It was the mature faction but it won't be this time sadly.

user, both are shit. Go be a child somewhere else.

yeah she had an allergic reaction from vanilla extract or some shit like that

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Asmolgold and his autistic kid audience are all going to be alliance though.

oh come on, all humanoid races are the same
I am tempted to go troll though.

this. Orgri is okay but everything else horde is disgusting.

>mature faction
>it's another episode of 'edgy teenager plays forsaken' episode


>watch streams
>streamer chat is full of faction larping zoomers spamming for the horde and laughing at alliance
this is the case for like 17 out of 20 big streamers, almost makes me want to go alliance.

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imagine eating ice cream and dying that fucking sucks

haha no, Horde was the choice for edgy kids who thought that playing the "evil" faction was so cool.

I am convinced this X faction was more mature garbage is some stealth Blizzard marketing shit. It's always the exact same bullshit almost word for word and it get spammed constantly. There was literally no difference between alliance or horde, at any point in the game's history, until like WoD onwards where all the good raid guilds that hadn't quit were horde.
Nobody cares about your autistic shit.

don't think they will stick

see: hes irrelevant and people hate him, even his chat

And then there's this shit right here.

Streamers are literal trash and following / doing anything they do is absolutely silly.

Attached: streamers.webm (854x480, 2.75M)

So instead of having to avoid 20 streamers and their fan bases you just have to avoid one.

>gay elves better than giant fucking cows

imagine wanting to play Alliance and sharing most of your groups with obnoxious female human and nelf players

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hhahahahah faggot got rekt

I didn't say they were actually more mature, that was just the general line of thinking among many players back then.
The logic was that Alliance attracted more casuals, girl gamers, etc because it had all the pretty/cute races.


the realm forums were comfy as fuck

Why are alliance players so toxic and bullies?

Attached: 1547401344728.jpg (708x800, 95K)

nah, it's just how social structure works

This is honestly the best funeral in history.
>be a fan of pvp
>your funeral turns into a massive bloodbath
>remembered for as long as the game is remembered
May we all be so lucky.

>improved rend

Horde is going to be mega overpopulated and it will be impossible to find good pvp.

Attached: 1528194722179.png (311x291, 99K)

doesn't matter about back then, now both populations suck and essentially the same
may as well flip a coin to decide

>Choose Horde
>Every server has some random streamer and is filled by their zoomer fans.
>No way to avoid the zoomers.
>Want to hero every time you see the trade chat
>Choose Alliance
>Check what server Asmongold is playing on
>Pick a different server
>Every zoomer will follow Asmongold so your server will be 99% zoomer free.
>Enjoy the game and the server community

Imagine being this much of a TBC'let and thinking the only good PvP is in battlegrounds

and Horde attracted more kids because it was the cool faction.

you need it to get to deep wounds and impale lilzoom

Undead Mage followed by Human Warrior.
Rogues aren't actually that popular. Gonna be comfy I think.

My female Orc Warrior is manlier than i'll ever be, so i dunno man.

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Best PvP battles were in the Blackrock Mountain when multiple raid groups going to the MC and the BWL clashed in the insane PvP fights.

It's going to be impossible because our pvp will be zerging down lone alliance players
Just look at the beta faction balance

holy fuck do I play alliance this time?

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The funeral raid is just so good, it's like something out of Game of Thrones

Even better when you remember a couple of Alliance showed up at first & didn't attack out of respect, making the Horde players put their guard down only to get all slaughtered shortly after

I wonder if there's a better way to do this, it might just involve 'better get 5 of my friends if I want to fight this one single man'

Attached: Welp.jpg (620x406, 27K)

Truly the greatest pvp video of all time and the music is great too.

what's current balance?

mostly horde with all "influencers" being horde except for asmon and his two buddies
every pvp event is just horde zerging things down with 2-3 raids

you level with fury and respec at 40 you lilzoom

I just wanna play Undead DK when are we getting WotLK?

>why aren't there any scarlet crusade huntsmans in northrend?
>they all rerolled DK :DDDDDD

>cool design
>good posture
>gear looks great
>good looking animations
Orc female is truly the thinking mans choice

>muh sitmacro works on Classic
nope pserver toddler try again, everyone will level arms just like in real Vanilla

Really soon i hope.
The only thing that could make classic better is a containment server for wrathbabbies

What hair option to you use in vanilla, they all look so shit, I usually just go Bald.

Orc female and male dwarf are my favorite models in the game

>implying I wasn't 60 before they nerfed it

>ugly nigger faces
>terrible hair styles
hard pass

Those sounds they make tho when attacking are terrible. Also to everyone thinking horde wont be the zoomer / tranny faction this time around I have bad news for you all
>fem trolls with cute face
>fem orcs
>fem undeads
>horde being more popular on retail carrying over to classic
>majority of big streamers being horde (just avoid streamer servers)
There might be no elves but years of "FOR DA HOODE" has done its job

>droning quests is "playing the game"
>fighting other players is "immature"
Nice office plankton mentality you got there. Truly an adult.

>2 seconds later
>waits guys I'm oom

Attached: profe.gif (350x292, 180K)

That looked like the nosferatu pc from the thumbnail.

all the pvp streamers rolled horde thoguh which kinda skewed things on the beta, but yeah retail is horde favoured too which will make a lot of newcucks go horde aswell, whilst more people who know the pserv meta will go ally

>Horde was never considered the choice of more mature players.
spotting yourself as a zoomer?

how my layer bros doin tonight

Tauren female zoomzooms too

2019 is the year to pick alliance

>There was literally no difference between alliance or horde, at any point in the game's history
Again another zoomer, the difference started to stop with Burning Crusade and Allytrannies joining the horde because Blood Elves

You mean basically all streamers, no one streams pve and they will end up going horde too for streamer clout.

>perfectly sized community, everybody knows eachother
Because only a few people were let inside
>hit max level casually in a couple of days yet doesnt have that soul-draining raidlogging "time to get bis so people will like me" feel
You are literally just leveling until lvl 30. the time from level 1 to 30 is like 10 % of lvl 59 to 60 (at least it felt like it)
>only a few e-celebs despite seething Yea Forumss bitching jealousy because no-beta-invite
look at the twitch streamers and come back again
>all these giant WPVP warbands
always depended on the server. The problem starts as soon as a few guilds try to have a wpvp monopoly where they insult you if you try to wpvp with them
>casually participating in all the fun without having to sell your soul and play the game like its a second job
literally just lvl 30. The game starts at lvl 60
>Sonychad's RP-PVP guild constantly blowing asmon/tips/staysafe's entire shitty stream guilds the fuck out and seeing their mental breakdowns as they call all their players terrible idiots
I have seen more guild drama in classic then you can imagine. As soon as guild and guild master "celebs" try to get all the fame, the shit begins.

I really hope I can get home again, but things have changed and the servers aren't even there yet. Wait until the first MC raids start and people are isolating themselves from others because they only need their raid group and that's it. The worst shit starts as soon as guilds try to "dominate" with "WORLD FIRST" bullshit. Especially ecelebs are a problem, because ecelebs are more or less just over hyped guild master and we all know that gm are scum and the biggest reason I never stayed long in guild was because the gm went full retard and thought that this virtual ones and zeroes were making him better than others.

Also there are already retards who require an "job" application to join the guild... "home" will be more like "playing alone"

How about imp revenge prot spec leveling?

Female orcs have straight backs you stupid nigger

Kill yourself wowfags

> Private server bigger
Hope you are ready to face real classic, and not the watered down private server easy mode version where mobs all have the same armor values and resitances LMAO. Esfat, that cuck Paladin, is going to find out his Rey damage was jacked up on Private servers as his whole guild laughs him out of the raid, whuahahahha

>healer without his full mana
>*tank* with red armor and not waiting for his team
yeah this guy is retarded

i think you might be right but i love my orc

no they don't, are you fucking blind?

>muh faction meta

Attached: s11.jpg (900x900, 83K)

Are you?
They basically have the same build as male humans.

Attached: 626603.jpg (228x300, 20K)


this is why they should've finished the outlaw system and make dishonorable kills a fun feature
>tfw will never be an outlaw spending his days in neutral hubs ganking both factions

Thanks I'll be sure to stun you multiple times while stabbing you with my dagger.

post a side profile from old model and you'll see

No, but you are

Attached: A34CEB47-8133-493E-82CC-02D670007F53.jpg (2288x2160, 1016K)

Do I go with the ugliest race in the game with the best racial or go with my favorite race?

Basically orc vs troll

> Trying to stun an orc
Can't wait to resist your 5cp KS LUL

Attached: wow-orc.jpg (300x300, 19K)

>old orc has a great body shape with a butter face
>big butt and a feminine torso
>new orc has a man body
Why is this allowed?

to be fair on a private server this would be a face roll fight, but he literally got two-shot here, indicating how undertuned private servers are

privatefags like myself will have to unlearn a lot

lmao btfo in a few seconds

Favorite every time. There's nothing more cucked than watching someone else play your favorite while you're doing worse DPS than them on a character you rolled purely for the minuscule difference in stats. Hell a lot of the time the records for any particular class are set by suboptimal race picks because they have the extra autism juice required to go above and beyond the human experience.

femtroll is cuter

After he gets crit it looks like the other warriors start to tank it just fine.

also, while it wasn't his fault here, sodapoppin is a bad healer

t. someone who has 60'd both a druid and war

His armor was broken and Verdant always hits hard, even on the Pserver i played on(lights hope) Tips is just a retard.

>50% hp to just the imp

Attached: 1357110546128.jpg (822x895, 142K)

>is drinking
>retard just charges in
kill yourself tips shill

Why would you bother considering anything else? Yeah mutli-man battles are more common, but theres so many variables at play during them thats theres absolutely no reason to bother theory crafting them, especially when it all boils down to teamplay.

Because half mana means you have to cast the moonfire instead of a heal. /s

and realistically what else would he have time to cast? a rejuv that won't do jack shit?

>Hell a lot of the time the records for any particular class are set by suboptimal race picks because they have the extra autism juice required to go above and beyond the human experience.
Not that user but thanks for this. I want to roll Undead Warrior but people told me it's a useless combo since Warrs already have a fearbreak. But fuck it man, Undead Warrior is sick.

Attached: 21lpw29.jpg (1280x1024, 79K)

They literally don't even have eyelids m8, also shitty animations and sfx.

Any Tippers in the chat??

Ugh...no. any Crendor fans in the chat? If so press... something..i dunno, i don't care.. Im just gonna level Billy, ok? Ok.

did he just cleave a single target?

Yes, cast an instant cast DPS ability with a higher than average cast range while you're running to the tank who has utterly an completely outranged your single instant heal

>literally zero (0) alliance streamers


If by mature you mean neckbeards with a sense of grandiosity.

>t. dead irrelevant player and faction

Because male trolls are made for sex.

sounds like a good reason to roll alliance then

imagine being such a boring person that you play a high fantasy game as a human.
Actually, the entire alliance faction is uncreative as shit
>short humans
>even shorter humans
>tall colored humans
the absolute state

>LOKTAR OGAR my fellow horde player

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contrarian kid

i've never seen someone get torched this badly and this fast. the model's shoulders are held farther back than her fucking hips. how bad is your memory and/or eyesight, user?

yet most of the horde playes either green human or dead human

>green humans
>furrycow humans
>rotting humans
hunchbacks the whole lot of em


Attached: 6A31E127-F904-4467-A0E0-C38CBBBD3323.jpg (960x754, 53K)

t. lilzoom donating to str*amer from his fathers credit card again

Imagine unironically donating to a streamer. How in the fuck could anyone be so stupid?

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Actually dead human is far more popular in vanilla with long ear human being 60% on retail

desperate need for a daddy figure
>he said my name
>zoomzoom happy now for a 5 minutes

seething ally, horde races are cool as fuck and we will rule the servers

belves were a mistake I hope they won't repeat this time

time for a reminder then
paladins will carry alliance to victory in both pve and pvp

Attached: 1558343380444.png (1416x1326, 2.52M)

This is so true. I played Horde back in the day because all my friends rollend Horde. But the amount of Horde players that believed that they were the hottest shit because they chose Horde was annoying as fuck. Also usually Undead who were super hardcore about it. Them and Orcs. Meanwhile Tauren and Troll players were chill bros.

Im rolling Human Rogue because their racials are simply superior. That Sword skill is no joke.

>muh faction meta
sad as fuck to be completely honest, you /wpsg/ subhumans should all die in agony

an op class cant carry trash players

I once donated a few bucks to Aris(Tekken streamer) with a message, and then he told me to shut up. Was funny.

not him but a good holy pally actually can in vanilla

no farming in AV already confirmed

Attached: 1557388861937.png (271x313, 56K)

>no one playing alliance on the classic beta
Just imagine the state of that faction on release

Attached: 1532912669436.gif (1039x1450, 881K)

Is that dominance US exclusive? I expect things to be quite normal on EU servers.

Streamers done anything fun the last 3 days? I was away from PC

>alliance getting absolutely shit on everwhere they go in beta
so this ... is the power of the meta faction

mutts are just embracing their goblino nature and rolling horde

not really, loads of euros playing forsaken.

>Green humans
>Jamaican humans
>Milk humans
>Dead humans
wow so original

Why do people would want to play a paladin if You can't even transmog into T6?

Attached: 1555180377143.jpg (552x908, 300K)

Most trolls were chill bros, I knew heaps of autistic taurens though. Undeads were sometimes chill doomers, but yeah most were edgelords.
Ally had it's shitty goobers though, NE mailbox dancers and gnomes players were a cancer. Never met a dwarf priest who wasn't a fucking legend though, most dorfs were cool dewds.

Horde have completely unique silhouettes, comprised of different forms and shapes.
Alliance is literally all just humans in different Aspect Ratios, except one has pointy ears.

Alliance have unique silhouettes also, derp.

Ally has the Retbull and that's all they need

Trolls and dwarfs are always homies,
Humans and undeads are either dickheads or pretty chill, rest eh depends really though a lot of cunts go orc now bc racials

hunchback human times 4 is not a unique silhouette

*Burns down your tree*
Nothing personnel virgins

you don't have to stance dance with wotf, more importantly you can break charm/sleep effects on top of another fear break by default. Two is better than one.

Attached: latest[1].png (64x64, 6K)

>keep hybrid cuck shit

How else should normal, functioning creatures stand?

wotf is the most busted shit in the game regardless of class

wotf is underrated in pve as well

Bro's what class should I roll as tauren?

Attached: 8941BA81F52A47C18C6E117FB786FA76.jpg (720x1280, 158K)

Hybrids were still cucked in TBC, the druchads didn't go super saiyan until Ulduar in Wrath.

Dorfs are almost always cool dudes. Although the shitty ones are REALLY shit. NEs are the reverse. Most of them are fucking morons, but every once in a while you meet one who's extremely chill.
Undeads can actually be really funny dry as fuck doomers. Tauren usually come in the flavours "super chill bro" or "CHAD WARRIOR PICKED BIGGEST RACE BECAUSE FUCK YOU. EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS BUT ME."


WHOOOA dude so Unique and cool looking!!

Attached: LMAO.png (1246x690, 148K)

Hopefully the majority of them fuck off within the first month or so, sucks to be on the server with a streamer though, glad hardly any of them are EU.

>doesn't have shield block trained 3 levels later


This. Ally loves their fear Ward. But UD has their own. AOE FEAR LMAO was Blizzard's favourite raid mechanic for a while. No problem for an UD tank.

hunter, extra ranged hamstring in pvp to dab even harder on melee

They never learn.

Attached: 1345638988729.jpg (500x500, 83K)

This is the main reason I don't play alliance.
All the races are so fucking boring

Ackshually, Tauren Hunter is kind of shit. They have a bigger deadzone to exploit.

I'm sure i've seen descriptions of every race like this on an image years ago, someone have it saved?

I would not recommend Tauren Hunter m8, unless you really like being deadzoned twitch.tv/perplexitycya/clip/DeadTiredHareOhMyDog?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time

wait, now that taurens have a bigger hitbox, whos better at pvp warrior now? orc or tauren?

ah the horde...home

Attached: much better.png (1181x591, 125K)

I wondered if that was the case.
extra range hamstring seems like a decent compromise though vs rogues and the like but bigger deadzone means casters will fuck you.

always been UD

Shit on all the streamers who click target

Not even close.

Attached: BASED.png (1949x750, 294K)

Poor attempt
Try harder next time

ally bastards will be so few they cant leave SW keep

The Horde is so unique!

Retard charged out of his healing range anyway.

Did you never play arena? Druid were literally unkillable in bc.

he wouldn't have even got time to get in a shield block

he died as soon as he put up one sunder

in any case he was too low level and he said that at the start of the dungeon but none of the higher level warriors wanted to tank

all of the players were simply overconfident and that's because its undertuned on private servers

imagine being bated so easily by an obvious joke.

this, healer needs to stop and start healing, tha moron were jumping around (i guess turning the boss away, credit for that) so heal had to ensure he will be in range before starting the cast then or else it would fail
healer did nothing wrong

>"i play horde for the unique races"
>*90% of factions is dead human and orc the two least unique races*

Alliance kids gonna die!!

nobody cares that the hybridcuck actually gets to be a good healer for once, as of TBC our poor druchad MC still can't tank every fight and oomkin still had tons of issues that needed to be kinked out.

>not rolling a female gnome rogue with pink pigtails named "Umadlol" and spend ur days ganking lowbies

all look pretty human to me, I think some really old rpg Wizardry had actually nonhumanoid races like insectoid but let's not pretend almost every high fantasy race isin't just recolour of human

His second sunder armor was 5 seconds into before he got crit. Could have easily used, fix your reddit spacing and your poor form.

>rdrood top healer. but capped to 1 per raid due to lifeblooms from multiple droods not stacking
>bear tank is legit
>moonkin is memeshit
>every shaman spec is fotm requiered to be stacked to abuse chain bling dps with group swaps
>sp requiered for hea;ers/casters/huntards mana regen, basically bringing 1 more sp means you can bring 1 less healer
>ret outdpses warriors with 2.4.3 talents
>prot requiered for AoE tanking

Based wrathbabby retard

What the fuck?
Lets play bingo then about any people you know in real life or have seen

>horde shirt or tattoo
>yells random fucking lines like "lok'tar ogar"
>sylvanas poster or fuck pillow

horde players were mostly fat manchildren and wanna be metal enthusiasts

He obviously played like shit, charging in before everyone is even ready. Could have waited, let the healer pre-cast a heal, could have had a potion ready, could have had non-broken armor etc etc. He sucks at the game

I've never seen any of those

No shit, showing this was literally the only point of posting the .webm. Streamers are fucking retarded.

If the game is so easy how did his armour get broken in the first place? Check mate c*tababbies

trolls are just shoeless, hunchbacked night elves with (((big))) noses. and their females are not only the worst modeled of any asset in vanilla, they're the most poorly animated as well

I've been saying it since TBC, undead were pretty humans before the blood elves, except they weren't pretty they were evil humans. No one actually wants to play monsters

I remember those!

Seen plenty of those, playing horde is basically being part of the cool kids club.

>wanted to play horde
>everyone is going horde and server balance will be completely fucked

Attached: 1527050499153.webm (1280x720, 3M)

horde just needs to embrace how much of sausage fest it is and just cut all female models
then add orges since thats the only thing holding them back

Belf trannies will screech about muh racials, starting zones. lore and pallies but everyone knew why they really played them. It was just about the imagined cred of playing horde while looking pretty and any claim to contrary is just massive coping.

Attached: 1553115201148.png (738x669, 186K)

Usually whichever my bros are playing on. I've mostly played Horde, but have had good times on Alliance as well.

you will never be as fabulous, even with your dick chooped off

>Ugly ass broken

Slaughtered to the last by native orcs in outland

>implying draenei thighs don't come close to tauren

Ogres damn it so the whole team from WC II can be together again

>broken females just use draenei model

Belfs should stay neutral, they would never side with trolls or orcs and the alliance wont take them. Just give them the helf treatment in current wow and make them backstage players

there's ZERO people interested in playing alliance

Of course, because of this, this is your average Horde player.

I-I'm i-interested

keep telling yourself that while it reckbomb your head off

>doesnt even try to jump over it

dude no one is playing alliance on the beta

ass mongol does as do his orbiters

Damn this guy is so dumb. Claims he's the best at dueling, thought Stoneskin Totem gives you +armor. Barely survives a fight against 2 elites because of lucky dodges and using Retaliation, claims the elites are bugged? Is everything bugged according to this guy?

He was mentally defeated at this point. Geodata prevealed over him.

delete this image please