Are graphics really important in video games?
Are graphics really important in video games?
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VIDEO games
Yes depending on the game, and stop posting plastic aliens.
No, and only zoomers think otherwise.
I'm not even gonna touch any game if:
-it doesn't have good graphics
-it doesn't have a good character creator
I'll just watch it on twitch otherwise.
She reminds me of Hinako. Y'know I never even finished blue reflection. I feel bad. I really wanna go back to that beautiful game.
Look at that cityscape in the background. Bland, depressing, soulless. Just like most Asian women.
Depends on the game.
god i really want a short-haired girl with gloomy eyes and a voice like Chris Connor
Nope, artstyle is much more important.
good luck playing a videogame without graphics
____ ____
I think performance is more important, but I think we are at a time where fucking 1080p should be the norm always.
>a voice like Chris Connor
a man of refined tastes
Only to a point. As long as the graphics are "good" enough to not be a muddled mess then it's okay. Realistic graphics are a meme, it's not interesting.
a game that is boring when stripped to white textures and boxes is not a real game but a movie
Good luck not getting hit by traffic if you wander off from your handler.
Style and aesthetic: Yes.
Technical power: No.
I still routinely play and enjoy SNES games, and the output resolution of that console is 256x224
GOD i'm so fucking lonely
Same. SNES era was peak aesthetics.
>chinese smog
kinda glad I went to see the sites and landscapes before the country became an even bigger shithole
Not really
I mean when you start getting lower than NES / GB graphics that's when stuff gets tricky to enjoy but anything higher is fine
mega kek
fake plastic thots should be a new radiohead song
What do these people look like irl?
I think that photoshop/postp effect is overdone a bit too much
video GAMES
Yes they are, not in the sense of how many of muh resolution you can cram on a single model and make it look as uncanny as possible but in the sense of art direction and expressing your vision being able to see what the you are doing, having clean UIs, you know the utility off having graphics.
Some atari games look better than others, Witcher 3 looks better than any Bioware shit.
Why is this buglady being posted all over Yea Forums now?
artstyle >>>> graphical fidelity
why is everyone is too retarded to understand this?
She's such a poser user you'd be better off finding a genuine girl
Dafuq is wrong with her face? Its like part of her jaw is missing. She looks like what my waifu charactrers end up looking in game after I spent a while in character creator trying to get them right, so im forced to restart to fix them.
Also, wide shoulders, im thinking trap chance at 50%.
Graphics are important up until they can properly convey art style. Mario didn't really need better graphics than the Gamecube, except Mario Kart which benefits from the sharper Switch display.
"Realistic" shooters continue to benefit from gorillion dollar budgets because it's very important I can see every blackhead on that soldier's nose in the reflection of that bead of sweat.
Meanwhile MMOs have been hurt by better graphics because their art styles are generally meant to be interpretive to engross you in the world more over time. The world of Runescape feels more real than any Korean MMO where 99% of the budget went to graphix and the other 1% went to the character creator.
Graphics can even create art style through necessity. Look at Brave Fencer Musashi or Megaman Legends, fucking amazing low poly art styles that look great. Only problem is low resolution which is a weakness.
tl;dr: Usually no, but a crisp resolution is almost always good
no, I play with my eyes closed
I bet I could fit this woman's entire head in my mouth
her eye bags and her eyebrows makes her face kind of weird
im blind so graphics doesnt matter to me
>genuine girl
doesn't exist
It does, but only under 18
>You will never cum down her throat
Photo realism doesn't make games memorable in of themselves
The adoption of it as a standard forces designers to actively try to be more creative than their peers
The more generic brown/bloom/orange&blue lens flare bullshit there is the more actual design innovation stands out
The mouthbreathing muh graphics fags that make up the majority of wannabe PC gamers playing multiplats on ps4/xbox isn't going to be that bad in the long run
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.
Check mailbox
Why are you checking other peoples' mail, asshole
Hmmm... Yes and no. Resident 2 remake is good game with good grophics.
Silent hill 1 is good game with old graphics.
Eat grue
We've been watching graphics slowly evolve for most of our lives so this is impressive but not amazing to us. We can tell the difference between this and reality.
Imagine showing this to someone 200 years ago. They'd think it was real. Show them any big name Hollywood movie these days they'd think the world was ending.
I don't know the word "check".
one of them looks like this irl
In all likelihood, part of her jaw IS missing, she's Korean and they're plastic surgery capital of the world
the mailbox contains a letter reading something
ur a faget
Open mailbox
stupid game
Yes but I'll play old games where they did as best as they could with limited technology. I fucking hate pixel art.
PSX games should be a thing again, why no one makes them in modern time?
Opening the small mailbox reveals a leaflet.
post the nice smiling girl
>Are graphics really important in video games?
There wouldn't be anything to see without graphics, simpleton
Read leaflet
You don't have the leaflet.
Less graphics, more gameplay.
It says "Flip me over"
It's folded. You unfold it. It's empty.
You check the back to make sure it's really empty before you turn it back to the front.
The last thing you see is a gun pop out of the paper.
Game Over.
You died.
Take leaflet
no, I'm currently having the most fun I've ever had in a game in a text based one atm, Hellmoo
not to mention all the other great games with very little in the way of graphics, like dorf fort and cata dda
Crumple it up and toss it
Flip leaflet
I don't know the word "crumple".
t. 3/10 fat fuck neckbeards
You faggots probably haven't even seen a real women in months.
> (You)
Something something it's been a decade since I played zork last and don't fucking remember what the god fucked leaflet said. Sory.
>Flip leaflet
It says "Open me"
only if they serve a purpose
It's okay I don't remember either.
Open leaflet
No matter what anyone denies: YES. Here's the formula for success in vidya:
>Amazing graphics + bad gameplay + good content = good sales. (most AAA games).
>Amazing graphics + bad gameplay + bad content = flop (Rise, Order 1886).
>Amazing graphics + amazing gameplay + bad content = good sales.
>Amazing graphics + amazing gameplay + amazing content = classic (everyone wants this).
>Bad graphics + amazing gameplay + good content = flop (King of Fighters XIV).
>Bad graphics + bad gameplay + amazing content = flop, but will earn fanboys (Deadly Premonition).
>Bad graphics + amazing gameplay + amazing content = okay sales (some AA games, indies).
As you see, you can't have terrible graphics and AAA sales. No matter what you do, reviewers and gamers will dock points for presentation, but not much for shit gameplay and lack or content if the game looks amazing.
>Open leaflet
It says "Turn me upside down"
What's the difference between gameplay and content, exactly?
Turn leaflet
No. Look at fortnite. All about content
>Turn leaflet
It asks "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?"
Why is her chest so big. Not even her tits but fucking chest
>posts a blurry mess emulated with bilinear filtering on
Accept Jesus Christ
Gameplay is how you interact with the game.
Content are the stories that are told in the game.
So for an action rpg type game like skyrim or witcher, gameplay is the combat, content are the quests.
A crazed Mormon wielding a machete walks up behind you and says "Well I guess you won't mind dyin' right here, right now"
No, it's more important how they feel
Run away
explain how nier automata saved Platinum then
Watch me nigger.
Gameplay is putting down turrets and supplying them to fight off and push back an endlessly spawning purple ooze.
Content is over 400 different maps featuring different scenarios, ooze spawns, terrain, and win-conditions, plus a 30 map campaign and 100 challenge maps you compete against other players for the fastest completion score.
Another example is lockpicking in skyrim is gameplay. Content is when are where locks appear, and how unlocking them allow you to complete your quests in alternate or faster ways, or reward you with something inside.
Everybody shut the fuck up. I'm trying to think.
I remember that game, dude's working on the 4th or 5th one now right?
You are in a wheelchair, you cannot run away
I wake up in my bed with my cute asian wife.
Attack Mormon
FUCK mailbox
SHIT in mailbox
No idea. I only picked up the 3rd one on steam a few years ago during a sale, and it blew me away how much fun it was along with how much content was packed inside.
I don't know the word "fuck".
good example?
EDF games
>ywn have a Japanese gf who you take back home and explore the US with as she goes "sugoi" at literally anything because she hasn't even seen something like a truck stop before
Fucking B R U T A L
Literally go eat a dick for posting this you cunt
I don't know the word "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh".
>I wake up in my bed with my cute asian wife
Does not compute
>Attack Mormon
The mormon easily dodges your shin kick. He winds his knife holding arm above his head
>wanting to take your japanese gf back home
That's how you get cucked because she realizes even though you're tall in nipland you're actually short in the USA
Tackle Mormon
weebs are deluded
yeah when graphics = gameplay i.e lighting in splinter cell.
Fuck mormon
Oh man, all of my boners. You made me check what this dude has done since CW3, and I just found this.
>Build and equip your own ships piece by piece.
>Gameplay still emergent from a fluid, physics-based enemy you approach how you want.
That first point is something I've been wanting for ages and FTL couldn't help. If I'm misreading this and the ships are all pre-built, I'm gonna be really devastated.
Now I just need to wait for a sale.
As the owner of the most powerful console on the market, yes I would say graphics matter
That's not the Ouya