Can't stop winning!
wow improved LOD
I didn't have that 12 years ago with my PC
>sony demos
these things NEVER hold up
why can't I watch this shitty video on twitter
That looks nice, I recently bought a PS4 Pro and it's been a great buy so far.
I almost missed this entire gen and knowing that PS5 gonna be backwards compatible gives me some peace before buying games right now, I'm gonna keep my collection.
What's the point of good graphics if I can't see the anime tiddies?
>Switch exists
Then why did they have to team up with Microsoft to stay relevant?
Imagine those HDR lightrays shining from heaven at a blistering 60 FPS 8K to shield our eyes from icky girl parts... whoa...
>We made people double dip for an underpowered "Pro" system that couldn't run it's own games
>Now watch 100 million goyim buy all of their games again on a new system that theoretically can run them but will still underperform
So the difference between this gen and the next is a slight dip in pop-in?
I remember when this was a slider in PC games.
Wow, faster load times. I totally never had this 10 years ago.
I'm not buying another one of these fucking things.
So it has an SSD? woah dude that's crazy
why do you need to see anime tiddies? am i not good enough for you?
Then why Sony team up with Microsoft?
snoys are the worst posters on Yea Forums
It's back compatible with ps4 retard but good try
>ps5 slim
>ps5 pro
so if the next ting is backwards compatible, will it run PS4 games at 60fps?
Oh wow theres a literal SSD in PS5!
Just a 6 year old technology!
So what bullshit buzzword is the marketing committee going to come up with this time?
"Infinite rendering"?
"solid state drive" maybe
Am I supposed to know random 3 letters are supposed to mean
They're worth it just for the reply like yours
To stop Google, not a children's toy.
good considering they are the target audience
Didn’t Sony just sell this tech to Microsoft in exchange for cloud services next gen?
Its Electronic Sports League, dummy.
All consoles do this now
lol PC's already load this quickly.
I aint buying a PS5 with that censorship bullshit
No one cares, stop shitting up every thread
Thread's already gone to shit anyways
No fuck off nigger, M means Mature, not Maybe needs some censorship
>no-one cares
You people have had to say that about a million times now.
Put two and two together.
>the fact is it has faster RAM than a PC
How much did Sony pay Jonathan Blow to say this shit? I mean, he has to know this is fundamentally untrue, right?
>Thread's already gone to shit anyways
and I love it
This thread is about loading times/ps5 technology
No one asked for your inane porn addiction babbling, if you dont want a PS5 then stop shitting up threads and move on
>Indeed, the PS4 will have 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, while your regular high-end PC only has DDR3 RAM. But the comparison is about more than just RAM speed.
Faster load times wont save the fact that there wont be any good games on your soon to be shit system
They are likely referring to the bandwidth, comparing PS4's system wide GDDR5 to a PC's DDR3 work RAM. The thing is, guess what kind of RAM is inside GPUs?
Why Sony always advertises something as if it was a new thing never seen before
>PS1 can use CD! 32-bit processor! 3D(lol)!
All done a few years earlier
>Stick in the controller! You can also play with more than 2 people at once with this peripheral(tm)!
All done, with 4player actually built in the console
>Finally a console that can play commercial videos!
Done before
>Hard drives!
Done before
>Motion controls!
No one fell for this
>Can play used games
>Free online!
Welcome to the 2010s
I wish their fans admitted the only reason they are successful is because the competition is even more retarded than them
>the only reason they are successful is because the competition is even more retarded than them
lol not anymore, Sony fucked up with the censorship, can't get any more retarded than that. And I remember a time when the Playstation was the mature console
Said the weeb that thinks visual novels are great, get lost moron
There’s nothing to talk about. Load times are already like that on PC. Load times are already better on Xbox than PS4 even. The PS4 has a shit hard drive. The new one looks great but if you’ve gone from RE2 PS4 to RE2 PC saving comparisons you’ve already seen and felt this difference.
This is just sony playing chatch up with computers.
>muh visual novels
DMC5 got the Califaggot touch, thats the real bullshit
>goes into Sony thread just to seethe cope and shitpost
the absolute state of nintentoddlers anno current year
They said PS5 will run PS4 discs. They said discs.
But what about PS4 games that I/you/we/ bought on PSN?
Where did they imply they invented them retard
>I wish their fans admitted the only reason they are successful is because the competition is even more retarded than them
You're braindead if you think anyone but a tiny minority of weeb incels care about fanservice VN garbage
Snoy is lucky their fanbase is literally the dumbest drones of all time. Here comes the downgrades.
If the technological leap between generations is this small why do we even need a new system?
Yes how bullshit I saw a 1 sec flash, it totally ruined a 10 hour game
>S...stop one cares
Fuck off faggot
What's the point of good load times if shit's going to be censored?
How much do your visual novels sell again, like 50k?
I was going to say that's what an account is for but knowing nu-Sony you better be prepared to buy them again.
Cause normal people play games to not jerk off to fapbait, crazy I know
>visual novels
you keep saying that even though they're mostly a PC thing
As far as I'm aware there are none of those on PS4
>M = maybe needs some censorship
Ok, this is epic.
Wow, they're going to use an SSD. How bold.
lmao are console babies just now getting SSD's and real 4K resolutions?
congrats on paying 500$ for what my PC had 3 years ago
I don't care about VNs cuck, ever heard of a slippery slope? I ain't supporting censored commiefornia shit and i have been supporting SNOY since psx
This, shit is even more of a rip off than """"next generation""" smartphones.
>Cause normal people play games
>Haha I paid $2000 3 years ago to play early access battle royal at 4K@!!!
Good for you kid
Nigga mature is mature mommy(male) snoy doesn't say what i can see and cannot see fuck that
Super charged PC
>PS4 Pro
Super duper charged PC
fucking macbooks had SSDs 11 years ago
It literally barely effect VNs because the characters spend 90% of it clothed. It's more like topless hookers won't be in GTA 6 and eventually they'll ban explicit violence
he can also browse the web, pirate, do projects, and have FREE multiplayer as well
He said why does sony keep advertising those features as selling points as if its something new. He never said anything about inventing either. I dont know why its so hard to just admit that this is just what sony does with its hardware.
>closet its users off from existing technology
>meanwhile existing technology is available already to everyone but sony
>while this happens sony fans will say that it’s just a ‘meme fad’ and will be gone in a few years
>end up releasing said technology in those said few years
Pathetic honestly. If it werent for exclusives consoles have absolutely no reason to exist anymore.
>press O to continue painting picture
Imagine playing PS4 in 2019
Super mega duper max PC NOW with ssd!! And godrays!!!
let's be real for a minute. you don't care about censorship. you care that sony is doing the censoring.
this board sent a thank-you card to nintendo treehouse after they censored bravely default. every thread about valve censoring anime games on steam is filled with fanboys dismissing it with the "rogue employees" excuse. it's only an issue with sony because it's new shitposting material to use against them in the usual console-war garbage, not because of any principled anti-censorship stance.
Stop spreading lies I bought a 1080ti 2 years ago for 700$ and I'm already stronger than 9th gen consoles
>them censoring borderline porn is a slippery slope to taking my constitutional rights away!!!!!!
>banning explicit violence
like thats ever going to happen
Censorship is unacceptable on all platforms
Here's your two scenarios:
>Put PS4 disc in
>PS store opens and offers you 10% off the remaster
>Put PS4 disc in
>Runs exactly te same so they can sell a remaster
The PS4's best selling game is a port, you aren't getting BC without a huge asterix or small print, I can promise you.
>Load times are already better on Xbox than PS4 even.
yeah, load times are 0 seconds long on xbox because it has no games to load in the first place.
fuck off faggot, I wanted my breast slider in xenoblade chronicles x
>He said why does sony keep advertising those features as selling points as if its something new.
So consumers know it has them? How dense are you? People want to know feature set on a console before buying
>Rational people fight against censorship while fanboys keep sucking the corporate dick
So what should we just close our eyes and suck dick like you faggot?
>Yea Forums is one person
You talk like those that think everyone against Epic store bullshit is a valve drone
>put ten year old tech in a ps5
>surprised it loads faster than 40 year old tech
Free multiplayer with Russian hackers, oof
Time dilate jimmy
Xbox has backward compatibility and remasters you retard
Even older systems had it too
on the other hand, it hasn't become something worth defending until it became apparent on sony consoles, am I right?
>Russian hackers,
I dont play in Old World servers, Here in the New World we have Hues and Peruvians
>Censorship is unacceptable on all platforms
yet Yea Forums continues to accept it from nintendo and valve. it's only "unacceptable" when it's sony.
face it, you don't actually care about censorship. it's just the latest shit to fling at sony. first it was "no games," then it was "movie games," now it's "censored games," and when they stop this whole censorship phase, there will be some other reason why they're persona non grata on Yea Forums.
Yeah, the Xbox gained an emulator because they needed something over the PS4. Sony is full Californian Commie Jews now, you aren't getting shit for free.
please do point out where i'm defending it. this should be good.
Nigga the selling point for a lot of people for buying a playstation over xbox is japanese shit tits are included, you being a faggot doesn't change it , you'll ser commiefornia will take tits first then ban wrongthink then whatever you like and you'll cry like a bitch
>Nigga the selling point for a lot of people for buying a playstation over xbox is japanese shit tits are included
lol what delusion, those anime titty games sell like shit
Your initial knee-jerk reaction to every mention of it.
>I'm not too happy about the censorship going on with so-
>They said PS5 will run PS4 discs. They said discs.
have they actually said that? i don't keep up with hardware news because it's almost always bullshit
You're quite retarded and know nothing of business
Yeah its smart to make back compatible cost money when the competition doesn't, are you just being pessimistic for the sake of it?
tell me what is Sony's most lucrative IP right now?
>playstation thread is turning into censorship arguments again
Good. This is as it should be. Make every PS5 thread unusable until Sony stops the censorship policy.
Sony fanboys on Yea Forums have the biggest persecution complex.
If thats what passes as something sony consumers should be excited for in a next-gen console, theyre even more pathetic than i thought. Literally almost all of those are features that have been in the market for years, yet suddenly everyone is touting it as a major win for a console. Again, if it werent for exclusives there would be no actual reason to buy this. Imagine needing a company present to you already existing tech before you consume it. Imagine actually thinking like that.
I think a big reason they put out the pro is the VR, considering how much they focused (and still) on it.
Nobody needs it but people will buy it anyways. The nice thing about it is that consoles limiting hardware requirements for games will allow me to keep gaming on my PC without upgrading anything. Because let's be honest, only faggots care about slightly better graphics.
In case your feeble brain doesn't understand,
>Nintendo was always the family friendly console maker, they have been doing this shit for years. hence why older people had seen games to be kid shit
>Genesis appealed more to teens, but it didn't go the full way
>Sony comes out with the PS1, part of the marketing sells that the PS1 is a system not just for kids or teens, but adults, hence the big portion of M-Rated games on the system
>Sony got a lot of market share from this and was dominant until the PS3 era, but it still had the "Mature" and Adult games
>come recent times, Sony is now censoring adult content on ADULT games, and only now is Nintendo being more friendly to mature rated games.
Thats like R rated movies suddenly having their content that made them rated R removed hence whats the fucking point of the R rating
twas an act of free will
if anything's "kneejerk," it's console-war shitposters rushing in to shit up the thread every time sony is mentioned with "HAHA SNOY SNOY LE CENSORSHIP SNOY!!!" even when it's not relevant to the topic at all.
>takes infinite seconds to load some anime tits
Are they really winning?
Horizon sold 10m, TLOU 17m, Spidey 10m, GoW 10m
>Think of the teenagers!
This is what sony actually believes
wow we truly live in society
sony threads have been unusable since 2006. as soon as they drop the censorship policy, you'll move on to the next excuse to shit them up.
>that huge defensive outburst
well thanks for confirming my suspicions
There are a number of us who are not getting the PS5 because of Sony's censorship. This thread is blatantly shilling the PS5. Censorship posts are on topic.
lol what pathetic goalpost moving
kys champ
Well for me not really since I prefer the Playstation by default. I dropped the Xbox after the Xbone's retarded announcement and I'll drop the PS5 for your censorship bullshit
It's okay guise, there won't be any censorship on PS5.
In fact, there won't be any niche/non-mainstream games at all. Gotta get that 99%, after all
Just rip off the Switch already we need a Vita successor.
Too bad the ps4 still has no games....
>even when it's not relevant to the topic at all.
It's relevant when talking about their new system as it supersedes anything else related to the hardware. I and many others on Yea Forums couldn't care less about the hardware if Sony is going to censor software.
are you that fragile enough to think someone disagreeing with you is an "outburst"?
look, i don't like the censorship policy either, but we all know the only reason it's being spammed in a thread about a ps5 hardware demo is because of console-war bullshit.
>also on PS3
Apparently it was extremley smart of Microsoft to charge for online when they were the only ones doing it, they even raised the price despite PSN always being cheaper and Switch online being considerably cheaper than both. You're the one who knows nothing about business if you think corporations will give you something for free when they have a track record of massive success when charging for it. They're going to do whatever they can get away with doing and they know for a fact that the Xbone library isn't strong enough for BC to be a factor.
Imagine having your ego and identity tied up to the success of a private company that only cares about your money. Corporate bootlickers are unironically mentally ill.
Sony Music is completely unrelated to Playstation.
lol piss off and no it's not on topic so leave, topic is ps5 technology not are you getting a ps4 or not
Yea Forums was always just nintendogaf. they have been seething over sony since 2006 at least. it is mental illness man
>it's just console-war bullshit man
almost everyone on this board is an idort that owns a PS4, they're complaining because they're being affected, user.
it's no use being so self-righteous on an anonymous basket weaving forum
What's the last UNCENSORED (as God intended) anime game that you bought Yea Forums?
>muh topic
off to reddit with you lad
>P5R is on ps3
>almost everyone on this board is an idort that owns a PS4
/vint/ already exposed this lie years ago. there's tons of poorfag brazilians on Yea Forums who can only afford one platform in their favela. that's why there's so much console-war shit.
Cause they were the first in online console gaming and had better servers, not an argument
As a PC gamer who only comes here to make fun of Sony Ponies I have observed that besides the SIE fags the PS4's fan base are children, weebs and bros.
>Children usually get 2, all 3 or the cheapest console.
>Bros have very little loyalty that's why they came to the PS4 from the 360
>Weebs love tits
Looking at the games on the PS4 if you don't care about the Sony games or Multiplats, the PlayStation used to have the most Japanese games but they are losing them to the PC and Switch cause of sony's censorship. So if the PS5 isn't the cheapest console it's gonna be only supported by fanboys since it's gonna lose children and manchildren
Snoygger bothering you online? Just send him this image and BAM! His console's internet access just got cut by Sony for looking at obscene imagery!
>Cause they were the first in online console gaming
no they weren't. sega beat them to it with the dreamcast and did it for free. they even had crossplay with pc, something xbox didn't have until almost a decade later.
>and had better servers
they had no dedicated servers at all. they were charging for peer-to-peer.
Okay that's cool and all, now show me the games numbskull.
Let me play PS3 and PS2 games, preferably with disc, and I'll care.
Should I just bite the bullet and buy a PS3? I hear they over heat and fuck up a lot. I just wanna play Ratchet and Clank and Tony Hawk.
>B-b-but Nintendo
Every. Fucking. Time. It's the go to excuse for you pathetic Nyggers. You clearly don't remember all the people who raised a stink about what Nintendo was doing during the Wii U era.
Choke on that big business dick you corporate cockslave.
true that, these people don't like video games they like Sony
Isn't that the Switch exclusive game..... wait I heard that there's a PS4 version now... Why the the devs backed down from the exclusivity?
why not get a PS2? they're still relatively not that expensive
I never use Epic Game's launcher, why is it associates with that pic and what's wrong with the launcher?
It's basically still a Switch exclusive. Just look at all the changes they had to do to even get it out on PS4.
just like every nintendo fan
Here they are. It may be hard to see them, but I assure you they are behind there somewhere...
owned by china
No the two biggest groups on this board are either autistic nintendo manchildren or brazilian teenagers who cant afford any console so they get into console war shit.
also a very few but very vocal autists. there was a time when i spent a lot of time here and after some time i could recognize certain posters by their choice of words and tone. for example, every single persona thread, and by that i mean literal hundreds of threads, there is one autist who uses the "style over substance" argument and replies to everyone in the thread while sperging out autistically. remember, Yea Forums is anonymous, you only need like 4-5 people to create a bump limit thread. the people who cry about censorship are doing it in literally every single thread whether its related or not. it gives the illusion that Yea Forums cares, but in reality its probably around 50 people total.
also if the smash spam, the months of "mhw gonna flop", the "persona 5 is gonna be a 3ds exclusive", the "persona 5 is coming to switch" did not make it obvious that this is a nintendo board then you are legit two digit iq.
>Cause they were the first in online console gaming
SegaNet: 1996 on Saturn, 2000 for Dreamcast
PS2 online: 2001 (2002 in NA, predating Xbox LIVE by moths)
Xbox LIVE: 2002
Not to mention PC.
>and had better servers
They still do .
Nintendo fans too, yes it pretty hard to want a Nintendo console when you don't like Zelda
Then what's wrong with the launcher?
Switch exclusive*
*(also available 20 bucks cheaper on PS4)
That rubber ducky game was literally released on PSN.
*with half the content cut out and the game making fun of you by calling it "play in front of your parents edition"
*20 bucks cheaper but the game is changed drastically to the point where the core audience of the game is completely ignored quite literally because "won't somebody please think of the children"
Doesn't even have the same title
Probably because it has 40% less content on PS4.
Is there any solution to get it to work with my modern tv in the best proper way? I don't got a CRT TV and everyone says that's kind of a big deal. I was acutally just about to watch the Mylifeingaming on this.
Also is the Sly Cooper series worth checking out? I keep hearing different things.
>getting it to look good on modern tvs
I think there are converters for that
>sly cooper is good?
I heard it is
I feel sad for you if you think a few missing jpgs is half of a 60 dollar game. Sure the game is censored, but it's a 20 dollar price difference.
Bros just stop. We're gonna get BTFO at E3 and Sony likely won't have anything to show until around June 25th (if the time between SoPs is anything to go by)
>Then what's wrong with the launcher?
I'm racist
Also it lacks basic features like a Shopping Cart and cloud saves
entire parts of the game are completely skipped though
not even gonna give a (you), here's some eye candy that would make you want to bleach your eyes faggot
I've used my PS2 in both a CRT and a modern TV and as long as you use component cables the games should look fine.
*Can't start winning
Your TV should have AV outs that run it at 480p, it may look a little stretched but better than nothing. Sly Cooper is top tier PS2 very fun I also recommend a PS2 game called Herdy Gerdy
What part?
Won't be surprised if the game is just a broken pile of shit on PS4 because they had to take out something integral to the game. This happened with Mary Skelter 2 on PS4 (which will be a Switch exclusive in the West. Sony gave Nintendo a free exclusive because of this.)
>it's only "unacceptable" when it's sony.
Oh. my. fucking. GOD.
TAKE THAT CORPORATE COCK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH FOR 5 MINUTES YOU KEK. CENSORSHIP OF ADULT GAMES IS UNACCEPTABLE. IT FUCKING RUINS THE POINT OF THE ESRB RATING. THAT'S A FACT. Sony has gone on full JEW now. Censoring Japanese adult games that are not even getting localized, fucking over consumers. The second Playstation HQ was relocated to California, that sealed Sony's fate. And you fucknuggets cannot and WILL not face that fact. You fags are literally praising jews now everytime you say stupid shit like "Sony Always Wins".
>Muh sales
>Muh winning
>Muh domination
stellar post user
based and rumpilled
>they had to take out something integral to the game
And what is that?
You're completely right. But I wouldn't have bothered making this post. He's just going to reply with "cringe incel keep seething :)" and not have an argument. You just can't argue with Sony cultists. They're especially volatile this year because the Sony church of E3 is closed this year.
based trips of truth
Based Hadesposter telling it like it goddamn is.
SSD's are like 20 years old now, Consoles just always cheaped out
This is one of the most eloquent doses of reality I've seen in months. And he has trips too.
10000% mad posters strike again.
I've completely skipped this gen and will just wait for the PS5 pro.
>SonySlaves will disagree
Wow, so PS5 can load PS4 games a bit faster, something every new PS console could do compared to the previous one
>One copy of Japanese game: Super Censored Edition please. Oh, for PS5 of course.
PS4 literally performs better than the majority of PCs though
There. We. Fucking. Go. Absolutely without a doubt based as fuck user.
Will Yea Forums buy SK 7even with improved gameplay but milder ecchi (like DOA) knowing full well that the game was not "censored" but built around the new guidelines?
Why do Sony fags shitpost so much? Genuinely no other group of faggots come even close to the shitpost levels of Sony shitters.
What censorship is there on the Switch? We shat on Wii U hard enough and Nintendo changed it all with Switch, why argue about censorship on a system that doesn't have it?
no and i will consider it an unofficial spin-off. the series ended.
samefag weeb
lmao good one
So you'll buy a way more ecchier game but with worse gameplay? What's the last game of this type did you buy?
>getting excited for censorstation
Yeah it's really gay I make posts like this all the time for PC and they get sniped within 15 minutes with multiple bumps. But PlayStation threads flood this board, I get told all the time by nerds to "Stop warring and talk about games" but PSNiggas get a Pass? Smh
He's going to post Mythra in Smash Ultimate and pretend it's the same thing.
>some files are named while some are unix codes of widely different ages
is this bait or are you just this dumb?
t. assmad sסny exec
they play the same retard
lurk moar
seething cuck
Oh shut the fuck up and keep sucking up to your jewish overlords like the weak little shit you are since you're so afraid to admit they aren't as perfect as you think.
This poster likes sucking dick, just letting you all know.
nigga you can't even distinguish posts properly. Maybe you should lurk moar?
based. Trips also confirm it.
>a numale weeb was so butt blasted that they made this image
>a typical incel weeb has a double digit IQ who thinks people are trying to get laid on an anonymous image board
I swear, anime has created a generation of retards
This man speaks the truth
just stop it you dumb corporate bootlickers
More like (snoybois) cant stop whining, am I right fellas?
Everyone here made a big fucking a deal about the games on Wii U getting censored. You can't pretend like you aren't doing the same thing when you make a 180 and decide to defend Sony doing this shit. Come the fuck on man. You can't gaslight me, I know all of this because I've been here long enough to see it idiot.
cool, it can load my movie cutscenes faster
This but without the anger and cringy made up curse words.
enjoy your $2000 reddit machine that runs worse than the PS4
>$2000 reddit machine that runs worse than the PS4
kek he's lost it
>adult games
there are next to none of those on console.
Can you just imagine being this user right here?
He's finally been given an opportunity to see the light, the truth, a moment to throw away his pride for one moment and see where he went wrong.
And what does he do with this cherished point in time? He completely disregards it in an act of self-righteousness and scoffs at all the people who are trying to help him rehabilitate himself. Staying ignorant and leaving this debate without learning a thing, remaining the same, remaining just as dumb and uneducated as he was prior to the thread.
That my friends, is the horror of being a corporate boot licker. Don't be like this guy, he's a lost cause, he simply does not wish to improve, and who are we to try to force him to? Just let him carry his stupidity and ignorance to his death bed while the rest of us can learn from this experience and hopefully do a lot better.
This nigga is beyond dumb
>tfw somtimes i make post like this and no one gives me this many (You)'s
Well said anyways, i guess.
none of them have ever owned a PlayStation console.
>5400 rpm HDD in the pro using a fucking USB header vs rumoured nvme SSD
Woah such a shocker
Oh wait its fucking nothing
PCs have had this tech for years and consoles are only catching up now. This isn't some special sauce.
>complain about fucking cover of physical version while playing game with worse quality and smaller playerbase
Nintendo fags are truly mentally challenged
Trust me, I am
Cope, sony nigger.
Heard xbox is gonna be better so I'll get that instead fuck buying underpowered consoles
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection on PS4 - a cover you can show to your parents, family and friends without being judged or being called a pervert. God bless.