I mean, he's not wrong.
He was absolutely right and I never understood the 'marshe is the villain' meme
Oh yeah? Well your hair looks like a sword.
There is nothing less healthy than accepting the real world for what it is. Anyone who does so inevitably realizes that life is pointless and bleak. Being what we call "normal" involves a socially popular brand of escapism that I call "distractionism". Normal people are so occupied with the minutae of their lives that they can successfully distract themselves from the horrible reality of living.
nah you're a dick dude. everyone has a happier life there and you want to fuck it up by facing reality. eat shit
>destroy simulation where people are happy, magic is real, and the world has a future in order to go back to a simulation where people are suffering and the planet is dying, where no hope for a better future exists.
le sighing demiurge
sometimes the most heroic thing is shattering your little brothers kneecaps again
Like I give a shit what a cripple thinks.
fuck your happiness we're going home
An Evangelion video game would be easy to make
All you gotta do is make a mech boss rush with anime cutscenes and maybe some Persona-style school life and wandering around the city type shit
To think the most deep, thought-provoking FF would arise from a spin-off.
>people shouldn't have nice things because i say so
how is he not??
Also not everyone was happy there, can you imagine the poor saps who got turned into a monster?
>the people close to you have their things changed and find a level of acceptance but still struggle with the problems that brought them there
>some people like the kids you didn't get along with are straight up turned into fucking zombies
>no one knows how long the spell would last and if it would remain a permanently changed world or not
>everyone was running away from themselves into a future that was most likely impermanent and imperfect
Other people were suffering because he didn't want to give up his delusions. Some of the other school kids were horrific undead zombies in his make belief world. That's fucked up and just because you're not happy doesn't mean you get to make other people miserable
Play with the cards you were dealt, don't call fowl and reset the whole game just because you're losing
It's not escapism if you're ACTUALLY in the game, everyone objectively had better lives
>Oh wow Newt, how come your allowed to have parents!
Everyone: Yeah our lives are better
Everyone who got turned into a Monster: Are we a joke to you?
>Fuck videogames and fuck cripples.
>the kids you didn't get along with are straight up turned into fucking zombies
So you'd rather have your friend remain crippled and miserable while your enemies live the good life? Pathetic. Having a happy ending for everyone is impossible. Might as well try to help the few friends you care about at the cost of people who are opposed to your very happiness.
shut up and go to jagds
The one who got turned into monsters were evil.
He murdered his entire guild just to achieve his goals. The game was basically having Griffith as the MC under a kiddy filter. What will really get you is the guild willingly helped Marche kill all of their loved ones.
from my point of view the cripple was evil
>particular people's lives don't matter
that's exactly what a villain would say
what if the cards your dealt include a book with the ability to basically make your dreams come true?
should I just say "no, I'll play by the rules instead"? fuck that
You can do whatever you want user. But that doesn't make you the good guy
>just because you're not happy doesn't mean you get to make other people miserable
>I don't get to make other people miserable but they can make me miserable
yeah no, make like jesus and hang yourself
It doesn't make me a bad guy either.
>Mean school children who hadn't grown out of a phase
>Megalomaniac cripple who turned people into literal undead abominations because he was sad
>The good guy
that's nice, Ryan
They're like 13, man. Kids don't stay shitlords forever. You're not even giving them the chance to turn around. Also, I'm not sure how having bad legs equates being a literal fucking monster. Plenty of people live fulfilling lives with bad legs and no mommy, but you don't just magically get better after you become a zombie. He's fucking 13, too. His sadness isn't some deep and endless pool, he's just lonely and his friends that he had JUST gained would have gone a long way towards remedying that.
It does when you use it to ruin the lives of people you don't like
Kids weren't evil, probably had there own shit going on.
they weren't murder, almost everyone there was human once, they probably got turned back to normal.
Then don't get mad when someone comes in to say fuck you to your dreams then.
How about you make like Satan and sit in your flame pit.
>dem school kid dindu nuffin
they may have done wrong, but condemning them to a life of suffering for an error is sadistic
>they weren't murder, almost everyone there was human once, they probably got turned back to normal.
They were human. Then they were changed into entirely different beings. Living creatures with hopes, dreams, goals and families. Marche befriended them on an unfaltering quest to genocide everything the current beings knew just to return everything back. He killed them all.
>marche threads still get fierce discussion, literally almost a decade later
People will be talking about FFTA one hundred years from now with the same vigor as they always have. Truly a timeless game.
Social climate has changed, those kids were safe from school shooters and marshe threw them back in, who's the villain now?
From the most fair point of view, he has no moral ground to do what he did and whatever righteousness Marche claim his actions have are filled with hypocrisy.
Marche is not the villain as most people meme about, but he is no fucking hero either, he destroyed a very real world to get back his, nothing more, nothing less.
>Yea Forumsirgins get reincarnated into Ivalice
>Get red-carded within ten minutes.
People were literally getting shot in Ivalice though. You're never safe
>They were human once. They they were changed into entirely different beings. Living humans with hopes, dreams, goals and families. Newt didn't even befriend them before he got a magical book and changed everything so he could be happy. He killed them all.
Those evil "kids" knew what they were doing and still did it.
I'm not arguing that Newt did any better, but Marche is no hero.
This. Sure you can be an edgelord and hate on the real world and sacrifice the happiness of others and the entire world roll the dice in a fantasy that turns up better for some, worse for others, but that's just indulging their selfishness and inability to cope at the cost of everything. Marche was right.
I ragequit from TA because I went into a fight with dragos and my only two laws were No healing and no harm to dragons
The justice system is unfair, much like real life
I live in a state where I can carry my gun and shoot any evil person and not "understand" them like what libtard states do when evil happens.
What the hell are you talking about? 13 is more than enough time to know good from evil.
they're kids, they don't know what exactly they're doing
give them time to develop, don't just curse them to never develop
even an asshole deserves a chance at life
otherwise the entirety of this site is condemned to hell regardless of our deeds of good in the future
"they did a bad thus they must be effectively dead" - you, a dumbass
Does this mean FFTA > FFT > FFTA2?
He may not be a Hero, but he's not a villain and he is right.
He is only right because he won, nothing else.
I'd love to meet you when you were in your 7th year, user. I'm sure you were a well-adjusted kid with a solid moral compass and a fully developed sense of self, reason and empathy with absolutely no home problems and no issues that might cause you to act out because you have no other outlet for your problems and aren't fully cognizant of the effects you're having on others.
I'll say that I definitely wasn't throwing rocks at other kids heads and feeling zero remorse from it at all.
Isn't might makes right an instant hard-on for japs?
He right because he right.
Marche did nothing wrong. Anyone who says otherwise probably browses Yea Forums.
Escapism isn't healthy. Buts you don't get to decide for me what I can and can't do.
He killed a world to return a world.
He killed a fake world and save some people from becoming Exp.
Kids aren't ignorant. They choose to do their evil at act.
When I was at that year I was studying and keeping myself healthy because I'm not a degenerate member of society and was raise conservative. Kept myself away from the evils of liberal and leftist indoctrination that enables evil.
if this isn't healthy, i don't want to be healthy
dubs and I won't destroy ivalice
Is there such a thing as a bad character with an ahoge? All characters with an ahoge I know are at least passable. There's something about that haircut that wards off unlikable characters.
enjoy being a shitty copy of your dad forever
The problem is that Marche wants people to deal with their problems instead of doing something about it.
In our modern world when problems happen the citizens are told to "deal with it" and not change it.
>I'm not a degenerate member of society
And now you're on Yea Forums.
>implying the bullies weren't sadistic
the value of life is relative and for mewt those lives were worth less than zilch
Fuck you, it's all I have.
What's going on in this thread
can somebody explain how to have fun in FFT when most of the early jobs are shit and every time you get a new job it comes with fucking nothing to use until you accrue hundreds of job points while only getting a couple dozen per battle tops
Considering all the degenerate members I have ran into had some kind of daddy issue. I'll say I'm glad.
I only visit /int/, /fit/, /pol/, and Yea Forums.
have you played an RPG before
>the people close to you have their things changed and find a level of acceptance but still struggle with the problems that brought them there
>Mewt can walk again and his dad goes from being an alcoholic to the equivalent of a Supreme Court justice
>still struggling with the problems that brought them there
Unless you're a retard who bought an actual GBA to play this you could easily cheat for classes
Marche is a big fact hypocrite.
>staying in Ivalice is unhealthy and "running" from reality
>faggot has no problem with people drinking, playing video games, smoking, reading, watching tv, browsing the internet that do the exact same thing
>That's fucked up and just because you're not happy doesn't mean you get to make other people miserable
Power is literally the one thing that defines if you do or do not get to do it
>the exact same thing
Did you play the game? Ivalice is a shithole. Literally everything wants to kill you and if I walk funny then the judge puts my ass in jail.
Not when a moral compass is involved
Yeah but Marshe got his will through power. He got to make his brother miserable again because his power surpassed his brother's. It has nothing to do with "moral compass", it has everything to do with who is more powerful to impose their morals.
Niggers, spics, sandniggers, poolinloo, redniggers, yellowniggers, and kikes want to kill me too all because I'm White.
Not that different.
those are the worst ones
>because I'm White.
>all because I'm White.
Being white isn't the same thing as being an autist.
>faggot has no problem with people drinking
Now that you mentioned it, he did effectively force Mewt's dad to return to his old life of being an alcoholic so if anything he condones it!
a lot of you dumb faggots are forgetting that mewt's mom was pulling the strings and was an avatar of the fantasy world itself, along with the other totemas, and she was using mewt to perpetuate the fantasy world
it's not even a discussion, remedi was evil, it's not even about marche's choice because eventually remedi would have used mewt up then further crushed the world under her law
it's a very standard fantasy story
Emphasis on the fantasy. Deep.
people are happy, except for the ones that got turned into monsters.
>Marche is the villain! E-escapism is great!
>Mewt turns into a sniveling autistic cunt who wants to kill you because he got bullied and his dad isn't rich boohoo
>Doned, your own brother also wants to kill you, but despite having the only legit reason, is the first to come to his fucking senses
>Ritz wants to kill you because of her fucking hair
>Anti-Marche tards also conveniently forget that everyone in Ivalice was also transported and/or transformed, not just Marche and co, meaning you could have been turned into a piece of shit Nu Mou or Moogle, or in the bullies case, Zombies
I don't know about you but I don't want to turn into a fucking Ahriman because of some sperglord's escapism fantasy
>it's not all right if the protagonist does it
>implying mewt's the end all
>/int/, /fit/, /pol/, and Yea Forums.
peak cancer, pls leave, nigger
he's the one with the magic book
it's the grimoire itself that has all the power
and it's keeping everyone enthralled in its spell
Ritz was kinds cute
What is the best race and why is it Bangaas?
Only autists who cant deal with real life think Marche was wrong in any way.
>People on Yea Forums actually defending Marche's actions.
As if I didn't need more proof this place has fallen to Reddit.
He's the villian because he genocided an entire plain of existence.
>But some people were monsters!
How do you know they didn't want to be turned into monsters? Notice how the three bullies come back as different type of monsters, they're kids, they probably love the idea of being monsters.
>But their life was being drained and they'd die!
What do you think is happening to you right now? Your life is technically being drained too just by living and you're going to die too. The death excuse has no merit. And if it turns out you die quicker in Ivalice, so what? At least you live a happy life. I'd rather have a short, happy life, than a long miserable one.
>Traitor posting
>Only short of /biz/ and /r9k/ of posting in the post boards on Yea Forums.
As expected of a normalfag.
Marche is a special weapon I would send to any Isekai world. He would immediately pop in and deduce that this world is fake because it is not his own. Then he would proceed to murder everything on a path to return home.
Who gives a fuck fuck off and eat a bowl of poop bitch i'm playing video games fuck ooooooooooofffffffffffffffff!!!
Eternal reminder that Mewt was unstable and Marche made the right choice.
You'd think he'd be a /biz/ regular since it looks like getting scammed seems to be his specialty.
When the fuck did this word become popular? It feels like it just sprung up overnight.
5 star post.
Easy way to explain the absolute flood of them showing up. Shit is all the same like, "I died now I'm reborn as a world class hero with a cheat skill!" Usually some power fantasy with a harem and a required beast loli.
take your wheelchair for a spin off a cliff faggot
isekai shit drives me up the fucking wall
low-effort garbage
I can't stop reading it, help
You know what else isn't healthy?
Your brother
Damn pizza cutters
Yeah right loser lol
Marche was right. Escaping into a fantasy world to avoid your problems is unhealthy. People on this site think Marche is a villain because they're chronic escapists and hate it when someone calls them out on it, especially on the main medium they use to escape their own problems. I bet alcoholics would hate it if bars started telling them to quit drinking so much, too.
You forget that there are some problems that can't be solved. In that case, fantasy is all you have left.
In the end even in ivalice they lived with their flaws but never accepted them, as long as they weren't in peace with themselves they would never be happy.
It was Mewt that imagined them as monsters. Everyone in that plane of existence was judged according to Mewt's perfect world.
Even in cases where there is nothing you can do about your problems, accepting them and moving on with your life is a lot healthier than living in a fantasy world, trying desperately to forget that you're living a lie. Eventually, the bubble bursts.
Except for the people who got turned into monsters and killed.
You don't know that.
>Even in cases where there is nothing you can do about your problems, accepting them and moving on with your life is a lot healthier than living in a fantasy world
That's your opinion. I don't share it. Depending on how bad things are, there may be nothing to "move on" to, whatever the fuck "moving on" even means.
It's not a fantasy world. It was a real parallel world.
None the less, Marche was right in destroying it all because the world was causing pain to sustain itself and would have probably lead to further destruction. The real world has pain in it but isn't made to harvest it, it is just a side effect of living.
I guess the best analogy i can come up is that children from a really poor are "adopted" by rich assholes to hurt each other for their amusement. Sure, they have food and shelter now, but it comes at the price of their own suffering, and the riches come from exploiting the people they used to live with. Such society must be torn down.
Living is not healthy, at least allow me to get some enjoyment.
I'm gonna sound really fucking antsy, but you either resolve the problem or die trying to get out of it. Enough with all this gloomy shit and figure it out.
Well yeah, of course you think that. You're an escapist.
are you talking about bullies? first they became shit tier zombies, but even after player kills them, they show up later as vampires.
Wich means:
1. nobody fucking dies
2. As a monster you can fucking evolve
I have had many encounters with normies now and this is how it feels they deal with life, it's as shitty for them as it is for me but they deal with it in a different way
This. This! THIS!
It's basically the conservative solution to problems where they don't want to be inconvenienced by issues that don't affect them so you're just told to 'deal with it' as opposed to getting the assistance you need to actually address your problems.
This is why Marche was wrong, his perspective solely on a ideological level was fatally flawed from the beginning.
newfag detected
It's once Mewt is ready to go home, and is convinced by Marche that living in the fantasy world is bad for him, that the final threads of Ivalice close down and the Gran Grimoire can be used to send everyone back home.
NPC's or w/e, people who think and have habits way different than people who come to this iranian basket weaving site
The problem with this is you can't exactly 'do something about' a dead mother, or legs that will never work. For the things you can do something about, sure, do something about it. But a lot of the issues were things that the people had to accept about themselves.
>Using a /pol/ppet forced meme
As expected of a normalfag pretending they belong here.
He probably killed himself afterward
So much for unhealthiness
>completely ignoring that Cid understand he fucked up and starts turning his life around for Mewt
you guys are retards
>yfw deep down Marche was imagined as a trouble-maker whose actions actually slap some sense into Mewt
>basically every action the players and NPCs do are how Mewt would've imagined them
this shit would be stupid but a huge twist.
>muh sekrit club
top kek :^)
Except you can help them with their grief and cope with their sitution or assist in their rehabilitation or help them adapt. Marche took the selfish conservative approach of being telling Newt to deal with the fact that his mother was dead and a acted like a whiny bitch that Doner got more attention from their parents because he was a cripple.
He didn't do anything and the game just waves a magic wand to make it so that everything is okay when in reality, it wouldn't.
It's implied that all the people that weren't explicitly related to Mewt were just overwritten with characters from the video game Final Fantasy Mewt liked. FFTA2 shows a real Ivalice and characters like Montblanc show up in FFTA and FFXII. Nobody died from Marche destroying the fake Ivalice in FFTA, just the people from St Ivalice were freed from the roles Mewt had forced them into with the Grimoire. Marche did nothing wrong.
You can't "figure it out" your way out of things like paralysis, mutilation, or a broken dick.
Well yeah, of course you think that. You're ignorant.
People like you are evidence why a sekrit club was needed. The minute all boundaries to entry for the internet were removed, trash like you flooded in like rats, contributing absolutely nothing to the communities you overran.
Don't both of those have judges during the battles? It's explicitly stated in the game that the only place people can die for real is in jagds where there aren't judges to revive people who die in battles. I suppose it seems a bit nonsensical that judges would revive monsters after battle but it kind of makes sense if they're kind of a failsafe in the world to make sure the people from St. Ivalice don't get killed unnecessarily.
You can help them to some extent, but they can't actually begin to cope with their grief until they accept it. You're setting Marche up as a strawman for your argument by insinuating he did this all because he doesn't care if his friends suffer. On the contrary, he's pretty alright with the whole world until he starts to realize that his friends are using it to avoid their real-world problems. Also, probably the fact that HIS OWN PARENTS DISAPPEARED may leave him unsympathetic to the whole situation. Newt is the selfish one, creating the world in his personal preference without caring about the consequences.
It's morally debatable which is why it's kept assholes arguing about it for years. Reverting the world was neither good nor evil it was merely an action. It wasn't really escapism because the world was tangible and real but who's to say which world deserved to exist more. I probably would have kept the fantasy world so I didn't shatter my brothers legs for the second time, but wanting to go home isn't really evil.
>avoid their real-world problems.
And this is where you lose the debate, there is no real world, only the reality they're in. Marche selfishly wants to drag everyone back to the worst reality only because he felt uncomfortable and did it by force. Also you can't blame Newt for anything, the world was in order before Marche started fucking it up and Newt had to go dictator in attempt to reign Marche's destruction of the world in.
You can't really run from yourself now can you? I think it's exactly as you said it. Mewt knew somewhere in his mind that he was wrong and even in a perfect world left just enough of reality to know the truth.
my first comment was trying to contribute to the conversation, maybe it didn't but thanks for the rant. This is a FFT advance thread, and I just wanted to discuss what the user I replied to mentioned.
Things don't have to be perfect. No one ever said you would go through this without problems, either. Major health issues are going to be there, and your dick will one day stop working, but if you can sit there and think up of bad shit that can happen, then you can equally think of striving through of such situations.
I think at this point we have to agree to disagree, because then it gets into the realm of whether your sensory field determines what is reality or whether reality exists past that, and philosophers have been arguing over that for years without closure so I don't think we will be able to.
One last thing I want to suggest is that Marche didn't do what he did purely because he was being selfish, but because he disagreed with that method of dealing with people's problems. It's kinda lampshaded with Ritz's comment at the beginning; just because it solves your problems, doesn't mean the method is a healthy way of dealing with things.
I do disagree with the latter part, it can solve the issue for yourself, but other people might disagree with it. Which was the problem and why Marche was the villain.
At that age I distinctly remember seeing a fat, sort of retarded kid getting bullied and thinking that was fucked up. I was actually nicer back then.
>Things don't have to be perfect.
That doesn't mean a person can necessarily be satisfied with their life no matter how awful it is. There's a big difference between "not perfect" and "so relentlessly torturous that all you can feel is despair". Sometimes things are so bad that it's just not possible to be happy unless you're delusional. This is my big problem with people like you: You tell people that it's bad for them to use fantasies to escape their problems, but then you tell people with truly horrible problems that they're somehow supposed to maintain a level of positive thinking that's just as delusional as escaping into fantasy worlds.
>if you can sit there and think up of bad shit that can happen, then you can equally think of striving through of such situations
Striving through in order to get to what?
Everyone has a breaking point beyond which life ceases to be worth living. It's different for everyone, but it's there. If you think you're an exception, you're kidding yourself. You just haven't been pushed to yours yet.