Buldring a New gaming rig

Buldring a New gaming rig

Is this list true? Looks official

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MSI anything sucks ass
ASUS and Palit have never failed me

I'd move Gainward up to average.
They don't have all the bells and whistles that other brands do, but in my experience their products are solid.

>asus, evga
>shit tier

joke chart. Asus and evga are typically more expensive and higher quality.

they're all shit, desu

just get the one that has the best warranty for your country, e.g. EVGA has a returns center here in the UK, so I use them. Otherwise, I'd have to ship to China for most other brands.

just pirate

>gigabyte being average

nah. drop that garbage in its own category below shit tier.


I've been using them exclusively for decades now, and I've never had a single problem. Not fucking one.

Pny is the poor man nvidia and msi only makes good cheap mobos.


PNY is Pure quality dumb fuck
PNY is the only allowed to make quadro cards


Wrong what, dipshit?

>Is this list true?
No, they're all the same. The general preference is completely arbitrary and these types of lists change monthly. Just get whatever's cheapest.

based from personal experience I recommend, EVGA, Asus, maybe gigabyte if it's cheaper for mobo, G Skill for ram. EVGA, or Zotac for GPUs and DYIPC for cases. Coolermaster makes the best cheap coolers too. I'm cheap so I buy corsair and EVGA PSUs but buyfags seem to like Seasonic

This, I've never had a mobo go bad until I had a gigabyte with distorted on board sound and PCIe slots that just randomly quit.

No it's a /g/ bait pic for idiots on Yea Forums to fall for.

Never been an issue for me. Been using their mobis for 20 years.


ASUS had a bad run of motherboards 5 or so years ago but before that they were sturdy as a rock.

Gigabyte is hit or miss, EVGA is good for mid range video cards and little else. I only use Corsair for RAM

Get a life loser

Your text is pure CRINGE


As a user of both, you can bring up games on /g/ it just can't really be the topic. The only haters are AMD fanboys with their buyers remorse saying stuff like "Who cares about games im here to work" when the game is used as a benchmark to usually show AMD < Intel. They really just don't want Sony babies showing up talking out their asses about "PS5 has 13.8TF gpu 2080ti is ded."

I like the RAM bait pic. It's really good.

I've noticed hardware bitching is reverse proportional to borked vidya releases.

"I like X brand it's good never had any problems with it. OH EM EPH GEE DOOD I had X and it was fucking trash didn't broke gave me cancer killed my child raped my death mother !!!1111!1"
"Game X is fucking garbage, full of glitches, crashes, rapes my PC and they're pulling it from the store it's so bad. OH EM GEE what are you talking about I have X and plays perfectly on my machine no problems at all!111!"

And I don't fucking get it. Are you cunts shareholders from rival corporations or what?

Have sex

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I just realized I made many spelling mistakes
Mea culpa

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MSI is ASUS tier, which is a tier that should be below shit. XFX is a nobody brand that hipsters voted for because it looked underground as fuck. EVGA is easily average if not above average tier. The rest looks pretty spot on. t. richfag tech enthusiast and computer engineer.

Asus is the highest quality hardware manufacturer in the industry.

I love XFX they haven't made a mobo or nvidia GPU in years tho :(, My Modern PC still has 1 XFX Branded SATA cable in it out of respect though

MSI and ASUS have been good from my experience
ASRock is my go to for mobos but they're not on there

No that's supermicro they just don't make consumer shit usually


>this was accepted
>after weeks of voting
>please believe me

Attached: rosalina question.jpg (2480x1592, 397K)

This list is retarded. ASUS and EVGA are both top tier brands, everything I've ever used of theirs has worked flawlessly for years.

Gainward is also a decent brand, I had two GTX 670s from them that worked perfectly for almost 7 years.

Okay It's definitely not Asus then lol I've had a Sabertooth X58, Z97 and a Strix Z270 and on all 3 of them half the Ram slots didn't work.
>inb4 it WAS you
I'm the same retard with other brands too and never had nearly the Issues as I have with Asus boards, they're cool looking but I will never give them that money again, their GPUs seem okay tho

I have a gigabyte 770 that has worked with no issues since I got it. My previous 400 series evga ran like shit and failed after 3 years maybe. I'd put Gigabyte up higher, their products seem reliable


Jesus you are pathetic
Get a life and have sex nerd

Noctua coolers aren't that much more expensive than Coolermaster, so you're better off spending the extra few dollarydoos.

Coolermaster make decent cases though.

Oh, I get it, we're TRYING to act retarded. How about I start? PS4 is the best console of all time!

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tbf nothing good came from the 400 series besides DX11 Support

Noctua on the High end for sure, but on the cheap use the free included cooler or order a 18$ Hyper 212 Evo

EVGA has never failed me, but experiences may differ.
Corsair RAM has never failed me, but experiences may differ.
MSI mobos have never failed me, but experiences may differ
Corsair PSUs have never failed me, but experiences may differ
Western Digital storage has failed me, but they've never given me shit over an RMA and that goes a long way.
SanDisk ssds have never failed me, but I expect them to because they're cheap on sale so I expect experiences to differ
Samsung ssds have never failed me, but experiences may differ

This is more of an /o/ discussion, anyway.
>man I love my dodge
>stfu dodge is garbage and breaks down
>not as bad as a piece of shit ford
>fuck you fords are great

This I have that cooler and and it has worked well with no fan issues or sounds

I'd rather use a USB desk fan than an included Intel cooler.

Mind you, I always buy the k series chips, so I have to buy an aftermarket cooler anyway.

if you take lists like these seriously you are fuckign retarded and should ask someone else to do it for you. it literally changes for every new gpu or motherboard series. just look up benchmarks and temps and decide for yourself. when it comes to computers Yea Forums is wrong 99% of the time even /g/


I bet you use mayo instead of miracle whip, too, retard.

>I always buy the k series chips, so I have to buy an aftermarket cooler anyway.
you dont if you dont plan on overclocking. (yes theres people who do that buy k cpu and not oc)

Its just like console wars. Heh msi and asus are okay.

>GM Always wins baby

You have too because they don't include them silly.


I don't overclock until I need to, but I don't really run things that require it until the current generation is over.
fuk u man i luv muh chrysler

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What part of that is wrong?

I'm one of those people, sadly. I just buy the k chip so that when it starts to get a bit long in the tooth, I can OC to stave off having to upgrade.

I've OCed before, with my 2600k, but it was a pain in the ass to tweak it, so just dropped back to stock clocks.

you are right. this is awkward. i know people that use a stock intel cooler on k cpus. i knew it was retarded but not that retarded

>announcing a report
Enjoy your ban.

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It's piss easy to overclock in current year, most BIOS settings on mobos worth a damn have options for it.

doesnt mean his cpu is going to run stable with it

Oh it's easy to do, but to keep it stable can be a pain. With my 2600k I had to tweak it a heap to get it mostly stable at 4.4ghz, and even then I got a BSoD roughly once a month.

I was only getting like 4-8 fps improvements in games, so didnt see the point in fucking around.

isn't saying "enjoy your ban" essentially announcing a ban too?

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when was the last time someone got actually banned for this

No, because I didn't report or announce shit.
Who knows and who fucking cares.

matrox is still alive?

alright bro chill

Evga and Asus has literally never failed me.

>elite tier
fucking lol

I can think of a dozen fails by these brands (fail motherboards, cardboard PCB's, meme PSU's, "military grade" components, etc) except PNY

Not only that but my PNY GTX 570 is still working up until today

Did anyone have a bad experience with PNY?

>Who knows and who fucking cares.
sheesh, you were probably the cool kid in high school

no they dead af, I think Nvidia or HP consumed them this list is so old lol

Lmao MSI is trash nigga
Asus is pretty top notch

Actually, yeah. It's why I woke up at this hour, my fucking neck is gonna fall off.

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Why is Powercolor and Sapphire bottom tier?

is it because they only make amd cards?

should be higher tier, i would rather buy a power color or sapphire card above all else for amd

>own Zotac
>surprised not in poverty shit tier
is this reverse trolling?

This is the reason

Sapphire is the Elitest of Tier, MSI should go down to average, Gigabyte down to shit. There was no vote, by the way, there's nothing official about it. Just one user trying to fool people like you.

EVGA sucks. Their cooling solutions are fucked. My entire household has never had a good experience with EVGA cards.

There is no perfect hardware brand and absolutely any component you buy can potentially fail on you. No matter how expensive it is, no matter how well made, no matter what it's made of or who by, it can, and indeed, WILL fail, it's only a matter of time. You can buy a top of the line mobo from a reputable manufacturer and it can still come doa in the fucking box, or have a part fail during use shortly after installation, and that's completely normal.

What you're looking for aren't reports of "bad experiences", because you can find those with ease, you're looking for how many people haven't had problems YET, which is a much more difficult bit of info to gather.