Leave Persona 5 to us.
Leave Persona 5 to us
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Did the guy who made this really think this was going to be a smash hit?
Yes he thought it was art and would be a hit with the kids
Wasn't the max players on steam like 95 people? lmao
the entire game felt like he played earthbound and persona 4, enjoyed it, and tried recreating it with his own deep story without understanding what those games were trying to do.
more likes yiiikes
>yivkes: the last cringe
Why is this becoming a thing again? Did an e-celeb post a video about it?
the black chick is unironically hot
>all this exposition and dialogue
>meanwhile the boss is just standing there like a moron
Did literally nobody playtest this?
>Plagarism: The Game
>Competing with anything
Fucking idiot isn't even clever about it, he just outright copy-paste plagiarizes. Indie kids are so fucking retarded.
I think you're missing the part where that isn't even the boss, they spent 5 minutes talking about a serious issue about suicide and shit and ended the scene with a funny lol randumb meme boss.
>Did literally nobody playtest this?
>says while using Steam and paying for digital distribution
One of the main reasons Steam and digital distribution was pushed was so they could get people like you to pay them to test their game.
I want to fuck Vella so bad
Honestly, 96 is higher than I would have thought.
Reminder that Citizens of Earth did what YIIK tried to do, and did it well.
I cannot get over how bad that black dude looks.
Everyone else is pretty much fine, but that one black weeb just looks so fucking dumb.
Probably not that high but he was expecting it to be well received. Probably even reach the status of cult classic. Shame NO ONE on this earth can find anything likable about this game.
Was CoE really trying to be deep? I thought it was just a business-themed RPG that never took itself seriously (And as far was I know, was one the first Earthbound-inspired games). YIKES is attempting to be the next Bioshock Infinite with "subtle" time travel and multiverses or whatever.
HAHAHAH holy shit
Shitting on YIIK isn't even fun any more, it's like making fun of a retard child. It started off funny but now it's just depressing, like shit this nigga thought he was actually gonna make a good game.
It’s like do they even know what human interaction is like?
Only good thing to come out from this game is the Frankton town theme.
It has some cool visuals and interesting plot points.
I can unironically hear the alpaca boss music every time someone says LEMONADE. Never in my life I have heard a soundtrack so disjointed for the sake of being “random”. God shit like that makes Evergrace’s soundtrack sound like a masterpiece.
>vinyl record
>game is digital only
Does the dev not see the hypocrisy?
I'm out of the loop about this, what is it and why does everybody (rightfully so) hate this hipster trash?
He only copied from the best
Hey don’t blame us. Blame YIIK for being a gift that keeps on giving.
The game is a blatant attempt to milk the "earthbound" aesthetic. The main character is an unsufferable asshole that never gets redeemed and it was meant to be that way. Half of the characters were based on real people, including the main character, designed after the main developer.
The combat is slow and boring, even by JRPG standards, the writing is highly derivative and, at points, straight up cut and pasted from other games.
The voice acting fucking sucks, since it's the dev and his friends voice acting inside a can of Pringles, since the audio quality is pure shit.
If you don't know what it is why do you think it's rightfully hated?
Anyways, YIIK is a mediocre Earthbound like with one hundred and one ideas executed terribly. It is hated everywhere for a variety of different reasons; Yea Forums hates it because it's bad, Kotaku and ilk hate it because it makes fun of them, etc
To put it simply it was just unlikable. There were ideas in it that could have been done well or would have received better reception had it been in a different game. It brought nothing new to the table and only made worse by the fact that it had a shining sheen of “Pretentiousness” emanating like some sort of a sun made out of hipsters.
>JRPG party consisting of characters based on your real friends trope
for fucks sake I stopped making shit up like that when I was 12
>Half of the characters were based on real people, including the main character, designed after the main developer.
Proof? The main developer looks nothing like the main character.
so good
I would nut all over those thighs
>when they run out of onions at starbucks
It's amazing how he tries to deflect criticism of his game as "gamers just don't understand my art" when Night in the Woods, a game starring a fucking schizoid college dropout loser with no job and a poor relationship with her parents, is almost universally loved.
Am I the only one that appreciates this game?
The cutscenes are fucking hilarious if you take it out of face value.
If you look at it a satirical view and look at how it makes fun of when video games pull dumb shit like overblown twists and dumb edgy characters I can enjoy it a lot more.
Also, the girl with the Keytar. The actual "girl" she's based on is a fat slag.
The golden rule: Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
If, to parody or to criticise something, you make a product that is equally as shitty as the thing you are mocking, you fucked up.
Seems like you enjoy it because it's self-aware trash, and my argument is "It's still trash".
YIIK's main dev is this guy.
Why would Starbucks stock onions? I know what you meant
Hey man, it's enjoyable to watch. As long as it isn't serious shitposting, it's no harm to me.
>The true reality of the situation
I don't know. People are taking this game too seriously.
>he just outright copy-paste plagiarizes
If he actually copy-pasted the writing wouldn't be so shit.
Of course, but the dev is defending it as "deep" and "Misunderstood".
If you like schlock, more power to you. You are enjoying it because you understand it's shit. But you can't deny that, if someone was looking for a solid overall experience, they'd feel duped.
It's like Marcel Duchamp's urinal. It was meant to be a commentary on the state of the art world at the time and it was interesting, but even Duchamp would say that, in the end, it was just a urinal.
The dev is taking it too seriously. If he had a lackadaisical stance towards it, like how Tobyfox had when people criticized Undertale, that would be one thing.
The "2deep4u" stance is what makes people keep complaining.
Calm down, Alex.
Just weird that the dialogue sometimes is as hamfisted as some parts of the Persona game but people will defend that and can't see that.
Sorry, I could swear it was him. It is a friend of his, that's for sure.
Ah, I see. Honestly I thought this game was suppose to be satirical. There's so many parts in the game I'm looking at and I'm just thinking they totally chuckled while writing some of the "serious" lines.
The gameplay is pure trash though, music and atmosphere is pretty good.
How far in does that black lady show up? She's hot.
Because Persona's art direction, presentation and the dialogue that you get BESIDES the hamfisted part are what people like. People like the social link dialogues, the pseudo-philosophical shit, etc. And it's all meant just for entertainment. The Persona devs never went on record to say people that dislike Persona didn't get the message and it's too deep for its audience.
Also, the OST and the fact that it's a japanese franchise itself helps mask the obvious anime dialogue.
>The main character is an unsufferable asshole that never gets redeemed and it was meant to be that way.
Remember Andrew Hussie's words of wisdom, user. Real people don't have arcs.
No they weren't. They added a tombstone for Iwata in the game, unironically.
This is just lack of self-awareness.
>Real people don't have arcs
Some people do, though.
What's wrong with that? I honestly don't get the outrage over it. Weird? Yes. Insensitive? I mean maybe? It was done with good intentions.
I don't want to be hard on this game, but there's something about the pace of this game that gives me a general sense of unease. I don't even know how to describe it, it's like I can feel every second ticking by whenever I watch footage of this game.
I don't understand how this wasn't brought up during playtesting or when they were showing the game off. It's such an immediately apparent problem. When common enemy battles were taking ten minutes to defeat, didn't they think it'd be worth it to re-balance these encounters?
It's such a shame man, I feel like there is a lot of talent in this game and I genuinely like some of the stuff I see. I could imagine this game being pretty good with like some consultant coming in and cleaning things up, y'know?
Hence why most fiction, save for documentaries and biographies aren't about "real people"
Real people fucking suck and unless you want to make a piece of media where the whole point is to make people agonize, then you don't make it about "real people". Unless you are an actual talented writer and can make the whole experience seem valuable for the time you spend on it.
Realism is fucking shit, even more so in a medium where you spend hours with a character and YOU are the one making all the "choices" that this dumbass dipshit does.
Also, all Hussie's characters had character arcs in Homestuck. Safe for Lord English, where the whole point was that he WAS an unsufferable asshole, that everybody despised for being an unsufferable asshole. Note that he was NOT the main character for long.
they name dropped SNES jrpgs, the only way they could have been even more shameless if they had name dropped Earthbound as well
As I said. Lack of self-awareness. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying that just the fact that you just thought "Maybe this is insensitive" is already miles ahead of the devs.
There's better ways to memorialize someone than there literal tombstone. Maybe a statue, or a plaque somewhere. Putting someones literal grave in a game is a bit odd and was seen as disrespectful.
I mean, how would you feel if your grave showed up in a game like this with no communication to your family? It's just an odd move.
what is this shit? Trannysona 6?
That's why writers sometimes need to take liberties when adapting the story of a real person for entertainment purposes, in this case the characters aren't even real people (more like loosely based off real people) so I don't see how this argument works here, also the game isn't even trying to appeal to realism no matter how much they push this unlikable=realistic mentality.
>main character looks like a bearded basedboy hipster with thick rim glasses and incredibly obviously a self-insert
You would have to pay me to play this shit
The best way I can put it is it's a passion project by someone without the creativity, skill, or originality to actually make one.
Wasn't this winner of kusoge of the year? Yiikes.
Yeah I see what you mean now. The gravestone is definitely odd. I just feel like they would have had something if they focused on shitting on hipsters and someone took a fucking look at that awful gameplay.
>passion project by someone without the creativity, skill, or originality to actually make one.
When you put it like this it's pretty depressing.
We aren't all going to make it in the end, eh?
the purposely low framerate of animations and combined by the fact that the characters are always active even when standing still means the characters have to make overexaggerated movements which combined with the low animation frames gives off this feeling that your perceiving time faster and the ""action"" feels slower as a result
Not even getting into the battles themselves,
I think that's really harsh.
I think the guy is an amateur for sure, but plenty of amateur projects turn out great. I think this is a case of someones reach exceeding their grasp. I actually feel kind of bad that amateur game devs are under such a harsh lens these days. If this game came out ten years ago I bet it probably would've found some footing just because people were kinder to projects like this then.
Honestly, it feels like the level of quality from a game I'd make if you put a gun to my head and told me to make a game with my current ability.
I don't have footage of it, but there's one character with a hula hoop that somehow unnerves me more than actually scary things from video games.
Looks like total shit and I hope it bombs
He fucked up because he thought he could make art but saw that dumb fuck gamers can never appreciate such a thing. A true auteur.
Eh, don't try the "I couldn't do it better, so it can't be that bad" mentality.
The second you put your game out as a buyable product, you are bound to a certain level of criticism and minimal amount of quality.
IF this was just a free, itch.io game where you know the guy just made to have fun with his friends, it wouldn't be getting this much shit.
Going on marketing the game, selling in the biggest online gaming platforms. Now you are bound to get criticism.
fucking bearded faggots with glasses are so insufferable
Yeah, that's very true. I guess I forgot to say that ten years ago a game like this probably would've been released for free...
Being ambitious is fine, but you also have to have a grasp on reality and be aware of how much can you conceivably do while maintaining a sense of quality. You can have 500 great ideas but if the execution is crap they're all wasted, whereas using just 5 and doing them really well could help you use those other ideas in the future.
This thing literally looks like a SJW shitfest
Then, maybe, you should have made it into a novel. Some stories don't fit all mediums. Next time, adapt the idea to fit the medium you are putting it on. Making me play as an asshole and dragging me along all his dumbass decisions is a fucking stupid idea.
Like around midway-ish.
What's with the low animation fps anyways? With programs doing the inbetweens for you, while it is more work, it's not insurmountable to use more.
artistic choice, I remember seeing some stupid nextflix shit and it was a silky smooth 12 frames per second or some shit for some ungodly reason
For what it's worth, the problems with YIIK are almost entirely in the mechanics. It's a fairly shallow Earthbound ripoff but the gameplay and the writing suffer from a lot of amateur mistakes. Most obvious one is the writing, it's got a half-decent idea what characterization and arcs should be like, but it's all drowning in exposition. Exposition that is often 3x as long as it needs to be because characters over-explain concepts or just flat out repeat themselves. The gameplay has a similar problem. Everything just takes too long. Beyond the obvious loading screen issues, the moment to moment gameplay is 100% minigames. It's obviously taking inspiration from the Mario and Luigi RPGs, in how you can dodge enemy attacks and boost your own moves by timing a button press in a mini-game, but YIIK's are WAY too long and quickly wear out their welcome. It's not just pressing A to make a character dodge an attack, it's something more complex like a short rhythm game. And it's not just dodging, you have to do this for EVERYTHING, from basic attacks to using items to escaping battle to super moves. Nothing just happens in YIIK. Not character moments, not combat. It's all drawn out longer than it needs to be. The music is also wrong for a myriad of reasons, chief among them being that it's just grating to listen to.
I could go on, but the key point is that it plays like the video game equivalent of a first draft. Something you make to set the details in stone so you can start refining them. Trouble is, the creator probably didn't know how to refine them. The other thing, and why I don't think this guy deserves that much sympathy, is because he probably didn't want to learn. Listening to him blame consumers for his game doing badly speaks of a huge ego that likely shut out the critical voices that are absolutely vital to an artist's growth. He could definitely improve on YIIK if he really wanted to, but he doesn't want to, he's too headstrong.
Made it to recruiting the third party member before I gave up completely. I could not continue even as a joke. The writing was so fucking bad and the combat was so fucking slow. How long does it take to beat this shit?
did any of you guys actually gave it a chance before shitposting or only watched a e-celeb play it and pretend to play it like any other game?
You know what, sure. Give me a free copy, user.
Can you fully get to the bottom of the mind dungeon?
The librarian was probably my favorite character subplot, but I don't recall there being much of an end to her story.
holy shit this is so hard to watch
>Don't you get it? That monster is YOU, YOU from a different timeline that killed himself!
I'd rail the black chick, though.
Does the golden alpaca mean something? or just
"random XD!!2!"
To be fair I can think of that happening in a lot of turn-based RPGs.
It was a metaphor for the disconnect between player and game and how the developer LEMONADE *holds up spork*
>Actually kind of like the weird sucky aesthetic of the graphics.
>everything else in the game is just plain terrible
Can I pirate this somewhere? Anyone have a copy?
Vella is cute. Is it worth play it for her?
>I'd rail the black chick, though.
Looking at the thread it seems everyone would.
Given how the characters are inspired by real people I feel somewhat curious about what the IRL person looks like.
Vella is a fat slag in real life. I don't know about the black chick.
Vella's pretty cool.
The end of her story might be, less than satisfactory though.
Here’s some chocolate for you guys.
>Probably not that high but he was expecting it to be well received. Probably even reach the status of cult classic
its amazing how they managed to annoy so many different kinds of people from the left and the right. People offended at dead names, the elevator girl, black characters awkward dialogue, to pissing everyone else off with its slow boring gameplay, terrible music and story, and the insufferable MC. its just simple amazing and how many ways they fucked up
Another issue I noticed with the attack system is how most games with an active battle system like M&L, M3, or Lisa also make it so you do damage with each input, while yiik instead makes you do a minigame that then affects your damage, instead of making it have an instant effect. It removes a lot of the impact and satisfaction a player would feel from properly performing the inputs.
How do I meet an artsy/hipster black cutie? And how do I get one to be my gf
Stop dreaming, user. There's a big difference between 2D and 3D.
> The main character is an unsufferable asshole
>the main character, designed after the main developer.
I'll believe it.
>I want to make a serious game that talks about serious things
> explanation of what is going on
I'm mad
mae is cute
>but saw that dumb fuck gamers can never appreciate such a thing
ignoring the argument in general, alot of artfags consider all games as art anyway and if not all of them some people think there are specifically "artsy" games like ico and killer7, so his argument is invalid. The dude isn't mad at gamers not appreciating games as an artform, he's mad people dont like his trashfire of a game to begin with.
It's also WAY too long, I saw a single gameplay video and one attack animation with the sword guy took like 15 seconds, wish I was exaggerating
>decide to look up a video of the girl in game
>hear voice
Man, what a boner killer.
oh mama...
You weren't kidding, this is some freaky stuff.
That's just some poor bastard caught in the crossfire.
My, my. This is getting good.
>Each character is drawn in a different art style
>Putting the term post-modern anywhere in your title is an immediate red flag that you're trying to push something insultingly pretentious
>Persona except westernized and that's a bad thing
>Apes not one but TWO Persona mascots to boot
Geez, and here I am thinking of doing my own game similar to the persona series in the future, should I endure this game to see how /not/ to go about it?
You should skip the game and just /not/ go about it
Just because YIIK didn't work that doesn't mean the idea itself can't, user.
A fucking mobage has better animation and faster combat than this shit.