Mk11 thread

What fucking happened?

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its pretty good

Im willing to believe they brought in whoever who made injustice costumes


Why is Skarlet so hideous and inferior to based Frost, bros?

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It's still the same kuso since they went back to 2D in 9 but literally forgot you can't put 3D shit on 2D so it's a janky mess, couldn't give 2 (two) fucks about the story though and whatever passed off as "customization" is a fucking joke.

Because you like trannies apparently

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Lol take off the mask homo

>playing sjw kombat
elem fucking mayo

it unironically looks like giving jobs to trannies happened

You had them on too faggot tranny

The game was made by people who didnt know that MK had gore in it.

>playing a game made by misogynists and racists that work their employees like slaves

>PC version STILL busted
why would anybody ever give Ed Boon money again?

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Dissapoinment of game. Only good thing is the gameplay which is very good

Faggots ruin everything

literally trannies and women and fags ruined mk

Never played MK but this design right here is EXTREMELY fappable. Wish there was more videogames with that outfit.

well too bad they killed outfits like that to pander to lefty faggots.

Umm... excuse me, sweetie
We've already come to a consensus on Yea Forums Yea Forums
Mortal Kombat 11 is POWERFUL and BRAVE
If you're Nazi behind doesn't like it, then you can frick off. You're on the wrong side of history

If he pulls that off will he die?