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"L is Real 2401"



Indoctrination Theory

"borderlands 3, made by the people who made battleborn and aliens: colonial marines, will be a good video game"

>MGSV's ending is a ruse. Also it is somehow connected to Silent Hills and Death Stranding
It's the biggest circlejerk since the Indoctrination Theory.

Starfox Racing. Come the fuck on.

Borderlands 3 will be 95% the same game as Borderlands 2, which was 95% the same game as Borderlands 1, which was a fluke by Gearbox games.

sans is ness

This is probably it

The "Giygas is actually a fetus and you're aborting it" theory never fails to piss me off.

Ninten is Ness' dad.

Valve will make another video game

Huh, there's a lot of dumb shit involving EarthBound.

>Giygas is actually a fetus
that's true though.

squall is dead

That’s exactly what came to my mind, either that or the Waluigi theory

Aeris' actual name is Aerith

Play Mother 1.

>Borderlands 3 will be 95% the same game as Borderlands 2
Based on their Battleborn and Borderlands:TPS performance, no. They have shown they cannot competently make a video game anymore with this man in a lead creative role.
In fact, Borderlands 2 wasn't particularly good either. The scaling system ruined the guns element because you would find a favourite gun that was actually fun to use and have to swap it out in seconds because it had lost all damage output, and the writing speaks for itself.

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Mew behind the truck. I fucking hate whoever told me that. I remember wasting like 2 fucking days straight just to get the alien cat looking motherfucker and all I got was the sudden realization of disappointment.

Oh yeah, also Sonic, Tails and Toad being unlockable in Melee.

In metal gear 2 when raiden is naked if you cartwheel 10 times into an enemy he will stop covering himself for the rest of the level and snake will not give him back a uniform just saying nice kid.

Was TPS even worked on mechanically by a single soul from the main offices of gearbox? Last I knew, it was just aussie shitters

muthafucka I just like to shoot shit and get epic loot. Who cares about the story in a fucking shoot-loot game?

TPS was still a good game

I did. Itoi just has no idea with anything when it comes to his continuity. We are talking about the same director that based Giygas in MOTHER2 off of something that he thought was a rape scene, and then went on to say in various interviews that Ninten and Ness could be the same person when that is just clearly impossible. He also says Flint could be ness when he was asked about that and that too he said was possible when it's impossible considering the story. He just does whatever he feels like alot of the time and everything about Giygas from his image to his dialogue involving themes of rape

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final fantasy viii is a death dream after edea spears squall

All of them, every single one. All dumb as fuck.

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Mozart lives

FROM making a game with George Martin's input

You can play as luigi

You can save Shadow if you wait for the Floating Continent timer to run down.

Ah, many laughs for reminding me of that dumb theory. There’s absolutely no way I’d still be alive.


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Itoi's notorious for letting things be up to the player, he literally doesn't give a shit what people make out of the story.
>various interviews that Ninten and Ness could be the same person
If I remember correctly, that interview came pretty early in development. It's possible EarthBound might have had stronger ties to Mother 1 back then.
>He also says Flint could be ness when he was asked about that and that too he said was possible when it's impossible considering the story.
How so? It's never specified how long after Mother 3 is after the events of EarthBound, and everyone's memories were wiped. Not to mention Flint had an old Franklin Badge.
That being said, neither of those things have any bearing on Giygas. Itoi's explicitly stated the baby outlines in the sprite were pure coincidence, which is a far cry from his usual "make it what you will" attitude.
The rape scenes that inspired the ending were just that, inspiration. Giygas can't be a baby, because when he was a baby he was happily being raised by Mary. The poor bastard's just a creature devoid of love that went fucking insane, nothing more.

But does a translation error mean canon?
What will her name be in FF7R?

Yes it was, TPS was primarily developed by the Australian 2k but Gearbox worked on it as well. Then there's Battleborn, a trainwreck which Gearbox alone was responsible for.
Nope. Shit level design, boring repetitive quests.
The shooting wasn't good either due to shit enemy design and shit scaling.

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The MGS 5 "ruse"

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>Shit level design, boring repetitive quests.
Imagine complaining about shit like this about a Borderlands game. fucking lmao


Back in 2005 or so, I had dumbasses saying that Link was in Namco x Capcom, JUST because he was in Soul Calibur II. Nevermind the fact Link was in Soul Calibur II on a Nintendo console, and Namco x Capcom was a motherfucking PlayStation 2 game. They still believed Link was in that game for some reason. They would not hear my logic, and they would say they saw screenshots of it. I figured they should get really good at faking videos if they wanted to provide something believable.

My anti fetus niggas

I'll ass the Link is dead and 500 page google doc saying that KH3 was a dream

I hope I can name the characters stupid shit again.

Wow classic will feel anything like playing vanilla in the good ol days.

>There’s absolutely no way I’d still be alive.
Because there's no way you'd be still alive


I was gonna mention this. There are people who are practically taking the "KH3 was all a dream" theory like it's fucking fact. Insisting that I should read it, like it's actually important and carries any merit.

Silent hill foreskin sperg

pliskin is solid snake

So what does it have going for it exactly if you're going to dismiss the level design, story, and quests?
"Muh billion guns" 99% of which are garbage and not fun to use, and the 1% of which quickly becomes useless due to scaling?
Retard mouthbreather huffing Randy's diarrhea lmao

hitting your game boy with a hammer is the only way to get mew in blue version, good job old internet

Wht the hell does Randy take these kind of pictures? I mean this ain't a one off thing

It's fun to play with FRIENDS you autistic weirdo.

He's a sperg, he just doesn't realize it. Bathrooms are his safety blanket

Death Stranding is a Metal Gear Solid sequel

>How so? It's never specified how long after Mother 3 is after the events of EarthBound, and everyone's memories were wiped.
Leder tells us that everyone who boarded the white ship had teir memories wiped but they did however keep their names.

he has some severe mental deficiency
causes him to think doing stuff in public like this is a good idea

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I like Nico robin's voice from one piece

I like killing things

I like killing things and hearing nico robins voice

This is why i liked tps

EA will make good star wars games

>it's good with friends so that makes it a good game!
don't waste both our time with bait user
best part is i actually have played it co-op with friends. we got bored and quit

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That if you pressed a certain sequence of buttons during the cutscene in Legend of the Dragoon where the village is burned down it would show a hidden sex scene between Dart and Rose.

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Spectre is Phantom Assassin after obtaining the Manifold Paradox from Oracle

Ah, fair enough.

He isn't?

you're still going?
"it's good with friends so that makes it a good game" is universally acknowledged as a shit argument because any game is good with friends.
here's your last (you)

“Far Cry 3 was a dream”

Someone told me in Kirby Air Ride you can fly into the stone dragon's mouth on the magma level and its a short cut. Spent a lot of time trying

This a thousand times over.

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When I was ten some asshole said there was a 2 V 1 mode on street fighter alpha 2 , me and my friend waster 30 bucks and a month trying to find it

Half Life 3

Homosexuality isnt a mental illness

Never said it was good. Just said it was fun.

wtf is your problem

Before the Persona 5 announcement Yea Forums was convinced it would be on the fucking Wii U of all consoles.

Indoctrination Theory?


"Zero kills everyone in Mega Man Classic" is the dumbest edge fantasy shit I've ever heard

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Smash Google theory seems dumb af but if it's real someone should be fired

How to get Luigi in Mario 64:
>Yes! You, too, can unlock Luigi in Super Mario 64! All you have to do is
take your Nintendo 64, as well as your television set, and throw it out
of a (minimal) five story window. Then, you will have to flush your
cartridge of Super Mario 64 down the toilet. Lastly, the final step in
unlocking Luigi lies in pouring gasoline on your head, and setting your
hair on fire! After you do these three separate tasks, you will unlock
Luigi, who will call you a complete moron.

holy cannoli

Three dog secret radio messages meme that foretold the future.

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I haven't heard that one in while, I can't believe people believed that for even a second

>people still don't believe L is Real
lmao baka yall niggas probably the kids who couldnt even defeat the piano

i'll show you a real L nigga, hold this L nigga

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kinda related.
kid back in middleschool, this was around the time the ps2 and gamecube where relevant, would come up with a lot of weird shit and once told us nintendo and sony once worked on a console together. we laughed at him and bullied him even more than normal.
only later when i was out of high-school i actually read about the "nintendo playstation" and that there was an actual prototype. i felt kinda bad for a few seconds for the kid. but at the time it was simply impossible in our minds. and console wars were a classroom daily occurance. funnily enough everyone also had a gaymen pc but no arguments ever broke out about specs or pc games.

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if it makes you feel any better it's almost 100% certain that kid was bullshitting anyway and just happened to be right
nintendo playstation is still kind of an obscure bit of trivia even nowadays, let alone in the early days of the internet

could be possible. but in highschool he picked up the moniker of the "oracle" because when he got high he could accurately predict the future to uncanny degrees. he never predicted anything useful though. when he told you tomorrow youll trip and stubbed your toe on a sidewalk on the way home you fucking did.

>So what does it have going for it
Killing enemies, getting better gear, killing stronger enemies for even better gear and watching your character become overpowered?

MatPat gets too much hate for this theory. It’s a harmless video.

Noble Six survives.

Shut up mat that theory was dumb from the start

>you went into the castle to perform an impregnation

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sans ness

he kinda looks like josh homme from queens of the stone age

it's smarter than then actual plot