Switch version vs PS4 version

>Switch version vs PS4 version

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>goes outside

>enjoying censored games

I know. Just look at how much more content the Switch version has.

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Keep your light beams and lens flare.

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Maybe with a Switch Pro the people that ported NuDoom and Wolfenstein II could run games at 900p 60fps.
Do you only played anime titty games, or in what way is performance or gameplay hindered on a PS4?


>Switch version vs Cuck Version

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ITT: Post things that scares Sonyboys

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>Your PSN + subscription has been terminated for viewing obscene imagery. Please pay $69.99 if you would like to continue using this service.

>one is the bar none worst performing home console/PC multiplat version
>the other is portable

Heh keep coping, tendies. Maybe one day the shitch will get games.

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Holy shit I can actually see this happening
>We detected a game we couldn't censor [Dream Club] and a penalty fee has been issued

I know this is just a consolewar thread but are there any reasons to get the FF X and XII ports on the switch over the ps4 versions of I have both consoles?

You mean Californians?

Xbox One X version VS PS4pro version

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the absolute state

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>PS4 gets a new game, Switch doesn't
Hahaha, Tendies BTFO!
>PS4 gets a new game, Switch gets it too
LEL, enjoy your 15 fps port!


>Nintendo Switch? More like "Nintendo switch it off and get a pee ess quatro"

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Why do fall for such shitty bait? To prove how much "based" Switch owners are? You know this only encourages more of this pointless shit flinging, right? What makes you so insecure that you have to full follow board culture, and say that Snoy is the worst thing that happened to mankind, otherwise you aren't a true Nintendofag? Why is the proof that you enjoy Nintendo products the fact that you hate Sony? Why isn't it the fact that you like Nintendo stuff?

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2 decent exclusives in more than 5 years of PS4's life. Nice.

I recognise Aloy, but Jesus Christ, what the fuck is that above her? Those 3 pictures? WTF?

>PS4 gets a new game, Switch gets it too but without censorship
>"Y-yeah? Well, we dont want tiddies in our games! Th-they're problematic!"

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Why are you assuming it's only nintendofags when the OP just started that way? O O F

I don't think any other company has censored games to such a degree they censored a logo before.

>implying the guy you quoted isn't OP, assblasted because this topic didn't turned out as he expected

>get BTFO
>"s-stop falling for bait guys..."


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Because I like triggering snoys. I have a PS4 btw

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Holy shit, is this real

I'm not OP, I'm .
Or whatever you identify as. We had this same situation years ago with the Treehouse shit. People said this place became Sonygaf. Now some say it became Nintendogaf. Point is that it is drone behavior that newfags are quick to follow, and all the desperate responses to BTFO "Snoy" by saying that somehow every game worth caring about is an anime game that sells 10k is reaching. It just encourages more needless shit flinging.

Switchbros are based, there's no need to prove it. We don't shitpost, we have quality discussion about games on the platform.

Keep in mind that the biggest problem here are the players who want those games, who wants tits. Fucking perverts and rapists, all of them. Just because they want to play the game as it was intended.


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>people are still surprised that Sony have gone full cuckold

Where have you been for the last couple months?

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That's gonna be a CENSORED from me dawg.

Reminder that graphics is important only when you compare PS4 and Switch versions of the same game. However, if you compare PS4 and significantly better PC version, then suddenly, graphics are not important.

You need better bait, m8. This epic troll shit gets no one riled up.
This thread is proof of the contrary. (I own a Switch, by the way).

The ''if I saw I own a Switch, people will take me seriously'' post. This thread was created specifically to annoy Switch fans. You expect them to be quiet about it?

*say, not saw
Fucking autocorrect, or whatever.

>tl;dr I'm a AAA/sports whore and everyone should be one as well
Dude, how comfy is the rock?

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Same thing applies to multiplat games
>Multiplat is not on Switch
Eat shit Nintendies
>Multiplat plays better onPC/Xbox One X
C-c-come on g-guys, let's be civil about this...

I mean, how does the truth annoy you? PS4 games run better than Switch games. Xbox One X games run better than PS4 games. PC games run better than Xbox One X games. How is that annoying? Because of Gold Face?
And I included that "by the way" because I responded to a master troll that did that as well. I wanted to see if they caught on.