Should more games have female knights?

Should more games have female knights?

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>tfw love both full plates and bikini armors
Feels good

My nigga.

Post both so we can compare

based and armorpilled

based chad centrist

Leather armor is better

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tfw no armored gf

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>skin exposed on thigh
Almost good design.
The boobshape isn't horrid, though it's still unnecessary.


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As long as the devs aren't shoving hamfisted SJW propaganda in my face, then fuck yeah.

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As long as they have screams of pain.

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Settle down there user, I didn't say anything about dresses. Of course they're good too.

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>frilly dresses
Good lad

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I take this risk for you user.

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I see nothing wrong with dress armor if it doesn't come with heels.

What about barbarian ladies?

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Mein neger

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This thread makes me want to self insert as a fragile assassin/archer in DDogma with a strong protective knightfu as pawn

Thank you my friend.
Thank all of you for posting cute girls in armor of all kinds.

>tfw you can't romance your pawn

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you made a small mistake

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That's basically what I did for my second play-through with some light head canoning to let me ignore .

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Yes but only in bikini armor

females are meant to be fast and elusive, not wear 50kgs of armor


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Yes, but I can settle with FEMENINE FEMALE CHARACTERS. Im tired of the shitty written fem protags we are getting since forever.

They should have spooky helmets

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There physically will never be enough of them

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Every game should have atleast 1 female knight

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Threadly reminder for realismcucks to have sex

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That looks pretty realistic tho

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No, because women aren't real.

Have I been jacking off to men this entire time?
Am I gay user?
Please tell me it aint so

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Armor that obscures the body but shows face is cute. It allows for imagination

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They were all just men in disguise. I'm sorry user, you're gay.

>while complaining with the other side of his mouth about how bikini armor is "unrealistic"
>have sex
>while he posts fetish images of cartoon women on a neckbeard den on the internet

Lineage 2 had great designs.
Female Zubei set was so fucking good.

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You said that buddy, not him. Maybe you should go have sex.

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What was this character's name again? I just remember her being by Nisetanaka, anyway whatever happened to him?

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>not wanting a lamellar gf

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Eldrich Horror Waifu knight

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The character's name is on the second image user
Dunno what happened to Nisetanaka, never saw anything else done by him after Kardia

Slightly larger version


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This. Just make girls cute.

Ah, sorry.

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Female knights are made to be defeated by orc cock.

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I quoted him while describing his actions. Second part goes for you too actually.


>Knight sims
no you nigger

>start lurking these threads
>learn how pure and cute was Jeanne d'Arc
>mfw Female Knights threads are making me feel bad every time I fap now
Fuck Yea Forumsros why is the world so cruel? Why are the frenchies so fucking retarded?

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Only pointed it out so you can update your catalog.

nice shota

This is a model knight who never gets defeated

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that's a guy

>They gang raped Jeanne in her prison cell before burning her alive the next day

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Literally moner wtf

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>tfw remembered Casca isnt a potato anymore
>Can't bring myself to read Berserk again because i know i'll be disappointed
It hurts, man

Plate armor on female knights with pretty face and long hair is god tier.

Landing strip is the best part

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I learned in Game of Thrones that armor is kinda pointless so Bikini armor seems like the better option desu.

Of course, why not? It's bad-ass as fuck.

you should take your own advice

He used too draw (and still does draw) futa, which is probably why you don't see shit from him anymore. That and what content he does create is hidden behind donations and pateron.

she also never fought in combat

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What do female knights in the future look like?

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Being cute is more important than the type of armor. If you are not cute it doesnt matter either way

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Fuck the english

The true way.

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Shut up retard

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>he doesn't know

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The patrician, truly heterosexual option.

sause me pls, nothing from reverse image search

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Basically this. Anyone who thinks the average woman is capable of going toe to toe in melee combat against men is retarded.

>>he doesn't know
The most worthless post in this thread.

tfw no cute but capable gf to arm up with

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Like this

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Hoplites > Knights

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she looks like shes made out of compacted turds

You either suck at reverse image searching or are lying about having tried. I found it immediately. Try SauceNao

thats not even an incel thing to say though, its blatantly true. nothing wrong with it its just how things are.




i did last week :^)

The optimal fantastical female character is a well clothed, comfy looking barbarian.

Is that the Paladin i290 set?

It was under low similarity. In all my years, i've never seen that section actually have what I want.

That was my favorite thing about the Dark Soul series. Dressing up my female knight in various suits of armor. I felt pleasure in it.

you see friend, the tranny wishes to fight women, as they will always be more real than they, and this makes the tranny seeth

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This except I actually find the sensible armor contrasted with the feminine fragility to be more arousing. I don't prefer the realistic armor for the realism itself.

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stay chaste

>clearly airforce
pic related

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Skirts give maximum agility

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>full image is behind a jap patreon knock-off wall

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Armor>Bikini anyday because Armor is way cooler
and sexier

Sticks and stones, user.

Go jack off to a foundry.

Ah but pilots are the knights of the future. They ride their steeds (aircraft) into battle

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more like dicks youve blown gay ass retard

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A HentaiFoundry


I wish more female MH armors had full-faced helmets.

>tiny ears, cant hear shit
>uncovered bright ass blond hair in a fucking forest
>puny arms incapable of fully drawing the bow

Dead within a fucking week.

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sexy > cute
deal with it you nerd bitches

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>puny arms incapable of fully drawing the bow
Yeah, I bet she uses her back and shoulders to help with drawing the bow.

Should we have more women plumbers and miners?

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my dick thanks you

I don't like characters that are designed with blatant sex appeal as much as cute things because I feel that they're trying too hard to make me like them and it comes off flat. Chainmail bikinis are the Mountain Dew and Doritos advertisements of female fantasy wear; frustratingly basic, in your face, and appeals almost exclusively to plebs.
There's better ways of dressing a girl up to look sexy anyway.

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>average woman
who says anything about average? Fantasy action adventure stories are by definitoin about one in a million exceptional individuals. 99% of what any action protaginist does regularly is compeltely impossible to an average man.

Link me that twitter comic with the sickly looking knight woman and the robot armed rebel.

This female warrior is questing to become a knight, she offers you some bread to help her in her quest. What do

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Can Elves really be knights?

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>implying that ham beast has received even a modicum of training

I don't know about you but where I live plumbers make a shit ton of money. It pours in. If my woman were to be my money maker and she could fix my sink I would start leaking on the spot.


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>the two questions are comparable
You are the real brainlet redditor for not understanding what context is.

Elves make the best knights.

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She (or he, the choker could be hiding anything) looks moderately capable. I accept the bread and assist them.


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Elves can be knights too!!!!!!!!!

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elves are not meant to be knights, theyre magic or arrow guys or like some agile warrior but not a knight.

What do asian knights look like?

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>posting the incorrect version

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>Sub-weapon is a baton

It's a police officer. The sirendog is a dead giveaway.

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>baton to keep the white peace
>canonclaymore for everything else

the chinese were just a bunch of metal strapped onto people
the samurai
and the mongol were just a bunch of leather strapped onto people

Yes, but only if they're cute and cool
Fuck immersionfags

They are full weeb

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the two questions are comparable

Sadly, blizzard got female armor right.

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Sadly, that character ruined an already bad game into becoming worse

Knight her with my dick

that face is mortifying

offer her some eggs.

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Cool story.

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Just put armor on your gf, retard.

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Yeah if you ignore the fact that one is about fantasy and entertainment mediums and one is about reality, or the fact that women can be perfectly capable as plumbers and probably some as miners, or the fact that one is about aesthetics and one is about some faggot with dyed hair crusading for topics so he can get social good-boy points.

Yup, totally comparable. Now fuck off, retard.

It isnt, I still kinda liked it when it happened

I want to hunt goblins with this cute sword maiden

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Elves being "arrow guys" is a fucking meme started by D&D stereotypes.

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Too bad they're hideous under the armor.

wannabe chad virgin

where can i see that?

>all these posts about pp being hard
>but none about the pp in their heart
cute/nondick appeal>all

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>That bellybutton

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Battle Nuns!

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Whatever. Just has nothing to do with the thread is all.
God damned knife ears.

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I can do both at once

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have sex

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I see you're an enlightened fella as well

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I see you are an user of patrician tastes as well.

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>Literally created before she was born.

The strongest boner comes from the heart.

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Lineage elves are fucking hot.

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Japanese armor was all iron, retard. Only Ashigara would be wearing any leather, and that user said KNIGHTS.

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This image pisses me off because she is out of formation. She is literally trying to die.

Pick one to your party.

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>muh fantasy setting
>but muh girls in chainmail bikini is unrealistic, we ne more female knights
You delusional fuck.

This They can appeal to both my aesthedick.

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For the most part it's told through text. There's a few examples in the book but a lot of the ones it actually shows look mostly fine.
They're known as the Gray Maidens from the city of Korvosa in the Pathfinder setting. Basically as part of their training their faces are marred and scarred and ruined because the Queen doesn't want anyone looking better than her, and because the torture helps indoctrinate them. This is what I mean, though, this is one of the worse looking ones. The next one in the book is actually pretty cute. I assume more of the rank and file are really fucked looking, though.

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God damn, I want to absolutely marry the shit out of a girl like that some day.


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I liked Navigavi's art when his designs are/were a bit more streamlined. As he's gotten better he tends to greeble the shit out of his designs.
>the girls who are 80% legs are still only 170cm tall at best
Oh Japan.

i dont care. i want her to 69 me.

Me on the left, I pick third from the left.

Its her first day on the job!

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Who are you quoting? It certainly isn't me. I've never argued about realism. I just call bikinifags plebs.
>le Yea Forums is one person xD

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But what do I do with this??

i like a scarred beauty

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I dunno. Lurk more I guess.

Do Orc knights eben need armor?

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Games should have more female KINGS

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Please halp

Yep and they should look like this. Normal armor is good too but if they look a bit feminine then that's even better

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Orc knights are best with no armor! The muscles increase intimidation factor

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I love modding all my armor and clothes in Skyrim and Oblivion to be slutty bikinis and miniskirts so all the NPCs run around in them.

>chink in the armor

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No. I'm not gonna spoonfeed some retard who can't do the simplest of google searches.

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Do you NOT want a sexy plumber girl to bend over your sink right in front of you?

i want to cuddle up to ms. knight

Sylvanas used to have cool armor.
Now it's all gay.

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>no qt3.14 miner girl to mine and make alloys with
Why live

she looks like she fucks dead guys

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Only if you agree to be her squire and do whatever she says.

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No. Its unrealistic as women are physically weak and unfit for combat. Thats why they werent gladiators, knights, samurai, etc.

>that hand on her leg


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I think medics should get more armor.
alivebois just can't compete

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Who cares about realism as long as they are cute?


Pls gib game that has cute girls as gladiators.

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Forget Sylvanas. Post your Thighmane. I know you have some.

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We need more girls with huge tower shields

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I want those thighs around my head as I lick her abs.

Women knights in Mordhau when?

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They're the best. My lifelong dream is to live in a fantasy world with reversed gender roles where I get to run around naked and get passed around and fucked senseless by hot barbarian women.

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Yeah but when are they going to do girls wielding realistically sized weapons?

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There's something uncanny about this image and I can't pinpoint what

It still makes my peepee hard so its a yes from me

>girls frontline
That game would be 200% better if some of the girls weren't so overdesigned. Cute girls though

Fucking slut.
>not wanting to take care of the home while your wife is out hunting and then bathe her and treat any wounds when she gets back

Maybe the abs being too separated?


>the absolute state of barbarian men

Arms too short, axe too smale, head too big, neck too tall, torso too long.

old and busted

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It's probably still coming. Mordhau threads are going to die a painful autistic death when it happens.

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Better than just school uniforms.

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the salt will be fucking glorious

My brother

I hope not. I want to ride around decapitating peasants as an edgy black knight girl.

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>female knight/warrior
>always uses a longsword
Honestly, I'm getting bored of them. Spears and polearms, that's the good stuff.

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>She needs a squire because the armor is just cumbersome enough that she can't quite scratch or wipe her own ass.

I'll wipe it with my tongue.

How about giant hammers?

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Sure, why not? Just getting tired of longswords.

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being a slut is terrible

no need to get defensive queer

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>Not cute
>looks incredibly uncomfortable
>ruining that field of flowers

That's how I always play DD

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nice sample

how did you make this?

I'm a hackerman

No bulli

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*Bred all fucking week

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absolute skeletal proportions

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Late but here.

why the fuck can't the panties be metal in some way, or even loincloth? I blame the japs big time for this where everything can be stripper plate except for the panties.

>metal panties
that's just begging for cuts and infections all over the vagina, not to mention being extremely uncomfortable.

Can also be festive at the same time.

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Who the fuck cares about realism when they're wearing cleavage windows, look like supermodels/pornstars, and already backflipping with weapons 3x their size?

fuck off with your shitty trash-heap. FFXIV can't be rid of you fast enough.

Because metal panties make me cringe just thinking about them. There's fantasy and then there's retardation.
Not to mention that metal panties wouldn't even be sexy

Theres nothing wrong with metal pantsu!!!!!

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Fuck off zoomer

absolute garbage

I play both.

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Nowadays girls wearing tactical gears are more interesting desu

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Those pantsu definitely look like cloth held in place by metal chains (which would definitely dig into your skin and be incredibly uncomfortable)

Imagine getting your armor gf wet and then her metal pantsu fucking rusting and her dying of massive sepsis. Please be kind to your armor gf

I thought she was impaled from the bottom by a metal pole or something for a second

i want to polish my armor gf

Attached: ffxiv_16062017_161108.jpg (1920x1080, 632K)

He posts stuff on occasion on his twitter, though most of his pateron stuff are just WIPs/sketches

I like my female warriors being covered in clothes and armor so that it's all the more special when it comes off.

Looks like something from Dragon's Dogma.

Well if they ever decide to go live-action...

convert her into a good wife and a slave for my dick

With a couple tweaks, this could have been the best game in the franchise.

Attached: Chris Lightfellow.jpg (525x1251, 194K)

>probably can't get up without help

t has some of my favorite female armor designs, sexy and pretty without looking too out of place.

moving around in armor isnt as hard as you would think
since the entire weight is carried around your body


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So any games where you can waif a cute knightfu?
Asking for a friend

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>spent the whole game imagining Agrias and the princess hooking up and Ramza with his sister
I've been here too long.

That's incorrect. Jeanne died a virgin. The only one who attempted to rape her got kicked in the balls and had to have them amputated.
While she never killed anyone, there are many accounts of her being in the frontlines and leading the assault.

More cute girls need to use halberds

Top fucking tier

>That's incorrect. Jeanne died a virgin.
Can you imagine the megagiga irony with this and modern roasties? Jeanne was one of the most badass women in history. Yet she was deeply religious and, although beautiful, died a virgin.
Now compare that with most modern females who are beneath her and think it's "empowering" to be able to sleep with any man they want and not give a fuck about anything in general.

Attached: laughing in dracula.jpg (370x350, 37K)

I'd say something about modern times being godless and stuff.

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that skirt is pretty aesthetic.


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Why the fuck is the chick on the left holding that knife with the blade facing inward? Has she been cutting with the fucking dull end?

you are trash

Amazing. A one-of-a-kind woman for sure.

Say hi to your wife's boyfriend for me.

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mordhou mod when?

This painting is a reaction image goldmine.

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Give me an option to give her a helmet and i am set

You're missing an opportunity by not using that cat.

Fuck. I knew I had forgotten something. Good save.

Attached: Fucking degenerates, all of them.png (290x272, 156K)

Fourth from the left. Lets just avoid caves and narrow places.

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Every last one of these pure maidens are reserved exclusively for goblin cock.

long swords like that were regularly used for halfswording
which is using them as a spear by gripping the blade

Fully armored girls that are still obviously women are top tier, fight me

Attached: hyunjoong-1216.jpg (1009x1024, 117K)

>you will never be evil overlord whose minions bring vanquished heroines to your dungeons

Are there any jap hentai games with this theme?

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>muh armour.

Attached: 62b98bdfbe105ab96c0eaa1bd85467c9.jpg (1323x1500, 215K)

How can I become a knight ?

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>boots, gloves, cloak
Obviously she still cares about being cold and callousing her dainty hands and feet

you just ask these days

wtf, I love boobplates now

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i wonder if ppl still use metal round shield in late middle age.

the one handed longsword tho

I've come to appreciate leather and fur armor.

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Can you imagine being this much of an incel?

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>Jaime Lannister fucked this

And I would too

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game of thrones is for fags
kill yourself

I know nothing about the historical accuracy of anything. I just thought she looked cool.

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/pol/ would freak

post full bottom pic



Alright but I teach her about motherhood instead, I am not capable to train her further as a knight so I will train her femininity.

probably less than a full plate armor which isnt really heavy

Those plebs just don't understand that all sorts of strong/domineering women in fantasy settings are often just male fantasies in their own ways, not actual "feminism".

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15–25 kg isn't heavy at all.

That's kind of hot.

Chainmail bikini is pleb tier fetish

t. pleb who thinks he's patrician

Those tits look so out the place, being completely smooth while the rest of the armor has detail.


What are some games on PC where I can play a female knight wearing feminine full armor with long skirt?

Dork Souls has some nice skirts

Attached: wei-yi-zeng-dragon-knight.jpg (1672x2000, 405K)

>that fertile as fuck looking tummy

Attached: 1477182199742.jpg (719x1000, 341K)

But /pol/ loves Jeanne

Knights are supposed to be about chivalry, ie respect. A female wouldn't respect another female. It's not in their blood.

tummy for the fertile god

I think huge part of this fantasy is imagining the knight lady having similar mindset to males.

are there any games where you can remove a girl's plate armor to reveal bikini armor underneath?

>puny arms incapable of fully drawing the bow
interesting how many people accept the words of youtubers as law here. Im an absolute skinny manlet but I compete mongol bows and recurve bows of varying draw weights. ancient archers were not beefcakes, and short bows pull maybe 40lb at the most. many competitive archers are young women. women are weak, but you dont have to be strong to draw anything that isint a longbow or yumi

Attached: man_of_culture.jpg (600x537, 34K)

>talk about raping female knight
>post a Griffith look alike

Attached: 1486481955694.png (955x514, 219K)

>berserk cringe
fuck your dad

Also good shoulder- and back muscles are more important for drawing a bow. You don't draw with your arms alone.

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Relax, user.

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>tfw no 6'3 gf

Attached: j-jp-.jpg (1920x2435, 955K)

>Fucking bread
BITCH I'm a level 6 Theif, you better offer some copper at the least like damn.

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Its supposed to be a fucking dwarf isn't it?

delete this

Sauce please, I checked sadpanda for dungeon meshi doujins and I'm not seeing any new ones.

Attached: 1549563021691.jpg (433x419, 97K)

retarded faggot

it's just a few 1 or 2 page stories

Attached: The_Worm_The_Tree_Part_1.jpg (1280x1795, 380K)

What a shame I fucking love ryona.

Those fucking gaps

Attached: 1558303368264.jpg (471x534, 113K)

What is Ryona

Go to sad panda and type that into the search field. Enjoy the results my friend.

>elves are not meant

It's a fantasy race. It can be anything you want it to be. Hell, a lot of settings have elf knights.

Attached: bayard-wu-joan-of-arc.jpg (1024x1809, 307K)

>ywn have armor this beautiful
>ywn awaken the quivering longing in a little girls heart with your presence
>ywn inspire little boys with tales of heroics
h-hold me lads

>elves are not meant to be knights

Attached: Ellyrian_reavers.png (1173x1458, 754K)

maybe she is the only one in formation and all the dudes aren't XD they arent even interlocking shields


Attached: Onwards to victory!.jpg (846x582, 239K)

Armored Jannu.

Attached: 1535006788782.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

Another armored Jeanne

Attached: Punished Jeanne.jpg (1000x1000, 141K)

Damn son we've got a legit Chad in the house tonight.






Shit, that's wise.

Literally everyone but salty Britfags love Jeanne.

Sure, if it's a fantasy game

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She's going to be part of the second pass, right?

>that pubic hair
Oh lord.

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>water cooled revolver with a scope

bunny black

What armor is this?

Women are weak and having them fight on the frontlines is incredibly unrealistic and puts them at danger; they should stay in medical tents as nurses.

>tfw no game where you play as a young squire boy serving mature veteran knight mommy

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>swn make you clean her armour with your tongue

why would you want to clean dirt and other people's blood off it with your tongue

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>armor has low durability

Attached: armor59.jpg (1000x1500, 269K)

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It wouldn't be too hard to imagine a modern armor that was designed around a philosophy similar to modern car design. Parts that crumble and fall away as a way to keep the occupant safe.

who the fuck thought the thing on the right was an improvement
everything about it is just worse

>Air of smug superiority because she knows, deep down, that dwarves are superior, and yet doesn't resent you for being a filthy and inferior human.
Definitely a dwarf.

Tfw no claymore game

>ywn live in a fantasy world with beautiful but powerful women that could realistically become a knight
>ywn be a squire for this knight as she elevates your ignorant peasant self by teaching you of the world and sharing in her upper class knowledge
>ywn help her get put on her armor, help her train, know every single quirk and preference so you can be a better servant out of battle and ally in battle
>ywn have to tend to her carnal desires when they become too much to bear and form a bond that goes beyond what any man and woman have experienced

Daily reminder that it doesn't matter what they wear. As long as they have a pretty face, someone's going to like them.

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>those tired eyes
The sexiest thing I'll ever see on a women. Tired, dominating, non-flexing eyes.

>ywn be a cute shota sorcerer supporting a tall knight lady

literally every dragons dogma playthrough for me