Did it just come out at the wrong time? Did the fans move on?
It's like this game just came and went without any sort of impact.
Did it just come out at the wrong time? Did the fans move on?
It's like this game just came and went without any sort of impact.
felt like a game that should have come out in 2014.
Fuck off idiot with this garbage thread
Didn't have good enough gameplay to sustain as something people would talk about for months. Nothing in the story was so shocking as to cause drama. It was fine, I'm glad it's over. Just disappointed nothing ever came out that matched KH2.
no soul
>Did the fans move on?
They came back for KH III, but I'm sure a good chunk of the fanbase has moved on now.
It was good, but they need to hurry up with the Final Mix version or DLC announcement.
This and the worlds were boring.
What happened is that it took too much time to release a "3rd" game.
And how Nomura cant write a story because he makes shit along the way and when a series last this long to finalize only one saga, it's normal for the clusterfuck to be worse which is the most common problem for long ass shounens
The game was just bad. That’s all there is to it.
It was a huge fucking disappointment that couldn't even meet the most basic of expectations the series has built up. The Osaka meme end up being real since the gameplay is flimsy floaty trash nowhere near the level of KH1 and KH2, feels like a sequel to the handheld games rather than the mainline titles.
That's a BIG obstacle fans don't want to admit to. Only major iconic film yet not in is Incredibles.
I don't give a fuck about all the shitposting over the gameplay. I was just really disappointed by the story. Sure, you can say every other KH game's story was disappointing as well (which is wrong) but I still wish they'd done better for 3.
Nomura is just not a talented story teller. Honestly, kill off the villain and REVIVE Roxas, Namine, and Xion. That's bad writing and not the only instance of it.
there's always treasure planet and atlantis
you got some material to work with there
Like with anything that has been anticipated for more than a decade, expectations were dashed. I don't think the game is the worst thing in the world, but it could have been better. I think this is what went wrong:
>the story felt rushed, and unless you're into Disney shit, the Disney worlds aren't very interesting
>the one world that didn't have this problem was Toy Story, but that world was so above every other Disney world in terms of story, gameplay, and design, the others feel worse by comparison
>the boss battles that everyone was looking forward to, the Organization XIII boss battles, felt underwhelming, and honestly fighting every member once or twice, ALONE, should have been the proper way to send these characters off
>the gameplay was fun, but still, I think it lacked some of the speed and response of two, it needed more satisfying combo modifiers and finishers, and Link attacks are pretty spectacles but literally the worst way to use magic in the game
>I'm only a little into crit mode, but it seems it has the 0.2 issue where too little magic is given and Sora sometimes gets hit by stuff that is hard to see
>the final boss's motivations were a letdown, as was the fight itself, which is incomparable to how honestly epic the fight against Xemnas in II was
>again, haven't completed Crit, but the challenges feel like a chore more than a fun thing you want do do repeatedly
>no coliseum
>no dark world exploration; the way everyone is "rescued" is unsatisfying
>no FF characters
>KH might start to have a Sonic problem, in that it has so many new OCs now that it will be hard to have them all be relevant, unless they start going with Sora on missions and stuff; this is all exacerbated because Sora is no longer the only Keyblade wielder, yet he was the only one that felt competent in III. Riku had one moment of glory and that's it, ditto for Aqua. Ven, Namine, Kairi, Terra, and even Roxas didn't really get any
>feels like a sequel to the handheld games rather than the mainline titles.
That's exactly the problem with the story, it bases itself solely on the elements created by Birth By Sleep, Days, and Coded as well as sprinkles of X. It acts as if nobody played them so they recap everything in the game and it comes off incredibly hamfisted, then to add insult to injury they still keep Sora out of the dark of the events of Castle Oblivion, none of them seem to even remember it even when they get there with Aqua.
>combat is too easy and less enjoyable than ever
>story is a mess and not satisfying to either causal or hardcore KH fans
It’s not a bad game, just a disappointing one. Damn if it doesn’t look good though.
I just wish they had spread things out and given characters an actual arc like KH1 and CoM did. For fuck's sake, if they'd just axed a couple of the Disney worlds and fleshed out Twilight Town+ added a new non-Disney world, I don't think anyone would complain. Just have a second visit to Twilight Town in the form of Data Twilight Town to unfuck Roxas instead of handwaving him and literally dropping him from the sky. Fuck, if they had wanted to be SUPER lazy and reuse the PS2 environments for Data Twilight Town, I would've been okay with that. At least it would've been interesting.
I just wish they'd thought things out more instead of shoving EVERYTHING in the last hour.
Not popular and not profitable either. That's another thing, Nomura's team basically picks the generally popular Disney films and if not that? Then Disney Princess Shilling. They just select the solid films.
I want Emperor's New Groove to ridicule the bad writing but that's not going to happen and it's not because Eartha Kitt is dead, film is just not popular enough.
There was nothing fun to do other than the combat, but even that had a limit on fun with how piss fucking easy all the enemies are.
Half-baked recycled ideas from FFXV like cooking, half-baked customization (where was the fucking accessories that you could equip like in 0.2???)
Vapid, soulless worlds. Pretty on the outside, but no actual meat. A whole lot felt wrong.
Olympus was also one of the best worlds, but because of that the fight against the titans was meh. If this world was one of the last worlds they could have made the fight harder, with more shit going on, more punishing and with Hades in the equation.
The events of CoM are being saved for the next game for sure, because Sora will need to recover much than just "getting back"
Some possible solutions
>to make Disney worlds feel necessary, include not only Disney characters, but KH OCs and a plot relevant reason to visit them, other than: "oh hey, I'm sora, visiting because I'm looking for my friends"
>things are looking swell in regards to plot because we already know that Pete and Maleficent know about the Black Box; have things center around the plot of KH, and let Disney be the stage around which the plot unfolds, not a place where the main plot comes to a halt because of bullshit on one gives a fuck about
>gameplay with less emphasis on flashiness, more emphasis on responsiveness and celerity
>I think Drive Forms or something similar should come back; they should be power ups that cost some resource to use, are more powerful than normal Keybalde attacks, have distinct utilities that maintain a balanced level flashy goodness with solid substance behind them
>make shit that occupies your entire MP bar either give you back full health, make you invincible, or preferably both
>no more phantom hits in the middle of things where the player has no control over Sora, and for that matter, less times where the player has no control over Sora
>attractions are cool, but Reaction Commands were cooler, more functional, required better timing, and were less intrusive. bring them back
>make the motivations of the next villains good ones. do away with the fucking vagueness and start creating villains with goals that are apparent, but still keep some twists hidden
>and for fuck's sake, no more bullshit soothsaying destiny shenanigans; let characters have motivations be personal, not cosmic
Game’s good but it’s not good enough
People complaining about the story beats are brainlets though since everything that happened here is the resolution of the games that came after II the same way II resolved the two games before it
Hmm, I think the best things Olympus did was actually letting us explore Thebes and Olympus. Kinda wish the Underworld were part of it too, but oh well. It was great because it starts the game out with a real sense of urgency.. So there's that. But overall I don't think it's anything to write home about.
all the fans grew up and Disney was only interested in the current group of kiddies that like their current brands.
I'm enjoying getting my ass beat in critical now.
Fuck off retard, you made this bait thread three times today and we all told you that nothing was wrong with it.
Who hurt you
>Literally the best selling game in the series
>The writing of the same quality that it's always been (in fact the Disney and Pixar casts were objectively better)
>Fun combat system even donguri liked it and made a combo video
Maybe you just don't like Kingdom Hearts?
If I used Yea Forums as my metric for what affects the larger gaming "zeitgeist" I would genuinely believe Super Smash Bros. was the most popular piece of media in the entire world, Sekiro and Devil May Cry were anything even remotely alike and intertwined fanbases, and gaming websites would run on a scale of "cringe" to "based"
I mean everyone who liked it was probably in their early teens when it came out and had lower standards, and now that they're in their 20s the illusion is gone. From what I've seen KH3 looks exactly as janky and bizarrely written as the first two and it's exactly what you would expect out of another KH game, so I think the fans just grew out of it.
I can forgive the story being rushed, but the combat was fucked. The amount of lag you have after finishing a combo is baffling.
Who hurt you
it seems like a lot of fans were expecting too much and ended up disappointed
>the amount of worlds is less and in scope feels like less than KH2 had
>story is rushed
>floaty gameplay, attacking feels sluggish compared to KH2
>attraction flow ruins the vibe of the game imo
>proud is a joke and the only remotely challenging thing is critical which didnt even come out on launch
>sora became the most childish and stupidest hes ever been
>smartphones hashtags and instagram exists in the lore
>very few KH original levels
>no final fantasy
I just wasn't a fan of KH3 compared to almost every other KH game I played. I can't explain why, but the plot was worse than usual and the gameplay wasn't as satisfying to me as 1, 2, or even some of the handheld games.
>Literally best selling game in the franchise and the best selling game of the year
>No impact
Huge dissapointment, no replay value, bad pacing, rehashed music, worlds that follows the movie were just beyond embarrasing and shows the low interest the devs had in making the game.
All in all, its a kick to the face for the fans
I wished they also revisited the older disney movies, i'd rather see how they make these updated models with the princesses from the older movies instead of the recent cgi ones.
people don't actually like action rpgs, sadly
and fucking nomura literally made the game nothing sequel bait
Literally anyone that played the first two are all 20 to 30 years old. Nobody wants to play garbage kid games.
It was good though
DDD had more soul and it was better
The worst thing that killed it for me was the hype from the trailers, they made everything seem interesting with those short clips but the full context of those moments were so lackluster and even cringey (the scene where sora gives up and every dark aqua scene as examples). They tried to fit too much built up plot in one game but didn't give every emotional or important scene enough time.
It wasn't super advertised despite the hype around it, the ending was a mediocre rushed mess of retcons and a forced twist, the worlds were mostly pretty boring and the combat was the best since KH2FM+ but still far from its polish and design despite the additions and became too damn easy (and Critical, which everyone waited like 3 months for, just crippled your MP and made everything hit like a freight train while giving you more abilities). even boss fights were far more lazy and just cycling the same patterns of 3-4 attacks over and over again compared to any prior games.
despite all the time to develop it and Nomura abandoning FFXV to Tabata's ruination, KH3 still came out half-baked and needed at least another year in the oven. but it's really damn obvious that he's more interested in new stories and X's plotline than resolving all the handheld game shit from the past decade that was mostly meant to tide fans over before growing out of control.
Firstly,the trailers showed waaaaay too much. And secondly i knew it was gonna flop because osaka was making it.
>Link attacks are pretty spectacles but literally the worst way to use magic in the game
This couldn't be further from the truth. Links are far better than magic, especially on Crit where their cost effectiveness is greater due to the MP bar nerf. It's telling how retarded anti-KH3 posters are that you would type up such a lengthy dumb post but not take 10 seconds to verify your faulty information.
>Writing the same quality
>No midway point like in KH2 in Hallow Bastion
The pacing was WAY off in KH3, none of the Organization members did shit until the very end. It would have been a lot better if you fought each one that you found in the world.
Maybe not revisiting worlds hurt the game since they didn't want to bloat them with bosses
can we just say hail to the king?
Never played any re game or dmc
Played every kh game since release and kh3 was the most anticipated piece of media ever to me
Thought almost every aspect of it sucked and was a huge let down
Now I live rent free in your head
Rent free
The real JP KH3 chad is this guy. Check out that magic galvanizer combo at 1:50 he uses to deal a full bar of damage with one Waterza: youtube.com
This is also something we've only recently discovered, Galvanizer is based on hit count, so you can abuse keyblade switching to rack up hits with multi-hit keyblades (like the shield) then switch back to an Element Form keyblade for big damage. Very neat piece of tech.
>it sold a bunch so obviously it is good!
It sold so much through name and name alone.
the game still needs better damage scaling but i think low key food adds so much to the game
wait a minute when you switch keyblades you can still have combo's continuing?
That's what they get for taking so long
Yes. That's how he actives the Mirage Staff finisher without any of the preceding hits.
and finishers can be cancelled into situation commands?
Magic SCs are considered part of the combo yeah.
Not enough extra stuff to keep people interested
Why does kingdom hearts 1 sora sound so good but the others sound like shit.
>Yet another thread of Barry being a butthurt child
It's all so tiresome.
the guy playing him was actually a childback when kh1 was recorded
i have no idea why he still tries to sound child like in kh3 though, sora is 15
It had way less to do than the fucking PS2 games. It was so clearly rushed. 100 Acre Wood shows how blatantly unfinished the game was.