How boring are you Yea Forums?
How boring are you Yea Forums?
>inb4 everyone in the thread misinterprets the image as usual
You guys are a bunch of mouth breathers.
I promise you're not special for liking games you think are fun. I hope you'll feel better soon
posting on uninteresting thread that will amount 100 replies and getting out, just for the sake of it
>this thread again
>spelling "favorite" with an extra letter
>implying you can even get attention or form an identity on Yea Forums of all places
>I still respond to this post, despite being obvious bait
Delete your account.
Rate my shit taste.
still trying waaaaay too hard to be accepted
be yourself user
ITT: Contrarians that want you to like bad games
DMC3SE and Deus Ex are on mine but I think those are the only two Yea Forums-core games on it.
I'm a unique snowflake.
That, or the games and series I love are dead or on the decline so I get no (you)'s.
>there are only a dozen good games in the universe
don't reply again, dum-dum
I, too, cannot fathom that certain games are just popular with the kind of people who post here.
I unironically like none of these games.
That's true though
Played most of those and tried to convince myself to like them, since I used to view Yea Forums as "the older brother with much cooler and better taste than you". Only Dark Souls and New Vegas were any good, the rest seem to have aged terribly ngl
I don't give a shit about DS but that's because I'm bad at it and when I asked what a good class/setup/etc for a beginner was I was told to git gud. Like nigga that's what I'm trying to do, gotta walk before you can run.
"good" is relative, dum dum
New Vegas really is one of my favorite games though, I bought it day 1 and have over 1000 hours on Steam.
That's not boring list.
It should include:
one of any of the souls games
one of any of the Metal Gear games
one of any of the Zelda games
Chrono Trigger
Baldur's Gate 2
one of any of the Persona games
one of any of TES games, but most likely Morrowind
a Resident Evil game
Wow you really want the world to see the apocalypse, huh?
git gud
There are some surprisingly decent guides on youtube out there, if you ever try again
>tried to convince myself to like them, since I used to view Yea Forums as "the older brother with much cooler and better taste than you".
Pure cringe
I've been meaning to get into Atom RPG.
Is it good?
im not being an ass, how do you tolerate knuckle's sections in sa2, they are so boring and tedious
> Colosseum
Fucking based. 16 years later and Gamefreak still BTFO
>he rest seem to have aged terribly
How has DMC3 aged terribly? Just curious.
I played nocturne recently and felt it aged really well, but I like jrpgs
Why make a 3x3 of games that aren't actually your favorite? I hope people here aren't afraid that random anonymous people, that you'll never meet, are gonna shitpost and say you have bad taste in games.
>Raisin Storm 2 :Vietnam
My nigga
They're not even the worst stages, those shooting galleries are.
post em
Growing up in the south I've always been around old and dilapidated buildings, it's an aesthetic I've always liked, and after reading A Canticle for Leibowitz at a very impressionable age I really like the post-apocalyptic genre not for the destruction but to see how society rebuilds and thrives after the disaster.
If you like Fallout 1 and 2 you'll love it. It's a Russian love letter to the old Fallout games but the writing and everything is still really solid. It's a fun game, I recommend it.
This was years ago, back when I was still a naive teen and the board still had a semblance of class. Wish I could say the same about it now
This picture just screams that you're not allowed to actually like popular games or some idiot will think you're an npc.
The audience for games are the young, and the last decade 4chin also become younger and younger. The entire board will be full cringe to you soon user, already happened to me since Yea Forums
Nostalgia blindness, mostly. Though I don't hate wild canyon, pumpkin hill or meteor herd.