Can anyone stop Sony?

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Only SONY can stop SONY

A port of Mario Kart 8 for Switch has more sales than any game on that list.


>twittea tu respuesta
Why are third world monkeys so obsessed with snoy?

>15% adoption rate
Didn't Wii Sports have like 98%

It came packaged with every Wii

Yes and why didn't 75 million PS4 owners buy GoW it's GOTY

It's gonna be themselves if they don't stop this kiddy pool self censorship crap.

And yet, PSN alone makes more money than Nintendo. Crazy, huh?

bare skin

I mean they're trying to movie thing again so it seems they're doing their best

75% is an attach rate not met by any game unless it was packaged in

And how much money do Sony make compared to Microsoft?
You (literal) fags always move goalposts to try to look good against Nintendo, but your favorite corporation is a fucking flea compared to Microsoft.

>uncharted 4 sold more than any halo game
Added to my anti xbox folder, thanks OP

I just want them to go back to making games.

Based user taking it to those sewer dwelling mutant xboners.

I get that probably about a third of them are down to that period where it was bundled in with PS4s alongside Driveclub, but Uncharted 4 is still pretty crazy. Why do people love them so much? I mean they're fine, but fucking hell, people go gaga over the series.

Attached: GoW-PS4-Sales_05-20-19_Charts.jpg (533x593, 68K)

Arrogant Sony will always take down Smart Sony

Doesnt mean anything when pit aside halo, its bundled with xbox consoles too

Sorry, I didn't actually mean to reply to you, it was more of a general question.

Uncharted 4 is one of the most fun TPS games ever made, despite Yea Forums movieposters

Its expansion, The Lost Legacy, is even better

>Sales stagnate hard after a while
>Put the games on a shitton of cheap bundles.
>Hey look people actually care about the game see its selling very well.

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haha yeah thank god nintendo games are evergreen so i can always shell out my hard earned $60 for my friends over at ninty

>games never go on sale

*xbox live dominates your path*

Imagine paying full price for Fisher Price toys years after release

Psn made more than all of xbox last year


how, what does it have besides PS1 Classics on it?

I'm not saying that.

I"m saying that only reason that those titles are remotely relevant is because they get cheap ass bundle. Knack sold like a million but also got a bundle like months after.

>twittea tu respuesta
No estás viejo para obseionarte con console wars?

Ey yo, spic. Dis a english board

Don't fuck with me OP
Answer the question

It's in the same article that said psn made more than all of Nintendo in 2018 retard. XBL isnt making shit selling gamepass for a buck since they got assraped by Sony

Ps4 has every major game this gen baring a handful of Nintendo titles

Song is absolutely fucking killing it. Highly recommend watching the God of War documentary if you have the time; the whole crew at Sony Santa Monica had their balls out for the whole dev cycle, and when they needed more time Sony gave it to them.

Say what you want about walking simulators or Press X to Boy, their first party titles are fucking amazing. alone/
Do you have some kind of RSS set up that notifies you of any thread where you have to defend Sony?

If I was dumb enough to buy a Switch the only game I’d get for it would be Mario Kart and Zelda. I guess when you only have two games worth buying on a platform you end up with sales like that.

Pero me gusta burlarme de los niños. Quiero que la guerra de consolas continúe durante 100 años para poder seguir riéndome de ellos. Jajaja :)
Yeah but aren't y'all like the only ones who claim to care about physical game releases? Whos downloading this shit

>care about physical games
Yes? That doesnt change anything

>I guess when you only have two games worth buying on a platform you end up with sales like that
Funny because you just described the PS4
>What is Fifa and GTA?

[Citation Needed]

>GoW 10 million
>Horizon dawn 10 million
>TLOU 17 million
>Uncharted 4 15 million
Meanwhile bloodborne did 2.5million.
Can't wait see it come to Epic store at E3.

XBL makes way more than Snoy online lmao

Read it and weep, xfaggots

I'm sure they're making a killing off 1 dollar a month gamepass

Remember when you used to brag about not paying for online? Now you brag about paying the most for online, lol

How in the fuck do you only generate 1 billion more when you sell several millions more consoles?

BB did 3.5 million prior to being offered on psn+, which is more than any souls game did on ps3/4 alone. Love how this figure goes lower each time

>tfw Microsoft is more pro consumer than Sony but sonrytards defend their brand


Attached: snkbox.jpg (720x333, 152K)

Learn to basic finance kiddie

Minecraft is still the best selling game of all time.

I liked PS3 free online, expect for that whole summer of no online gaming. I like PC it has free online and will continue to (probably)
The companies are quite genius making their users pay for "free" games, I can't believe people defend this.

Only out if necessity from being assfucked, and even so not really. You cant play free titles without XBL gold on xbox, unlike ps4

How would you know that with Hali being on game pass?

Only xshit makes you pay for free games, you dont need psn+ to download free stuff. Not sure about Nintendo

Show me any article where it is said it sold 3.5 million. Sony said 2.5 and even that is inflated number.

Halo series overall sales put halo 5 below 10 million, it was 65 million prior to halo 5 and 75ish after, a good amount of that was MCC. Halo 3 is the highest selling at 13.6 million

Don't those games usually come in bundle deals with the PS4?

LMAO he was clearly talking about the shitty monthly PSN """free""" games and xbox games with gold """free""" games. christ you were quick to hop on that sony cock.

>all thanks to fifa lootboxes
How much of that is profit for snoy, and how much of it goes to EA?

>tfw they're still defending it

You can play free games on the PS4 without a PSN+ sub? That's new to me. Did they change it recently?

Also on the Xbox every free Xbox OG and X 360 title can be played without a sub.

It's on the Game Pass catalog. Anyone can download Halo from there. You don't have a fucking idea how many people have the game.

No, they didn't change anything. He thought you were talking about free to play games like Fortnite and saw it as an opportunity to defend his overlord Sony.

What an absolute retard then.

Doesnt answer the question snoyboy

Who cares if you need PS+ or not to play Fortnite at 30fps. It's the idea that a device has paywalls that should be illegal