
Attached: Airy.jpg (1250x1142, 356K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Soon what? The game came out years ago.

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I want to fuck that butterfly

I can't even bring myself to finish second

Friendly reminder that Dark Horse lost the Square Enix license, so get those Bravely artbooks sooner rather than later if you don't wanna pay eBay prices for them.

>I can't even bring myself to finish second

I want Edea to sit on my face.

I couldn't bring myself to finish the game.

Hyping their shit like it's gonna revolutionize jrpgs and instead they put microtransactions and their "revolutionary" mechanic is just skipping and stacking turns

and the characters all sucked

Thanks for the tip

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You don't need them. If you use those drinks you're a filthy casual. It's no wonder you didn't like the game.

I couldn't bring myself to finish Default.

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imagine being this braindead

>needing the drinks
>when you can legit break the game with a certain combo
it's not like they patched it to force brainlets to pay2win

edea is perfect bros

Can they get away with it a third time?

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Default's handling of the Groundhog Day was so awful that they turned this gimmick that's always a favorite in other stories (be it games, movies, literature...) into the reason most people dropped the game.
To say it's a crying shame is to say Edea's ass is slightly noticeable.

Meanwhile, Second's gimmick (aka creating a new game+ to continue the story) was really neat and clever

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I want to ____ Anne

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I didn't even get to the time loop (had it spoiled by everyone under the sun so I expected it). I gave up at the...Fire crystal? I don't remember what the land was. The place with all the pirates. The problem was so much fucking dialogue. They'd have a 45 minute cutscene with a dozen characters talking for something that should take two lines of dialogue to convey through an on screen NPC. It's like Golden Sun on steroids.

Everything else about the game was amazing. Music, art design, gameplay, UI, all of it was good. But eventually I just burned out because of the dialogue.

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>Bravely gets a third game before Chrono
There would be riots.

I'd tingle her fairy, if you know what I mean.

They weren't exactly subtle about there being a new game.

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so glad someone made a card based off of my shitty one

>They give it a subtitle that people try really hard to determine what the spoiler meaning is
>it actually has no meaning at all and they just wanted to put cool sounding words to trick players

What if Bravely Third takes place in the same universe as Octopath Traveler?

That would be absolute shit. I don't want Octopath shit tainting Bravely Third. Bravely Third needs to be about Ringabel playing interdimensional police.

then I have 2 games I need to finish rather than just 1

Octopath is better than bravely though.

That was the frustrating part with the story itself - it's all based on characters being absolutely awful at communicating, so they'll talk a lot but not do or say the simple thing that would solve everything.

It's really puzzling that this game that is mostly nostalgiabait for the people who miss the old era of FF games would have a story tailored for small children.

Hold up, are you the mrgrgrgr guy from the booru?
Because that card isn't shit and I consider the one I use now a mere edit.

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I bought the game because I loved FFIII remake. But yeah, FFIII had like 0.01% story and 99.99% class grinding. Bravely Default is like 80% story and 20% gameplay. So if their intention was to be a throwback to FFIII or V, it failed hard.

Technically Chrono Cross is the third game.

>Someone says 2 is about the illuminati
>Thought that meant a secret society
>Some dickweed spoils the final boss in a video about 4th wall breaks wihtout even a warning
>It's literally the illuminati symbol

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I don't see what it would add or ruin, Octopath's world wasn't very memorable. I don't remember crystals being mentioned but that doesn't mean it can't have any.

Regardless, I would like to see Octopath Traveler's characters to have cameos in a future BD game, like Disgaea does

Yeah oddly enough the plot/gameplay balance is closer to FFIX, a game without the job system.

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Barely anyone played Radical Dreamers much less finished it.

I want to fuck the pope

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The dialogue didn't really burn me out. It's an RPG so I expected there to be a decent amount of cutscenes and character interaction. I got it because I loved Final Fantasy 3 and Final Fantasy 5 and wanted something with similar gameplay. Bravely Default satisfied that desire. The only thing that burned me out was the groundhog day shit. THAT was when dialogue started to piss me off, because I had been through a lot of this stuff already. It was fine to revisit some of it in chapter's 5 and 6 because it seemed like they changed enough of it to keep things interesting, but by around 7 and 8 it was starting to wear thin. Fortunately the endgame was well worth it as the final boss was pretty amazing.

>80% dialogue and 20% gameplay
I wouldn't go that far. Sure, some of it could be rather lengthy, but you had plenty of dungeons, jobs, enemies and bosses. It had all the trappings of a classic Final Fantasy. Story was just a bit lengthy, but again, it's a modern day RPG. I've experienced worse. I would say its major flaw is the groundhog day shit. I think without that, it would be way better.

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I want to fuck the Grand Marshal's daughter!

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Not him but no it ain't, worse story(s) and the combat is just a shallower version of BD with minimal job customization or depth and no downside to blowing all your BP. You only have to gain by blowing your BP nothing to lose.

Yep. My problem with it was that I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel just to get her outfit right. I think I used a fucking leotard just to get the black on her top. It hardly mattered for the studio but for the actual game it was annoying.

As for BD itself I think my favorite part was trying to figure out what each character's asterisk were. DeRosa was my favorite character since he completely made me feel like a moron. It was so fucking obvious he was a red mage (his name is literally just red) but I figured he was going to be a dancer or a bard. I was so ready to kick his ass once I found out though since red mages have always been one of my favorite jobs.

After a while though the magic runs out and it gets really formulaic (something that plagued both BS and OT) which makes the later half just feel like a chore to get through and stops being fun.

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The only Bravely Third I will accept is one that's about Ringabel and Edea traveling through dimensions to find the sword of brave. Then at one point they go to the starting city that is burned to the ground and find the corpses of Tiz and Agnes.

based and blondepilled

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Please don't harm my precious farm boy.

Bonus vocalized version

I see exactly what you mean, trying to get a sleave-less black skintight shirt drove me up the wall when I made Roll Caskett.

As is, Edea doesn't really allow partial stripping, it's either fully clothed or naked.
We always have the Bravo Bikini, I guess.

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The bravo bikini is god's gift to mankind.

I am ready for a Bravely game with console RPG production budget.

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>We always have the Bravo Bikini, I guess.
Based Yulyana.

Before that (or simultaneously), give me an HD remaster or even a straight port of the first 2 games to the Switch. I want the trilogy available so that I can retire my 3DS

I want to give Edea ALL of my stockpiled BP!

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I would still like them to stick with the chibi design. But yeah, I want HD quality hand drawn backgrounds, intricate enemy and boss designs, amazing looking summon attacks, etc. The identity should be the same as the first game (second can suck my nuts) but improved immensely.

magnolia was such wasted potential but her personality just felt like a shittier agnes. just like how...uh whatever his name was ACTUALLY a shitttier tiz.

Boy do I have an RPG series for you.

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He is (you). Sorry I meant Yew

Having such a big budget would actually make the game worse. The bigger Square projects get, the more they focus on graphics and FMVs and ignore gameplay/design. Most of the best Square games in the last two decades have been the cheaper spin off games.

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>lets have TWO oblivious dark haired japanese protagonists
what were they THINKING

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I literally cannot be the only person who didn’t mind the time skips right
I mean the game allows you to set the encounter rate to 0 and not get punished level curve wise at that point in the game, you can mow through the crystal bosses pretty easily.

You wot
Magnolia is assertive and looks so much like a vilain that you expect her to turn evil the entire game

Agnes sounds and behaves like a high school catechism teacher

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Don't worry friend. I had no problems with the repeat chapters either.

>All of this fanart
>Magnolia has only one pic in the thread so far
She was such a disappointment.

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It's just that Agnes and Edea are already so perfect that Magnolia gets overshadowed hard.

World of Echoes was designed pretty deliberately, all the same it's hard switching gears to just flying around to all the waypoints after the first one.

lord packs soon?

But Agnes is terrible. Magnolia's problem is we expected her to be a real baal buster based on the default ending.

What will be the subtitle gimmick for Bravely Third? They've already broken the 4th wall. What can be done to top that?

Yeah it's not like she gets Yew in shape to face his problems, he's already determined.
She's a complimentary waifu that only becomes plot relevant at the end of the game

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>and looks so much like a vilain that you expect her to turn evil the entire game
not when she screams GUDU GURAVURY every time she opens her whore mouth.

most of the game she's just a cocksock for yew and hardly develops as a character on her own.

No, it's that she seems kickass at the end of BD, then in BS her only personality is lusting over Yew.

>Agnes is terrible

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The only thing that bugged me was how little information you got on every repeat. The actual battles were a cakewalk and not worth complaining about.

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Considering that Bravely Second makes it so both Agnes and Edea are one-note characters with no real personality, Magnolia fits right in perfectly.

Yeah it was kind of like the endless 8 of video games. Obviously not as horrible though

why was she so good?

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I'm done buying censored Bravely Default games.

Tiz-kun, denwa~

The worst part is that even if you turn the voices off, just by reading the text you can hear it in your head. They couldn't have picked anything more annoying to repeat 200 times over the course of the game.

It actually reminded me a lot of Higirashi no Naku Koro Ni where you kind of get irritated halfway and want them to get to the point already come ON. Not as bad as that, just a similar kind of frustration.

Because the entire cast is so full of dense, uncommunicative assholes incapable of doing any sort of thinking that you eventually just start cheering for the evil fairy.

It was so forced I expected it was all an act

It's not like either were never done before stuff, there's still a lot of plot twist material to go through.
Give (you) the player an integral role?
It's all a dream that the protag must wake up from?
The party is actually evil and you must make them lose?

Based and fairypilled

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Dropped it after it told me I had to do recycled boss fights over and over for the "true ending"

Yea nah fuck that

will buy bravely third in a heartbeat if it's announced at E3 tho

It's a shame Anne doesn't have as much fanart as Airy

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Yeah, Airy's a Drawthread staple too and hogs all the good shit.

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You should not buy any censored games. Problem is, then you'd never be able to play any Japanese games.

Airy is with the party more, while Anne's more in the background chilling with Yew's retarded brother.

Remember the time that one edgy dude got cucked by himself?

Think we'll see Denys in Bravely Third? It was kind of set up what with him being trapped in time and Ringabel being a time cop.

What, how?

I wonder if the light novel will be made canon or not, it featured Ringabel after Default

I honestly hope not. Got tired of him by the end of Bravely Second.

Are we actually getting a new bravely game announcement at E3?

There's been no mention of Bravely since those tweets around the time of Octopath's release. I really hope Bravely Third is a surprise announcement.

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>Square Enix is bringing more of its stories to the page. The video game company has announced a new deal with Penguin Random House Publisher Services that will bring all-new original titles from the company behind iconic game properties from Space Invaders to Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider to the American market under its own banner for the first time. Square Enix is known primarily in the U.S. as a video game company, but in its native Japan, it’s also responsible for books, magazines and manga publications centered around its many properties. In the past, the company has licensed those properties — and translations of its own original material — to existing U.S. publishers, most notably Dark Horse Comics, which has published material based on Final Fantasy, NieR: Automata and Bravely Default, as well as Tomb Raider comic books, in recent years.

Dark Horse have been in bad financial shape for the last few years now with this being their latest blow.

>Bravely Third announced
>it uses the shitty realistic boxart proportions instead of higher quality chibi models

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>no chibi models

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where the FUCK are all the fine-ass thicc fairy sex dolls what has gone wrong with civilization that I need to ask this fucking question

If Revo doesn't come back for the third game, I'm not going to buy it.
Who am I kidding, I'll still buy it day one.

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Agnes is hot, but boy is her personality and voice annoying. Edea is cute and her personality/voice are sex. The Japanese versions of course.

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I mustn't lust after a holy woman...

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I did get tired of it about the third time around but it didn't ruin the game for me or anything.


Nah, I didn't care either.

I wanna fuck that elf

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more than rinne at least
poor thing,cute fairy doomed to obscurity because she was tied to a failed mobile game


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Woah they make onaholes with wings now?

I bet she could do amazing things to ones urethra and nipples.

using a condom is UNACCEPTABLE

fucking bitch fairy

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