Work it up
UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
You already know it at this point
Also, I hear the new Tag characters don't have any special interaction with anyone. Ain't that just funny.
Do I hop in or run through Amane's route?
Abit frustrating that they spent 9 months on incomplete content like that.
At least the new characters look fun to play and cross combos with Seth look busted.
it's sad that game had so little support behind it or effort put into it's launch. It could have been so much bigger and after this evo it's pretty much confirmed dead. Which is fine because it makes more room for CL-R next year.
Saves me the trouble of waiting for people to put up voicelines for them.
Now if only I could remember where I downloaded these stamps so I can grab Seth's
Oh, I actually blocked an FF for once in my life
Everyone told me about 4-2, but no one was ready for 4-8. Surely I'll be good at doing air slashes now.
>Senran Kagura / Evenicle styled Yuzu
Just keep at it. Also has anyone from these lobbies 100% all characters in mission mode?
The wiki is full of treasures. There may be a few, at least.
That's been around since uniel
They didnt even let ragna acknowledge his girlfriend? Whats the world coming to?
>check pclobby
>one is up
>try to join
>no room found
Is it being remade or was I seeing an illusion?
Either way gonna start up on PC tonight. If nobody else is down to host, I can host but will be gone by around 11:30PM PST.
Aaand it's made. kw is same as always: pclobby
Im missing hyde seth vatista and byakuya on ps4
>Fail the command grab despite buffering it with Assault j6C
Curse it all
I gotta send up a question to all the better Yuzu's: why do I drop her jumping B 2C C so much? I can get past B like, 1 in 4 times. Goodness knows how it's supposed to work offline.
Didn't know you could follow up Mika's command grab with 236A. Learning something new every day. Neat stuff!
No interactions whatsoever. No round start, no assist calls, no win dialogues, nothing.
>if you colored Linne's hair blond she'd just be a short Arc
Given Takeuchi's current artstyle, you mean Saber
I forgot there was no point in ever trying.
>Joker is back
I look forward to see how much you've learned
well after that match with pyro im going to try drinking as much rum as i can to see if i improve my wagner skills
I'mma go weep in a corner, regretting how little combo practice has done for me. If somebody's looking for a PS spot, take mine.
Nice, I can play for a little bit longer than yesterday. Gotta try to join a little bit later.
He's that one Linne player that hasn't been around for awhile right? Looking forward to getting fights with him in the future!
Having fun times on PC myself. Seems like everyone here has been improving alot since the last time I hopped on too.
I personally think you've got some pretty good things going for ya broski. Just gotta keep working towards building the fundamentals more.
>10 frames
that's cool
I've been fucking up my easy combo enders even in training mode tonight. Just have to play through the bad times to get to the good ones.
I didn't know what the hell happened there. If it was me, my bad.
Damnit Bob, the good times just won't come!
Only fighting game purchase I regret desu.
im trying my best to break the habit of mashing the fuck out of everything but its really really hard
Shit I got XD’d on
Don't feel too bad about it. I can get pretty mashy half the time I play too (especially when I play as Mika).
Patience is somethig high on my list of things to do as well.
god damn delay is a fucking bitch with this character
I wonder if squinting at small text all day made me better at teching grabs
Whew, that was some quality locking down going on there spoon,. Nice hahaha
>5 1 bars and 1 3 bar. I guess I'm not playing tonight.
>yfw playing so many Asian games slowly makes your eyes smaller
My eyes are going to be pea-sized dots at this point. I don't even wear glasses.
I don't think I even choked so hard before.
That haircut is literally just nu-Arc's. It's not even Linne's.
you get used to it
One of these days I'm gonna learn how to execute that B Hien whiff combo. Looks like fun.
>implying nu-arc didn't just steal linne's haircut
how do I get into unist?
play it.
honestly what kind of response are you expecting?
Buy and play the game. Join the lobbies when you have the time in order to build your skillset.
You play the tutorial, memorize a bnb from mission mode, and go online
Get your going into games machine.
Alternatively, just go through the tutorial and then pick up a straight forward character like Akatsuki or Wagner.
ive gone up a full power on my prescription doing it. i may need help
How would you say it is to jump in? I've never played an arc game but I've played many Capcom and Tekken games
Too many mechanics to just jump in with
If you got fundamentals then you should be good, although the combo structure might jar you bit since it's your first anime game and this has reverse beat systems in it so there's going to be a lot of intentional delays between hits that you want to add to get more intricate combos going.
But Mission Mode is pretty detailed and conventional for you to use before you get to bigger combos.
Plus the EVO hype has a bunch of people flocking to it, I see newbies way more now.
If you have experience in FGs then this game will be a breeze to get into
>tekken games
Is it me or do a lot of tekken players like this game too?
t. Law player
Thanks I'll look into it. One last thing, I always liked the way this guy looks, is he newcomer friendly?
Dang. ended up DPing even though I saw the dashback out of reaction hahaha.
Also, thanks for the color square rank up Park (at least I think it was you I ranked off of).
He's not all too hard honestly
he's one of the easier characters to pick up
Pretty easy to pick up if you play fighting games. I think it's the perfect difficulty for a game.
The two combos I use with it is pretty close to optimal, so it's definitely worth trying. Just took some grinding, but they're my go to 2C and 66B starters. Worth practicing and look cool anyways.
fought adamino couple weeks ago here on pc couple weeks ago. hes really fucking good at both tekken and apparently yuzu as well
Some things don't change.
I'll definitely look into it when I've got time/motivation. Got it recorded so I have something to look forward to in the near future.
also fuck counters. fuck them
go get that purple now
Phonon would play bass, honestly
>chuuni who literally only cares about style points
>Bought all Chaos colors except the one I actually wanted to use.
Hell of a fucking 4B, sei
Full lobby on PC, nice!
ah fuck did i miss my turn? im sorry im getting drunk and reading manga
Step 1: Purchase it
Step 2: Play it
Okay hold up, were those crouching punches from gord not lows? How tf did I block that standing?
Gord has a standing low 5A instead of a low 2A.
I have a weird issue on ps3, whenver I finish a ranked match It keeps searching for a player forever, but I can't cancel or leave until I restart the game itself.
I'm leaving for now but I'm going to be back on later tonight if y'all are still playing!
It was fun getting styled on by you guys though (And I think there are enough Mikas for y'all to deal with tonight anyways)
is the room still up? cant find it
Nice to see another Mika-in-learning. See you later, m8.
>make the character crouch
>animation is clearly showing him pinch the legs
>nah it’s a mid tho
That’s some backwards logic, but what do I know
Linne's 2A isn't a low either
It's her 2AA that's a low
It's just the way it goes sometimes. Linne and Vat pretty much cut your ankles but they have have mid 2a's.
Pc or ps4?
I found it, was searching for the id at the top of the thread instead of the pclobby one further down
how does this game play with borderless gaming? I don't wanna run it during a match and mess up the room
IIRC you can alt tab with borderless but it lowers performance? I probably shouldn't be answering this since I'm just ps4
it runs just fine senpai
help tghe drunk the bottle
I'll get drunk with you friend
i couldnt the linne with the wag
You mean the program? I’m using BG right now and I’m not having any problems whatsoever. The only issue is that you have to click on the game’s window or your controls won’t work, so don’t forget to click back if you were browsing
Redblade can't do it either, don't feel too bad
PC lobbies have a strong Linne I assume? Or is Dia in there?
I could feel the stress outta that match coming from both sides in that round 3.
Ggs ps lobby I got to be up early tomorrow so I'm done for the night
thanks, I usually prefer to run in fullscreen but I wanted to be able to tab without breaking things
oddly enough we have a linne who plays fairly similar to Dia but without the Dia classic mixup
it's nice since I miss playing games with him, they were always exciting
>game stutters on my end every time a new post shows up
That's a problem I never ran into before. gg regardless.
I am, but that was Sai. Going to stick with PC this week since I don't have my normal setup since I'm visiting family.
Isn't that just Sai hopping on PC? He's Pyrotrooper there I think.
those two play nothing alike at least from my perspective
he goes by kieselguhr
>those jumps from fat fingering forward of all things
Goddamn I’m sloppy
That's actually just Dia, he stopped using the Hiens as much recently.
GGs. Sleep tight
Maybe now me blocking high everytime a Hien comes down will actually help instead of eating the IC Low everytime
Pull the plug it’s not too late
I've been doing high Hiens since I'm trying to force myself to do the 66C -> B Hien corner confirm. We'll go back to our regularly schedule broadcasting once I do that.
Yeah, Dia styles on me when he gets his pressure game going.
I think the one thing I might have up on him would be some decent punish game against certain matchups and sometimes my mashiness and impatience can payoff.
Alot of my tactics I definitely owe to watching him play.
wait, it is? everything I know is a lie
also what the fuck was that 5b in the other direction on my counter hit gunshot confirm? did you guys see that shit? every time I think about playing this character semi seriously some shit like that happens
Shoulda figured. I remember him frustrating me before by poking me with the very tip of the 2C hitbox like kies does.
Of all the times to mess up my meaty 66C
>google kieselguhr
It was in front of us all along
god damnit, this whole time I thought I was playing someone who played eerily similar to Dia with a lot of similar habits
guess I'm still playing the players too much and not the matchup
>that EX into EX combo
That was nuts Koover! Awesome
thanks, I wasn't sure it would finish the round so I figured better safe than sorry
this certainly puts a damper on learning elt before coming back to PS since I play half of you here anyway
Sorry for leaving so soon but I have to get some sleep. GGs PS.
Gonna close up shop when it comes around to me by the way.
GGs PC lads. It's been fun times and I'm looking forward to more in the future!
Hopefully someone else will volunteer to host after this, maybe I'll be back for that one too if I get finished with my thing on time!
I don't know how much else could have went wrong that game hahaha
You're already doing pretty well in neutral and defense but if you get some confirms into some damaging combos down I think you'll be in business. Feels like you don't get enough reward out of your hits.
GGs. Good hustle
Yeah I drop combos constantly, and usually when I land a hit I'm so surprised I fall back on bad muscle memory.
>im either gonna have to fight melk or deska when im on a 1/4 bottle of rum
im beyond way to drunk to handle this right now
delay wakeup or DP on your wakeup to beat mika meaty 66b/c
ggs pcboyz
GGs pcbros
ok ggs pc lobby, i gotta go to bed or ill start on the vodka i found and i dont wanna throw up tonight at least i won a match
Thanks for hosting pyro. Gonna throw another up.
Same pass.
Shhhh!! You're giving away muh unga bunga secret sauce, park!! And I'm still trying to break my habit of rushing 66B > 214x, for all the good that has done for me. ;_;
Dia I'd like to play you sometime this week if you have the time since I have miller2b and nyczbrandon in my pool
I still can't believe how long I've been bamboozled...
GGs. Thanks for hosting, Pyro. Calling it a night for me.
it's for the best, you'll only grow faster
The most well kept secret in the world, for sure.
I'm actually free most of the week since I'm home for vacation. Just hit me up on Steam.
>as Phonon
Good luck getting a hit on that guy when your overheads are easy to see coming. All the casuals I had with him had my assaults get FF'd 99% of the time.
It's a nightmare for you and me but you might have it easier because Phonon
Agreed. Punishing the fuck out of my limited toolset has forced me to approach the oki game a little differently.
Thanks for the games, PC bros. Good night.
I uh, don't know how to break this to you but I really don't use 66[b] or assault j.a anyway since one is shit and the other is gimmicky on netplay. I do have some experience playing around FF though because one of the romeoville linnes uses it quite a bit.
Not only your 66[B] but your assaults too.
I don't think I've fought nyczbrandon yet
This is my first fighting game and I've been afraid to play online. What are the most basic things I should be trying to learn or develop while getting destroyed over and over again? Been playing Hyde mainly if that matters.
Today I had one of the worst netplay experiences I ever had, It kinda makes me want to drop the game. I just can't travel that much and online is hell.
the panic DP is real :V
I think as a newer player, you should look into what strong tools each character you're fighting have and how to deal with them, which will eventually lead into watching what habits your specific opponent has.
That said, based on what I've seen of new players, I suggest getting comfortable blocking instead of mashing and learning a universal bnb. Other than that, just play and criticize your own habits. It's a learning process and you'll learn and unlearn habits all the way through.
How do you figure? What made you angry?
I'll be sure to add you before I head to sleep
like I said, maybe not the same neutral skill but I have an idea of how to play around the move
hopefully he's not fully awake since the pools at 10am
>2b3[c] frametrap an eltnum player told me about works
that's fuckin neato, I'm going to learn 3c confirms, cvo routes, and corner shit tomorrow so I have to suffer any more losses like that
Blocking and looking for openings. Also try to practice basic combos.
>most basic things
Have a BnB that isn't Smart Steer and something that hopefully deals at least low 2k damage
Know what a reverse beat is
Have a good understanding of what your buttons and specials do
Read up some mizuumi to get an understanding how things can be applied or ask questions here
Respect the wakeup, don't try to outmash your opponent
If you know they're always going to mash during your wake-use your DP
It takes a while to fully implement GRD in your gameplan but the stronger opponents you fight, the sooner you realize how gamechanging have Vorpal is
If you got specific hyde questions, feel free to ask me
Rule 1. Dont be afraid to lose. Lots of us here started from hundreds of losses before getting anywhere near decent I believe.
You're in the same boat as a few of us here. Welcome to UNIST. Best thing to learn or develop is to recognize when to attack and when to patiently block and wait for an opening. To paraphrase a football (handegg) adage, offense wins rounds, defense wins sets.
I'm getting very sloppy, that game seems like a good one to end on
ggs everyone, I can feel my elt getting stronger every day
Mika best girl
Just got this game. What do I do to comeback after I get comboed? The opponent combos me and I end up just getting combod again right when I recover, even if I block the whole string. also what do I do when I get cornered?
GGs my dude. I can see your progress.
>what do i do to comeback after I get comeboed?
>combod again right after I recover, even if I block the whole string
>what do I do when I get cornered
Feels like you should block more and try to see gaps between the reverse beats, or you're trying to mash out and getting punished for it
Wakeup dp if you've got one, cs if you've got one to act first (better block or counterhit) or grab if they have a negative frame move or try to read your dp by blocking.
Hope this helps you.
I'm not sure why mission mode tells you to delay the j.B in her combos, I've never needed to do that. If it's dropping between the j.B and the j.2C, then I can only guess that you're delaying the j.2C for some reason when the follow up should be as immediate as chaining 5A into 5C
I personally use j.2C > j.B > j.C instead. Maybe that might be easier? It knocks the opponent slightly lower if I remember correctly
It's 2 years too early for you to be complaining about dropping combos. I still frequently drop Yuzu's basic midscreen BnB
Turning it in because I'm just dropping everything now.
GGs lobby.
Thanks for the help guys, think I'll finally do some netplay tomorrow and hopefully put some of this into practice.
GGs, good seeing you again
does akatsuki have any good wakeup moves?
22A, 22B and his FF if you're confident in it to name a few.
Literally 22B/22C
Or even 214B sometimes
22a/b is his DP. Invincible on start up. Careful on how you use it, though. If the opponent correctly predicts your attempt to dragon punch your way out, they can block it and start another combo train on you.
22A isn't invuln on startup. Just throw invuln iirc
GGs PC dudes. Fun times and I'll leave the lobby up with myself on autopass so you guys can still play.
This really wasn't a galaxy brain day for me. I feel like I was just going through the motions a lot and doing thoughtless things without really caring whether I won or lost.
You are right. My mistake.
Autopiloting can be unfortunate but if it works sometimes you just wanna play a stress free session so I can get that.
Fuck that piece of shit jC, fuck it to high holy hell
Mother of god, why is it so fucking good
I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm going to guess Phonon.
Did I get it right?
Whose jC is it anyways?
Well I did the dumb j.2C meme once I guess.
It's slow and she needs it.
Dang, thanks for the advice and the double (You).
Is there any difference between reverse beat and passing link in the tutorial section? Is reverse beat how people are doing these huge ass combos?
Not him but since its j.2c mentioned it's probably Yuzu right?
Yuzu's j2C is more annoying than jC so no
Reverse beats allow for long blockstrings and it's because of passing link that it can take place
The game where everything's made up and grd is all that matters
Passing link is just what unist calls chaining normals together, and it lets you go in either direction instead of only ascending like most fgs with gatling normals
Reverse beat is just what Melty called going backward so people kept using it for Unist
If you've played Guilty Gear or BlazBlue, passing link is just gatling combination/revolver action respectively. It's just a term for being able to cancel your normals into others instead of having to link them like in Street Fighter
Reverse beat is the ability to chain stronger normals into weaker normals, like 5C > 5A, unique to UNI. I don't think anyone really uses them in their combos though aside from Eltnum. Blockstrings are a different story though
Dammit. Wagner, then. Seems she has strong buttons everywhere.
>Sonicfox talking about playing UNI now
How long do you think he'll play until he leaves because of the competition?
til evo ends
I could have sworn he played UNIEL before
Fug. Linne, then.
Depends how he shapes up
ggs boys, gotta learn how to fight linne, shes 2quick4me
ggs pc lobby. I'll probably be going all in on actually learning Gord this week so thanks for the games.
He did, he played Carmine.
Not many else left now, no
It's fucking Orie's jC that's giving me nightmares.
Just put a fucking box underneath the rapier, fuck the actual blade
ggs amigos i gotta dip but as always its nice playing you dudes. I have to sharpen up a lot before evo
you just gotta accept that her j.c controls space and you have no say in it, bro
I thought he played st for a bit and played phonon
I'm gettin' sick of VNs, you boys still up on the PSN?
dub seth makes me have a funny feeling in my pants
I'll kill your ass some other day
My rage burns bright
I'll be there in a sec, I'll burn like the brightest star.
Depends on if he really wants to be the best in this game or not. I think sonic can be a top dog if he puts in the work, but japan is really still on a whole other level from American UNI, so that's a long hill to climb even for him.
I don't think he really wants it though, MK has his real attention right now
I don't know why I suddenly forgot how to just get free GRD or neutral jump without the dumb air shenanigans for like two-thirds of the match there.
ggs, I think that was the first time we played in a while. You should really show up offline more.
He switched
To Wagner?
Carmine is no longer broken.
He played Phonon back in CEOtaku 2017 a month after the game came out.
He apparently wants to either pick up Wagner or Seth, no idea what he's doing with the game now.
"Oh dear... smart steer?" will never not make me chuckle.
come on hippie, you know you love my high flying byak style
I'd love to show up offline, if I didn't have so much real life stuff going id be rolling with KFL sploogie and Karuda to all the majors but
i do have that much stuff going on
Looks like the PS lobby is still open though it's probably gonna close in abit so if that happens it's all good!
Sorry for the late connect hippie. Hahaha.
If anything it confirms all these phonon players are using the devil's magic and they know it.
I'll find a way to swat you out of your goddamn flyzone, you insect. Spiders can't fucking fly
I'm only keeping this lobby up so I can somehow inflict pain onto atic
But his OS make that practically impossible
It certainly looks like he's making it hard to approach.
Looks like Huo is doing a pretty good job to get damage on him though, more so than me!
My hands are too cold to hold circle and hit the other buttons. Damn this mid-May snow.
I can't get single chain-shift off though. That was like 2/3 of a TS cycle I was just smashing X, to no avail.
Yeah, I'm finally getting a little less busy these days though that'll change once summer rolls around for real. Have to start grinding the lab time for real myself.
I'm going to have to disappoint you and make my next rotation my last one since I'm getting tired and I have work.
If you press D while holding downback, you'll just get green shield. Spam 1AD or 3DD instead to get the CS out if a gap shows up.
Also congrats on orange square Clawz! I can see you're making some steady progress to block me up.
I really wish chainshift could be a dedicated button combo instead of double-tapping D
I wasn't planning on keeping it open for that long anyway
I see Clawz on ranked all the time, his patience/defense is pretty commendable too.
He needs to start using that 3C in his blockstrings to vary up his approach now.
It definitely feels like Clawz has firmed up his pressure/conversions and cut down on unsafe swordcars without resources lately. He's improving pretty quick.
That was a good combo at the start of round 1 Huo. I can see your progress being made on that front for sure.
How is it always that I just get animal'd after half or so of a round? I can't blame it on the cold fingers, shit.
I always shine at the very start of round 1, and then get immolated.
Looks like I've still got some work to do on how to exit 2C haha.
>eating all those overheads after the first one
Yeah, I really do need to sleep. ggs everyone
My anger isn't sated but I need to be up early tomorrow anyway
It looks to me like you've definitely got a better idea of how to work your holds to get the 214B follow up on the 2 236B slashes though.
I can still see some good improvement made.
Also it looks like hippie got what he wanted in wanting to blow up atic.
GGs all!
GGs everyone
I was really flailing around for a bit an hour ago but I managed to somewhat pulled it together so I'm glad I didn't call it a night then.
>3C in his blockstrings
How do you mean? The range is so short and it's pretty -, but I see you can still use it's special jump cancel on block.
I've been working on using FF to cancel blockstrings into fireballs/assaults for that as well but unfortunately was dropping it all night tonight, which is a particularly bad drop since it goes into a swordcar instead.
So's the whole lobby leaving, or should I chill? I'm giving out free wiiiins~~~
I always remember the old adage: "You shalt always do 3 B moves..."
>but I see you can still use it's special jump cancel on block.
That's pretty much it. Your j[C] is bonkers and even if it's shielded it's still your turn.
Hmm, I'll give ya an extra lobby if you want one.
It's the least I could do after all the long sesions other people here gave me in order to get decent.
Just give me a minute to boot up and throw it up.
If you're tryna sleep or something, don't worry about it. You've no obligation to me.
Also to follow on that, gotta give lots of thanks to ya all for all the help. Entered an online tourney of 8 players and managed to pull out of losers to make it to GFs and almost reset the bracket.
Thanks for all the advice and experience broskis! Let's all continue to get better.
Nah, I'm all warmed up after hitting the gym so I'm awake for it.
And it's ready. Anyone else who's still here is welcome to join. Same pass as usual!
I can't get the damn thumb roll to do the third hit when it's this cold! Shiiiit
I feel ya there on the thumb roll. You playing on pad too or stick?
Pad's all I know. My brother's trying to make me use a Qanba crystal, but it doesn't make a whole lotta sense. On a related note, ever catch that angular edge of the facebutton platform on your thumb joints? Shit sucks.
how the heck to do I stay in with akatsuki? I'm playing my friends orie and he fuckin has time to press a button every time I try to dash back in, and when I play the fireball game he sits back and gets free grid
Oh yeah. That can be some bad times. You playing on DS4 or another pad? Currently switched to fighting commander 4 myself and haven't looked back.
Can he still block your B Tatsus? That move's last hit is an overhead so if he still doesn't know about it, you can pressure him for free with that move.
he does and he knows to shield the third hit. Its incredibly frustrating because just getting close is a pain since he can just pop me out of any approach and fireballs aren't really helping.
DS4 baby.
So how the fuck do I get out of Nanase's wild ride? I swear you're jabbing from Waldstein range, and still have time to run up before I can move again. It gets me pushed to every corner.
Once Clawz gets in it can be be pretty hard to get outta the corner for sure. Just gotta study which moves are easiest to react to, like sword car has some areas of weakness in my opinion.
Sounds like your friend has a pretty good defense. Maybe try his karate chop (6B I believe)?
I gotta go after the sword car?! That's some Bald Bull shit, and I'm not tryna get TKO'd.
Failing that, look out for the 2B/2C. I believe 2C in particular has long recovery frames so you can punish it well.
Swordcar's followups can't hit low but the B is an overhead so you might as well block the whole thing standing once you see it. I don't think there's a tricky way to cancel it into a low instead (but if there is I'd love to know it).
The B followup is pretty slow so lots of character's can just use an A button to hit me out of it if they see it coming.
C looks like it goes far but it's actually really unsafe and nearly everyone can reach it for a punish, Yuzu definitely can
Another piece of advice, maybe try using 4B to parry the overhead portion of the car.
I appreciate the in-depth description, thanks m8!
Are you about to tell me people have that kind of reaction time?
Oh, and now he's Yuzu mogging me?! I'm hurt! Men aren't supposed to cry, you know?
Also pretty much any special will end Nanase's turn without CS or a 214C ender (which is +3 on block)
Sorry if it hurts your pride. Just figured I'd show you some things that might help with your matchup problems haha.
I'll switch out if ya want.
Naw, it's not a problem. I have to have a little pride for it to be wounded.
I sure as hell can't parry that on reaction. Just block it, she can't cancel it into anything besides EX and it's punishable with 2A
Awwww, that warp through the corner special was too cool.
That was some really good blocking you got going in the corner there Clawz! Couldn't find any openings at all.
I can finally play Sairoux
Nice job beating the matchup Huo! Let's keep up with the progress!
I no longer want to play Sairoux
That patience is stuff I could learn from.
Don't feel too bad about it. I can see you've been making alot of gains in your progress for consistent comboing. Just keep with the consistency of showing up to play and I'm sure it'll begin clicking for you.
>That patience is stuff I could learn from.
I'm not so great at throw teching still so just throw me a few times and I'll start pressing buttons that you can frametrap
It sucks I couldn't play tonight, but I guess it's my own fault for riding though the rain, getting my clothes soaked and not thinking I'd get sick.
I think I've fought Sai the most by now, so I'm sure he understands when I ask, what patience?
Oh yeah. I'm currently embodying the opposite of that.
I'll give it a try.
I always get blasted when they've got 10 health left. ALWAYS. I guess it's comeuppance for my previous cowardice.
GGs guys I'd better get some sleep now
Pssssssh, all skill man. Totally calcualted.
Have a good one dude.
GGs m8! Have a good night!
Nice IW punish Huo!
Sorry to hear..Are you on PC or PS?
Whew lad. That first round was a clincher.
>2 parries to combo in a row
Oh yeah, gonna make the one after this one the last game by the way haha.
And look how much they helped me.
One of these days I'm gonna win the Yuzu duel, and the tears will be ones of happiness.
GGs Huo! I can see alot of progress has been made in a short amount of time.
What took me months to get down you managed in just a few weeks with the BnBs (even if they're not always performed all the way through).
I think the more you play, the better you'll be at being able to play the neutral game and get those combos in.
You're making some really nice progress in my opinion. You just need to get the matchup experience to learn what is safe to throw out against certain moves and whatnot.
Looking forward to seeing more of that progress. Thanks for the fun games!