Nintendo E3

I wont reveal my information for obvious reasons. I have extremely credible sources and i trust them 100%. Obviously you cant prove anything that i say but i mean its up to you if you want to believe me or not.
I dont know how to use Yea Forums so sorry if this doesnt look all pretty like all the other "leaks".

First of all, let me talk First Party
- Animal Crossing will be shown and revealed for a Fall release date and the title Animal Crossing: Country Creek. They'll be making a direct later specifially for Animal Crossing with more info and an official release date. Not sure if its going to be played in the Treehouse but i have heard
- The now revealed Luigi's Mansion: Horror Heights will be shown and revealed for an Oct 11th release date. There'll be a story trailer and a few online modes that will be shown during the Treehouse. Ive been hearing talks about DLC and adding new "levels" to the hotel.
- Fire Emblem Three Houses, Daemon X Machina, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and CTR will be shown off again, this is just a reminder for anyone who wasnt aware of the games or for people that forgot. Nothing new to the trailers but they will be played during the Treehouse

- Links Awakening is shown off with a new trailer. Just showing familiar bosses and some new additions. Revealed to release Aug 9th. Will be played during the treehouse
- Game Freak's "Town". Yes the title is still in the works. But it will be shown in a new trailer and played in the treehouse. I'm still trying to get some information on this game from my sources.
- I have been hearing that the Metroid Prime Trilogy will be getting announced during E3. They wanted to reveal it to build up hype for MP4 but now theyre in debate if they should wait until further along in MP4's development.
- Pikmin 3 will be getting a port, not sure if it will be announced during e3.

I will be making a second post regarding 3rd party... anyone able to help with this Yea Forums thing? its still confusing

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How could i forget.
- Smash Bros will be getting a new fighter announced. No information about 5.0 but definetly a new fighter. Im not going to say a name, but i'll just say its "someone very important to me" ;)

>I wont reveal my information because of chuck. I have extremely credible fucks and i trust them 100%. Obviously you cant prove anything that sneed say's but i mean its up to you if you want to believe sneed or not.
I dont know how to use city slicker gadgets yet so sorry if this doesnt look all pretty like all the other "farms".

First of all, let me talk Seed & Feed
- Tomatoes will be shown and revealed for a Fall release date and the title Tomatoes: Tobacco too. They'll be making a direct later specifially for TTT with more info and an official release seed.

>anyone able to help with this Yea Forums thing? its still confusing
You are trying way too hard

>I dont know how to use Yea Forums so sorry if this doesnt look all pretty like all the other "leaks".
>anyone able to help with this Yea Forums thing? its still confusing

This is so fake it hurts.

Goku is in.

Every year

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I'm sorry, I meant Reimu, sorry for the typo.

Yup. Capitalizing the four in Yea Forums always give it away.

If you want to make a fake leak stop doing
>" I can't say who I am for obvious reasons"
No shit fucking retard get on with it
>" I have 100% reliable sources!!!! dude trust me!"
>"It's up to you to believe me"
Either way fake and gay so just kill yourself

based and sneedpilled




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It’s going to be multiplat now ;)
My source is my neighbor’s dog that works at Nintendo

It might actually sell more than 50k copies then. Poor Wonderful 101 was thrown to the Nintendo kiddies who ignored it because of the chibi artstyle. Would have been a million+ seller if it hit 360 and PS3.

As it is now Astral Chain will be the biggest bomb of 2019, a bomb so big no one will even talk about it, just like W101.

I was going to mention CTR during this part of the post but i kinda slipped up, sorry. Another thing, Pokemon will be played in the treehouse. No word on a trailer though, but i personally expect it.
Not lets talk 3rd Party:
- Shin Megami Tensei V will FINALLY be shown off. 2020 Release date
- Not only will Atlus bring Persona 5 to switch, but also Persona 4G and Persona 3 FES and all the Dancing game. Nothing heard about P5R for switch nor P5Scramble being shown off.
- Bayonetta 3 will be shown off too and revealed for 2020. Played during treehouse.
- Astral Chain will be shown off and played at the treehouse
- A ton of Dragon Quest games coming to switch
- Master Cheif Collection and the Xbox Game Pass will be coming to switch, not sure if this will be announced by Nintendo or Microsoft themselves.
- Ori coming to switch
- Cuphead DLC will be shown off, by microsoft.
- FighterZ will be shown for their final DLC character of the second pass. Janemba... sadly.
- Spelunky
- Sims 4
- The Obvious FIFA and NBA
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 will be coming to switch
- Life is Strange and Befor the Storm game will be coming to switch
- Burnout games coming to switch
- Spyro reignited trilogy coming to switch
- Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 will be coming to switch. Not sure if it'll be in the collection, or seperatley. But they're coming
- Devil May Cry 1 2 & 3 will be coming. Dont know if itll be the collection or just them seperatley

There is a shit ton of stuff left. I either dont know it, forogt to meantion it, or rather keep it a surprise for all of you. Theres always the chance these announcments get delayed or my sources were wrong. Nonetheless i hope this post brings hope to someone. We'll all see by E3. Everyone have a nice day/night

hehe yall are funny in these comments. I already have fans, wow.

>Devil May Cry 1 2 & 3 will be coming. Dont know if itll be the collection or just them seperatley
Fake and gay, we already know DMC 1 is separate due to fucking Capcom's lazy ass to not port the whole HD collection instead,

There is no fucking way you aren't underage.

None of the publishers want to spend money on the cartridges, and if they do, they send the tax over to the customers, if you haven't noticed.

Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you? Not that this was legit to begin with.

These are all lies. Here's an actual leak from Nintendo HQ:

>Animal Crossing: Let's Go To the Brothel!
In this game, your character is mistaken for the pimp/madame that runs the new town whorehouse, and the game primarily involves running and expanding your establishment. You can recruit people who live in town as sex workers, netting both you and the NPC's profit. To ensure that villagers stay in your employ, though, you need to get them addicted to drugs or to make frivolous purchases, so they're still too poor to move on with their lives. Ankha and Isabelle do not appear in this game.

>Smash DLC
Fjorm from Fire Emblem Heroes. Fights with her spear Leiptr, and can summon ice projectiles in her attacks. Her Final Smash involves her starting to cough and wheeze, and then falling to the floor convulsing. Once brain death occurs, she'll lose a stock. Her spirits are randomly summoned using orbs purchased with real-world currency.

>Link's Awakening Remake
Tile-for-tile exact remake of the original Link's Awakening. It will be sold at a price of $130 USD.

>Pokemon Sword and Shield
New Mega Evolutions, Z-Crystals and regional forms announced for certain Gen 1 Pokemon. A new mechanic called 'Gen Won' is hinted at, and apparently can drastically increase the power of certain Pokemon from the Kanto region.