Turns out it was true all along. George has been working with From Software

Turns out it was true all along. George has been working with From Software.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I've never watched or read Game of Thrones but it's extremely popular so I have impenetrable prejudice against it and will NEVER consume it, same as other passing fads such as Lets Players, Battle Royale, etc. I like Dark Souls but I will not play any game this fat old faggot has """consulted""" on.

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>it's extremely popular so I have impenetrable prejudice against it and will NEVER consume it
>I like Dark Souls
You know Dark Souls III was the best-selling game in Bandai Namco history?

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You are an insufferable, stupid, pointless contrarian and that's why nobody likes you.

What a complete imbecile.

can't fucking wait

Wow, I can't believe that shit was actually true. Damn, I wonder who leaked it then. And what the results of this consultation between George and this Japanese company will bring.

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Well thankfully it's okay to hate GoT now.

>I hate things that are popular only because they are popular
That neither makes you smart or likeable

Haven't even watched GOT but it was my understanding that the actual books are decent and the only reason the last season was bad was because they deviated from the books and rushed things. It doesn't make the show BAD, but it does make its final season bad - if anything, it just shows how good the GRRM stuff was.

I mean he is an ideas man, his prose is average at best, so working with Fromsoft to give a story, characters and a world to fuck about in is playing to his strengths.

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I don't care if I'm interesting or not, I am correct in deflecting normalfag media away from my entertainment consumption.

Despite being best-selling, Dark Souls is more difficult than the majority of popular games and therefore wards off normalfags more than most other AAA titles.

I am unafraid to criticize your dumb normalfag franchise or the slob that penned it

See above

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that man is a hoax and his books are for basedfaggots anyways

i never want to consume any got content anymore

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>but it was my understanding that the actual books are decent and the only reason the last season was bad was because they deviated from the books and rushed things.

This is the reason everything past season 4 has been terrible. Not just this season. Hell, Season 2 onwards is a heavy decline and the beginning of the end.

The shows been shit for 4 years user, normalfags are only complaining now because their feminist self insert turned out to be turbobased Dragon Hitler

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>It doesn't make the show BAD, but it does make its final season bad
Nah it definitely makes most of the show bad.

I gotcha. Like I said, I never watched it or read it. I'm just aware of it.
I know this is off-topic, but I love ass.

Man, I watched all the way through Game of Thrones and while it wasn't nearly a favorite thing I've ever seen, I enjoyed what I saw until the ending stretch.
Hating it "becuz it's popular" is ridiculous, especially when there's actual reasons within the first two seasons to hate it if it's not your taste.
You're really just a sad miserable person. I can guarantee I'm better than you at Dark Souls too, so "it's normalfag repellant" sure means a lot huh?

>using Kirby to spread your faggoty Reddit opinions
Kill yourself

I bet it'll gnash your balls to know ASOIAF was quite popular on Yea Forums, primarily Yea Forums and Yea Forums, long before the television series was even in preliminary talks.

This but unironically

>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

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then consume my semen instead

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>Man, I watched all the way through Game of Thrones
Stopped reading there. Please revise your post to not be quite so blatantly bait and maybe I'll read it next time.

And? This place has been normalfag central since 2009.


Disliking something because it's popular makes you as shallow as people who like things only because they're popular. Instead of being a conformist or a contrarian you should use your head and form your own opinions, fucking idiot.

>t. oldfag who's been posting since 2018

>And me? I’m still here, and I’m still busy. As a producer, I’ve got five shows in development at HBO (some having nothing whatsoever to do with the world of Westeros), two at Hulu, one on the History Channel. I’m involved with a number of feature projects, some based upon my own stories and books, some on material created by others. There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan. And then there’s Meow Wolf…
Those books are never getting written user, ever.

Most popular thread on Yea Forums when the board popped into existence in 2010, but well-known on Yea Forums years before that though.

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I want to iterate, I'm not saying you should watch it to make sure you don't like it, I sure as fuck wouldn't recommend the series to anyone for such an awful ending. I'm saying if the themes and concepts interest you, but you aren't watching it because it's popular, you're a sad moron.
It's been "normalfag" central since it's inception, if normalfags are people who watch anything BIG AND NEW. Cry more, retard.

Thing is, From was doing just fine with the writing and ideas they had. Story was not a big focus in Soulsbornekiro and that was one of the reasons I liked it so much, the emphasis was on the gameplay and I feel like FromSoft going more story focused is going to change that for the worse.

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Same. Him working with From doesn't say anything to me.

Yeah you shouldn't listen to classical music because it's so widely renowned and praised by 'normalfags'
Youre a fucking retard whose trying to be unique and you know it, because i used to do the same thing when i was 16


Just keep adding to it.

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Miyazaki is always looking to innovate and try new things, I would think he could pull off a more detailed, story driven game with the fatmans input and ideas. We're always going to get more games in the vain of soulsborne with Miyazaki's brand of storytelling, but if he wants to fuck around with something new I'll look forward to seeing the results, if there's a single Dev out there that deserves the benefit of the doubt it is him after all.

>There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan.
>I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan.

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He's gonna release Winds of Winter, I can feel it in my bones that it's basically completed but is being fixed and revised and that's probably what's taking the time.

But Dreams of Spring is only gonna remain a dream, he's gonna croak and fuck us all over and there's never gonna be an ending which will leave everyone frustrated

>Haven't even watched GOT but it was my understanding that the actual books are decent

I know the second one is real, but please tell me the first one isn't real.

>passing fad
Game of Thrones has been around longer than Dark Souls, and the source material it's based on started in the fucking 90's.

Overrated hack writer works with overrated hack game developers lol

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>Book or show, which will be the “real” ending? It’s a silly question. How many children did Scarlett O’Hara have?

>How about this? I’ll write it. You read it. Then everyone can make up their own mind, and argue about it on the internet.

Honestly I'm more tired of people constantly bitching about contrarians whenever a niche opinion pops up on fucking Yea Forums, like just comment on their opinion and why think it's bullshit without all this character/perceived intent analysis shit talking, you sound like a bunch of whiny broads

>turned out to be turbobased Dragon Hitler

That was obvious for for years now. They're just too stupid to realize it.

Help an user out I remember Sony originally commissioned Demon's Souls because they wanted their "own Oblivion" but I seem to remember there was a similar comparison between Dark Souls and Skyrim, at least mentioned in an interview with bandai namco or maybe Miyazaki. Does anyone remember this or am I manufacturing a memory?

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Its ok to hate popular things user, its a habit that can be formed from some medium you consume that affect your choice on others. If its appeal to you, you wouldn't care how popular it is.
I like lotr and football but still cant touch most big AAA "to form my opinion" like a consumerism's retard that few have described here
Ignore the consumers

>best selling game in Bandai Namco history
You mean the three years since they rebranded from "Namco Bandai" to "Bandai Namco"? What disingenuous drivel.

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It's not like "i hate got" is a niche opinion on Yea Forums
it's the fact that he's uneducated about anything involving it (see ) and is reacting just cuz "the normies like it so i don't!"
I'm not saying ASoIaF is good by any means but he's literally being contrarian for the sake of it.

The books are good no matter what retarded contrarians on Yea Forums who never read them tell you. The only real argument against the books is the long descriptions of food but I didn't even notice it, George is a fat fuck and he's simply describing the situation from narration of a fatman and what I assume is the things that fat person salivates over. When the book descriptions makes you feel hungry, thirsty, cold or hot then that's good writing

But the show has been sinking into shit since season 2, it was predictable decline since the jews were in charge and they naturally have to ruin everything they stick their beaks into

>No Bloodborne 2


Nice I love dark souls and I want a GoT game so I will preorder this shit day one. Thank you.

This, I came here in 2016 from r/The_Donald just like this user probably did and I'll never understand the love for GoT or Dark Souls.

>There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced.


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The show turned to shit directly because of George's inability to finish the god damn books. When they ran out of source material they started using their own ideas and you know how that turned out.

It’s not like all their games are going to be narrative focused from here on, Miyazaki has said before that their focus is on the game first and foremost, but he does want to experiment with each title. This’ll be a one-off unless it brings in Dark Souls tier profits, in which case they’ll milk it for a couple years then go on to something new again.

It was an IGN opinion piece about how Dark Souls would ‘Eat Skyrim’s Face’. It kicked off a wave of shitposting in both fanbases.

Next From game confirmed shit

No I don't think that was it, we should probably buy Skyrim and check.

Not an argument

First of all they had the source material but refused to use it and started merging characters together, ignoring 80% of the characters that are important in the books for one reason or another, completely cut out some segments etc. Instead they rushed through the books KNOWING that the lardman takes his sweet time to write anything. I can understand that the TV show audience is filled with braindead monkeys, but I don't think anyone would say "Well I'm not gonna watch that show because it's so detailed and has so many characters" .

And talking about the last season, I've read youtube comments that didn't even use a , or a . that had better narration than what the two fucking morons in charge of the show settled on. I could write up the entire season right now with the dumbest meme shit and it would be better than what they came up with.


>open world

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They are always real lad, havent you learnt by now?

Poor From is either never gonna finish the game or have to hire different writers to finish his job.

How do I learn to paint like this?

is that why it's rumored to not have character creation? pick from 3 generic dumb asses. stupid fat fuck.

I haven't. When I was young, I read Redwall so seeing fantasy writing like this really confuses me.

Good thing your worthless take means nothing and GoT will live on forever as a cornerstone of fantasy work. You absolute tool. People like you are really the worst, kill yourself.

>hating game of normalfags just because it's popular
>not hating game of normalfags because it's so fucking stupid and terribly written

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>>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

whole point of that scene is to show you that a beautiful girl everyone wants to fuck, that is also a queen, magically birthed dragons and rides one in reality shits like everyone else when she drinks contaminated water.

You can usually tell whether George was hungry or horny at the time of writing. It makes me cringe when he writes a sex scene because he insists on vivid detail when sometimes less is more.

This doesn't actually confirm its fromsoft, it's unlikely but it's possible he is working with a different jap studio and the rumor spreaders got confused.

Did we need a paragraph of writing vividly detailing the shit? No, we did not. Would appreciate if George at least tried to keep his fetishes out of his writing

I'm sure a man who's spent his entire life writing is better than you and knows what good writing is over you. Get off your high horse you dolt you don't know shit.

>"He found a line and pulled on it, fighting toward the hatch to get himself below out of the storm, but a gust of wind knocked his feet from under him and a second slammed him into the rail and there he clung. Rain lashed at his face, blinding him. His mouth was full of blood again. The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit."

Write what you know.

When is George not hungry?


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I don't care about GoT so I'm definitely not reading all that shit. But I do care about about Souls, so can you specify?

his entire writing style is ground in reality despite it being a low-fantasy world. people shitting and fucking is a normal thing, I don't understand what exactly bothers you here? the purpose is to depict the scene so that you can actually feel disgusted by her and show a human side

Hey bro here is a (You). It looks like you need it.

fat man write book

>his entire writing style is ground in reality despite it being a low-fantasy world.
Wow lad is it really? Thanks for helping me figure that one out, completely missed it. Of course it is you fucking nonce. Im not criticising the intention, I just think the delivery is laughable and sounds like something youd read on deviantart. George does his best writing when food, sex, and shit are out of the equation.


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>Her cunt became the world

i agree with food descriptions because they are a constant. sex description isn't some kind of 2 page erotic fiction, the only sex scene I remember from the books is cersei and some noblewoman lesbian diddling but that is over in 3 sentences. but that shitting scene is one single sentence in a thousand page book so it feels like nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking

if you actually complained about brienne or arianne martell chapters I'd agree because those characters are boring


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Looks like markers not paint
in specific it looks like these
If you want to actually learn how to use them to make art go look for some videos and/or online classes or something. Probably similar enough to Copic markers that a tutorial on those would suffice.

I hope it's something new and not just a GOT adaptation. was never a fan of the show, but the books may be better, never read em.

if it's an open world game I'll also drop. I don't know why people like open world games they're usually as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle - lots to see, nothing to do and with little direction.

I don't get the meme over this man. He's an average writer at best, and would be a nobody without the show. Like Sapkowski and The Witcher.

The only good thing that came out of this shit was all the bobbyposting and stannisposting.

GoT fags get so defensive when you insult their fat fuck of an author. Stay triggered, normalfag

Honorable mention.

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Terrible writing. Who reads this shit again? Do they actually think it's good writing, or are they just enjoying it ironically because it's so bad?

They think it's "Mature, dark and grounded" fantasy.


Subjective opinion not an argument

Based, fuck normgroids

>From said they were working on another dark ARPG
>with horseback riding
>and GRRM consulting for story
it's a mixed feel

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Basically the sneed of got

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God he fucking deserved better.

>Uses a spear against someone who wields a warhammer
Literally asking to be smashed to pieces.

>drink estus
>the more you drink the more you shit

based. game of thrones is fucking garbage discount lotr

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upvoted :)



Hating on things you haven't experienced or know shit about isn't any form of valid criticism. It's just you being a retarded faggot.

>say something stupid
>get called stupid
You're a mong, and you will be rightfully called on it.

What is the honest to god appeal of this fat tub of shits work? Is it the softcorn porn aspects? The “political intrigue?” The characters? The world buil....lol. I refuse to believe people can vouch for this series and its supposed selling points?

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You can laught at it all you want but ASOIAF was one of the few works that showed medieval fantasy could be transformed into something more mature than lol orcs/elves/dwarves type fantastical schlock.

but then it became lol zombies/dragons and just as shit as every other fantasy story

>everyone pissed about GOT ending
>never watched any episode myself so just laughing at the petition
>only watch youtube poops of GOT

Where my /RBMK/ boys at

Easy. You just have to be a talentless manchild.

Based as fuck.

Unfortunately that's true because the world is full of drooling mongoloids like you.

Lol shut up faggot

but it didn't you retarded piece of shit, read the books or don't bother commenting like a retard

It's embarrassing.


you mean the book series that is never going to be finished because the writer is a fat lazy piece of shit? No thanks

Look at this sad fat idiot.

You're the definition of a hipster. Good job user.

>but the books are fantasy shit with horrible writing LOL
george being a fat lazy lard of shit has nothing to do with you being a retarded mongoloid

This is the most based post I’ve seen on Yea Forums in quite a while, figures that you triggered everyone.

>After being carefully explained why, user now realises that it was obvious all along
It wasn't, there wasn't proper foreshadowing, and you're a retard who's going to act smart because you heard some other people's opinion.