I don't get it. How does a broken, nigh unplayable game like this get universal acclaim?
I don't get it. How does a broken, nigh unplayable game like this get universal acclaim?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you mean nostalgia for the original trilogy?
Millennials and boomers were looking to grasp at anything that could make the pain from the prequels go away, and that just so happened to be a half-decent star wars game for the xbox. We were dying for a decent star wars narrative for ages and it finally came. I have fond memories playing this in the 9th grade. Bought the game on a total whim, too. I didnt fall in love with it immediately, but once I got off the initial home world I was beyond addicted.
Because you are retarded, that is why.
But it's not half decent, it's half broken. The combat BARELY works. Half the skills are useless.
Zoomer detected.
You're some sort of zoomer that doesn't remember that 90% of RPGs in the 90s and early 00s were like that.
>None will suspect me of being a zoomer if I call them a zoomer first!
Can we actually talk about this game?
Okay, so, Morrowind was struggling to break 8/10 and KOTOR doesn't dip under 9. What's your narrative now?
It's not that this game has aged badly, it wasn't even good at the time.
Even modern overrated games have the fucking basics down.
The brand.
Every other star wars title I've seen is scored more or less appropriately
For a long while there Bioware could do no wrong in the eyes of the press and general public.
because youre full of shit and its a great game
it contains one of the greatest twists of all time in any story ever told. it's like 'i see dead people' times a thousand.
>I don't get it
You wouldn't.
Oops posted the wrong one, my bad
>I don't get it. How does a broken, nigh unplayable game like this get universal acclaim?
You can ask that of any Bioware game. This game got acclaim because it had the Star Wars brand, meaning millions of people were going to play it.
But that aside, it's dialogue options, design and music were great. Even if the story was obvious and cliche. But hey, this is Star Wars. Having a cliche story is kind of expected. And it was still better than the prequel movies.
obsidian got fucked by lucasarts who made them release it early for christmas
obsidian asked to be allowed to continue development to finish it post release and issue an update and lucasarts denied them.
Because you’re retarded.
Obsidian fucked themselves because they failed to understand basic rules and themes of the franchise.
As someone who liked KOTOR, I tried playing this. That opening area was like pulling teeth and soured me on wanting to continue. Even the UI was horrible. I'm sure it probably gets better, but I'm sure a lot of people were driven away by the beginning.
The amount of jank doesn't matter as long as the end result is still fun.
If KOTOR is unplayable, then how can we describe Baulder's Gate and Skyrim?
The endgame is worse. It’s so clearly where the game was most affected by the time constraints. Even the restored content mod can’t salvage much.
Skyrim isn't good, but it's at least expansive and vaguely pretty.
At least try to come up with some real criticism and not making up random shit.
So are a lot of games that have better gameplay and story than Skyrim. So why bother playing Skyrim?
>cliche story
you're an idiot, the story was good and original enough while building on established Star Wars canon without trampling over the OT.
Yeah I didn't get past the opening either despite beating the first like 3 times
Imagine being this clinically retarded. Go back to playing your playstation movie walking simulators made for low IQ brainlets like you.
>claims kotor combat is broken
How did you have the braincells to write this post?
I just started playing this yesterday and the female player character in this game has a really fucking thick ass and thighs and I was not prepared for that. Also it has a lot of cute alien girls like Mission. Unfortunately I accidentally specced guns on a Scout not knowing that they're supposed to be a melee class so I guess I have to restart the game.
I actually don't get why it hasn't been ported to current gen systems but it got a A+++ port to iOS.
I know any POS computer can play it nowadays
>It's not that this game has aged badly, it wasn't even good at the time.
you might restart multiple times because of shit like that. You choose a jedi class later and you might realize you fucked yourself by choosing skills that don't mesh with your choice.
Why couldn't they just be more up front about the class restrictions? Nothing about "Scout" implies that it's a melee class. I didn't even know that it was a melee class until halfway through the Taris lower city sewers that I couldn't upgrade my gun skills by any more than +1.
I love how every time Obsidian makes a bad game, it's somebody else's fault.
Cliche is probably not the right word. Trope-filled probably works better. And it was done on purpose, because it was a Star Wars game trying to repeat popular things from the movies/books to appeal to the Star Wars fanbase. Saying they repeated tropes is not an insult. It's actually something that makes the fans love the game, as opposed to the junk Disney has been making since taking over the IP. And it did these tropes better than the prequel films did.
That being said, the core plot of the game was cliche. You are the villain, an evil apprentice, Bastila's love story...these are the weakest parts of the game in my opinion. And I saw them coming a mile away.
It's definitely annoying because it's not an inconsequential choice like it seems to be. I didn't experiment too much though most of the time I just went Soldier and Jedi guardian
>nigh unplayable
Go back to fortnite, junior.
nigh unplayable, hyperbole perhaps
Security is worthless,power attack and critical strike are worthless, pazzak opponents literally just cheat, movement is all kinds of janky, constantly getting stuck on the environment/other characters, looks bad even for the time
You’ve been so used to training wheels and this is your first time riding a bike. Sure you might scrape and hurt yourself once in a while, but give it a bot of your time and it’s infinitely more rewarding than “streamlined” crap.
fuck you faggot you're as bad as the morrowind poster
Why don't you go back to nintendos?
Why the fuck does the game not support widescreen resolutions? Games that came out at the same time had them.
I had a lot of fun with this game and replayed it december of 2017. Dark side is much more fun than light side.
Competently written
Memorable characters
Great music
Perfectly captures what people actually want from Star Wars
Name me the last 10 games you played
I’d rather play a game that lets me fuck myself rather than keep me in a crib.
I’d rather play a game I have to figure out rather than one that basically plays itself.
The best version of the game is locked to iOS, it has resolutions up to whatever the resolution of the newest iPad Pro is, it keeps getting updated to the newest Apple devices.
quality post
>locked to iOS
So, not the best version then.
>kotor 1
pick one
because all the OC villains like malak, revan and nihilus have cool as fuck designs
It plays rather well on touchscreen considering the gameplay the game has and even supports controllers if thats your thing.
not at all. they haven't made a good game since New Vegas (sword of truth doesnt really count). but they did get fucked for a couple games, and KOTORII was one of them.
to be fair why lucasarts denied their day one patch i will never understand
Stick of Truth was good though
Because it was one of the better made Star Wars games with an actual story and decent twists that let us feel like we were actual Jedi/Sith and within the Universe with its own personalized story, even if it was rather cliche and based on cliche SW tropes.
The game is broken and jank as fuck, but that doesn't mean it's not fun or doesn't have things to be enjoyed within it and things that could be improved upon for the future of SW games once EA loses the license. It had an enjoyable OST, characters, story, and general SW feel. That's what made the game special, much like the Jedi Knight series.
it was good but it wasn't really to their credit. it was still written by trey parker and matt stone. either way, they've been a shit dev for almost a decade, and when outer "holy shit this game is shit" limits comes out it will have been a full decade
>once EA loses the license
Even if that happens SW is still owned by Disney and they have proven to have no fucking idea what to do with the IP. None of the good stuff is ever coming back because its non canon now and the nulore sucks
>the core plot of the game was cliche
It objectively wasn't.
Juahani wasn't supposed to be some difficult boos fight unless you are a total nub
>hyperbole perhaps
Total bullshit, I've never heard anyone but spergs on the internet give the combat such a bad rating
Oh yeah, you're right, let'smake it interesting
Okay, but it's like 8/10 TOPS as far as gameplay goes.
>Stick of Truth
Literally where SP ended for me. The game was such a love letter to the franchise and a great send off.
The last five seasons have been shit and FBW was crap. Havent played the mobile game yet where the kids play cowboys and indians though
>stop calling out brainlet posts
>Juahani wasn't supposed to be some difficult boos fight unless you are a total nub
You want me to make the one where I fight 8 kath hounds by running in a circle while carth and canderous autoattack?
While you have a point about Disney, I don't think all of the nulore sucks, some of it is actually good, not all, but some.
Either way, that's why we ultimately liked KotOR, it was a fun game that added a lot to the lore and universe. Was it perfect, no, was it shit, no.
Well yeah, it's not a perfect game, no game is. No game will ever be, perfection isn't real. KotOR is DND 3.5 that's what it is. It's not perfect, it's easily broken and the game is made easy. But that doesn't make the gameplay bad. You can break most games pretty easily honestly, sure it's still not the best gameplay in the world, but that doesn't detract from the overall game. It's still a damn fine game, it's just aged poorly in some aspects like a lot of things.
>some of it is actually good
i take the bait what is good
It's hilarious how every time someone uses this word, their argument is wrong.
Read the fucking attribute and skill descriptions you fucking retard.
KotOR literally gives you the fucking math.
You're actually braindead
As I said in my last post, the story is good for what it is as far as SW goes, the OST is good, the characters are generally well written (some aren't admittedly), the worlds and atmosphere are genuinely fun, and within the system and gameplay that is presented to us, you feel like a Jedi/Sith.
Sure it's all subjective at the end of the day, but that's my personal take on it, you also have to remember that a lot of us were a lot younger when the game came out and this was around the prequel trilogy too, so SW was on a lot of people's minds at the time. With that said, just because there is something you disagree with, doesn't make it bait all the time. Its fine if you disagree with any point I made and just outright hate the game, to each their own, but its ignorant to think people can't find things within the game to like despite some of its more janky and broken qualities in hindsight.
What? When are kath hounds ever a problem?
Read the fucking descriptions of attributes and skills and don't auto level like a retard.
>hurr game has "exploits"
>that make game bad!
no, you're allowed to tackle any conflict however you want to. Yes running away and luring melee attackers into enfilading fire is a totally legitimate strategy, that's also why they bothered adding mines.
>so what if the gameplay, story, and graphics (for 2003) are great, I don't like it therefore game iz bad!
What about the core plot is cliche then?
How is this unplayable? I was a brainlet who relied on cheats for most of my childhood and I got through it just fine.
What a shitter
Uh here's a rough list not in order
Oxygen Not Included
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Stardew Valley
Darkest Dungeon
Zombie Panic: Source
Counter-Strike: Source
>all the people complaining about cliche don't even bring up the most cliche parts of the story
Feels good to not be a film school dropout and actually good at videogames
>he didn't save leveling until he was a jedi
Not him but how is Zombie Panic Source these days? I remember it being pretty broken years ago.
Beyond the Revan twist, its just RotJ. The Star Forge is the Death Star. Carth is Han Solo, etc. That's what most people are getting at. It's SW, it's cliche with some good twists.
Story was decent.
Being cliche doesn't mean its bad, nor does that have anything to do with being good at video games.
It's pretty broken and mostly dead, can't recommend it. Like 2 active EU servers.
>not mentioning the moral of the story
>not the recurring theme throughout dialogue
>not mentioning commentary on pragmatism
>doesn't mention the literal Romeo and Juliet Quest
>doesn't mention the literal prisoner's dilemma used
You must suck absolute cock at videogames.
That's a shame, I remember loving what I did play of it back in the day. I tried getting back into Trouble in Terrorist Town and that one gamemode where you're in a high school and there is a Murderer running around and you collect gas cans and stuff (I forgot the name), but it seems the HL scene is largely dead, maybe it was just the time of day I played. Rather sad.
>tfw have to play Source because GO takes up too much space and 1.6 is dead
People have brought it up. You just didn't read their posts.
Care to elaborate on your opinion?
You mean those things that are present within nearly every Star Wars media and doesn't make it creative in any way? Those are good things, doesn't mean they aren't cliche however.
Also, what does that have to do with being good at video games?
None of the fights are hard. The only fight you can't cheese with land mines is the final boss of the arena questline
We said it was cliche, not that it was bad you idiot.
Peragus followed by Taris is a one-two punch nearly guaranteed to make some players drop the game
Taris isn't too bad, I played KotOR not long ago. It's a lot less offensive than I remembered it being. Peragus is trash though.
I tried that my first time, playing without Persuasion as a class skill is so fucking terrible.
Cliche means overused, not bad.
The romeo and juliet quest is optional and requires the player to explore Dantioone to solve the puzzle.
The moral of the story is redemption, canonically.
The recurring theme is turning away from darkness.
The prisoner's dilemma is on Kashyyk
>present in nearly every Star Wars media
I forget the part in the OT or PT where the judgement of the Jedi Council caused the self exile of a Jedi. Haha, maybe I'm misremembering...
Literally baited. Prisoner's dilemma isn't a cliche retard. It's a game.
A baby's first playthrough mistake
I didn't even say those were cliches. I was mentioning what was left after the other poster gave cliches.
Also, the Star Forge doesn't get destroyed and canonically Revan appears there 300 years later.
SW:KOTOR is a game that has received near universal praise being ranked as one of the best RPGs, not just on the xbox, but of all time.
I contend that is akin to calling The Walking Dead one of the best point/click adventure games of all time.
In essence: "How did this mediocre game get such high praise?"
Taris is at least pretty short. There's like three missions before you go to the military base (which is also boring) and are then at the temple and free
>broken, nigh unplayable game
Elaborate on that please
>The romeo and juliet quest is optional and requires the player to explore Dantioone to solve the puzzle.
Yes, and we're talking about the main story, not the side-quests, and Romeo & Juliet stories are overdone and cliche, even the movies have it.
>The moral of the story is redemption, canonically.
Like the movies?
>The recurring theme is turning away from darkness.
Again like the movies?
>The prisoner's dilemma is on Kashyyk
Again the prisoner's dilemma exists within a multitude of media in different facets and does not make it an original thought.
>I forget the part in the OT or PT where the judgement of the Jedi Council caused the self exile of a Jedi. Haha, maybe I'm misremembering...
You're right there is no Jedi Council jugement that causes self-exile, except Obi-Wan and Yoda self-exile themselves and are both Council members, while it isn't entirely the same, it still doesn't mean its not a cliche use of a story present within a lot of media. Also with that said, media encompasses the comics and novels too, which there is plenty of that.
Again, just because something is cliche, does not inherently make it bad, stop being under the impression that because certain things are overused with media, makes them bad. The story is good, most of the side-quests are good, they're cliche and a lot of the things are still present within other SW related things.
Why are under the impression that any of us that said it was cliche are saying these things are bad in any way, they're overused, that's all, whether it be within other SW related things or not. They are, they're overused.
Peragus is great, it world builds very well, the antagonist is well set up. Peragus is a great opener to the game. Telos is the problem.
>not leveling Scoundrel high enough to be able to not have a dead weight thief in the party before swapping to guardian and leveling only Charisma
Its amazing how easy some anons can just rip apart arguments in a matter of minutes, it's quite entertaining to watch the back and forth.
>Also, the Star Forge doesn't get destroyed and canonically Revan appears there 300 years later.
And the Death Star gets rebuilt, also TOR isn't canon, nor was it ever. The EU has never been canon, that's why it was the EU.
user most of that is actually in the movies, stop being absolute cock at movies
I do not like the forced droid segments
Yep, sounds like Star Wars. You can literally insert Anakin/Vader into all of those.
You're analysis of Jolee Bindo's decision and how it was setup is surface level at best.
Jolee Bindo married a woman as a Jedi and trained her in the ways of the Force. He was not a Jedi Master, nor did he have the permission of the Council.
During the war with Exur Kun, Jolee's wife fell to the Dark Side and demanded Jolee do the same. Jolee could not do this and a battle ensued.
Jolee could not bring himself to kill his wife and let her flee.
Jolee's wife killed many Jedi during the war but was ultimately killed in battle, not by Jolee.
After the war, Jolee faced the Council for judgement for his actions.
The Council decided that the betrayal and loss Jolee experienced was punishment enough for his actions.
Jolee was unsatisfied by this verdict and left the Jedi as he saw their judgement as wrong.
To Jolee this decision by the Council was a Dark decision without being a Dark decision.
Totally a cliche though.
They exist to teaching you hacking and repair
KotOR is EU.
Stop huffing petrol
Not everyone shares your view. In fact, most people seem to hate it. I'm someone who doesn't mind Taris in KOTOR 1. But I still have to admit that tons of people hate it.
Also, even if you are okay with Peragus, that opening tutorial on the Ebon Hawk is god awful. They didn't need to do that. The events in Peragus already teach you all the same things. And that horrible repeating AI voice and endless explosions...it's just awful.
>from a super macro lens everything is cliche
Yeah, just like every story is the Hero's Journey.
Say it with me, English degree and film school dropout.
Peragus is really interesting the first time through.
On subsequent play-throughs it sucks dick.
>Combat is easily exploited and shallow, therefore game is good
>Gameplay is good, plz ignore completely pointless skills and basic movement
>Graphics are great for 2003, plz ignore the other better looking starwars game on the xbox from 2 years prior
Pazaak is not for everyone you know
Give an example of a pointless skill.
>easily exploited and shallow
You don't play KotOR for the combat.
That being said if you can't hit level 26 by the end of the game lmao at ur lyfe
How mentally retarded does one have to be to think it's broken?
Yes, Jolee Bindo had gray areas and understood that emotions were not the death of duty, this exists with Luke and Mara Jade post-ROTJ with the Light-Side. This type of story exists in a myriad of media, that therefore makes it a cliche thing, since it is rather overused and has become rather overused within SW to try and paint a gray area of the Jedi/Sith, despite KotOR itself saying Jolee would never bend the knee to a Sith and the Dark-Side should you go that route, and he himself in his history refuses such things as well. Jolee failed to understand that his own personal hell was his own failure, which is present within Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and so many others.
Yes its a cliche, its overused when it comes to Gray Jedi, only Kreia gets a pass because she tries to pass on actual knowledge of an equilibrium and even then its only for her own gain and Sith ambitions to try and manipulate the Exile.
Again, do not ignore the point that cliche=/=bad. Things can be cliche and fantastic, such as Jolee's character. Your own inability to see that is causing a problem with this discussion, because you ignore it at every possible turn. Besides you can take Jolee's story and split in between Anakin and Luke/Mara and it works nearly the exact same way.
i have this game sitting in my steam library. i liked mass effect, is kotor worth the 40 hours? is the second one really better?
is jedi academy any good? anyone play movie battles?
>AI will always draw lower numbers than you so you always have to react first
you barely even get any money for this shitty game, why do they make the AI cheat so hard
No shit, it was never canon, get over it.
Say it with me, the word cliche means that something is overused, these story elements are overused, therefore it is cliche. End of story.
>That pazaak tournament in kotor 2 where you don't even have to play a single game to become grand champion
>this argument
I'm sorry I love the KotOR games, hell I even like parts of TOR like Dark-Side Trooper, but it's definitely cliche and simplistic as fuck, fantastic and fun as fuck, but it is. A lot of things in KotOR are like TFA, its just ripped off from other Star Wars things and given a fancy new coat of paint.
its not as good as Mass Effect
same with vampire the masquerade
Jolee was a fucking moron. Love was never taboo to the Jedi, attachment was, and he was too blind to see that. The Council was right. Jolee was a failure of a Jedi.
VTM:B is actually good though
Movement and combat are extremely clunky and unresponsive.
Constantly getting stuck on party members
This might be PC issues
>Drop 2 mines in front of door
>Can't get the fucking door prompt to appear
>finally finagle the camera and mouse so I can click on it
>Trying to collect enemy mine
>click recover
>character runs directly into it sometimes and triggers it.
>Click ability
>Doesn't add to queue
>Keep clicking, eventually does
mores in this vein, wherein the basic interactions with the game world are hard to execute.
standards for wRPGs are far lower than most genres
when did cliche mean things were bad?
i swear Yea Forums needs to learn the definition of words, you guys do it constantly
Security is literally worthless
>Ignore a major portion of the game because it's not the point
>Level 26
Level cap is 20
Fucking this, especially on Kreia. The fact that so many people try to argue that she's Gray is insane. She's a Sith, she's trying to manipulate you and you've fallen right into her trap. It's the entire purpose of her conversation, she gives you something to think about to try and manipulate and turn you and you all fall hook line and sinker for it.
Pazaak is shit. Should have just had Sabacc. Then in TOR, they literally had cantinas and all the infrastructure to have Sabacc and Pazaak...and didn't do either.
>completely misinterpret my post
>ignores the references to Kant's moral judgement relative to duty
>instead try to paint the story with an existentialist stroke which is clearly poisoned by themes from KotOR 2
You are so fucking stupid.
Jolee's personal application of morality was closer to Kant's than any nihilistic philosopher.
Jolee literally never mentions a moral grey area. He merely comments on duty.
From reading your posts, cliche is a meaningless word because everything is cliche, to you.
You don't even comment on the language you use to define your cliche.
"Overused" which implies that it is used more often than it should be.
So here are my questions for you. What is an example of a non-cliche story. And, what is the metric used to determine when a story element becomes overused?
VTMB might be broken but it's completely playable and actually really good.
t. played it three days ago
>level cap is 20
>broken, nigh unplayable game
in what way is it broken and unplayable? it's real time with pause, you can take as much time as you need to dish out commands before unpausing.
>played a different game
Jolee's entire philosophy is how the Council and the Jedi Code is inherently wrong, that's a gray area by comparison because he's still not following the other extreme of the Sith Code. His entire personality is based on him being a Gray area Jedi.
With that said, a story element is not overused when its presented within an original context. You can take a variety of typically cliche elements and spin in to genre and the world itself. Jolee is a Gray Jedi, an overused plot element, he's given a good backstory and reasoning for it, but it doesn't inherently change is ultimate and final conclusion if you choose to go Dark-Side, nor does it cause any amount of tension or originality within Star Wars. He's a great character, his backstory is great, its been done before. Jolee robs the player of seeing a different viewpoint because he himself can't see a different viewpoint, he only sees his own, much like the Jedi, Sith, etc. Every character in SW is nearly like this. They're black and white, which is an ironic take on a Gray Jedi, and please don't say he's not a Gray Jedi, because he actively opposes philosophy designs when it comes to the Jedi and Sith, and yet he's still a Jedi. He makes no progress, he learns nothing. His story doesn't matter at all other than giving him a reason to have been an exile. It's no different had Anakin taught Padme and she fell to the Dark Side. Anakin would have learned nothing and continued in his own ideology and making no progress. Jolee is the same just a different spectrum, it gives you nothing to actually think about and actually question. That's what ultimately makes it cliche, because it doesn't subvert the player's expectations once you know more about him.
Go play it on PC, right now, report back.
I think the words you lads are meaning to use over cliche is base. KotOR is base, like everything with Star Wars. It doesn't do anything different to any of the comics, novels, movies, etc. It's Star Wars, simple as that, it's base, not cliche beyond the chosen-one/rome & juliet shit that is constant throughout it. It's shit children can understand, its not intelligent in any way.
Neither broken nor unplayable.
Almost no jank.
I don’t think KOTOR is as broken as he claims (KOTOR 2 at least), but the fact that most of the skills in old RPGs were useless was a cancerous trend that I’m glad has been mostly ditched.
Its definitely jank user and has a ton of bugs, 9/10 game though.
They're both pretty jank really, and can't do much when its based on 3.5, some stuff is bound to be useless trash.
>unplayable game
are you stupid?
user like 45 of the 49 posters here are stupid do you really need to ask that?
you have some points with your complaints but pic related for your pic related
I hate this retarded system.
>a ton of bugs
>Its definitely jank user
I've played jank
Neverwinter Nights 2 is jank out the ass
KOTOR is a pearl of programming compared to that
Oh man a character fucks up because of love and is told his punishment is his own guilt which he disagrees with? Haven't seen that a thousand times before. No sir I haven't.
Unironically, the games are best played on Xbox.
Even the UI is better on those versions.
Too bad for you, the package is starting to reach those dreaded "retro" prices
In KOTOR 2 I can’t think of any skill that’s outright useless. Even stealth allows you to set up sneak criticals, avoid tough encounters and isolate enemies to kill them individually.
Scout is a balance between melee and skills, don't be dumb.
It's the balance class, literally.
You can buy an original xbox with all the shit for like $30-40.
>G-g-gee wizz... that .webm actually makes sense...
>using best armor in the game up to that point (Davik's)
>being a Jedi Guardian
>probably tard strength
>probably not Expert mode
anyone who's played the game can see through the bait
Good luck finding that.
I got an Xbox of my own for $12 at Goodwill in 2016, controllers made it extra $8-12.
Since then, prices have risen as stock has decreased.
But yeah, if you mod your Xbox you don't need to buy the discs, which are no less than $25 each typically at retail.
>that opening tutorial on the Ebon Hawk is god awful. They didn't need to do that.
literally complaining about something optional and interruptible immediately at will
now this is a legitimate glitch; why beat around the bush?
but as stated, Xbox doesn't have this problem
>It's okay if something is bad when it's optional.
By that logic, there's no standards in any game. Because every game is optional.
I didn't even say it's bad.
Here: It's not a bad tutorial.
Teaches a newbie much of what they'd need to know, and also serves as an interesting prologue to play through once if you're a veteran.
>Because every game is optional.
The fuck are you talking about? It immediately asks you if you want to skip the tutorial, and if you don't, it tells you where to go if you change your mind. It's the very definition of optional.
>looks bad for an OG Xbox game
Lmao, your zoom is showing
You won't know its bad unless you play it once. And you claiming its not bad doesn't mean anything, because that's your subjective view. And you can say playing any game is optional. There are many ways your argument is stupid.
I went into the game to get footage of getting stuck on nothing, and discovered this by pure accident
And you claiming its not bad doesn't mean anything, because that's your subjective view.
>And you can say playing any game is optional.
Sure. How is that relevant to this discussion about playing a *part* of a game? Is Super Mario Bros 1-1 optional?
No, it isn't.
>There are many ways your argument is stupid.
You're stupid.
GOG version or original PC release?
Steam with fairlight exe modded to support 1080p and HD menus
good to know.
maybe it's a Steam issue.
It's effectively not the steam version as you have to replace the exe to do any patching
I just looked up some xbox on ebay and they're still dirt fuckin cheap. You can put a bid in on one right now for 20$ with 4 controller and 20games and I doubt anyone will outbid you for it.
>Zoomer who isn't actually familiar with the graphics of the time calls me, someone who literally made graphics of the time, a zoomer.
Not an argument.
>anyone who's played the game can see through the bait
You realize you just basically said its only good if you entirely ignore entire parts of the gameplay and playstyles right? You basically just confirmed parts of the game are bad yourself, gg.
So the game is good and not broken if I ignore parts of the game that is broken and not good? Wow, fantastic argument user, you sure showed him.
>failed to understand the basic rules and themes of the franchise
kotor 2 literally has the best written star wars story.
I can't tell you user i can literally play it anytime and still have fun despite its flaws, but star wars was my whole childhood and i was always a big sucker for SW games
Also fuck lucasarts,disney,hollywood the jews and the jannies they ruin everything that is fun
>Sure. How is that relevant to this discussion about playing a *part* of a game?
You're arguing that something optional can't be deemed lackluster because the player has the capacity to skip it. I just took your own stupid argument to the next level, pointing out the player has the agency to skip the entire game. Which by your dumb logic, means nothing can be deemed bad in any game.
Do you get it yet? No, you're probably too dumb to understand.
Prequels are reddit as fuck, also bad.
I found the beginning entire act boring as hell.
>You realize you just basically said its only good if you entirely ignore entire parts of the gameplay and playstyles right? You basically just confirmed parts of the game are bad yourself, gg.
moronic response
what I did was explain what was really going on in the video
I'm actually playing it right now, it's decent. It's not that amazing, but stil lfun
>You're arguing that something optional can't be deemed lackluster because the player has the capacity to skip it.
No I wasn't. I said it was skippable. Fullstop. And *and* (unrelated to the prior statement) that it is not in fact bad.
>I just took your own stupid argument to the next level, pointing out the player has the agency to skip the entire game. Which by your dumb logic, means nothing can be deemed bad in any game.
You just made up an argument in your head because you're too desperate to win you won't understand what the person's actually saying.
Do you get it yet? No, you're probably too dumb to understand.
it was good 15 years ago
>game comes out
>nostalgia is why it's popular right out the gate
Fuck you're dumb.
It's really hard to beat Bendak Starkiller on level 2, but I have no problem on level 3. Should I sacrifice one level? I won't miss out on anything too big with just one level, right?
>I-I'm not a zoomer! YOU'RE THE ZOOMER! My dad works at Nintendo, shut the heck up!
>I'll call his bluff.
Not bluffing.
Maybe if you'd actually used an xbox at the time, you'd realize KOTOR is pretty poor as for what the xbox was capable of, plenty of PS2 games that look better.
Who're trying to fool, retard?
the environments look better than the character models
plus, there's good-looking cutscenes in it
>It's totally outlandish that some rando bitching about a 15 year old game on the internet might have experience with 15 year old graphics
>someone who's never had to hand weight vertices
>someone who doesn't know the difference between a .tga and a .dds
>someone who thinks kotor is "great graphics"
How do you do this nowadays? they removed the way I knew.
You're unironically retarded regarding on how George Lucas treated the EU with different tiers and outright stated Star Wars had a single timeline. He hired Leland Chee solely just to keep continuity and if they were non canon they were made blatant like the infinites line. This stupid meme about EU never being canon needs to die because basedlets who came fresh into the franchise started astroturfing for the mouse after a decades long disconnect from the rest of the franchise.
How was it unplayable? I remember it playing fine in 2004.
>darkest dungeon and dark souls both don't have easily exploited mechanics and occasional jank
Man Kotor is a CRPG in third person instead of overhead. If you're playing it for the combat animations you're a retard.
The combat mechanics are fantastic.
The real problem is that the game is unbalanced, so you need only abuse, not adapt to.
Dude for a game released in 2003 it looks fine. Stop being autistic. It wasn't a fucking tech demo, it was a longish CPRG with other budget priorities than trying to be top of the line graphics. But to say it looks terrible compared to 2003 standards is asinine.
Retards, it’s a fucking console RPG how can you be having issues?
millenial here, not me
I love the prequels
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
>mfw I kind of liked Peragus
I dunno, I thought it had surprisingly decent atmosphere and tension.
Probably because on top of being great it was neither broken nor nigh unplayable.
Can be said for any game, especially single player games. There's no real incentive to spend too much time balancing a game where the decision to abuse the system has no repurcussions aside from your immersion and can be avoided by simply not doing it.
You tell me
how can anyone like kotor 1? it was the tfa of legends since it ripped off so much from thr original trilogy without understanding why it was good. dialogue is bad, villain was generic and the twist was cliche. the only good planet was korriban.
-Literally, the only universe where BioWare's kill the kittens or save the puppies morality bar and writing makes ingame sense.
-Old Republic era is perfect for games since they don't have to kill the main characters off or explain how they fail to explain why they aren't in/relevant to the films.
-Combat is CPRG jank but there were obvious ways to tighten it up (see kotor 2)
-Focus is actually on what people want when being a jedi.
-Above average (for starwars) story and KotOR 2's story is GoAT.
-Force choke and force lightning
EA and Bioware havent fucked it up with yearly releases and casualisation yet so people can live in hope KotOR 3 would actually be based on dnd combat and not 'streamlined' to shit with a trash story .
>Can be said for any game
except they tend to have much worse mechanics?
>EA and Bioware havent fucked it up with yearly releases and casualisation yet so people can live in hope KotOR 3
Zoomer here, I first played through and finished this game about 5 years ago, so I don't have any nostalgic value added to it, with that in mind, it is one of the greatest western rpgs ever made and I've went back to it and the second game several times.
>how can anyone like kotor 1? it was the tfa of legends since it ripped off so much from thr original trilogy without understanding why it was good.
because I don't like comics
>dialogue is bad, villain was generic and the twist was cliche.
more substantial than a JRPG, is a sith lord, and no it wasn't
>the only good planet was korriban.
it's the best by a longshot but the others hold up on their own as well
>EA and Bioware havent fucked it up with yearly releases and casualisation yet so people can live in hope KotOR 3
>-Combat is CPRG jank but there were obvious ways to tighten it up (see kotor 2)
this makes no sense
There's been a lot of kotor shitposting lately, what's going on? Are the swtorfags rising up?
>kill the kittens or save the puppies morality bar and writing makes ingame sense.
But it doesn't.
The darkside is addictive and seductive. The more you use it the more you want to use it.
That way it makes in universe sense for a DS character to go full murderhobo.
Compare that with 'renegade' Shepard who kills someone for no reason just to be a dick.
>That way it makes in universe sense for a DS character to go full murderhobo.
There's no reason to ever save levels, the game is already so piss easy you pretty much would have to actively try and make a shit character.
I remember encountering that world droid thing that let me go back to previous worlds (like talos) at the end of one of my playthroughs. That was a fucking weird bug.
Have you met Darth Vader zoom lord.
Vader and Palpatine are not anything close to murderhobos.
oh, its definitely playable, in fact it plays itself almost.
which is probably why people went crazy over something so shockingly mediocre.
that and it is fucking star wars; people often bitch about nintendo getting a pass, well, this game did so long before, and it was clear to most people who are not raging SW fanbois.
The frustration of playing Peragus is the fact it's one long tutorial, if you played the previous game it feels like padding. But the atmosphere was kino.
Telos felt like pure tedium though.
Nah, I played it per Yea Forums's recommendation like a decade after it released and I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
If you struggle with fucking kath hounds you're a legit brainlet. Not the game's fault.
The entire Taris section was fucking bullshit. They set it up as an actual hub with different areas and NPCs and quests to help people out and whatnot, and literally none of it fucking matters because Malak glasses the entire planet and kills everyone anyway.
Still better than KOTOR2's abysmal start with Peragus station though.
Not broken, like at all. Elaborate.
My only real beef with KotOR is that the starting classes and pretty much all non-lightsaber weapons don't matter at all and are utterly worthless. You're going to be a Jedi, and you're going to be using a lightsaber, end of discussion. You will never actually be the dashing rogue fighting with blasters past the tutorial stage at the beginning.
And also IIRC there were a ton of force spells that all sounded really cool to use, but they wouldn't affect tough boss-tier opponents anyway, and there were lesser mobs that you actually could use the spells against, but they were weak so it was quicker and simpler to just kill them with standard combat.
>The entire Taris section was fucking bullshit. They set it up as an actual hub with different areas and NPCs and quests to help people out and whatnot, and literally none of it fucking matters because Malak glasses the entire planet and kills everyone anyway.
I actually really liked it, it made you kind of curious as to what was going to happen with your choices and then it's whoosh, fuck your old life. A lot of games do that shit and it helps that Taris had some decent quests, what sucked about it was that it was just a little too big and you don't yet have access to speed.
I know the first one is available on the xbox store
I wouldn't have minded it all being irrelevant if it didn't take up such a decently large chunk of time in the beginning. It's not even like I was expecting to actually see the repercussions of Taris quests reflected later in the game or anything. It just feels pointless to do shit like help those guys living in the bottom-level of the city find their promised land or whatever just for the entire place to blow up regardless.
>You will never actually be the dashing rogue fighting with blasters past the tutorial stage at the beginning.
You can and it's still dogshit brain dead easy except for the last fight with Malak which is absolutely based around you having a lightsaber.
Sure you technically can do it, but the point I'm making is that lightsabers are objectively the best option instead of being like other games where there are different classes and combat styles to invest in and they all have their pros and cons. With KotOR there is a hands-down objectively best play style, and the fact that you're forced to ditch your starting class after the first act and become a jedi knight anyway compounds the problem.
I still think it's fun, like I said my only complaint was that it took like 15 minutes to run from end to end and your first time playing you're going to be wasting a lot of fucking time running back and forth because you didn't already have the order plotted. Some of the quests are charming enough and I like that at that point in the game, especially if you are power gaming it you're weak as shit and enemies can be an actual threat so using traps and mines if you're using some of the harder difficulty mods becomes something you do.
I got exactly what you were saying and agree it sucks I was just pointing out that you CAN do it even if it's weak. Also there's no reason to ever wear heavy armor because lol no force powers.
>Drop 2 mines in front of door
Why? I don't think mines open locked doors in KotOR I.
>Trying to collect enemy mine
>click recover
>character runs directly into it sometimes and triggers it.
I don't recall that ever happening to me, but I'm not saying that couldn't happen. I just don't know.
>Click ability
>Doesn't add to queue
>Keep clicking, eventually does
You can only have a few (3?) abilities/attacks/items queued at a time. Just be patient.
Exactly, that's my point. The game does technically give you options but 99% of people are just going to be a jedi with robes and a lightsaber or two because that's what the game does everything in its power to coerce you to be. I don't even get why they decided to include starting classes as anything other than as a cock-tease.
I get that they have to have the main character be a jedi because of the plot, but it still would've been nice had there been decent options for other playstyles, like a rogue or a heavy-armored bounty hunter or whatever.
That and also you can literally remove queued items.
Youre literally bad at videogames if you aggroed 8 kath hounds. Even then the game is easy if you arent a retard.
>he doesn't play as a gun slinging jedi
lamo @ ur lyfe
DW blasters is objectivly the highest dps build possible in the game.
The reason the game focuses on lightsabers is because you're a jedi and its a single player game so rigid classes dont matter.
But that's not Kotor 2 with it's unnecessary skills
>god-tier music
>really solid environmental graphics and sound design
>good voice acting
>moral choice system affected gameplay intrinsically by altering Force power costs and restricting gear
>used the universe of SW as a jumping-off-point everyone knows and enjoys without wallowing in the established canon
>had turn-based combat that felt real-time compared to the Final Fantasy model of "idle animation 95% of the fight until you move up, perform your action, more back and continue to idle"
And the combat's fine, honestly. It was simple and fully explained. My only complaint about it was that it used D&D terms like "saving throw" that 12-year-old me had never heard before, and they aren't explained in-game.
>picks guardian yet spams force powers like a Consular
>expends his entire force pool on this useless strategy
>takes damage
>still annihilates Juhani because she's not hard at all
>speeds it up so it looks silly even though nothing in the webm demonstrates the combat being broken
If this is you, OP, the problem isn't the game. It's between your keyboard and chair.
are you okay? played through both games twice and the only thing I ever thought was broken was the heal force power
I hope the new south park game is a 1-4 player arcade style brawler with a diablo 2 style loot system.
baby's first bioware