Comfy 4X and citybuilder thread

Why are these games so comfy fellas?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>get rise to ruins, thinking it's a comfy city builder
>it's a stressful as hell tower defense game disguised as a city builder

still pretty fun though

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Explicitly designed to be comfy and that's a good thing.

>tfw no Endless Legend with Total War combat
Combat is my biggest beef with Endless Legend.
Second place is the annoying Province system, but that's not as bad.

We Wuz Kangz are best faction.

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yea that annoyed me too.
cool game though I guess

Any recent games to try like this?

While waiting for Anno 1800 crack.

I really like the whole idea behind Endless Legend and Endless Space but I'm absolutely garbage at 4x games. I feel like it's just endlessly researching shit and hoping I don't get btfo by the AI when I finally meet them

I have never liked total war's combat but EL isn't really all that good too. I much prefer ES2's combat where its something you can watch if you want to but its not going to change the outcome. Its great for a major key battle to watch out it will turn out where you want the tension of seeing it happen but great to skip over minor battles.

I'm addicted to Civ 5 someone please help

For me, it's Illwinter games. Conquest of Elysium 4 for comfy, Dominions 5 for autism.

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>While waiting for Anno 1800 crack.
Ahahahahaha get rekt faggot, it's going to take MONTHS, probably years.

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I recently tried endless legend and I couldnt get over how the tech system felt so (badly) abuseable.

Also the combat was absolutely dicks. I genuinely would have liked it better if it was just bog standard turn based instead of the garbage it ended up with.

Remember, you can always make it worse by delving into mods.

>plopping big cities as russia in civ 6
truly the most satisfying action in this shit game

incidentally thats also the projection for how long itll take them to fix the game

Same here bud. Just picked it up and ive been at it for the last 48 hours.

>Get Anno 1800 because it looks comfy
>Managing trade routes and resources is stressing me out more than my fucking job

Reminds me of when I got Frostpunk.
It was not comfy at all.

It's not 4X/city builder if it's not real time. Unironically get good.

name one

We need CoE 5 already

Sins of a solar empire

Looks like a buggy mess judging from reviews. Have you tried Dominions 5? You have a larger roll on battles as you get to set up strategy beforehand. You then can watch or just skip.

Man, Frostpunk is extremely uncomfy, I had the same experience

Keep seething poorfag, the game was better in beta than most games will ever be.

I don't know really what they would change. 4 completely revamped combat from 3, and if they are just going to add new stuff without touching the mechanics, they might as well just keep going with free content updates (which is lovely for both CoE and Dominions).
Sure there's lots of things about the UI that could be improved both in CoE and Dominions, but then again it's Illwinter and they love their archaic stuff.

>Civ expansion prices

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I've only ever played Dominions. How is CoE in comparison? Is it smaller in scale?

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I'm looking for a new game, thinking about Endless Legends. Any other ideas? I want something preferably in a fantasy setting and $40 or under.

im the most powerful empire every time yet i always lose. i seem to be too stupid to understand this game

Much smaller and quicker. There is no research and economy management is all about resource control on map and very simple trade. It's almost more like a roguelike game where you just conquer stuff than a strategy game, you are fighting against the world at least as much if not more than other factions.
It still has lots of content, there are currently 21 classes/factions that don't play quite alike and games can be spiced up with events like demonic invasion or undead apocalypse that fucks up everyone and must be resolved before anyone can win.
I recommend allowing AI opponents to cheat a lot if you want them to be a challenging, on low difficulties they can be annihilated by neutral armies.

How do I get into Endless Space 2? I like it but after a while I get completely lost in the uncountable number of tech tree development options and it feels like it doesn't really matter what I research, I become overwhelmed by managing my planets and I quickly lose sight of what I'm supposed to do and get rekt.

That's good to know. It almost sounds like a more traditional strategy game but just more deep.

>When toggling main power to keep everything reasonable warm while temperature keeps dropping and dropping and dropping...
>mfw it's over and you survived

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I'd recommend aiming for a culture victory if you like to focus on building your own empire.

Once you learn what to do it becomes almost comfy though

Know it isn't a city builder but Rimworld is comfy as hell.

Y'all should try stellaris, endless hours of play.

I've been having fun with Surviving Mars lately. It's just unfortunately easy to spiral at times if your nor managing everything properly. In my current game half my colonies are non-functional thanks to my population raging out. I need to figure out how to do a retirement dome or something.

Age of Wonders 3 with pirated DLC obviously, fuck (((paradox))) is pretty comfy

Sure, but the best thing is just winging it.
If I would play it again most of the 'magic' is gone and it becomes just another autistic min/maxing fest

Obviously you aren't the most powerful if you lose.

Are you (((excited))) for AoW Planetfall?

Is there a single game in which we don't have to mix/max?

>have to
peak autism

Whats the most fun single player one?

The traits of your chosen race is a good indicator. Figure out what they do best and develop towards that. Never skimp on naval power though.

Not him, but yes. As long as they learned from the release of AoW3 it should be neat.

Is Stellar fun now? Last I played at launch it was basic as fuck and the small ships were OP

>game called you literally Hitler anyway
What's the point?

yea CoE4 is fucking cool
I wonder what it would look like with an anime art style though

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modded Civ 5

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How is endless legend? I bough it a long time ago but never played it.

I'm not. I don't trust anything Paradox gets their fingers on these days. Going public ruined them.

case in point:

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>Spacer Punk

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Looks and sounds amazing but it's somewhat boring if you don't have the expansions. Best artwork of any 4x.


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Isn't that kind of thing just the industry standard nowadays?

what an amazing game with wonderfully simple controls

doesn't mean I have to like/support it

are there any cute 4x games that are also deep?

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Stupid piratefags. Get owned.

Alpha Centauri is very cute

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>I wonder what it would look like with an anime art style though
incredibly generic and everything would be a big tiddied generic thot or a loli for no reason because that makes otaku spend their entire salary on merch

I take 10

is that 40k 4x any good?

How is it? I'm completely new to the 4x genre and would love to try some space shit. The endless games look like they've got a good style to rope me in and keep me interested, but I have no idea how it actually holds up.

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I wanna into Endless Legend but I feel like the timer the games put you on kills the comfy factor

great music, great art, great lore, mediocre gameplay

>the timer
wait wut?

I feel like the gameplay is better than civ but the music is worse.

The only thing that had me purchasing civ 6 was the music

Its pretty fun now especially since updates have made things more interesting and less casual. You finally have something to do mid-game like balancing your empire's economy.

How is surviving Mars?

Its alright but its kinda more of a "3X", its very very combat oriented

Why are both of these genres so fucking underrated and rare?
It feels like there are barely any good 4X games out there, and the ones that do come out are always half assed.
I don't get why it takes so long for a 4X game to come out, and when it does it feels like its only got half as much shit as it should. I'd love to get my hands on one that really focused on the city building and research shit and tried to give an exceptionally comfy single player experience instead of balancing for multiplayer, cause really who has time to play Civ with friends these days, it takes like two fucking days to finish a game.

Install windows 10, then it'll just stop fucking working, that's how I quit.

Why make the best when good enough sells better?

Welcome to capitalism. The moment the lead thinks they have product somebody is willing to buy, they will push the release button.

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CoE4 really annoys me after playing Dominions a lot. CoE4 has some cool features, but Dominions is a substantially more interesting and rewarding game overall, which wouldn't be that much of a problem if CoE4 played about three times faster than it does. But you're taking a looooooong time to do simple things over and over again.

AoW3 is by Triumph, which made it far before any deal with paradox, you imbecile

For me it's Cities Skylines, although their policy of spitting out DLC is kind of screwed up and makes it into an expensive game too enter without sale if you want most of the content and the first 3-4 expansions are all necessary.

Anyone playing Dawn of Man? I'm just waiting on more content updates and improvements to jump in, want to play it in more complete state.

Neat, i'll check it out

Are you pretending to be retarded or are you actually retarded?

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They stop being comfy once the people are angry, the gods are angry, the faraway leader is angry and barbarians are invading but the Impressions Games builders are pretty good. Played through Caesar 3 recently, gonna hit up Pharaoh and Emperor soon.

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Very good. Combat is not the best: just planning and watching. Unique factions and amazing ost and art style. Quests and more is very interesting. And compared to endless legends you can have 12 players instead of 8 on a map. I'm not sure, but you get a free artbook when you buy a game

Why do Goblins look so fucking stupid in this game?

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Which endless legend dlcs are worth getting?

You can try them all out before buying, I just snagged the repack from fitgirl with all the DLC included and tried them out.
The mushroom guys are super cool but almost feel OP

It's fantastic. Follows the Master of Orion 2 formula well while bringing some of its own flavour. Never played ES1 but 2 is great. Combat revolves all around planning. Taking into account what weapons/defence you and your opponent uses, what strategies are best to use based on your composition and theirs. The game itself just feels good to play. Sleek interface and addictive gameplay.

Because they are.

The nice thing about Dominions is that it plays like a very elaborate boardgame. I hate reading boardgame manuals though, especially since I've never had anyone to play any with.

I'm just glad you can customize them

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>I've never had anyone to play any with.
I can feel this. I played some MP Dominions back in 4 and it as amazing, but the SP is really weak since the AI can't keep up at all.

I stopped playing endless space when i realized i could just listen to the music without having to play the game.

I'm glad to see AoW3 getting some attention again. The launch was kinda shit but it got a lot better with expansions, i remember having a lot of fun playing PBEM a few years back.

Comfy AF

I play on ps4 and runs real good.

Not a fan of pajeet radio jockey though

Play Fallen Enchantress if you haven't, it's FUN and incredibly flexible when it comes to playstyles. It's fucking ugly though.

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I like it but the combat is arcane magic to me, I never know waht the fuck I'm doing when it comes to it so I just always try to have 'balanced' fleets. Superfun though.

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You have to learn what kind of weapon\armor is better against your opponents and pick the right card for it. For general abusing you use the xp+ when you are sure to win in the late serious engagements you ue your doctrine. Also every race has a particular advance for example the empire find a big fucking projectile weapons which is stronger of everyone you can research, others have bomber\fighter racial or quest bonuses etc...

Just downloded ES2.

What am I in for? Any tips?

It is janky and has a lot of things that make no sense, like for what reason I wouldn't want more of guys bunched up in one square when I have that option?
I would rather advise people to play that Sorcerer King pseudo-sequel since having a doomsday villain as your UN is a great concept.

Age of Wonders Shadow Magic shits all over it.

Sorcerer king only has like a quarter of the stuff Fallen Enchantress offers though, did they keep updating it or something? It was extremely barebones on release.

Be picky about which systems you colonize, make sure they can sustain large populations or can be specialized into different things (cold=science hot=industry). And always be on the lookout for resources, they're extremely important. Make sure you have some sort of standing army ready at all times, some of the AIs are very agressive.

I get so discouraged every time I try to get into this game, and it's not even that difficult to get into. I'm just lazy.

What are goblins good for? I can't think of any decent synergy for them.

>Conquest of Elysium 4
Found a new game, thanks :D

They are good at blight dmg if i recall correctly.
That said, most of the time i played as human dreadnought, so i might be wrong

Give me a list of decent games I am dying here.

Age of wonders 2 and 3 with DLC
Endless Space 2
Endless legend
Civ. beyond earth. No bulli pls


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Doesn't get more pleb than this my dude

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You're cruising for a bruising

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I had fun with Skylines but seeing all the new DLC that's been piled on since i last played always kills my interest. I just end up playing SC4 instead.

all those DLC's are just featurecreep desu
game's perfectly fine and comfy without them

Any building, management or survival games you anons recommend?

AoW 1 is very good too.
Master of Magic
Master of Orion 2

All these games are old as shit but imo still the best.
Also +1 for Endless Space 2, great game.

As Adam Smith said:
good concept, bad execution. Alpha centauri is better

Did someone say Alpha Centauri?

Has anyone here tried the second Thea installment?

Yes, found it lacking compared to first one, maybe after expansion or two.

Stars in shadow tried to go the same route, but it lacks something

Distant Worlds Universe. It’s a fun game, but the price and graphics can be a turnoff to most people.

Will second this. It doesn't look like much but is actually pretty terrific.

Indeed, and you can make really long playthroughs

Thankfully, you can get all the DLC for free even when you only have the base game

can you do the same thin as with stellaris dlc's?

I think it's the same with all paradox products. EU4, CK2, Stellaris, C:S. IIRC it's called creamapi

Are there any cheap games in this category of game? I am a boring mmodrone player and I really want to take a break and play a game that makes me use my brain again. Not sure if I should move towards a strategy style game, puzzles, or something like this.

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Battle for Wesnoth

Planetfall is my most anticipated game of the year. They recently sent a bunch of streamers a preview field and the ones who actually play strategy games really seemed to think it was a massive improvement over AoW 3.

One of my favorite things about the game is the whole “private economy” system where your citizens will go and transport resources to your planets instead of you doing it. And also every resource in the game having a purpose. I’m surprised more games don’t have this mechanic.
I’ve been playing on the same same for weeks now. Slowly but surely, I stopped losing planets and started conquering my neighbors but the shakturi are putting up strong resistance

I prefer it that the game has Bakemono as weeb faction with actual hideous monsters and demons from Japanese mythology making up most of it.

Any good add-ons you'd recommend for it?

Name one.

Was replaying Majesty a while back, that's pretty comfy. Occasionally. Shame it never got a proper sequel, i love the gameplay.

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I don't understand this game. It feels no different from modern mobile shit that plays itself.

>rpg set in the Endless universe never

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That sounds like a really shallow understanding of it. How much did you actually play? The early scenarios are admittedly super easy but once you get into the moderate + you need to start applying some thought into it, let alone the harder missions.

Aww shit nigga I'm playing it right now.
As soon as I took the screenshot I got swarmed by Ratmen though.
I'm playing this until my main computer gets fixed, honestly one of my favourite games ever.
Feels bad, man.
>ywn follow your Vaulter protag from Legend to Space

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Haven't played Wesnoth in a while but I'd suggest having a look at some of the most downloaded campaigns. You can't go wrong with those. Most multiplayer games I expect still use default era since it's the most balanced. A lot of user made factions have op units/factions. Era of Myth is pretty good though. Ageless Era if you want bloat.

>He's not good enough to save the city without going too far.

Real talk, the thing I hate most about Frostpunk is its weird 'we need to build a better society' message. You know, things like people complaining that 'I thought we left soup back in London' or 'Work an extra four hours? I guess things never change.'
Like, nigger, we are in a survival scenario. It's the apocalypse, billions are already dead! People are freezing to death in the streets and we barely bring in enough food to survive the night. I'm not trying to build a better society, I'm trying to keep all you chucklefucks alive until it's safe. We can worry about rebuilding once we're not forced to huddle around a generator for warmth.
It just seems like a very out of place thing for people to be concerned about when the temperature hits -70 degrees.

Still needs some work. The main problem I'm having with it so far is that every enemy that's not on your home island is so incredibly overpowered that they can wipe out ten people in one combat turn, and there's no defense against it.

>city building game based in the endless universe never
I just want to put the Horatio agricultural district between the Lumeris economic district and the Craver industrial things

Fuuuuuuck. Seriously?

I'll wait then. I really liked the first one and I think it showed potential.

Works for me

I would like to play as cosmos empire of religious fanatics. What is the best 4x game for this?

galciv or endless space 2 or stellaris

Probably Stellaris. Don't get your hopes up though

How come so few people talk about the Thea games?
They are some of the most comfy and entertaining games i've played in the genre

For me it is no reply value. Which is weird because at the end of the main quest I see that only did less than 10% of events but yet I'am absolutely not interested in going on. Why should I? There is no challenge awaits after main quest, just random non-challenging events. Gods doesn't provide enough difference to give another go. Second game streamlined Gods even more and currently look like skeleton, maybe if devs one day put more meat on said skeleton it would be worth another try.

imagine getting off on other people not being able to have fun

if you buy into their weird little world and get interested in all the zany worldbuilding flavour text bits: fantastic
if you ignore it all and just want gameplay: it's ok
personally I'm in the second category, I burned out on all the goofiness playing endless legend

play distant worlds

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Few do/don't you can give?

Imagine being dumb enough to brag about giving ubi money.

Its funny how much zoomers hate on pirating games these days, but all they do is spend their parents money anyway.

Just let AI do everything for you

are there any civ/4x/sim games where you can focus on politics, without worrying about getting wiped by superior armies? i always found combat to be cheezy/annoying, since you could be building up the whole time, have half the map and all of a sudden have to spend turns stomping out armies and reclaiming your own cities, only to have it happen on the other side of your kingdom.

>Vaulters are the canon winner


nationgen in dominions5 is the most fun i had in 4x

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>twf we'll never have bdsm cutie space witches
at least we got the sisters of mercy

What are some other simple but fun 4X games like Civ5?

>>twf we'll never have bdsm cutie space witches

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Vaulters are the canon good guys of the Endless Universe since all they do is for their survival only.

but its shame that multiplayer is alive only in fucking play by email

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Good one

What difficulty?

I want a comfy City builder that doesn't use modern cities. Any suggestions?

Which idiot told me to play Civ6 without Gathering Storm?
Just shows that Civ once again needs all expansions for a whole game, literally unplayable without

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This genre sound and looks very exciting! Maybe needs more quality, one really high quality game.

this. Valve somehow supports piracy.
same thing with multiplayer games using some demo game to trick steamworks.
And people like to shit on Steam for some reason...

Eh I still enjoyed a solid few games with only R&F, although the religious victory is fucking horrible to play. Just play on the higher difficulties to keep it at least somewhat tense, it gets boring otherwise even if the ai advantages are total bullshit

Civ6 is a direct downgrade from Civ5

Didn't they go full moneygrab with Civ 6, selling each new civ separately?

Nah some aspects are definitely better. City building is much more interesting with districts, in V you would just rush the same few buildings in every city you plop out, gets real boring after enough games.

Any good games that let you manage a citystate, both in terms of internal development and interaction with the external world? Preferably a historical setting.

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it's a real shame that i have no friends, much less someone that would play dominions 5 and not being a complete tryhard.

Might not be quite what you're looking for but Patrician 3 is a merchant game where you can eventually run for political offices in a given city. Then there's building and management stuff alongside.

Not with both expansions. Also not when you played Civ5 to death already. Even though I'm not a giant fan of the le comickey leader models, the little details on the tiles with day/night cycle with new leaders is just such a breeze

Fuck, this one is true, I thought frostpunk was going to be comfy as fuck but it feels like you're always one step away from killing everyone. Supply is always low, people is freezing to death and starving, they are always angry, resources running low, more people is sick than ever, cold is getting colder, you're pretty much getting fucked by all sides. Fuck this, I play games to have fun or to be fairly challenged, this game is the opposite of that and goes from bad to worse.

How is the new tropico? Same thing as 5?

And, I never played Kenshi, but looking at some videos and screens, it looks like you can make your own city/base, can it be played as some sort of citybuild? Some mechanics of the game seems to be heavily inspired by Jagged Alliance so it peaked my interest.

how do you get actual skyscrapers? my biggest buildings are so small...

/domg/ hosts games, you could try there. Dom5 is the first strategy game I ever played multiplayer and I'm not the first to die so I don't think it has a very tryhard atmosphere to it.

Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain

Endless Space was 10/10 literally everything I wanted in a space 4X

Endless Space 2 was a solid 7/10. In a lot of ways it is better than the first game but they leaned way to heavily on the faction quests which makes for an amazing time the first or second time you play a faction but then gets in the way. You also cant truly make a custom faction as you still have to use one of the main faction quest lines which KILLS any role play. The replayability is just shot it the foot.

ye, patrician is really good if you are a german/russian autist. You can even make your own city later. Insane ammount of management.
and graphics are really good and comfy

Civ 6 does a lot of new things with the already stale franchise, which is a big welcome
you can't have things stay the fuckin same forever and ever, if you want to play the same ol' civ you already got 5. Doesn't mean the new stuff is bad.

>I play games to have fun

I actually feel the opposite way.

ES1 always got boring as fuck halfway through, both because the AI was typically too weak to do anything at all once you start to snowball and because every game would play out pretty much exactly the same way after you "settle in." While the faction quests in ES2 definitely vary in quality and reactivity, at least they add goals other than "steamroll everyone in your way." The problem with generic victory conditions (and this definitely isn't unique to ES1, almost all 4X games suffer from this) is that you usually "win" long before you actually trigger a victory condition. By which I mean that you very easily reach a point where you know you can no longer be beaten, but you still have to keep playing to actually get the game to grant you victory. That part is almost always the worst part of the game, and in ES1's case it always came way too soon in my experience.

ES2 certainly doesn't fix this issue, but at least alleviates it a bit with faction quests and stuff like that to give you something to focus on apart from grinding down your enemies.

Does They Are Billions count as a city builder? That's a good one because it actually has enemies.

I would say no. It's more like a tower defense/rts/survival game with some city building aspects.

How's the new anno, I havne't played one in an incredibly long time and I've got a lot of free time today.

I've considered playing Rome Total War but autoresolving every battle, which would kind of make it a city builder.
Problem is that would ruin it. Have the fun of that game is shitting on a force four times your size at a bridge battle, and other such events.

>new content kills my interest

How is it, though? Still in early access?

where the fuck are cs dlc's stored?
cant fucking find them

I still don't get Endless Legend combat.
Somebody tl;dr me how that combat works exactly.

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My experience with it at launch was that it was fun for a few hours before become very repetitive. Didn't feel like there was any variety or meaningful choices at all in building up your city. No idea if that has changed though. At any rate it's still in EA.

Hello niggers. Try Deity Empires. It's like Civ mixed with Dominions for mega autists. Thank me later

do I need the age of wonders 3 dlc or is it something that I can get later when Im done with the base game

ruined euro truck sim for me. once I got there I didn't want to leave

I'm more bothered by the whole premise. Why the fuck would you run giant furnaces out in the open with not even a roof above when you could make like a dorf and go underground?

>play as cultists of the deep
>eventually summon a starspawn
>walk off the edge of the world to enter the void
>conquer the void with my starspawn
>eventually find the gate to the nexus and the elemental planes, start conquering that
>meanwhile El started the apocalypse
>stay holed up and comfy in the other realms while elysium burns to the ground

It's apparently single player only.
How's the AI?

Haven't played enough to judge the AI, just got it the other day while it was discounted.

>it was fun for a few hours before become very repetitive.
That is what I am wary of when buying Early Access games. Thanks, gonna wait for the full release.

But it did and it was good.

what do you mean? you download everything, steam only unlocks the content in-game.

Customisable difficulty
Rise to Ruins becomes extremely simple and impossible to lose once you learn the hotkeys to changes spells.

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Every """evil""" law causes more problems than it solves. The game's a piece of cake when you realise this and stop panicking at the first crisis.

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>top tier
Sid Meyers alpha centauri

total war series (highly recommend rome2/Attila/Warhammer spinoffs. medieval 2 is pretty comfy, but a bit slower than the newer games)

Civilization 4 & 5

Endless legend

Endless space 2

anno 1880/2070 (only for fedora tipping min maxing autists, everyone else gets stressed by the mid/late game complexity of the games.)
Age of wonder series, AoW3 is balanced for multiplayer(aka no wacky omnipotent wizard with spells from all schools, but you can kinda fill the gap in magic schools with heroes.), but AoW: shadow magic does a good job at making you feel like a wizard with all sorts of wacky and overpowered spells.

>mid tier
master of magic (should be in the top tier, but its super simplified when compared to other games in this list, still honorable mention for sort of being the first 4x fantasy game)

sword of the stars 1

Fallen enchantress fallen heroes (really cool concept, lets you create your own units and stuff. but balancing is a mess, magic units tend to be way above everyone else and the game is full of bugs and crashes. still worth checking out for fun)

crusader kings/Europa universalis (its hard to get into and you wont enjoy it if you want to witness epic battles, good political intrigue simulator)

stellaris ( early game is gonna consist of scouting and avoiding combat as much as possible, then mid game is going to be you building your epic ship fleets and parking them at your borders while trying to broker peace with your surrounding neighbors so you guys don't get completely raped by fallen empires and emerging threats. there is some enjoyable content in between. not a bad game, but its on a slower pace than other 4x games)

I got a few more if you are still interested

Moderately excited. The gameplay will be solid but the lore will be Beyond Earth tier.

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The soup thing being an atrocity is a bug that became a feature, like nuke-happy Gandhi.

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cities skylines
oxygen not included
banished (its good but after playing for 5-10 hours, you've pretty much seen it all)
dwarf fortress
0AD (if you feel like playing a more autistic Age of empires 2)

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its been 20 something years and I still don't understand what the dream twister video was all about

Why would anyone roll a goblin in this game?

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>I need to figure out how to do a retirement dome or something.
This isn't all that hard to set up. Unless they're a celebrity, there's no reason to care about their comfort. Just build a dome with nothing but residences, filter it so it only accepts seniors, and link it with a passage to a normal dome that has medical care and food.

I mean if I want to put pirate dlc's in my steam base game to cream them up

Endless Queen is still [screaming internally] in the rubble of Auriga.
Necrophages got some eggs stashed.
Broken Lords got at least one hero into space.

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Endless Legend might legit be one of the worst games I've ever played. I'm not shitting you. I think it's TRASH.
>that fucking combat
>those tiny as fuck maps
>maybe 5 different units for every race MAX
>runs like garbage despite having to render almost nothing, runs worse than Civ 6
>every human race features a stronk woman
it's almost offensively bad. And I bought it on steam too, one of the biggest games that made me switch to 100% pirating, this shit isn't worth 5 dollars. Yes I am angry.

mod in new civs like the Hyrule civ led by Zelda or Germany led by Hitler.

Direct control is possible if you know how far units can move/attack, just queue each separate action (move THEN attack) with shift+left click.

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>play as the High Priestess
>go to desert
>sacrifice virginal maidens and acquire Lilots (female demons capable of charming enemies as assassination before battle begins)
>sacrifice more virgin blood on desert sands and acquire even more Lilots
>charm enemy commanders
>charm giant enemies
>charm siege weapons
>charm a fucking Siren
>conquer Elysiym with power of love and human sacrifice

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agree desu. I pirated it twice with all expansions and both times I was bored out of my mind.

it sucks absolute shit, don't pay money for it, pirate it if you have to. I was extremely disappointed. I looks way more fun on paper and the steam page than it does in practise. Never purchasing another one of these devs' games because I tried Endle

fucking auto post my bad
>I tried Endless Space
and it was the same shit, they aren't good devs.

For me, it's Zelevas

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This game doesn't get enough love. A more faithful spiritual sequel of SMAC than Beyond Earth,.

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>Broken Lords got at least one hero into space


Keldron Bor

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i only like city builders when the game keeps track of each individual citizen, like tropico

it gets boring when the people in your city are just abstract phantoms

>rating total war over crusader kings

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>Keldron Bor
>Broken Lord


>Master of Magic
I get shat on so hard on this game
literally how do i git gud

Read the Manual, it's a pretty easy game

I assume it's increased psychic attack as a result of nightmare fuel.

What? I'm playing it on win10 right now

except it has none of the endearing characters, interpolitics, lore or crazy pseudo science ideas that made SMAC a great game.
that being said, pandora is pretty decent.

Not really, Emergency/Extended Shifts are such a huge boon as to be almost mandatory at higher levels, Child Labor is a massive multiplier to your workforce for no real cost (Especially because the hope bonus for shelters is so small as to be nearly worthless), the rest in the adaptation tree vary in their uses though.

Faith/Order are somewhat questionable, especially because by the time you get down to the end of the trees, you've got so many tools to solve hope and discontent that taking the final law seems superfluous. The only time it's provided any real benefit with endless extreme since I didn't have enough tools to build up hope every storm (Though could still get through it by toggling guard stations/using church abilities to boost hope enough since hope can't drop below 0%).

You don't "pirate" you just unlock. all the DLC is already on your game, Creamapi just tells steam to let you use it

Gal Civ III, it has several religious zealot factions and you can make your own custom factions.

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neat, thanks


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What did you expect? I mean, the name IS "rise to RUIN" after all

>how do you get actual skyscrapers?
5x5 free space and max level high density

Lately i started enjoying surviving mars again. It's pretty relaxing watching the red rock turn green and lush, though the game is slow paced as ever

maybe you alredy have it in your liblary?

Wrong. There's dicord bots. Would you like to know more? Go to /domg/ on /vg/.

5x5 free space, as in 5x5 space dedicated for living, or 5x5 not dedicated for anything, around area for living?
I mean, do a few houses merge into a skyscraper or do I have to leave room for it?

Was Caesar a slav?

For all of us, it's Zelevas

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The fuck are you talking about. Majesty starts out comfy and then breaks your balls mercilessly.

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bullshit, Galactic Civilizations is 4X even though it's turn based. Stellaris is too.

>Feeding the obvious troll

you have to leave room
either high density residential or commercial
if you want to spawn big buildings in space alredy occupied by smaller buildings, destroy small buildings, and reassign tiles for good measure
you also need to fullfill conditions for buildings to level up and have enough educated adults for high dens commecial


I have no idea what I'm doing and it feels like a coin flip whether I get going or not.

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