It's better when it's close to the original design, right?
It's better when it's close to the original design, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's better when you redraw her instead of using photoshop to drag out parts of the original image
closer, yes, but going off model a bit is understandable especially when you're dealing with pokegirls
All she needed were bigger tits honestly.
F cups at least. Sadly she is flat. FLAT!
I personally don't mind even incredibly off model pics. I think it's fun to see what an artist does with a character, on model or not.
>those breasts
>that ass
>those feet
Being flat is good though
The entire breast scale of pokemon is turned down because it's pokemon. Fanart should exaggerate breast size based on comparison to other pokegirls so Cynthia shouldn't be a titty monster, but she should definitely have some size to her.
Definitely, I think it's worse when I see it with pic related though.
this is fine tho
I like flat but hate loli give me tall flat not short flat
Off model is cancer and ruined Hex
Made an oops with that comment, meant its worse when they put big tits on lusamine
too bad faggot
I know, and I was saying pic related was the limit of giving her large breasts in my separate opinion.
save hex
Some times I genuinely forget Pokémon characters aren't designed quite as sexily as all the porn.
Except the HG/SS Kanto Gym Leaders, which are pretty much just the hentai designs.
Yah makes sense. I would agree there.
Only autists care about fan art being off model.
Fucking love that doujin
Wrong. Fictional characters are merely vessels to house my own fetishes.
>Pokémon characters aren't designed quite as sexily as all the porn.
Post lillie
I love big butts and tiddies too much to care
Agreed 100%. I don't mind huge tits but man, there's nothing wrong with the original design.
Nah, autists like you can get fucked.
most of the time at least
Porn usually attempts a more sensual portrayal of bodies, So on-model characters with exceptionally scrawny designs need to have plumpness in the right areas to look good.
You mean improved.
>barely any art
>barely any doujins
>literal material to get fucking lewded to shit
Ban! is so good
No I'm pretty sure he said ruined
Let me show you why with one of my drawings. I hope you like it.
>there's no uncensored version
can be found in seconds
Based and redpilled
>belly hair
giant titty hex wearing her baggy dress is fucking great
I HATE when artists put memes or silly wacky faces in their porn.
Totally ruins it.. Fucking dumb japs and chinks. Fuck artists.
that is absolutely disgusting delete it immediately.
he literally posted a page from it. I found it in 2 seconds
Virtual Boy thread?
>has hair like a fucking animal up to their stomach
> homo why don't you like it
Nigger tier faggotry
the dress and simplistic features for hex maniac made her perfect.
>has hair like a fucking animal
What the fuck do you think humans are?
If there's one thing in life i'd ever want if I had the opportunity, it's to be kidnapped by hex maniac and used as her boytoy sex slave.
>this user will forever haunt off model threads moaning of his losses for the rest of eternity while you get to masturbate to titty hex in your ivory tower
See you next thread, Casper!
would you fall for this trap?
Yes. All on model porn is superior to fan interpretation crap.
user she's a Nympho who's never had sex before. If she has sex with you you'll be her slave forever. Imagine non-stop bareback sex. You don't want that.
I'm sorry but I'm not convinced.
I'll need more of your drawings as proof.
And a blog if you don't mind.
Stuff like this is fine, Because it's converting a character from a completely different style, There's a lot of gaps you have fill in when translating over to a more detailed style, The proportions here is about as accurate as you can get in this kind of style.
oh my god that fucking gluteal ridge between the two rotund masses
There are worse ways to go in the world. I'll gladly settle for being Hex's boytoy slave until death.
I love On-model Kass more than Off-model Kass! Artists need to stop drawing off-model Kass!
Fucking sauce, im not in my computer
Shut the fuck up you absolute retard. Why does every faggot want to become fuukafag like that isn't peak autism and sadness.
Do you not get haircuts? Shower? Trim to be clean? Maybe YOU are a fucking animal but most of us aren't. Good day ape!
I bet you're a smash player.
You need to stop being such a pathetic weirdo first.
I didn't choose to fall in love with Kass, and even so, Kass is the greatest, he makes me happy and I'm happy to be with him!
Kass gives me strength! I can do anything with Kass!
Tha would be too easy and the Japs do not like to take the easy way out ever if they have not been nuked twise they would have probabbly frougth to the last man.
>I didn't choose to fall in love with Kass
No, but you did choose to post about it you attention seeking faggot. Off yourself.
Only when the original design has massive tits and ass. Otherwise, creative liberties are superior.
>Hentai form
>Not have her nipples poking out of the two conveniently placed spots on her jacket
No shes clearly holding the string which if you look closely is tied to a wooden stick.
Which is propping up the basket above her.
its pretty obvious she has mal-intentions. She even looks hungry, she might try and eat you or something.
Smash Players don't shave or shower though.
Those are no holes though.
in retrospect left actually looks kind of mannish
But they could be, and it would be far more interesting and hentai than just "money 2"
I'm legitimately curious, what do you do for a living?
Wicke is one of the few characters in Pokemon that actually has large breasts and a shapely figure in canon.
I think the only other one I can immediately think of is the newsgirl from XY, Alexa I think? Huge boobs for a Pokemon girl.
there are a few more
Old pokemon was based. shame the west had to censor it.
I was only thinking of characters that appeared in the games, but yes Ivy is hot.
>thick lipped balloon tit bimbo
This ticks me off more than a furry version would.
Why do people like the twenty dollar whore look?
Don’t give him any (You)’s
He’ll kill himself by 30 like all mentally ill furfags
It depends of the series desu
Dragon ball chicks are better in-model
i want to sleep on those
A shame most of the porn is drawn otherwise.
>hates milkies
Go figures.
Remember, a tiddle diddle a day keeps the Doc away!
Currently I make 30k a year as a warehouse worker, but I'm studying to be a software engineer!
I will never kill myself, this time I have on earth is likely the only time I will ever have to spend with Kass. Meeting Kass was the day I was truly born. I wish to savor every remaining moment of it.
Sometimes the quiet guy at your job is quiet because he's obsessed with a cartoon bird, though I guess that's better than being open about it
Bro you just posted cringe
Hey pussy, you didn't respond to . Why constantly post if not to be an attention whore about your shitty husbando who also happens to be married in-game.
Lusamine is for Sun. Lillie is for Moon. /ss/, /ll/ and age-gap yuri will conquer the Earth.
based and cunnypilled
>Not building up enough trust and using her naivety to completely change the power dynamic of the relationship from slave to master
typical women.
Boys just trying to have a fun day out of school and they come to bully him.
Ever noticed this usually happens with Nintendo IPs?
i like both
could be bigger
I prefer the third party art porn be closer to the source material. Even for a character like Tifa Lockheart. All the time fan art has her tiddies blown way out of proportion. It just doesn't thrill me as much as something that AT LEAST looks closer to the way she did in the original instruction manual. Now when they take a character like Etna and add breasts, they have fucked up beyond repair. I for one have great appreciation for a modest or petite breast size.
>curvy character
>depicted as a landwhale in most fan art
Bigger breasts = better
cut down the thighs and inflate the ass, then you got a deal.
on model = that character getting fucked
off model = some cosplayer getting fucked
know the difference
What other choice do you have?
It happens lot in weeb games too
Alola was a massive flatfag festival. Lillie, Lana, Mallow, Acerola, etc.
god I wish that was me
A little exaggeration of proportions to make a design more sexually appealing is fine as long as they don't go overboard with it. Just keep it appealing and recognizable.
Lorelei and Ivy were not censored to my knowledge. well my blossoming puberty remember them well anyway. Ishizu Ishtar and Mai Valentine from Yugioh too
>Lana's mom
It happens to literally everything
>condom tag
>doesn't use them beyond showing how much sex they had
Fuck you dammit, I want to see the bitch getting fucked with them.
I want to rammmmmm my fuuuuuuuuuuucking cock in her asssssss bros
Correct. Lusamine with modest tits is fine. Lusamine with giant milkers is an affront to god.
>hating based milkers slapped on everything
you better check yourself nigger
>tanlines with large areola
implying my dick cares about being on-model
That's pretty on model desu senpai
Alola no Yoru no Sugata 3
for you suffering phoneposters
i work at a ware house too
this one guy is open about his anime fart fetish.
hes supper autistic too, he never drinks with us after work because he promised his mom he wouldn't when he was 5
Wicke has multiple doujins, which is way more than most side characters get.
sounds like a hardworker, the more autistic they are the better workers from my experience in shipping
May milkers
he truly is, he can lift a sofa bed over his head and carry it like a canoe.
he came in an hour late one day and demanded to our boss to be written up as that's the only way he'd learn, his work ethic is amazing but hes still autistic. one of his only pares of jeans have a giant rip down the front that he refuses to patch up.
post some ash's mom
For you perhaps. To others maybe not.
Depends on which one has bigger bush and stronger stank.
THIS. Smelly girls are the best.
the reason he was an hour late, he told us all is that he masturbated 5 times before getting ready
The reason this doujin was so good is that Sun was drawn pretty feminine with refined nips and lips so it's a goddamn win for someone who likes both traps and /ss/ like me
Chicken breast
boner achieved
He sounds based desu
Does a body type like this even exist in real life? Lusamine's appearance always seemed off-putting to me and it didn't help to see Lillie, who may have some of her father in her.
usually yeah, especially since left's body type is far far too rare in hentai. adult woman with small to medium boobs are way too rare in fanart.
Isn't this the backdrop of that one Terminator game?
A shame that F cups aren't the expected size of growth in healthy women by adulthood.
that was such a good fucking doujin holy shit
Ignore naysayers, bimbofied women are superior to their plain forms.
Good shit gonna tap to this again
Finally a true man of taste
Still the best pokegirl
>tall flat
Needs piercings and tattoos.
Cynthia has a big boob personality so she looks good with big boobs to be honest.
She looks like she gets fucked by Dark types.
It's the literal peak of female form, you'd have to be gay to not be turned on.
Done in good ways. Womb tattoo is an S+ rank no matter what.
I'm a social guy! I just never talk about Kass!
That is unfortunate! Thankfully I actually have social skills and gladly drink with coworkers!
Because it's bait. I post Kass because I love him, and he's my husband. I feel no other reason to post him than to Express my love for him in one of the few ways I can, and to let people know he is taken.
What kind of big boob personalities are out there?
>t rex arms
Ara ara
Hora hora
But you can have those with small boobs
Easily the best.
>Kassfag never actually talks about Kass outside of the internet
>We're just getting the most concentrated autism from him due to holding it back irl.
I dont know how to feel about this
>Womb tattoo is an S+ rank no matter what.
Godly taste, a true man of culture.
Are you really that shocked? People have been using this place as their toilet for a long time now.
I legit didn't know she was a girl until I saw porn online after finishing the game
>The visible ass and perfect figure
The greatest Pokemon character ever created
>character canonically has smaller breasts than most of the other girls and it is even specifically mentioned in official material
>all of the porn is drawn with generic bimbo proportions
That's really a shame. Boob envy it's top notch
How about boob envy where the jealous one is already huge but wants to be even bigger?
Thanks user, ideal female beauty is eternal. Tramp stamps are also high tier tats, and extra good girl points for hearts, the more ornately designed the better.
Well that's even better, she's fuming that she isn't the biggest of all even as a titty monster already and would go to even further lengths to try to be the sexiest. Girls getting jealous over their sexuality is fucking hot.
Because flatties suddenly getting the titties they always want will cause them to abuse them twice as hard as any girl that's owned them for a while. You have a lot to learn, neonate.
that's just dumb
I prefer the one on the right
This is the best
People who demand fanart to be on model lack imagination. Variety is the spice of life and through these different interpretations we find new appreciation for characters we wouldn’t even consider in their base form.
Consider Velma Dinkley. A mildly attractive girl, raised to the top tiers of waifufaggotry by the sheer force of will of the fanartists who drew her. The fanart was so powerful it influenced her design and personality moving forward in the canon.
Embrace imagination. Embrace fanart.
IDGAF about tits, but pit steam and asshair is god-tier
>pit steam
Not based
I want to live inside boobs
Like this?
It's never drawn like that though
it's just depicted like it's business as usual
>It's never drawn like that though
You've yet to train in the arts of breast expansion then, my friend.
>the more ornately designed the better.
I've never been a fan of tattoos but womb ones are always a delight. And I agree completely, nothing enchance the femenine figure like some makeup, earrings and high heels.
god bimbofication is such a garbage fetish. right up there with feeders/fatfags, trap/futafags and footfags
Fuck off with this cringeworthy "I am the wise sage of jerking off" shit you fucking sperg
I was jerking off to that when I was 12.
Now I think that it's dumb.
Left upper body with right lower body.
Not really, some take it way too extreme though. A little slutification is fine.
Yeah instead now you whine about it and get triggered on image boards by people who don't take themselves as seriously as you do. What growth!
Likewise. I always found stuff that completely covers big stretches of body, or typical gothy stuff like skulls to be a bit of a turn off. Lipstick is the best when it's in a super eye catching tone, like bubblegum pink, or even shades like purple if she's styled herself to match. The best kind of corruption really is feminization/bimbofication.
>instead now you whine about it
nowhere did I whine about it
you can only say that if you're a cretin who thinks that alternate_breast_size is the same thing as breast_expansion
Nice breast shape.
mods are fags
I don’t know why, but i’m endlessly fascinated by the way sexuality works and how we can bend and shape it through drawings. I’ve learned a lot about a lot of different fetishes and the mindset behind them. I don’t know what I’m ever going to do with this information, but for some reason i’m passionate about it.
I'm surprised they didn't just delete the thread. they've been really inconsistent on if they delete pokemon threads or not recently
You said that "it's never drawn" that way and got told of how it was in a joking manner and got upset that someone wasn't being as jaded as you are over the subject. You are whining.
>bro I was joking come on why aren't you laughing
It's a fascinating topic I must say, I've always find myself involved when talking about fetishes.
In honor of eating that ban.
Can I order mine spitroasted?
not how boobs work
I fucking hate artists who draw literally every texture as if it's rubber.
Why the fuck is her sweater shiny and molding like that?
It's a great job when the make up can combine with the rest of the picture. A nice red lipstick is great, but a glossy neon green just add another layer of sluttiness.
Cause you're an unhappy whiny faggot, we just went over this, user.
This is barely even a Pokemon thread because of the OP being Cynthia. It's more of a generic fetish thread with game characters.
I'm going to impale you on an auger and spin your shrimpy little body around to water my plants with your thin faggot blood
why dont you two shut the fuck up instead
I will if you would only post good art
It’s gotten to the point where i’ve taken up my own project to sift through every image on paheal starting from the oldest and working my way up, saving every image that interests me along the way. I’ve got several thousands of pages so far, but there is just so much.
Dunno if i’ll ever release the archive for the curious, but it’s a fun way to pass the time.
gb2 >>>/Romania/
Have you figured out why hyperfags are so retarded yet
For the same reason mortal men can't come to understand the will of the Gods.
It’s just the logical conclusion of expansion. Some get off on the immobility of the character. Some just have no limits on what size they find attractive about a certain body part.
Fuck off with your canonical proportions bullshit.
oh no
Your death will mirror your pathetic life reprobate
I'll die comfortably? That's very kind of you to say to me, I'm touched. :)
I think a lot of people sleep on this, but it's the lips that really make the bimbo. Flat, thin lips are just there, but thick, plump ones magnetize your eyes to them and make her mouth pout in a way that's uber sexy.
Hex is the based one.
This is an example of subtle bimboification done right.
This is barbie doll/Bratz tier.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I wish we’d stop calling them the same thing. I just want to find some done hot slut versions of characters without wading through blow up doll fetishes
>clothes are drawn somewhat logically instead of being vacuum-packed to her tits
wow what a rarity
No idea why people feel so convinced that everything needs to be 100% accurate always.
They lack imagination. To them, accuracy means it’s a more realistic fapping experience. Forgetting of course that any 2D girl is imaginary.
You described them perfectly. No bimbo is finished without some plump lips that are made to catch the attention.
I find the mental state of bimbos more attractive than the aesthetics the bimbo community have gravitated towards in recent years.
Remove those things in her hair and you got a generic T&A girl.
Is it their naivete
Original is easily the best, I agree
And general bubbly nature. It’s why I gravitate more towards the Starfire archetype even if I do find Raven-likes to be attractive.
This is an 40 year old woman
There should be lewds of bimbo hex messing around with normal hex.
What's the point of giving every girl the same bodytype? Might as well not draw different girls then.
I feel that. Used to know a girl (kind of a bimbo I guess), was my friend and she learned about my foot fetish and was totally cool with me visiting to give her foot rubs. Feel like most girls wouldn't be super cool with getting a foot rub if they knew they dude was getting a sexual kick out of it, but she knew and was cool with it. I got to rub feet and she got a massage, fucking win-win, I miss that shit
We are the cavemen.
And that's a good thing!
Comfy. Took me a while to get footpilled and I still think a lot of foot art is terrible but the good stuff is mint.
They are the cavemen.
And this is a 13 year old girl
Thick, pouty lips, covered in a bright colourful lipstick that would leave the biggest lipstick mark where she smooches you on the cheek or cock are prime bimbo to me.
Welcome to the dark side
What I wanna know is where’s the caveman?
i think you burnt your toast
I'm more of a heavy ganguro/clown man.
>heavy ganguro
I've never thought I'd find such a tasteful man here.
Heavy ganguro is only good in 2D, I don't know if I've ever seen a visually appealing 3DPD ganguro
Based. Lipstick/o-ring fetish is great for still images. Really sells the wetness of the lips/blowjob when it smears and the lip marks tell a sequential story without having to do comic panels. What color is your favorite? I like red and pink of course but i’ve also found myself partial to neon green.
What about light blue?
That's why you just turn it down to your average gyaru JAVs if you ever feel the urge to grind it to 3DPD.
Light blue is great too. Like a teal color.
Dark (black/purple) is OK on goth girls but otherwise is not my favorite.
Glossy pink is a classic, but green or blue are also a great choice.
And white lipstick if the skin is darker
That happens with a lot of fetishes .
>white lipstick
I haven’t even thought of this. You mean on brown girls? Maybe...
Who /toony/ here?
True best girls don't need drastic alterations.
Bans my favorite artist, but this is the GOAT lusamine doujin
It can make a great contrast on the skin with gyarus or ganguros
I don't mind off model characters until it is one where I actually like their in game personality and model, then I go to fucking war.
Bubblegum pink is the shit, a nice purple or light blue are great too. Can't get behind green though.
Best, biggest and cutest!
you mean like when they ruined tomb raider
Maybe seek out on model stuff instead?
I’ve found myself in different situations. I couldn’t really care less about canon Tootie as an example, but oftentimes fanart Tootie is waifu tier, to the point that adding shark teeth made her a sensation (pizza thot)
A cute.
Thing is though on model stuff is becoming hard to come by. I have my personal archive but it's really hard looking for certain characters. Like for example lately I have been looking for some good Samus stuff and most of it is
they told me I could become anything and now I am sitting here at late night craving the bodily fluids of imaginary characters
It's important that the make up matches the rest of the pic, and green it's hard to mix
If you can’t draw or commission then you’ve gotta take the hand you’re delt. There are plenty of good girls lacking any quality art at all.
You know it.
Pokegirls are dangerous.
You mean delicious.
Dangerously sexy.
Women are inherently sluts thus they only exist to be sex dolls
Green just isn't a classically sexy colour either. Pink compliments nearly everything on a woman.
nsfl warning
Green looks better on brown girls.
I'm going to be stupid, but is this surgery or just makeup?
>heart cutout on the butt
Another thing I never knew I needed. I love girls that get converted into blondes, cuz blondes have more fun after all. It screams "I'm chasing that all-American free sexuality sluttiness."
I think before is alright and works in a specific type of JAV but otherwise after is superior
Makeup is crazy huh
hot 3d gyaru
I recommend avop-062
asian beauty standards are fucked beyond comprehension, you are an instant social outcast if you don't look like the set standard
Damn, her figure is almost Fubuki-like in that picture.
Based desu
Sounds good I'll check it out later
I just legitimately think the original designs are the best. I also have to add that Tsunade was my first waifu so I can call myself a titcow conneseour.
In EVERY circumstance?
go outside
Don't do this the video makes mustard gas
I'd have to see it to believe it.
>Rosalina's bare shoulders
Gets me revved up every time.
Blonde is almost mandatory for bimbos after all, and bimbofication is half of the fun.
What are your hopes for Gen 8 pokegirls anons?
For the pokegirls, yes. Something about their shapes and colorings are just perfect.
lots and lots of shota hungry cakes and milfs
Considering its england, if we wont face off against a downtown 40 year old slag, i wont buy the game.
This,the only time i care about on model is if the tits or ass is smaller than on model.
depends on the context.
if i'm just jacking off to porn i'll take literally anything.
More older ladies. Alola had some damn fine ones but japs obsessed over the little girls like the assholes they are.
I love this picture. I can't stop my pregnancy fetish
The two revealed already are better than anything we got in the past 3 generations.