is it worth 60$? is the story any good? will i regret buying this?
Is it worth 60$? is the story any good? will i regret buying this?
yes. no. no.
yes to what?
Repetitive as fuck
you should buy it if you want a simple hack and slash. I got bored of it pretty early
Pro: every character has a unique moveset and there are zero clones
Con: because of this, there are movesets that are worse than others (and some outright BAD ones), and if you don't like them TOO BAD the game will make you use them at one point or another anyway.
It's a fair musou game though and includes all the prior DLC so the content just doesn't stop if you like that.
It's on sale on amazon for $50 son
if you like zelda its probably the best musou game
if you dont like zelda its still a pretty good musou game with an assload of content
It's great.
thank you all, think i will purchase
As a Zelda fan,
-Only if you like Zelda
-Hell no.
-Depends. Can you handle fun albeit repetitive gameplay and padding out the ass?
Also post your mains.
Fwiw i enjoyed the shit out of fire emblem warriors.. Camilla is hot as fuck
For me it's book Lana. Once you learn to cancel out of combos to make walls where you want and explode them at will it basically breaks the game. Summoning gate Lana is more broken, but less fun since it's just burning through rng until you get Argorok
I like Zelda, but I can't stand Musou games. I made the mistake of buying this anyway. It's filled with fan service, but the core gameplay is repetitive and mind-numbingly boring.
>is it worth 60$
I think this, along with MK8D, are the only Wii U ports worth $60 simply for the amount of content they have.
>is the story any good?
It's forgettable. It's just basically an excuse to get a bunch of Zelda characters from different timelines together. The game does nothing with the characters themselves, the references to Zelda are mostly in weapons, cosmetics, and items you can use in the game.
As some people noted, the fact that no two characters share the same combos, and the fact that there are like fucking 30 characters, means some are totally outclassed by others. Master Sword Link is simply the best character in the game. The story mode is not the most challenging, thought once you complete it you can replay it in higher difficulties. Adventure Mode is kind of an Autism grind where you'll very quickly realize if you love or hate the game. Free Mode is basically the option of playing story mode chapters as whatever character you want, since you can only play as a given few in the story
Destroyer of worlds reporting in.
I glanced at the picture, assumed it was Smash Bros Ultimate, and was very confused at the comments.
Smash wished it had variety like HW.
Anyone but Girahim and Agitha.
Honestly this is the best Warriors game IMO. I'm not the biggest Zelda fan, but I like the IP enough so I can't really say how much of a fan you need to be to get mileage out of it. Not a Fire Emblem fan, but I tried Fire Emblem Warriors and I hated it.
It's a musou. Just like the rest of them unless you're a fan of the series they're using this time you're going to hate it.
it's the best musou game. it also has some great zelda fanservice.
it's a musou game.
i personally didnt enjoy it
The worst thing about him is the constant noise when you're moving. One of my favorites otherwise.
>it's the best musou game
not even close tendie
What's the best?
it's worth it if you're a big zelda nerd. if you're just a casual zelda fan i would pass.
I really enjoyed the game. It has a LOT of content but it can be shallow. Once you've played a few rounds, you've experienced everything the game has to offer.
This by far has some of the best designs for Zelda characters ever. Though some characters (Cia) are obvious fan service.