Holy fuck this game is good. I'm at third chapter. Why did Yea Forums totally undersell it?

Holy fuck this game is good. I'm at third chapter. Why did Yea Forums totally undersell it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good for you. Have fun. The rifle is your best friend.

I'm trying to save ammo for it and only used it in the boss fight so far

It's a great game and all, but if anything Yea Forums oversells it.

did you get to the part where you have to remove the g virus out of ashley's armpits with your tongue? that sure was the highlight of the game for me

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I don't think anyone undersells it. It is often regarded as the best game in the franchise, even if purists think it became the point where RE became a laughing stock.

>undersell it

Great job

because 'muh precedent'

it's a masterpiece, one of the best games ever made in the history of Earth history

remember to knife the bear traps to save ammo

Should I buy it a 7th time?


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RE4 is one of the best games in the franchise along with REmake. People give it flak because Capcom thought they people liked more action than campy but it was the campy they liked. The final area of the game were all the Ganados are military suck. The village and castle were top tier though.

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I don't understand why RE purists hate on 4 so much. REmake is my favorite, but the gameplay of 4 & 5 is just too fun to hate

Probably yeah

The game is a masterpiece in pacing and feel. Controls are tight and fit the claustrophobic aesthetic. Was at the start of the "everything is an RPG with levels and upgrades" so it felt fresh. Enemies are enjoyable to yoink. Its pretty much got everything you need.

Also Red 9 is based

one of the very few games I buy continuously

The entire series is fucking great, and even if you truly hate an entry it has something that you can at least applaud it for.
RE6 is one of the smoothest games ever made even if you think it ruined the series.

It's the best biohazard hands down. Everything just works well in that game, and it has a lot of replay value. It's just a really good gemu.

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I agree. I enjoyed 5, 6, and 7.
All for different reasons but I can understand why people dislike them because they had expectations. I just never have good expectations about anything....

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Look I like the game and have played thru it more times than I can count, but the pacing could use work, it definitely drags in the middle an the island is way longer than it needs to be.

Zoomer detected. This is top 5-10 for everyone who was 12 and over at the time it came out.

One of the best games ever made.

5 is one of the best coop games you can play. It's so comically over the top and fun. 6 is pretty garbo tho, you cant really deny it. I think 7 was a good change of pace game, they did alot of things different and they mostly worked.

Sorry, user...

>12 and over
Yikes. Imagine being that much of a zoomer that you were in high school when the 6th gen consoles were out.

Because one retarded vocal rebeccaposter can't handle the fact that RE4 didn't kill the classic RE — RE0 did.

Its fun, but goddamn do i hate QTEs and the island

The reason you think the pacing is off is because you're played it more times than you count. We can agree there is a slight drag in the middle and the island isn't as primo but for a first play through the difficulty is spot on for all points.

>tfw you've beaten RE4 twice but never actually bought it

I'm down to get it on Switch...when the price drops. Or if they release a physical version, that works too.

lol Krauser stabbed u ded faget

Imagine thinking the island is shit

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Jesus stfu, RE4 is like one of three games that isn't shit on here.

>Code Veronica

Only twice? k zoomer
try about 50-100 times and buying it seven times

Resident Evil 0 is genuinely an awful game with nothing good in it. There is no reason to play it, ever, in all honesty besides "lemme say I beat it."

6 is awful as an RE game, but so is 0. At least 6 is fun outside of being an RE game and has good side modes

But 0 is the only genuinely bad "numbered" title (including the Revs)

>can't deny it
It's in my top 5, legit great game.
1. Skies of Arcadia
2. Dragon's Dogma
3. Age of Empires 2
4. Resident Evil 6
5. Symphony of the night

we kind of expect zoomers to be totally unimpressed with lastgen graphics, so even old classics tend to get undersold

Yea Forums overhypes this game. It's good but the Village is the peak. Castle and Island arent that good.

Is there ever any reason to pick the Blacktail over the Red9?

Castle drags a bit but has tons of kino moments, and island has Krauser U3 and Regenerators. Imagine not enjoying that shit. End yourself.

Rev2 is worse, its barely even a game, more like DLC-based laundering scheme.

The most important question is why the FUCK are the bonus weapons so expensive? I beat Ada's missions just to try the Chicago Typewriter but now that I see I'd have to do two full playthroughs to get the money for it I might as well stop now.

most of Yea Forums wasn't alive when this game originally came out on gamecube, what do you expect?

True. 0 and CV are garbage. 6 has potential but squanders it

its one of the greatest of all time

What if Ashley, a Regenerator, Saddler, Leon, Ada, "That Dog", Krauser, and Verdugo showed up at your house?

If I had to rank the RE's I've played I would probably go:
RE4 > RE3 > REmake 2 > RE2 > RE1 > Revelations 1
been meaning to play 5, 6, and 7.

U3 is lame
Krauser is probably the best boss fight in the game true
Regenrators were cool. But they dont make up for the overall crappiness of the later levels

Imagine being offended by Rev 2, which cost 20 at launch and was a great AA game (which is EXACTLY what games need more of, mind you), because it was a budget game that cost the price of one with a weird release structure to keep people playing raid mode longer. Especially after the three weeks it actually released. Imagine it. Imagine not being able to enjoy it even though it was genuinely a good title and had the real sequel story to 5 just because of that.

0 looks nice at least, the train still looks fucking amazing.

Sell your shit and buy it

>13 GB on the Switch version
It's the same thing for Remake and 0, fucking why

I sold all my treasures I can sell now, I'm just shy of 300K because I couldn't complete the more profitable combinations though.

I still miss him Yea Forumsros :(

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Been a long time comrade.

I love RE4, but it's a little ridiculous how many re-releases it's had

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>you'll never know what kind of bar he liked

Sell your weapons retard



Rev 2 was far superior to 1 but the partner characters have shit gameplay and it feels like a ripoff of The Last of Us

0's train section is good. The rest? Ehh...

>he doesn't own ALL of the versions
I have a copy of the texture HD pack too

I still won't have enough. Do you think I didn't consider this?

If they'll keep buying it, Capcom will keep making it.

I don't understand how this game is so highly regarded when the general consensus is "everything past the village kind of sucks"
The village is fantastic, castle is shit and drags on FAR, FAR too long, and the island is uninspired and bland.
The game follows the same exact pattern over and over to the point of parody if it was made today
>Stocking up on items and ammo
>All of a sudden arena filled with enemies that whittles down your supplies so the next area is more tense
The camera and movement is fine, enemies with distinct audio cues really help, too bad half of the enemies in the game don't actually have stereo sound so you get blindsided constantly, namely in the Castle.
Regenerators could have been the best enemy in the game, tense, hard to kill, the player would need to take calculated risks (Do I use ammo to cripple it? Do I risk running past? Etc.), but literally 3 minutes after the enemies introduction you get the ability to kill them. The entire point of the enemy is null before you even leave the area you initially met them in.
Resident Evil 4 is the most overrated game of all time and laid the groundwork for the samey, shit TPS games we got from there, onwards.

Probably, since you should easily have enough right now unless you're pants on heads Patrick levels and wasted tons of money or missed almost everything

To this day I think back and wonder how Re4 could've been THE Resident Evil game when it was still in early development. I mean, it's still a great game but damn.

What version is that with Mendez on the cover for the gamecube?

Why buy this so many times?

But that's not the general consensus at all besides the castle dragging on too long

The Hook Man castle thing looked great.

I've never seen a single person defend the island and like you said, everyone agrees the castle drags on way too long.
The Village from start to finish is amazing, the Castle has like 3 good moments, and the Island is bad overall. This is the consensus I've picked up from Yea Forums over the years.

Why does the Switch version doesn't have motion controls like the Wii version Yea Forums?

I own the original Gamecube Version, bought the Wii edition for the optical aiming, and got the PC version on Steam for a dollar because I wanted the novelty of playing through the game with Leon keeping his jacket

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>Buying regional versions
>"Awww guys, look, they've used different font for loading screens!!"
Theres absolutely no reason to buy any PAL releases outside of covers, which were generally cooler than lame NTSC ones, and you know it.

Back in 2005 I bought RE4 to look cool in front of my cousin and I wasn't into horror games at all (not that the game was any scary). I'm probably buy it on Switch just for the handheld experience

no. original pistol fully upgraded is best weapon

How many times did you buy this game, Yea Forums?

I got it when it first came out on the Gamecube, then bought the PS2 edition because someone got me the chainsaw controller as a gift. Then I bought it on Steam - and hopefully that'll be the last time.

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>PC 2007
I'm so sorry.

I've always avoided playing this game
what's the best version I should play?

I wish I could still enjoy it but I've played it so much I can't anymore. Maybe for one last playthrough once the hd mos is finished whenever that is.

when you think of the island you think of krauser and regeneradors but the majority of it is less enjoyable than everything that came before

>whoops, it had a Plagas! :^)
lol no

The island literally has the two high points of the game for most people

>all the complaints of "bad" parts in re4
The worst part of RE4 is still better than the average game. Have a sense of proportion, guys.

Wii Edition essentially is full-fledged GC version with bonus PS2 content, widescreen support and remote controls added on top, you can play it with GC-controller as well, so its pretty much the best way to play authentic RE4. Otherwise any currentgen version is fine enough in terms of gameplay and optimization, but visuals were mildly butchered with rescaling. Just avoid PS2 and PC 2007 versions at all costs. Switch port should be okay and runs 60 even in portable mode, supposedly.

Remake has shit cotrols tho, I can't, for the love of Capcom, properly transition my controls when you change an area

thanks in advance

slightly more dps, takes less space (blacktail has the same stability as red9 with stock to my knowledge), fires quicker etc.
red9 does more damage thereby being more ammo efficient, but blacktail can keep crowds down easier since they both do the same stun in the same shot. though if you have the tmp than it fills that role better than the blacktail. Red9 costs less in total to buy and fully upgrade but not by much
I'd say that red9 is better if you're carrying the tmp as well, but I'm biased since I love the reddo-nain's aesthetic more, I just like it's look and sound

So happy we're finally at a point where a ps2 game can run on switch at 60fps

I like the PS4 port well enough but holy fuck they ruined the Separate Ways cutscenes, they're like a 144p youtube video on my screen.

10th anniversary

I'm gonna be called retard but I like the left texture for leon's jacket more
I know it's less detailed but the right looks way more rough than I imagined, looks like some trypophobia shit, should be smooth instead

>Ganado that are actually dangerous
>Jet skiing

The island is kino

Fuck consensus. The castle is the best section of the game.

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Separate Ways cutscenes are SD quality videos in every version, as far as I concerned.

That's not retarded. While the right texture is more detailed, it clashes with every other lowres texture there. You'd probably like it more if everything else had the same attention as the jacket

5th time I'm buying it, how many times have you bought it Yea Forums?

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Huh I had no idea that existed.
>hundreds of dollars from internet resellers for one of those late generation cardboard box repackages like for DMC and GTA on PS2
Why is Gamecube stuff so expensive these days?

Really? It's surprising they'd be okay with that.

For me, it's the mine launcher. I think the devs had a soft spot for it too considering how it utterly owns the final boss.



how well does it run? might grab it myself

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>Not only will you need cash but you'll need guts to buy that weapon.
What did he mean by this?

>widely considered one of the best games of all time
>crops up on every Yea Forums best games list
>frequently included on people’s 3x3s

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you either go red9 or you go home.

Yea Forums literally sucks it's dick at every opportunity, and for good reason. It's one of the 11 best games of all time

The mine launcher is such a beast. Agreed.

>Red 9 is based

I only allowed myself to use the Red9 after Luis died, because in my headcannon it wouldn't make sense for Leon to have Luis' gun until Leon took it as a memento of his dead friend. Even though they only knew each other for like a day Luis was still a bro.

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>1. Skies of Arcadia

Legit. That game is my fave as well

has the high texture patch come out now?

It's still downloading, from what I've been reading, the complaints are
>digital only
>no motion controls like the Wii version
But as far as how it runs, nothing but good things, ill just have to see for myself once it finishes downloading.

last i recall latest release was still July 2018

>not completing the whole game with the basic handgun only

>not going for a knife run.

No Dead Space without RE4

>be surrounded by enemies
>shoot one in the face with mine
>realize the fucking thing won't explode for several seconds and you're still surrounded and if you don't escape the blast radius you just blew yourself up

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>12 and older when it came out.
I was 21.......why am I here?

>Why did Yea Forums totally undersell it?


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The P.R.L. is free, unlock it, buy it, and sell everything else. You'll have over 1 mil by chapter 3 easy.

Go to bed grandpa

>It's the best biohazard hands down

rofl no, it IS top 5 but it's not the best one.

>can't handle the fact that RE4 didn't kill the classic RE — RE0 did

Sweet summer child what killed it was making RE a Nintendo exclusive for no fucking reason and then blaming the fanbase and casual fans for not buying a whole extra console just to play it, that and the fact Mikami wanted to make a completely different game and new IP but was forced to use the title "Resident Evil 4" by Capcom. Looks like he got his fucking way in the end as usual. People need to realise that RE4 wasn't some magic goldmine, it made hardly any more sales on gamecube than REmake or RE0. 250,000 more sales than REmake. Thats it. It still made Capcom seeth.

Not really. REmake and RE0 have had almost as many ports:

I am, I bought the switch port

The reason why I didn't play this game for so long is because I fell for the “everything after the village is shit” meme. I finished the game yesterday and the only bad parts were maybe some escort moments with Ashley and aside from those the entirety of the game was excellent.

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>I've always avoided playing this game

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Based goose poster
Based and redpilled, the series would never have going to shit if REmake wasn't a Gamecube exclusive.

>Leon... I want you to have... *cough*
>my ballistics

>play Resident Evil (1996) after Yea Forums tells me it's the best survival horror game ever made
>it's ok but really repetitive and took a while to slog through all the backtracking and item fetching
>play Resident Evil 2 (1998)
>after Yea Forums tells me it's the best survival horror game ever made
>it's ok but really repetitive and took a while to slog through all the backtracking and item fetching, ended up ditching it after a couple hours once I realised it would be the same thing over again
>play Resident Evil 2 (2019) after Yea Forums tells me it's the best survival horror game ever made
>it's ok but really repetitive and took a while to slog through all the backtracking and item fetching

Why do you keep making shit up, Yea Forums?

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>its another "RE didn't sell on GC well enough coz nintendo!!!!!!" episode
Read Capcom official sales reports, you scrub. Original REmake sold a shitload. RE0 barely sold shit, even with HD rerelease. I bet youre one of those superbunnyfaggot listeners who thinks that nintendo crowd was never a target audience for RE, while completely ignoring the fact that series was on nintendo consoles since 1999.

RE0 was a garbage that nobody loved, that's it.

>Why did Yea Forums totally undersell it?
You're being disingenuous

>Why did Yea Forums totally undersell it?
Top fucking kek.

>RE HD Remaster (Steam) — over 800k sold
>RE0 HD Remaster (Steam) — barely 150k sold
Yeah, right, fans love RE0 soooo muuch.

Why do you keep trusting any opinion other than your own?

>Guy in fridge on fire
I liked that part...

because I don't know many survival horror games, and I want to play the good ones, but nobody talks about the good ones.
I played Condemned and it was really good and haven't found anything like it since. Tell me where the survival horror games are RIGHT NOW.

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Why do you have utter fucking shit zoomer taste?

I love super Kojima shill's tales from his ass.

Thank God, for mey, YOUNGOOOUT.

>Original REmake sold a shitload.

You fucking retard. They all did garbage on gamecube. RE sales dropped by MILLIONS the SECOND it was off PlayStation.


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You like it when games waste the players time and send them back and forth across the same corridors because you only have 6 inventory slots but you need to carry like 20 keys to open all the doors you haven't found yet?
Good, tell me which RE games you like, so I can skip over them, and tell me the ones you hate, because they'll end up being the good ones.


They sold nearly the same you fucking retard.


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Play RE5, RE6 and ORC, clearly made for you.

Is this actually fucking bait?

I've actually played that one and it wasn't really a horror game. What's ORC like?
I'm sure 6 is fun but I want horror games, 6 is like 5 right?

>Over the million sales on a single console
Are you retarded?

Are you? Thats fucking jokes compared to what RE used to bring in. They didn't even outsell RE3.

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He was taking the fucking piss out of you user, he's calling you a shitter, not making a genuine recomendation. The answer is "fucking awful"

Should I play RE1 before REmake? I'd rather get it out of the way first if it's bad, but I played the train segment up until the timed sequence and it was kinda fun desu. Although, I also liked Code Veronica X so maybe I'm odd.

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Fug, I meant RE0, not RE1. I've played RE1 already, it was fun.

>Should I play RE1 before REmake?
>I'd rather get it out of the way first if it's bad
It secured the entire franchise and was a suprise hit. Its a good game.
>but I played the train segment up until the timed sequence and it was kinda fun desu
Thats RE0

Fucking based. Love how Yea Forums shuts the fuck up when it gets hit with the actual facts.

Despite sales, which RE game keeps getting threads?


again but in English please. Genuinly dont understand what you are asking.

Once again, in English, despite the sales numbers posted, we see more threads and admiration for RE4 than the rest.

REmake 2. Should have been at 7mil+ by now but plebs gonna pleb.

I played RE4 a ton with my family as a kid
I replayed it after a while with my dad and now I was so good that even though the sequence where you escort ashley and she has to rotate two cranks while defending her and you from enemies left right and center is one we normally dread, I realized there's a certain pattern to it and was able to kill every enemy without any of them ever getting close to me or ashley, never did I take damage and never did she get grabbed. felt good, like I opened a third eye
that's autistic but that would actually be amazing if they allowed you to pick up a Red9 off luis after his death

it's probably one of the best 20 games ever made.

What the fuck? There are REmake threads all the fucking time. You act like Yea Forums doesn't "respect" whatevet it thinks they are supposed to. Never heard the common expression "why is Yea Forums ALWAYS wrong?"

>caring about sales

everyone loves re4

>f-fuck im rustled...

fucking lmao, i love RE4 too user, had it day 1 on my shittercube, but delusional excuse making cunts like you are the worst. Facts are facts.

It gets boring as fuck once you get to the castle and it never gets good again.

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didn't DMC3 sell less than DMC2?

Are you moving goalposts on me? The original argument was the RE sold like shit on the Gamecube

Welcome to survival horror, it's kinda how the genre works.

Which it did

Yea Forums was actually desperately shitting on this game because they seriously believed burger shooters for 360 were superior. and they suddenly get bored of them this gen and are too busy dealing with sjws.

No idea, whats that got to do with RE?

But RE wasn't horror, nothing was scary, it was just chore after chore. Busywork. Go here fetch this go here fetch that
Where the FUCK are the games like Condemned?

sales do not indicate shit and anyone who cares about them has a worthless opinion

>tfw just finished probably my 9th playthrough on the fifth system
Only game I ever go back and replay tbqf

Correct. My point is that despite that, RE4 is remembered fondly.

>but its not survival horror!
>*plays game
>WOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW where is all the action Yea Forums promised me??

Why the fuck are you still here? Ok you dont like RE, i dont WRPGs but i dont shit up their threads sitting there as the ONLY user saying "ur game is shit! What do you all think about THAT?!"

It's very good, but it's also ugly and has never once received a good port.

They indicate a fucking lot as a component part of how a game is. Yea Forums doesn't like to discuss that because actual figures backed up with sources btfo of their vapid crying in threads.

Rule of thumb:

High sales + praise >low sales + praise >high sales + negative/mixed >low sales + negative/mixed

one of the most overrated games ever
it's a fucking third person shooter... jezes get over it

I'm not shitting up threads, I'm asking where the good games are.

worthless opinion
nu-god of war is the best action game ever made then huh?

>still doing it

You have been told. Fuck off already.

>ever made

But one of them, sure why not? Take Yea Forums's dick out of your mouth for 2 seconds and stop pretending that you need to parrot memes here in what makes a good or bad games. "snoy" isn't a fucking argument or an excuse for you to be trying this hard to fit in.

Shinji Mikami: Resident Evil 4 will never be ported, if it does I'll cut my own head off

I might not agree with your opinions, but I think you'd like the Dead Space series. It's kinda similar to RE (especially 4 and 5) but with less puzzle solving and key hunts that the survival horror RE games have that you dislike.

Fuck that guy, always thought he knew best, blamed others, couldn't make his vision actually good without decent Capcom devs.

Can somebody explain to me why a gamecube game can't run at 1080P on a modern console?

pff... Umbrella...

>not playing the definitive version

god of war has numerous flaws and is fucking shit, not because of snoy or anything, I haven't owned a nintendo console since gamecube which I hardly played compared to n64 and the only good xbox was the 360. console wars are for faggots but nuGoW is a very badly designed action game, it's fucking garbage made by people who don't play or understand action games and is made so that anyone who picks up a controller can beat it
then look at god hand, sold like shit but way better than nuGoW

dead space was a literal rip off of re4. it made me laugh actually back then

>Switch version doesn't have motion controls like the Wii version.

I own a bunch of copies on various platforms of this game, beat it a bazillion times, and I still think the Wii controls are the best.

Honestly, if I could play the game with Wii controls with the HD Texture Pack PC version, I would be in Video Game Heaven.

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how's REmake on Switch? God I wish it wasn't $30

Go to sleep, user, you need to fill out some more job applications tomorrow.


>t. Gamingbrit

Wii controls overall > Mouse+KB
Mouse aiming > Wiimote aiming

such is life

i have a job retard
god of war is a terrible action game
the point remains that sales don't matter and neither does praise since it's coming from reddit, game journos and resetera
your argument is fucking retarded
never watched him fuck off

Worse than PS4 or PC. 8 second loading screens.

I have this on PS4 and it runs at like 900P

Between doors? Does it not just load in with the door animations? I like portable Resident Evils, Deadly Silence is based

filthy casual


>no motion controls on switch version

Into the trash

>that png of leon bobbing back and forth

oh hell

please report back soon
also is there some eshop fuckery I can do to get the game cheaper? it costs £30 on the shop for us brits and that is NOT the same as $30

ask myself why I'm dressed like Napoleon

You got a lot of anger, user.

>your opinion isn't really yours you're just parroting others
yes that annoys me

Stop fucking doing it then.

Playing ammo jew is so satisfying.
>lining up ganados to shoot through with rifle/punisher
>kicking the shit out of ganado herds, then swiping them with the knife
>blocking incoming farming utencils, WITH YOUR KNIFE
>slapping Krauser boss fight, KNIFE ONLY

Attached: swimmingly.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Oh my god, thank you! All this time I thought that I had a say in my tastes. But suddenly you showed up, like a golden sunrise gleaming over the horizon to open my eyes to the truth. All of the positive feelings I had playing these games were in fact false, a foul trick to make me an unwanted party in viral advertising of games more than a decade old.

What a relief. Thank you, user, for making me laugh at love. Again, and again.

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I'm not retard, I play a lot of action games and nuGoW was horrible
on top of that the original argument topic of sales indicating a good game is retarded, all it indicates is shit appealing to a mass audience
sales do not indicate shit
AAA games these days are garbage but sell better than many of the best games

what do you even mean?
I'm not saying that, I love RE4
what the fuck

this is a resident evil 4 thread
post about resident evil 4

ok user, so you have opinions on RE games. What exactly do you want us to fucking say? You can see the games you dislike come with high recomendation both outside of Yea Forums and in Yea Forums but you dont like them. Thats all their is to it.

He's clearly not talking about RE4 user. He's talking about the survival horror games.

You're telling me that I am repeating an opinion that is not my own, when my point was that you're raging like a sperg over vidya.

Chill out, fag. Play some games. Enjoy them.

Then what the fuck are you talking about because RE4 on PS4 is 1080p 60fps with new textures.

beats me I'm not the guy who played on PS4
I was just pointing out the strangeness of asking which game is being discussed in the re4 thread

>>kicking the shit out of ganado herds, then swiping them with the knife
The most unfun aspect of the whole game.

Resident Evil 4 by CapCom, a game originally on the Nintendo Gamecube, runs at less than 1080P on the Sony Playstation 4, despite minimal graphical enhancements.

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>knifing krauser in the ruins
you mean the best way to fight him?

sales do not mean anything about a game being good and it's a retarded argument
I never said that though, I like those games too. when did the classic games ever get mentioned? I was saying that he was implying my opinion wasn't my own because >you're raging like a sperg over vidya
I'm not angry but I had such a hard time trying to figure out what you're trying to say it has made me livid
and implied my opinions aren't actually my own and I'm just parroting Yea Forums and youtubers

>You're telling me that I am repeating an opinion that is not my own
no I am not
another user tried to say that to me and I was saying that that annoyed me. I wasn't saying that you were the one parroting others user

>runs at less than 1080P on the Sony Playstation 4

It really doesn't. Its 1080p

>sales do not mean anything about a game being good and it's a retarded argument

Its ABSOLUTELY a contributing factor.

>has to defend against 6 posts
How many more before you get the idea that your viewpoint is shit?

Shinji Mikami is one of the best and most celebrated directors ever.
RE1, RE4, God Hand and Vanquish are some of the tightest games ever made.

Yeah but he's also a self important cunt that made a ton of bad choices regarding a series he was already tired of by the sequel.

8 will supposedly be inspired by the hookman version.

alright let's try and get back on track, you think that somehow sales and praise make games better. that somehow the game it self, isolated from all external factors isn't the only thing that matters. that somehow a game selling better and getting praised makes it better. my question is how do sales matter at all in this argument? I really don't understand that
most of them were me pointing out examples of anons saying my opinion wasn't mine and the other was a misunderstanding of an user thinking I was telling him his opinion wasn't his

>complaining about ammo saving
It's like you're not selling off ammo by the halfpoint of the game, topping up the guns only by buying capacity upgrades.

There's a lot of anons involved in this arguement. I want to help you clear it up.

Could we agree that sales and popularity are a means of gauging the exposure of a game's content, but that the quality of the game is up to the individual?

>hurr durr at the end of the day the game is good or bad if YOU say it is

Fuck off

Because most of Yea Forums wasn't even alive when it came out. And a bunch of fags got a fit because the GC version was superior to the PS2 one.

>quality of the game is up to the individual

Then why are we discussing it at all? RE4 is dogshit and Umbrella corp is the greatest video game ever made. You literally cannot refute this now.

hahahha, yeah right.

I'd love to banter and play vidya with you, user

sure but what I was arguing against before it got off topic from me using GoW as an example was that sales in arguments are stupid unless you're talking purely about the games reception or chances of a sequel
anytime you try to connect it to the game itself being good is retarded because skyrim, call of duty and fifa are not great games yet they're some of the best selling games ever
do you think that how good a game is depends on the amount of people who bought/like it?

I swear that I bought this on PSN, installed it and it had black borders

>Saving ammo by tediously knifing enemies just so you can buy guns to save ammo with
Or I could just run through enemies and pick my shots properly

do you think that how good a game is depends on the amount of people who bought/like it?

Huge indicator. What fucking else? Listen to Yea Forums tell me its good or bad? I like evidence user, not the huffing of farts.

You will never have 1 million pesetas of retired currency


If you can't wrap your head around that, I don't know what to tell you. I mastered that shit when I was like 12.

well then you're getting normalfag games that appeal to mass audiences
call of duty, nba and madden were the best selling games of last year
god hand is a far better action game than nuGoW
majora's mask has an unmatched atmosphere yet sold worse than the rest of the series
dragon's dogma is a far better rpg than skyrim could ever dream to be
your opinion is irrelevant if you give a fuck about what sells well

I'm waiting until tomorrow. I have to get a 128GB SD card, and I'm probably going to get the Origin Collection while I'm at it.

This'll be the third time I've bought 0, the fourth time I've bought REmake, and the fifth time I've bought 4. I always tell myself it's the last time, but there's always some new gimmick to pull me back.

Fuck you rev2 is great

>I like evidence
So every action RE game is objectively better than every classic RE and RE5 is objectively the best in the series, gotcha.

>well then you're getting normalfag games that appeal to mass audiences

Listen cunt go play hipster contrarian some place else. Im not playing shit games because no one has ever heard about or bought them. RE was a massive blockbuster hit of a series, if playing and enjoying the original RE2 somehow makes me a normalfag casual then idc, fine, i will be one. At least i wont be pretending to be some smarmy try hard faggot that cant like stuff if other people like it.

Nope, because there is a ton of furst hand evidence online and in reviews, post mortems and such that show that the games recieve a ton of fucking hate. Its almost like there are many contributing factors outside of what Yea Forums says as to what builds a consensus on a game.

>Why did Yea Forums totally undersell it?

What the fuck are you on about? Yea Forums keeps raving about this game. It's on a lot of people's top 10 list here. I'm among the people who actually really don't like this game, but it's gotten a lot of praise from pretty much everyone, Yea Forums included.

>Im not playing shit games because no one has ever heard about or bought them
I'm not saying that games selling a ton is bad either user, there are many great games that are well known or blockbusters but saying that "this one is more of a blockbuster so it's better and you've been btfo" is just as retarded as the opposite
I'm not a contrarian nor a conformist and I hate both of them, however forming your opinions on how well a game sold or didn't sell is retarded in general and that's my point and it's been my argument this whole time. sales means jack shit

>however forming your opinions on how well a game sold or didn't sell is retarded

But what about as a contributing set of evidence. Otherwise what are we even making an argument with?

Currency and treasure suck.

the game's actual qualities
present facts about the game itself, it's mechanics or story then expand on them if you want to be analytical
instead of getting caught up on meaningless differences like the length of the game or the number of slots in your inventory, focus on the big picture of the game and it's focus
resident evil 4's focus is clearly different from the classic games, which is why pic related is full of retarded arguments

making an argument with sales is about as meaningless as consolewars

Attached: Classic RE vs RE4.jpg (1848x3280, 978K)

quads don't lie.

I like 0, just because it's more of that golden period of early-00s survival horror (REmake/0, Silent Hill 2/3, Haunting Ground, Rule of Rose, etc).

There is an argument to be made here though, the game on the left is called Resident Evil 4 and not "new IP: action hero's european road trip" so quite rightly it is compared to its own. Thats fair to do, intentions of devs or not.

The very first chapters where there's still somewhat of a mystery surrounding the village(rs) is kino as fuck
All those interactive decorations like dirty beds, tableware, skulls, etc
Wish they kept the horror aspect of that up a bit longer

that's fair but the only conclusion you can make from that argument is weather or not they should have made RE4 a spinoff title, it's still irrelevant to weather or not the game is good

Those were always the weirdest bits. Like some of them had water and food set out but it was completely fucked, where other places would have "unused beds" clean toilets or even looked after libraries. Mendez took care of his house. The weirdest one is absolutely still the guy that stood in the oven waiting for you.

Thank you for spelling flak correctly.

Doesn't the knife do more damage to him than most guns?

no worries, flash grenade instant kill them

But the Wii port was superior to the GameCube version in every way


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-21 Handgun (Resident Evil 4).png (822x52, 37K)

>going through the island
>after unlocking the chicago typewriter

Attached: thy flesh consumed.jpg (490x497, 34K)