Who was he in The Witcher games?

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>here's what to think

i hope someone falls for this


fucking christopher poole what a cuck

no will smith no buy

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>Christopher Poole

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>And that's a good thing.

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>Christopher Poole

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moot is a fag

"and thats a good thing"

>Christopher Poole

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I hope all jews die

I don't get it. I looked him up and it says he works for google. What does this literally who have to do with anything?

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I hope you're shitposting, I honestly do.

>that's a good thing

>not knowing elder god Chris

I'm not usually one for "le skerit club Yea Forums" shitposting but my god man

he'll always be luggage lad in some form or another

>Trolling is a art

>That's a good thing - Here's Why
Why have we reached a point where something that is openly mocked is actually used honestly? Is he not self-aware enough?

moot left 4 years ago, is it that big of a stretch newcomers won't know who that fag is?

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>Christopher fucking Poole

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>Christopher Poole
So... he finally transitioned

newest of the fags

Who the fuck is this series made for? I expect most fans of the books will hate this and probably people who played the games as well. It looks awful.

>Christopher Poole

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Based retard anime poster




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no way this is real

>and that's a good thing

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We don't accept newcomers here, too much autism. You're either an oldfag and here forever or you piss off.

who the fuck is moot


at this point is not even sekrit klub tier, is the fucking original owner of 4chin, how much of a nigger you have to be to not know this

>and thats a good thing

journalists can leave the planet right now but no, americans sit back and let these faggots run their media

Newfags are hated for a reason.

They should just cast everyone as a minority and female so we can just let the ip die.

>and that’s a good thing - Heres why
Absolute memecunt leftists. Clown world. Top kek.

He has "poo" in his name

Every fucking time.

>Thought Catalog
There's no way that's real.

>every bit of bait in this thread was bitten
Shameful. You have to go back.

Why is it so hard to believe?

Except it's bait and you've been the newfags all along.

Fuck whitewashing, and fuck diversity. I don't want whiteys in Wakanda, and I don't want Cowboy Bebop's Jet black. JUST STICK TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL.

Because our world is not The Onion, there's no way that website is that self-unaware.

why do jewish people do this

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Search his initials

Notice how these modern jourinalists always put pression on treating their readers like 4yo kids?

Dunning-kruger is a very real thing.

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>that title
Is this real?

Honestly I'm fine with dandelion being black.

black people dont get named after flowers

we told you what not to think and you still failed at it