Is there anything else to look forward to at E3?

Is there anything else to look forward to at E3?

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Dante being revealed as the next Smash character.

They might have some FFXIV stuff there, I guess.

Luigi's Mansion 3.


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>looking forward to E3
>any year after 2005

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If they go back to basics, that would be great. They've had their little experiments. Time to get back to their roots.

God that is so old. I loved gamespot

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2015 was pretty fucking good.

>Nier Automata reveal
>The Last Guardian
>Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>Shenmue 3

I remember that being the one that Sony "won" on a bunch of multiplats that wouldn't release for years and a kickstarter.

That was definitely one of the most hype but I cant think of the last e3 where almost everything was good.
I mean dude were talking 2 of the most anticipated games of all time. Thats all it took that year anyways since the rest was shit

>Only one of those games was real

Remember how many people creamed themselves at Bethesda over TES6 despite them saying they aren't even rebeginning development for a few more years.

Its basically just this and smash DLC. Nothing else is interesting

meant for

But you knew about all of those games outside of E3. Them being announced at E3 is no longer an event. It's just a shareholders meeting.

Here's one of the latest kickstarter updates for Shenmue 3 if anyone's interested

No, nobody is.

I'm looking forward to a DQ XI S release date and maaaybe some Bayonetta 3 and SMT V info. I'll be a little surprised if there's no Luigi's Mansion info either.

>caring enough about Dragon Quest to promote it at E3

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I would like to see more footage and a release date for doome

Chrono Trigger remake teaser.

I believe this one. I'm glad it happened after the comfy DMC threads were already dead.

Yeah, I know, but I'm expecting Nintendo to.

For me personally
>FFVII Remake
>Luigi’s Mansion 3
>Astral Chain
>Whoever the fuck the next Smash character is
>Fable revival
>Battletoads revival
>PvZ Garden Warfare 3
>Maybe AA7 and SMTV shows up

It'll be Nero.

Who gives a fuck about this? Like if it comes out and it's fantastic, hell yeah, but why get hyped after the last ten years of Square and just end up being unhappy if it's not exactly what you want?

Also Game of Souls is clearly the only thing that matters now. Especially because it'll probably be out in a decent amount of time. Not 2022

Waiting on more KLK

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I'd be fine with that. I seriously doubt it though. As much as I like Nero, Dante is still the face of the franchise.

>but why get hyped after the last ten years of Square and just end up being unhappy if it's not exactly what you want?
You just described the core FF fanbase. Getting eternally hyped for something that ultimately disappoints them. That's why Final Fantasy keeps selling. People get hyped over trailers and graphics, not game content.

For me it's
>FF7 news
>next Smash DLC
>whatever the fuck Rare have planned, assuming its anything good

What about Outlast 3? Any news on that?

Kinda interested if Retro Studios is still working on that thing they're supposedly working and what the fuck it actually is.

>Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay and release date
>Babylon's Fall gameplay and release date
>New From IP
>FF VII remake gameplay
>New game from Capcom
Not E3 but there is a high chance for 2019 TLOU2 release and if they announce it, they gonna do it around E3


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I think you misunderstood me as a seething ff hating autist, but I actually enjoyed FFXV exactly because I didn't let myself get hyped at all afyed how shit XIII was (probably my least favorite game of all time). All signs point to VIIR being a disaster with failed development, episodic releases for 60 parts, the combat being FFXV/KH, etc. People are going to end up crying and being butthurt rather than just being able to enjoy what it is. Again. And it'll probably be okay, but completely different than the original and not anything otherworldly astonishing.

>>New From IP
Hold your horses there pal, we still need four Sekiro sequels before they make another hard hack-and-slash IP.

They announced recently that Retro Studios has taken over development of Metroid Prime 4. And they're starting over from scratch, so there won't be any news about it for years.

The rumored retro original project was just that. A rumor. May never pan out, like how Factor 5 never made the game they teased for the GameCube.

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I wasn't speaking of you but just the FF hype train in general. Fans tend to hype any FF game based on just a few trailers and no actual gameplay details. Then when the game finally comes out, there's a huge backlash because it doesn't look and play exactly like the pre rendered cutscenes from a trailer 5 years before.

As for FFVII:R, people will bitch to high heaven about every little change it makes compared to the original PS1 game. Which will be almost the entire game. But they'll all still buy it.

looks like shit

Is it just me or does cloud look off in the remake? I don't know he seems too....realistic?

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No shit, they're going for realism.

Zoomers will never understand what makes these games special. I just hope the minigames from 1 and 2 return and that some new arcade games are introduced. Forklift racing would be great too.

It's just Yakuza, but shit.

Nintendo's new 3D Zelda, it's releasing next year & will likely get a 98 on Metacritic

Well that's good to hear. But now I'm curious as to exactly why they had to start over from scratch. Not that I'm surprised that outsourcing it to a chink studio didn't exactly work out but details are fun.

>he somehow has missed the news despite Yea Forums being 90% threads about it at this exact moment

Yeah, it's realism. Barret's feet won't be the size of car tires.

look at that hair just melt away

>implying it's not just Sekiro 2 but written by Martin

Retro needing to start from scratch doesn’t mean they stopped their project

It still exists and Reggie leaked it by accident

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Go watch the announcement. The person explains it, in a refreshing bit of openness from a corporation admitting their mistakes.

>Not that I'm surprised that outsourcing it to a chink studio didn't exactly work out
Massive generalizations never work. Because not only are there plenty of good games outsourced to "chink" studios, but your generalization is making Nintendo itself sound unable to finish games. Which is clearly wrong.


bugman detected

>plenty of good games outsourced to "chink" studios
Such as...?

>that cleavage
There is literally no way that Aeris is not a hooker. That flower girl thing seems to be true

wait why does saying outsourcing to chinks is a bad idea = nintendo can't finish games?

By that logic, than 90% of FF girls are hookers.

Shovel Knight King Knight shadow drop.
New Bravely game.
New Splatoon expandion and or spin-off.
New Etrian Odyssey.
New Monolith Soft game.
The From Software game that was developed alongside Sekiro.

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New switch model. Possible state of play right veggie e3 to announce ps5

>all these squlliam edits
Yep, E3 is around the corner

You mean beside Bannerlord?

More Cyberpunk 2077 news
Animal Crossing
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Dragon Age 4
Halo Infinite
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Half-Life 3
Death Stranding
Possibly new console reveals

Censorship 2

It could be interesting. While I didn't really like Outlast 2 I want new horror games.

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Nah man ain’t gonna happen since it was delayed and outsourced.
>Dragon Age 4
Oh boy enjoy a live service game made by shit ware an electronic aids
>new console reveals
Most likely only from Microsoft

cyberpunk and final 7 not expecting anything amazing

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