Yea Forums Autism thread
Yea Forums Autism thread
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I'm sure the guy who spammed these is having a field day creating Epic Store threads left and right now.
>*do not do this*
No way that's real
A classic
lmao it's far worse than that user
Enjoy your niavette while you have it
As autistic as he is he's not wrong. Notch was successful when he left this place.
hahaha I thought it was a genuine developer but I saw the trip and realized it was uselessDev.
Just when I think things can't get much worse, something comes along to remind me I truly have no idea how bad things really are
not Yea Forums but who the fuck is looking
What the fuck is this? Why didn't he like going underwater? Why did his sister enjoy it? Why did he have to be weighed underwater? Why did her hair matter?
i think its written by a bot, it makes my head hurt
that's not Yea Forums, retard
that wasnt autism that was paid shilling
>not Yea Forums
Why do you care that other people are having sex?
fuckin lost it
That was before Epic store was a thing
>inb4 autism
1.) Depending on her jurisdiction, she could be a victim of statutory rape
2.) Her eventual pregnancies will either become an overall drain on taxpayer resources or resulted in the child being murdered before birth
3.) People who engage in such behaviors usually come from broken homes and were probably abused/neglected, so I feel sorry for her
4.) People who exhibit this behavior usually have severe trust and commitment issues, so some of her partners may become victims of her abuse
5.) The frequency of this phenomenon (very underage sex and multiple partners) is troubling
6.) She has reduced herself to a mere object for a man to pleasure himself with, so she's actually being anti-feminist
Obviously not Yea Forums, but this is like legitimately autistic. I can just tell how awkward this guy would be if I met him in real life.
make fuck
>he sees no problem with this
Why are you an apathetic lobotomite?
This and a myriad of other reasons is why I only like 2D and absolutely despise 3DPD.
Only with my wife for the sole purpose of procreation
Unironically based. If there's one guy you should be imitating, it's Driver.
this is 100% accurate though.
damn. never thought i'd be ashamed to be a game and watch main.
>that 'v' post
Failed copy paste wtf
Not Yea Forums but close enough.
If she's black then there's no reason to care
holy fuk
Notch was successful with helpful suggestions from here.
Besides, Yea Forums doesn't owe you anything.
If you want your dick sucked and want a huge hugbox where everybody just agrees with you, then go to reddit.
Looks like a girl's handwriting to me.
If she's a member of your community then it directly impacts you regardless of skin color you fucking idiot. Maybe you get to live in an ethnically homogeneous community but my state decided that was evil and started diversifying everything, so now we have to deal with thots of all colors of the rainbow.
>le "Notch owes Yea Forums for minecraft's success!" delusion
Time to leave
He's not wrong.
This kind of autism genuinely frightens me
>t. Purples
>1700 posts saying "I love Kass" all by him
>has a bot that detects Kass images so he can go into threads and post about how Kass is his husband
>owns doujins, bad dragons, etc of Kass
>emailed Nintendo 100 times to get permission to marry Kass
>thinks Kass is God
>worships kass
>genuinely believes that hes married to Kass
Shitposting become the board culture + 4chin audience getting younger than ever before. v basically lost all its uniqueness and is just another irrelevant gaming forum
Kassfag is based for a furry.
1. 16-year-olds are capable of consenting, I don’t care if a statute says they can’t
2. Considering how much sex she’s having, she’s probably on the pill. Also, abortions are cheap as hell in states in which it’s legal, they don’t burden taxpayers at all.
3. Unfounded assumption
4. Unfounded assumption
5. Opinion
6. Who cares?
>She's been with more 25-30 year olds than people within 5 years of her age
I can't tell what's worse between this and the list itself.
I will never forget you, soulsfag
>that one time he came on a pizza and ate it on our voice chat
I am not a saint, I have no right to judge others’ personal life choices.
What in the fuck
bruh wtf
this is unbelievably gay yet wholesome
not sure how he became a lawyer and be this autistic
also lmao at popeyes chicken showing up in nearly every post
>whiteknighting somebody's fake sister
>I'd like to go sky diving one day
The simple ones are the funniest.
That's fucking amazing
Isn't this the same retard who said he couldn't work on the game because he said checking his daily 100 emails took up too much of his time and not reading the emails was a non option so he made a passive aggressive video telling people to not email him?
Do you have the one where it devolves into people arguing about lions?
He has done some weird shit. Literally ask him he won’t deny it.
under no circumstances do lawyers write like this
feels bad
Wut? any proof of this?
Absolutely nobody should be having sex with dozens of people. Human beings were not meant to live this way. This kind of hedonism has lead to the breakdown of the family unit, which was the backbone of American society. This has led to
>increased crime, particularly in the inner city
>increased gang activity, as people without families form makeshift ones to belong to something
>increased drug usage, as the lack of father figures causes people to become prey to addictions
>spread of STDs
>spread of unwanted pregnancies, leading to more single-parent homes
>the entire SJW movement, which seeks to destroy Western culture
this reads like what would happen if someone made it their life goal to chase that "comfy" feelings like a crack addict.
Yes. He also still hasn’t released a full demo. Game is still pre-v slice.
Literally ask him. He might send you the photo too.
I guess he never sorted through those emails after all :^)
I think I might email him in the future because his autism requires him to read it.
Jesus why is he so degenerate, like I get the whole obsessed with fictional character thing but what's up with all the other shit.
just more proof that wojak-posters have special needs
What do you think would happen if you pandered to v?
I saw a photo of him shoving a bad dragon up his ass. Anyone got the link?
you get Hotline Miami
Not only does correlation not equal causation, but I don’t even think there is a correlation. For example, crime in large cities has decreased dramatically since the 70s.
This might be the funniest thing ever posted on Yea Forums. Ive seen it for years and every time it makes me laugh uncontrollably until i cry
>put me in the screencap
Instantly ruined
Comedy gold
Anyone have Chinman?
These are the literal AI bots that they've been unleashing sites for years now.
>tfw get so lazy with your shitposts that you don't even bother to copy and paste
That reminds me, how many times has that persona 5 pasta been posted?
It's funny because if you cropped the Facebook cap to only show the black Twitter post it would look like another one of em
>come into autism thread
>see fuckloads of autism
I came into a thread I knew would be stupid and I'm still mad
Imagine falling for bait this obvious
>panders to Yea Forums
>anti nationalist political message
you're gonna have to explain this to me, chief
It wouldn't be Yea Forums without it
>implying he didn't make it and post it for (You)s
sure fag
I take back what I said that shit's weird
you've opened my eyes
why, lets try checking those vivian james games hmm
fuck off you pathetic trip using loser
>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle
Holy fuck I am saying this to the next girl I see.
now this is based
You do realize giving me a (You) only encourages me right? Have a good night user!
10/10 trolling right here
does anyone have the screencap of some user trying to explain why this glitch makes sense
> he doesn't read the disclaimer at the top of Yea Forums
Holy fucking newfag
how did he bold the is
>you have never felt as close to anybody in your life as this random user is with his brother of all people
>you will never have fond memories of a deep connection being made under a beautiful night sky or under the most unlikely situations with someone that makes you forget the pragmatism of life and the cynicism that plagues yours
>people are either disgusted by you or feel concerned for you
>no one will ever see you as their equal, as their other half
>one of the the most vivid images you have anything resembling a "true" human connection is of some 40+ year old canadian guy who popped boners eating popeyes in the shower with his brother
I miss Yea Forums fucking around on games together like this.
Does anyone have the Movies one?
>emailed Nintendo 100 times to get permission to marry Kass.
He was ahead of his time.
fucking lost
I have not seen that one in years.
another one for my filter
>tfw there's this sperg in our group if you draw a certain character lewd or talk lewd about he threatens to find and kill you and message everyone he can to say how shitty you are or messages artists and threatening them over a fucking image
why is everyone so mentally fucked these days.
Enjoy screeching into the void, nigger
Someone wasn't breastfed as a baby.
I love icecream.
You have to stand up for your waifu.
I've punched someone over mine before, I'd do it again. I'm also not afraid to cut contact with people if they don't accept my choice and try to be an ass to me about it. I'm not saying that they need to approve of it, rather just leave me alone. I also don't message artists, but rather just filter them.
How deep in the spectrum are you?
the camping part in the car sounds kinda cozy I guess
but all that autistic nerdy stuff no way fag
all that popeyes wew lad
I was just thinking that about the car myself
an hero you digusting trip fag tranny
My parents almost had me tested for Asperger's as a child but decided against it.
I like to imagine this guy saying these lines so much in the middle of a fight that the lines start layering over each other
>Why didn't he like going underwater?
It seems he was annoyed because he had plans for his day off but ended up having to go to the doctor. He also didn't intend to take a bath that day, but ended up getting wet anyway.
>Why did his sister enjoy it?
I think his sister just didn't give a fuck.
>Why did he have to be weighed underwater?
A scale isn't good enough for soccer moms, I guess.
>Why did her hair matter?
He thought the pose she did was funny.
>correlation not equal causation
>I cannot disprove your points, so I am going to repeat what the funny black science! men said once
Checking this off as another argument won in my list. You should give up now before you embarrass yourself, faggot.
yah being in car in a quite place under a blanket and pillow fort while its raining outside with the only glow being the laptop screen would be relly comfy
there is nothing wrong with getting some spicy popeye's with your bro
I mean maybe he could tone it down some but still
this man consorts with autists. They know their language. They should be burned.
>what the fuck mods are you playing with
>what the fuck is happening in your brain
>popeyes mentioned in everypost
it's a bit to much
okay but we can assume those things happened like, months apart
so what if his party feel good food is fried chicken, you know? Getting a bird for a football tailgate every week or two would be no different
this was 100% bait
I'd try another test but that seems different than aspergers
There's an idiot who wages war against crackshipping on this site. Waifufags are the most autistic kind.
Popeyes rep detected
what the fuck does any of that mean
u fuck birds at footie games?
you underestimate the power of Canadians
Are you ESL?
you will buy my fucking food damnit
yes, ancient Southern tradition is to capture and sodomize as many winged beasts as possible before a football game
what the fuck is a taligate?
are you talking about american handball
if so
fuck u
fucking beast
Ethnicity: white
Sex: they/them
Location: california
sounds lewd
>feel good food
Foof that makes you feel good
Fried chicken in this case. Remember, chickens are birds.
>football tailgate
Type of party that takes place in a parking lot outside of a football stadium on the day of a game
you better not have wings boy
is this some american thing?
Do they not eat at sports events in your cesspool?
no shit they do faggot
Is being an imbecile a custom in your country?
I don't know what you've got your panties twisted up about then honey
I fucking love this one
More kassfag autism
To his credit, Nintendo actually responded and gave him permission
what was in the post?
A tailgate is specifically the back door of a pickup truck. You pop it down, and it creates a table like area you can use in the parking lot outside of a sporting event. People traditionally drink a lot of beer, eat a lot of food, and fuck poultry. It's more prevalent in the South, but it happens at any given football game.
they are married. doug bowser gave him permission
people rapid firing posts with 0 proofreading is more depressing than funny.
this was one of my deepest fears when i first built my PC a while ago
What's a calzone
He wasn't wrong. But it probably isn't a bad idea to take criticism from and pander to an anonymous shitposting site where everyone uses anonymity to let their autism spiral out of control.
It's a pizza folded in half. How do you not know this?
But why? Is this an American thing?
a hotpocket pretty much
I think The Thing was from outer space. It's been quite a while since I've seen it.
I haven't actually seen It either. The original or the remake.
>A powerlevel too high even for Yea Forums
This absolute classic should've been one of the first things posted
>hah I remember that thread
>this is what the Nintendo fanbase is unironically like
holy fuck, I'm dead
Didn't that "fun is a buzzword" post cause a big shitstorm on Yea Forums back then? I think I remember people making threads just about that post.
not Yea Forums, but whatever.
Nothing he said is wrong though
I teach autistic kids for a living, and every day I'm glad they're not the Yea Forums type of autism.
>baby born black
>baby born black (not shocking)
>he thinks notch ever left.
>birth video leaked to porn website
>why is everyone so mentally fucked these days.
Taking an innocent character and ruining that innocence, is extremely messed up as well.
Peak Yea Forums
you're even more autistic if you think this was real
based and redpilled notes
Or they're just ESLfags.
>those notes
She was too good for this world.
speaking of Yea Forums
I too thought it was strange when Junger spent half of the Glass Bees talking about how much he hated niggers.
Does anyone have that /x/ cap of that jock that scared his ghosts off by pure strength and intimidation?
We need more cuteposters
>Implying it wasn’t intentional
yo, what the fuck
canoodle time with the bros sounds dope
oh, i gotta see that. got a screencap of the email?
Become the change you want to see.
you're pathetic and should kill yourself
But 4/5 of her posts got deleted
She persevered nevertheless, and so can you.
>the Nintendo fanbase
the nintendo fanbase owns a psvita?
quoted the wrong post?
>lines start layering over each-other
>mfw this actually happens in every damn fighting game nowawdays
>mfw this guy is a real-life anime fighting game character
Yea Forums autism
Kek good bait
I wish he would release this to the internet at large
it is a masterpiece
Where's the sperg laughing about a kid in a store?
didn't /his/ or Yea Forums scare off some cute youtubers, that's pretty autistic
no but i have a webm
>I think I remember people making threads just about that post.
They still do.
>Comes to a place full of trolls
>Panders to trolls
>Gets trolled
What was he expecting?
>baby born white
>time of pleasure:lifetime
It's funny how black and white these people see the world. What if the kid grows up to be a degenerate junkie murderer? Is it still pleasurable to find out your money has been stolen by a deadbeat son to fund his growing addiction?
Why is "kys" a thing on Yea Forums these days, anyway? It looks like something from YouTube comments.
youtube commenters are now the average Yea Forums user
kys did originate on youtube. iirc, it was from leafy's fanbase in like 2016 or sth.
what game Yea Forums ?
no archive, that's cheating
>It's gotten to the point where Yea Forums now copies stuff from YouTube comments
>tfw I still remember how people here got mad about Reddit copying Yea Forums
as the other user said, the average Yea Forums user now is probably a relic of 2016 youtube comment sections.
>what the fuck?
a big calzino
hint : free multiplayer
the sad part is this is probably real and he accidentally pasted into quick reply
fortnite? warframe?
'fun' is a spook
>tfw I started going to Yea Forums around that year
I've been here for way too long now.
Yea Forums just takes memes from YouTube and Twitter now
I can't stop laughing. What the fuck
a pizza ball that was inverted. did you not read the thread?
At this point. I miss the off-topic shitposting from the early 2010's, because at least that stuff was mostly from here.
time flies when you're a faggot
i miss the times when we weren't over-flooded with edgy memekids from youtube and political subreddits.
>go to reddit
>post on /r/MGTOW
>get autobanned from every single other subreddit
what was/is the deal with that? i don't go to reddit, so i genuinely don't know
It's a fox and grapes kinda thing
based stirner poster
oh, i see. thanks user
>political subreddits.
Is it just me, or did Yea Forums used to not give a shit about politics either way?
This is advanced shitposting
this reminds me of a guy i knew in high school who decided the best way to practice baseball to get on the high school baseball team was to play wii sports baseball
he did not make it onto the team
Yea Forums was always full of shitposters, but until 3-4 years ago, it was never filled to its neck with political sewage waste. then the election cycle happened, and this place became a proxy battlefield for r/thedonald + /pol/ faggots vs whoever from the sjw sides.
>Yea Forums was always full of shitposters, but until 3-4 years ago, it was never filled to its neck with political sewage waste.
That's how I remember things as well. While I'm a newfag from the early 2010's myself, I remember how the off-topic stuff on Yea Forums generally revolved around "Yea Forums 2.0" stuff, instead of the political fighting on Yea Forums these days.
He has a point, saying a game is fun is the same as saying a game is good. It doesn't really explain anything.
/pol/ is the new Yea Forums in a lot of ways
similar humor, similar pranks
the only thing is that some people hates them because drumpf
I don't care about him or his game in the lest, but he wasn't wrong here. Any sensible person would come to the same conclusion as him sooner or later.
Yea Forums at least always was self-aware enough to know they suck. Pissing in a sea of piss etc.
/pol/ is unironically everything.
some people hate /pol/ because of the unironic nazi shit as well. anyhow, both sjw and non-sjw fags should keep to their respective boards and stop using Yea Forums as a battlefield for their autistic wars
Yea Forums suffers of always being the second most popular board
so it basically becomes videogame-flavoured popular board
but the old rule of off-topic shit being the best shit always apply
i can kinda agree that off-topic shit can be incredibly entertaining. however, people are recycling the same jokes over and over again. and now we have people like the tranny tinfoiler who constantly sees tranny conspiracies everywhere. it gets boring after a while.
I'm not a political person either way, but I would take stuff like 4 AM and Yea Forums mansion threads over the political stuff on Yea Forums now.
I don't get it. Do you have to be a burger or something to get it?
Probably a popular chink restaurant chain. You don't need to a burger to figure it out.
I figured so but googling gollen palace didn't result in anything. If it was a popular chink restaurant chain, then I would expect to at least find SOMETHING about it but no.
That's why I'm thinking there is more that I don't get.
>deepest fears
>something you can absolutely and 100% get a refund for
Well, for one it's golden palace. And second, gollen palace is just mocking chinks having poor english.
the greatest thing about this image is that even if it was made by a person who was entirely self aware about how autistic it all sounds and was just baiting for (you)'s, it STILL required atleast SOME amount of autism to take the time to compile
But then why do the caller say it in broken chink english and not the chink who answered? Urrgh the more I think about it this shit makes less sense.
Because user is probably a white faggot pretending to be a nigger that's imaginary calling a chink restaurant. Things get mixed up fast.
Self-importance aside, he's not wrong you know.
Surrounding himself with dick suckers and yes men won't help him make a better game.
Nor old bitter fucks, memelord teens and naysayers.
Has he released the game yet? Because that screenshot was taken almost 3 years ago and afaik it's still in early access.
>Has he released the game yet?
I don't care about YandereDev nor his game, but doesn't make him less right.
I don't care about him or his self-importance but he isn't wrong.
maybe the bitter fucks ha a point then
I remember finding that guy’s profile at somepoint, mega fag
I'm just going to leave this here.
Is that a little bit of Fennec I see there?
Precanned overly-elaborate fictions that get morons invested in the ending, news at 11
Hi Markus
I forgot all about this. Unlike a lot of long form stories this one might actually be real.
Sometimes, old people with dementia or whathaveyou suffer weird mental deficiencies. Famous example: the doctors ask them to draw a clockface. They draw the circle and the hands, and start drawing the numbers with 0/12 at the top and going clockwise. But for some reason they end up clustering on the numbers on the right side of the clockface and not drawing them all the way around. Some part of their metaperception involved in balancing out the full placement of the numbers has broken. They instead follow a "draw around the edges" principle that leads to a nonsensical depiction.
I'd be exceptionally worried if a 16 year old boy had a mind this broken. It's not impossible either.
>Returning only first 6000 of 12422 results found.
Guess the image
It's not different from writing out lengthy and complicated fictional settings, only this guy finds it easier/more pleasurable to wring it out with Terraria software.
Maybe it's just because I'm British, but we have a long tradition of peculiar oddballs and cheerful eccentrics who invest years of their life into these projects. I think Americans have some difference in their bloodline or food intake, they're very conventional.
it's the opposite tho
Man I would really like to have that dolphin porn.
type "i mena makes sense" on fireden, should be there
Does anybody have the screencap undertale fag who came for help cause his cosplaying friend got stopped and arrested at the border?
I remember seeing this thinking it made sense but now I dont understand it anymore.
does lee count as Yea Forums autism?
codecposting is fun
Think of it like melted chocolate. When the outside cools it becomes dry, but it can still be wet inside.
The properties of water are different though, so that isn't possible.
No that still doesnt make sense, fuck I want to remember now.
only if you summon him for a live performance, and he has to provide the fucking link, not half-ass it like he does almost all the time
user, it's a mispronunciation of "golden". Golden Palace is a stereotypical Chinese restaurant name, and the guy with heavy Chinese accent can't say it correctly, so he says "Gollen".
Nobody thought to describe it as a shallow trench
*guy with heavy Negro accent can't say it correctly
Conceptually dry crust water would function the same as this cake, according to that drawing, but it doesn't because water is water.
Crying nintendo hat wojak, accompanied by the words OH NO NO NO NO or WHAT THE FUCK NINTENBROS or NINCELS BTFO
The nonchalant way it implies that everyone knows the Demoman, a famous public menace reknowned for attacking public DS players
Whoever posted this was arguing that touching water is what makes things wet, water included. Apparently from all sides. So water on the outside touches the glass instead and therefore isn't wet.
If that doesn't make sense, you probably shouldn't worry about it.
Eternal classic. I feel like this kickstarted a lot of skeleton memery.
Well, it isn't very obvious that he was parodying Negro accent, because even this poster thought it was a Chink accent parody, so at least I don't feel that bad.
No it had to do something with the water wetting things around it, I think there was another drawing
>worked very hard on
Ending sentences with nigga, leaving out words like "do" or "are" in sentences are all Ebonics as fuck. It was right there for you to see user. Plus, even if you mistook it for a chink accent, by knowing it's a stereotype accent, you still would've realized the actual intended word was something different than "gollen".
That's something completely different, it's the old argument of
>you're not wet when you're in the water, only when you come out and have water on your skin
>People actually and unironically thinking reddit is better for discussion
It's a great place for circlejerks, yes men and the same old discussion
There's also a lot of young people on the gaming reddits, and so they are very reactive and lack any sense of foresight or nuance.
I think the principle stands. The moistness of the cake merges with air molecules and dryness and shit, cakeifying it and becoming one, while the inside is protected.
There's precisely one accent that uses the word "nigga".
Next level solipsistic narcissism. This guy could be a Nabokov narrator.
I think this was it, that being wet is being full of water so the water on the outside is not entirely wet, man now I just see it as a nonsensical joke but when I first saw it it made perfect sense in a way
I see how one could make that assumption, but isn't the water on your skin even when you are submerged?
Except most other word were correctly spelled up to that point but ok.
Sorry for not being expert in Ebonics and stereotypical Chinese restaruant names.
Fuck me I actually laughed. Hate to be that guy but the internet was so much better back then.
>Hate to be that guy but the internet was so much better back then.
It's just fact, nobody is going to argue it.
FINALLY an excuse to post this
This might be fake, he might have wrote that and then created the thread and samefagged demanding himself to post an extract within five minutes, it might be fake, but please let it be real.
I have a more potent reaction image for this nightmare than Vivi here, but I don't have time to search for it. Such wretches deserve their poverty.
Fuck I was there and can't find it now
You don't have to be a linguistics expert to recognize which group uses the word nigga the most. Don't be a baby, it's a sad coping mechanism to pretend something is incredibly difficult whenever you fail at it, just do better next time.
>Hate to be that guy but
Then why be that guy? If you're aware that what you're about to say is something lame, or at least something fitting of a kind of guy you'd hate to be, why say it anyway?
It's just not as obvious as you make it out to be since at least 1 other person made that mistake is all I'm saying.
>which group uses the word nigga the most
Yea Forums?
They didn't, though, they mistook the accent for Chinese, but still realized the actual word wasn't "gollen". You on the other hand did not even recognize that the word was twisted by any accent. He made a mistake too, but yours is different. It honestly is not difficult: Big Chinese looking controller, uneducated ghetto accents try to figure out the buttons.
Okay he made a different kind of mistake, big deal.
>which group uses nigger the most
Yea Forums
At least we don't start wildfires like Yea Forums
>parents only support anti-natalism if applied to my birth
Holy shit, that's savage.
That's /out/ you fag
NVM found it I'm just blind
At least we aren't /k/. I don't want any cum brownies.
I was just thinking about this one
Holy shit.
This one gives me a bit of a boner.
What about ramen?
ya , my favorite flavor is vanilla
You must be fun at parties.
>ryu is my main in street fighter
>mario is my main in smash
>sweet tooth is my main in twisted metal
this is what you vanilla fags sound like
This one always cracks me up
I am, actually.
The reason why is because when I'm about to say something, and I'm aware that the thing I'm about to say is kind of shit/lame/otherwise uncool, I don't say it.
All of those are true as well, yes.
>feeling the need to clarify that you are in fact, fun at parties
cute. I don't believe you though :^)
Here is your snoy autism
My absolute favourite. God bless ramen user.
fresh off the presses
I remember 2012 Yea Forums having a lot of "SKELETONS 2 SPOOKY 4 U" stuff.
Why is Yea Forums flooded with false flagging shitposting?
I laughed so hard I cried
and that's not even the first time I see it
>16-year-olds are capable of consenting
No they aren't. 16 year olds are irrational and impulsive. There's a reason we don't let them use drugs or sign contracts,
>abortions are cheap as hell
Doesn't matter that murder is cheap, it's still murder
>unfounded assumption
Not an assumption, you're just ignorant and have never actually studied sociology and psychology. Educate yourself. My source is Development Through The Lifespan 7th Edition by Laura Berk.
Of course it's an opinion. Refute it.
>who cares
Millions of people, user. The feminist movement isn't some fringe isolated group.
Remember when MLP used to make everyone on Yea Forums freak out like Barneyfag, back in the early 2010s?
He wasn't wrong BUT it's impossible to take him seriously given that the game is still nowhere close to complete (pretty much by design).
Kill yourself and never take or post another screenshot from a fucking phone, even less from such an unfunny fake post.
American puritanfag detected.
16 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote though. Neither should anyone that can't pass an advanced perception test.
If I had it my way the age of consent would be 18 and everything else would be 21. A hundred years ago when a 16 year old was expected to find a job and start a family the laws made sense, but with the new phenomenon of delayed adulthood, people are not ready to handle adult responsibilities that young anymore.
Again, kill yourself.
Autism aside I understand why, valve doesn't really give a shit about you or your games. People are just really willing to ignore that because of stuff they did over a decade ago.
Holy fuck thank you, I've been looking for this for years
Oh no, we have those kinds of autists too. The thing is the U.S. was spread out for so goddamned long without any sort of interconnection that most of those types had the autism beaten out of them. The few who didn't put out the great American novels and the foundations for modern pornography. Nowadays, the internet has turned them into furries and people who generally have no valuable talents.
The new phenomenon of delayed adulthood is not literally physiological. It's a learned or developed trait like riding a bicycle or speaking Urdu.
If we're to forbid over 15s from sex because of delayed adulthood, a) why stop there. Shoot higher and block all under-25s. b) we shouldn't let people drive, drink or have jobs with real responsibilities either.
this describe my 20's only Clearance from True Romance instead of Driver from Driver
This sounds so cozy, I would do this shit.
I thought about acknowledging the massive puritan strain in this sort of behaviour in the Americas, but I veered against it as more of a historic thing.
With furries, the communal aspect is the problem. Once you've witnessed one furry, you've witnessed the lot. If it was just one guy dressing up as an animal then it would be interested even if a load of faggotry. But when hundreds of thousands all reinforce each other, copy each other, and """""""""""make it acceptable""""""""""", it's a poison.
The closest things to that we have in Britain are football hooligans and smug Guardian readers.
>I am playing the game correctly
This guy is fucking hardcore and he knows it.
>why stop there
The brain isn't fully developed until 25 but by 18 a person has become more educated and most people don't display the irrationality and impulsiveness of their teenage years.
>we shouldn't let people drive, drink or have jobs with real responsibilities either
100% agree. Driving age and working age should be 18. Drinking/smoking, signing a contract, enlisting in the military, taking out loans, voting, should all be 21.
The closest thing in Britain is the British.
Of course he's right. Yea Forums is the only place that won't suck your cock for social acceptance because everyone is anonymous.
the most autistic thing about this is how much Yea Forums use to be just SomethingAwful without user names. that fucking admin editing an user's post reprimanding him for personal attacks is fucking cringe
I don't think that screencap is even from Yea Forums.
only a completely based zoomer would fall for this bait ie most of Yea Forums
This one is allegedly fake but funny nonetheless
do you have a screencap of the thread where Yea Forums harassed that farm girl who made book reviews on youtube?
That's not Yea Forums, dumbass
It would explain why he's still being a sad sack of shit
>Notch left
he never left, he just hid it well. Now that he has Fuck-you money he doesn't even bother hiding it
Go back to hell
>this wasn't even a year ago
shit, i never saw this.
Why did the thread end so suddenly? The archive doesnt have much more than this.
He uses sharex for the screencaps apparently
>yfw OP was a girl
I honestly have no idea. I stopped using /vg/ forever ago but I recall many generals being all sorts of fucked up, mostly because of trannies being retarded
I can't even be mad. Dude managed to get on a show with his waifu and made her his canon wife. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same.
Dude same
Wrong. Humans have evolved in tribes where adults were barely post puberty. Women could have sex happily before age 16. In fact, women peak at 13-19.
>the doctors ask them to draw a clockface.
For a moment I thought you meant that they had to draw that character in your pic, clockface
>most people don't display the irrationality and impulsiveness of their teenage years.
Horseshit, most people are too timid to follow through on impulses that they let loose with abandon between ages 18-21. Because they're "more mature" now.
>[list of things] should all be 21.
Age is only a correlative of ability. Test for ability and use that. Only ability matters.
>muh tribal days
>if it worked 10,000 years ago it'll work today
We're trying to live in a society here, user
Lmao. FWIW, the characted doesn't have a name, he's just a clock that teaches a helpful song.
My country has an age of consent of 16 and has no problems with it at all. It's natural and it works. Ignoring our nature just creates more issues.
>Test for ability and use that. Only ability matters.
Throughout history humans have abused such tests to unfairly discriminate against people they don't like. Age is set, age is biological, age can be universally agreed upon
>My country has an age of consent of 16
Most countries do.
sorry for shitty crop
Searching for posts that contain ‘bandage dlc’ and that are only OP posts. 72 results found.
sorry again for another shitty crop
applies to the whole site desu
fuck it, i'll do it myself
I browse Yea Forums and that first guy is full of shit
Yea Forums is one of the safest boards when talking about Leftist stuff
>had that thing downloaded
>accidentally deleted it
My number one regret.
Anyone have the screenshot of the one Ubisoft shill who posted a screen cap of a Ubisoft Twitter post while still logged in to that account?
Was he just a Twitter user that was logged into the account and the Anons bullied him or did the shill run the Ubisoft Twitter account and post his own Twitter post?
The second one, the person who took the screenshot of the Ubisoft post was logged in to that account.
he was right
Yea Forums doesnt think that deep. its action man blood shootout so thats all they need
So we all have Sayian power in us?
God speed to this glorious motherfucker
god bless this man/would flirt
This is real. In fact was asking about this screencap and delivered the archive.
Every fucking time, my sides.
I did. It was a fucking trainwreck but points for that shitposter for nailing the cutesy posting.
There's too much reading in this thread
Can somebody summarize for me?
>ywn have possessive alpha female gf
should I just end it Yea Forumsbros?
where's that one sticky post for smash bros brawl (or 4? i don't remember) where one of the replies had to do with someone going to the hospital over some weird ass condition?
its mostly Anons being witty, doing weird shit in weird life like cumming in brownies then feeding it to /k/ommandos and genuine retards that are made fun of
Hes right though correlation != causation retard. You didn’t even address his point about crime going down. Please just stay in your containment board.
I had a girl like this one time
One time she gave me a hickey on my eye. Another she asked me to wear her panties. I drew some lines there. Those types of relationships might actually awaken a submissive user's inner dominance.
Holy shit. I haven't seen this in years. The guy's fixation on his sister wearing tight clothes gets me every time.
oh man are you trying to get yourself capped for a thread like this
thats more of a humiliation fetish desu
toesnt have that much to do tith the other one
post the fungi cumrag
the Yea Forums discord featuring adamantium jimmy and speedonvhs
user bro it’s just a nigger speaking niggerish you lookin too hard.
That's steam though
>parents never bought you the going into games machine for Christmas
holy shit i forgot this used to be a thing
>he left this place.
He did not.
Sort of. If you learn to control your ability to adrenaline dump you can go crazy stupid for about a minute and a half, but it costs in increasing levels of nerve and gland damage.
d-don't remind m-me
it's been a month, nep
God this period was so cringe.
Kitty-tan was some S-Rank shitposting. Never once saw ''''her'''' make an off-topic post (Kitty-tan always followed the rules!!) or acknowledge the absolute shitstorm of angry nerds every post stirred up. Just cuteposted, cutely, and died because the jannies don't want us to have nice things.
This was drawn by a man who is nearing 40
he's still making these
>take bite out of hamster
funny but poor hamster if true
Absolute 10/10 classic
this one?
which post was the south park one replying to? it's not in the image
Oh god. We found out she made another YouTube channel and a bunch of us screamed at an user who made a thread in Yea Forums wanting Yea Forums to harass her again.
nevermind i'm retarded