It's gonna be shit isn't it?

It's gonna be shit isn't it?
Monster Hunter thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Anything with "Nicaragua" and "Tiger X" isn't kino.
Delete yourself


>Directed by the same guy that made MHGayU
It's gonna be a steaming pile of shit user

If those Nicaraguas and Tiger X's are shitty, neutered versions then yes

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So are there going to be normal monsters and then "ice" versions of everything thats adapted to the climate over millenia?

Will we ever get any proper backstory on the ancient war between the genetically engineered superhumans who fought intelligent dragons like fatalis and sent humanity back into the stone age?

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Hammerbros get in here

Butt hurt switchy witchy owner

i'm an idort tho user
you don't own only ONE console right?

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Why is it literally impossible to talk about monster hunter without console war faggotry?

Fucking this

I’ve got World on Xbox One X alongside all the 3ds games, FU on psp, and MHGU. Even still have Tri and the Wii U one. Step it up you scrub

It's tradition for any decent MH thread to start as a shitpost.

Regardless if it’s quality it’s not like we’ll ever have decent threads about it. Personally I’m looking forward to it. I’m neutral to the fish but I like the new Moose monster.

i really hope the content in Iceborne actually rivals World's content but i doubt it

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Any maggot with Wii U can step up to the chopping block

>Why is it literally impossible to talk about monster hunter without console war faggotry?

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so you want for it to have zero content?

>tfw over 200 hours in the PS4 version
>Just got a PC
>Still can't transfer saves over


Shut up faggot that was one scrapped picture from the original Monster Hunter design works that was scrapped. Not everything has to be Dark Souls item description loredumps. What's important in the world of Monster Hunter is that you deliver those 12 Velvety Khezu Pelt+ like Snotty Princess specified on the quest board and you enjoy it.

You sound angry. I should fuck you and cum in you so that you can calm down.

Yup its shit

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[catches your cum and casts it into the sea]
better luck next time set you shitty gopher enjoy your lettuce

Of course. Get ready for more reskinned monsters using the same attacks as several other monsters.

>Best selling game in the series
>Half ass everything but the enviroments in the expac
fuck capcom

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Why do people complain about LS weebs when DBfags exists?

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Is world the dark souls of monster hunter?

>one scrapped picture from the original Monster Hunter design works that was scrapped. Not everything has to be Dark Souls item description loredumps.

Except that even in the games themselves there are clues and hints to the ancient war, and that the "ancient times" was actually a very high tech society with massive towers into the clouds.

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Because it's the classic tripping liability.

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>not shit

maps are still going to be cramped and shitty and sloped

>want to play MHW to get all these special event armors but dont want to bother because I know they'll all be shit when Iceborne hits and all the hot new shit will be maximum power creep tier and be better anyway

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The new map doesn’t look particularly cramped or sloped.

redpill me on SnS, is it fun solo?

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Its a bit boring honestly. It doesnt have very many moves, and the damage is "meh". Its alot more fun to pull off the crazy combos and dodges other weapons have.

>turn on mhw
>do a couple of hunts
>feel burnt out again already
>turn off mhw
stupid brain gib dopamine

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This is actually a good thing. GenU is the best old school Monster Hunter game.

Help Yea Forums
I've reached the point of MHW where its just tempered, but i have 0 drive to keep playing. But when I start MHGU on switch it feels so different and hard to go back to. Should I just push through?

he's in

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>Luna domming
It's the little things.

lol no thanks, I doubt they'll add enough content to justify it.

>Brach and Bazel team ups.
Sounds like fun.

but don't you wanna kill the same couple of monsters over and over user?

Does DOUBLE the content sound like enough?

What would actually make Yea Forums hyped for this game ?

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Dunno. But I'm pretty sure I won't play it.
I like monsters and weapons a lot in this game, but grinding is forced to a point I don't have fun anymore.

if it wasn't piss easy like world is

Is this like a GOTY edition with all DLC and patches on it? I pirated the game for PC but I'll buy this physical copy to support physical copies

>if it wasn't piss easy like world is
Literallly EVERY MH games without g-ranks are easy user, that's nothing new.

the giant great sword was wielded by Fatalis

actual new monster designs with unique skeletons that aren't wyverns

Not to the degree that world had

No Barioth no buy.

On PC you can cheat all materials you want.

No Gacha Kulve or RNG decorations, just straight up monster hunting.

they need to expand areas in the "old" maps and remove alot of terrain unevenness
they're probably gonna make Naruga slow but it's still going to be cancer fighting in Forest

LS is usually good so people actually use it.
DB users are just LS users trying to be different.

t.Never played MH3rd

A hunter of fine taste, i see.

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>tfw they don't add him

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I reserve full judgement of Narg till we see it enraged and it's full moveset. The spine toss looked the same speed as usual.

>tfw triple turf war between barioth tigrex and nargacuga

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I stopped playing world just before kulve came out, should I go back and do all the shit I missed?

To make a long story short
>MHW leak
>Everyone doubts because console MH sells like shit
>World announced
>sonyfags rejoice while MH fans question why because console games don't sell as much
>some MH fans continue pondering expecting it not to sell well based on previous games once again
>sonyfags screech and start the "NOT ON MUH SWITCH" meme
>comes out and sells well completely out of left field
>any criticism is now met with "LOLOL NOT MUH SWITCH GAEM"
>MH discussion dies because you can't talk about anything but World without seeing that response and hunts in it are a pain to set up
And that's your brief history.

It's more like the Kirby of Monster Hunter.

go beat up fatboi jagras for them decos

Interesting how these "MH fans" apparently only cared about how well it would sell instead of the game itself.

Because they were looking at it from the perspective of the company to see why they would think it was a good idea at the time. After all it's not like they can talk about a game that's all rumors and on top of that MH is a game where a healthy community of consistent players is necessary, which is why World is currently dead.

If you want something more game related that happened during that period though there was also the loss of local play that a lot of fans complained about.

I’ll enjoy it but honestly World needed another year in the oven. Not enough variety in the monsters we have, even though the amount of them for the start of a new generation was decent. The lack of different skeleton types is pretty disappointing, as are the cramped maps and boring equipment design. I genuinely think MH6 will be amazing, but I gave up hope of Iceborne living up to the last couple G-Rank game’s a while ago. At least fifth gen is better than first gen lmao.

Fuck off with this story shit. Forced Story and awful characters have been the biggest issues with this series since mh4u. Does anyone honestly care about anything that isnt hunting monsters and crafting in this series?

Ryozo and the rest of the MH team thought that more prominent story elements would draw in more players, but that’s never been the case. They don’t seem to actually know what they’re doing 99% of the time and it’s by pure dumb luck they put out good games in the past.

>which is why World is currently dead.
Not really. Between the Spring festival, AT Nerg and Iceborne announcement its been fairly active.

>but that’s never been the case
It apparently worked with World because that shit is filled with cutscenes.

>the non stop paragraphs of text in between every story hunt in 4u

Makes replaying that game impossible

>its been fairly active
Not really, if you compare it to the activity of previous MH games after the same length of time its a lot lower

I think actually marketing it to the West worked wonders. I don’t think I’d ever actually seen any advertising for English MH stuff in the past until World, it got a ton of shilling (the actual kind, not the meme kind, though there was plenty of the meme kind too).

>I don’t think I’d ever actually seen any advertising for English MH stuff in the past until World
Tri and FU got a fair amount on TV but it certainly wasn't as big as world.
Tri's was a lot more entertaining though

That's not even the worst part, the monsters cutscenes are also unskippable.

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Oh yeah I forgot about that Tri ad with the Viking looking guy.

i dont get it, is it a goty edition?

Eh people are too hard on world. The graphical and mechanical overhaul were miles ahead of previous "overhauls" like tri and it still packed significantly more content. Admittedly I would have liked more but given the context it was pretty reasonable

No Khezu no buy

>and it still packed significantly more content
Not really. Hell it only had more than Tri because Tri was made from mostly scratch.

the only place you can hunt these monsters... IS ON YOUR WII

>"It's dead"
>'No it's not'
>"Well it's dead compared to previous games"
i sleep

user, if its getting less than games with less than half the potential player base of world then it's dead.

Tri had one real elder dragon fight, and it was a fancy kushala reskin... cmon bruh

All I'm looking for... Is a simple BURGER made out of MONSTER flesh!

its gonna be slightly better than generations.

keep seething realismfags
>dual blades will soon get valor style guardpoint drills
Based Ichinose serving the ichinoose

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Every MH game gets a rerelease with an extra rank above High Rank called G Rank (Master Rank in Iceborne). G/Master Rank adds stuff like how going from Low to High Rank adds stuff. New tiers of weapons and armours, new map/s and monsters and the new rank, so everything from Low and High Rank has updated versions too. Since Capcom have got a ton of shit in the past for making you buy the game again for new content as opposed to just making it DLC, Iceborne can be bought as a DLC or as a bundle with the base game.

>Tri had one real elder dragon fight
This nigga is trying to exclude Cedeus and Jhen like Yama and Lao didn't exist.

what am i supposed to be seeing here?

>Based Ichinose serving the ichinoose
I wish. He clearly can't put any fun into it because he gave us a fucking moose and more flying wyverns.

unironically frogs n bugs n monkays

I've come to accept the anime ass designs, but I don't think we'll be seeing them back in iceborne, they'd clash too hard with world's aesthetic.

Im hoping that he's hiding all the good monsters until E3/release

The moose is cool though and is an original use of the brute skeleton. That said I’d like there to be at least one new skeleton added.

Meh, they're gimmick fights and only one of them is good. I don't think most consider the giant moster fights part of the core set of elder dragons for a game, but even if we did world still has more content.

I dunno, I don’t think they’d look too out of place. Valstrax they’d probably just make a duller colour and his wing flames more like flames than straight up rocket exhaust and he’d look fine.

yama is a cool enough monster that his shitty fight doesnt get in the way of his great design

I'm not one of the people who believe that this picture confirms all the flagships in World, but I'd imagine they would look similar to this if they were to return

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My 4 biggest things I had problems with is
1. The armor designs lacking somewhat
2. The weapon skins severely lacking for the most part, just having a little bit of the monster skin slapped on except for a handful.
3. Monster variety / size of roster
4. No harder difficulty missions such as G rank.

With the expansion, hopefully all those issues will be fixed. I’ve been playing since MHs first game and I absolutely love World. I have some minor issues with the map sizes but overall I enjoy the change. I just want a lot more monsters. I’d love to see nibblesnarf, setlas Queen / setlas, gigginox, brachy, Najarala, etc. all show back up. Now with master rank, I’ll be able to have more challenging fights.

>but even if we did world still has more content.
No shit, the first thing you were told was that it has more than Tri, that said base 4 and GU blow it out of the water.

They said there’s 16 or so (the ‘or so’ probably includes the Master Rank final boss which they’ll keep secret and any monsters that’ll be added post launch) so I’m sure there still plenty to come. My guess is 1 returning monster and 1 new subspecies for each map then the rest are stuff for the new map.

>we get every flagship in the game
>Valstrax kamikazeing Nerg
>Brachydios punching Bazelgeuse in the fucking face

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The one thing I didn't like about GU was how he didn't return with an improved fight. I mean, I get people didn't like him but that's no reason to shuffle him off to frontier

Yeah the weapons and armour really did lack character, I want my WWE ass deviljho armour back. Buuut G rank usually brings new armour designs, so they've got a chance to redeem themselves.

Brach looks like he needs a nap.

>xenojiva was a literal AYY form outerspace
>might be crazy dragon planets out there, or wyverns living on the moon

I wish but we all know that fast monsters are forbidden.

I doubt all these guys will be in World but it looks like these are actually the models they’ll use when they show up again. MH is a massive IP and they have multiple teams working on it, so I’m sure a ton of older monsters have models already made and lying around but aren’t intended to be implemented until the next game.

>fast monsters are forbidden.
Who the FUCK are teostra and luna

>Glavenus slamming it's tail into a Lavasioth's face

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>and they have multiple teams working on it
They only have about one and a half. MH isn't this gargantuan franchise user.

I mean sure but why wouldn't they, they had 10 years of assets from the portable games to recycle. I would've liked more mons in world as well, but i'm just saying what we got was reasonable given the circumstances

Ice melts.

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I like the designs of the couple armor sets we’ve seen. Especially the g-rank Anajanath set and what I assume to be the moose set.

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I agree with 1 and 2 fully. 3 I think the size of the roster is fine considering it’s the start of a new gen but I agree the variety is piss poor. As for 4, G Rank is never in base games so I wasn’t expecting any real challenge until the expansion anyway.

You hit the nail on the head otherwise, variety is World’s biggest flaw from equipment to the monsters themselves.

The realism meme is only temporal right? They are not going to skip cool past things because they dont fit in the aesthetic right?

Heavily deformed clones in World.

I mean smaller teams who do grunt work, not multiple full dev teams. It’s been Capcom’s bestselling series in Japan for ages and now World is their bestselling title globally.

I genuinely think the gunlance's quick reload should be a guard point

>They are not going to skip cool past things because they dont fit in the aesthetic right?
Did you see the state of gay trailer?


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Watch them love the drill move
>Wel it’s super powerful so it’s ok!

>It’s been Capcom’s bestselling series in Japan for ages
That would be Street fighter.

Ryozo (series producer and the guy who appears in all the dev update videos) has said that ideally he’d like to have every single monster from the older games in the new style some day. So no they won’t ignore the wacky stuff they’ll probably just give them a more muted colour scheme and call it a day.

Honestly there are plenty of armor sets in the game I love. Bazel, Legiana, Odo and Vaal off the top of my head. It’s the weapons that are my main gripe which sucks cause the few weapons that do get unique models look great like Vaal weapons.

the main reason is to have something actually valuable to give out at events, often without extra work

You'll take your death stench layered and be happy with it.

They realise it was a mistake but being Japanese, they’re incredibly proud and can’t admit fault. So we’re stuck with Layered Armour until MH6 where they can silently drop the system and replace it with something different.

>Implying they could shove Bubble Fox, Eletric dragon, Katana T-Rex, Gammoth, and Mother fucking Jet dragon all into a 40$ expansion
Nigga you’ll be waiting til World V for all of that and expect 60$ a pop

He also said he didn't want to separate the player base.

just use mods lol

Oh yeah there’s still cool shit in World, it’s just disappointing that there’s less of it.

Fucking Unicorn dragon has never been easier
Sleep bombing him in world is overkill meanwhile in every other game sleep bombing is a Necessity


>Transmog is cheating

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Layered Armour as a system would be a fine transmog replacement if there was more than like 12 sets available in it. Honestly I’m surprised they didn’t just make every set available in Layered through MTX, it’d be the perfect way to implement older armour designs without having to include the monsters they came from as well.

>tfw angel Gore in mainline never

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I’d prefer Eva Brachydios. Or Pumpkin Uragaan (he cute!).

Seethy one platform owners. Why not both?

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AT Nerg is pretty fast with those slams.

Odogaron is so fast intelligent play is discouraged.
Just run into his face and mash buttons?

Whos gonna farm Banbaro's set on day one?

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Me. Banbaro looks kinda easy but as a design he’s pretty cool. The armour is cool too.

I'm going to make everything that is big and fluffy. I'm a sucker for big and fluffy.

Im gonna get that chicks set since my character is female

thats not you mohameed

returning hunterfag here. Have ps4 switch and pc. how are the populations from your experience online?

>Directed by the same guy that made MHGayU

So that's why there's a bunch of unnecessary new moves that casualize the game.

>Female will probably get some lame dress like Kulve

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Thats me. Just very old pictures, from around time mh:w came out on pc. Still had no 21:9 support and high res textures were glitched

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You'll bitch about it no matter what. That's just what you do, you little bitch.

I know Gore and Brachy have no chance of being in it and I am sad.

Brachydios has a decent chance but Gore probably won’t appear again until an anniversary game.

The new map looks like best one so far. Let's just hope the difficulty truly lives up to its title of "Master Rank".

He didn't direct world itself, retard.


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novice CB player here
How do I make Lavasioth absolute aids to fight

>game that made monsters faster
>game that made monsters hit harder
>game that added blights

>easier than World
Look at this nigga and laugh.

Don't sleep bomb or chain flash and then complain the game is easy.

>Brachydios has a decent chance
Not with that layout.

I'm talking about the new moves in Iceborne, though.

UNGA weapon nerfs when?

is there a benchmark or something i can run so i know if my pc is good enough for MHW?

Most of which started life in World itself.

Fucking dead
You’ll find about 20 French faggots that seemingly do nothing but play monster hunter all day everyday
Only 6 are actually good
They all use insect Glaive
Ranks 1-5 are dead
6-12 are so-so populated
G Turns rooms fill up within minutes
EX try hard central
Only 1/8 are actually good enough
Everyone else will only hold you back

Female version better be the comfy armor of the game if we don’t get Lagombi or Gammoth.

He isn't going anywhere without his buddies.

Why are you mad that it was released on everything but nintendo consoles?

pit mommy

Dont listen to other retard. World is still plenty active

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a 1060 6GB is enough to run it at medium high

He’d be one of the easier flagships to bring back. His chances are decent enough.

That's fucking dead.

yeah thougth so
would u say more players on ps4 or steam if i had no preferences?
the implication was that appreantlyyy mhw is dead but somehow there are more people on nintendos goy online

I’ve just recently got back into world (PS4) after the Iceborne livestream and there’s always people sosing and lobbies with people. You’re just retarded.

>15k during World's deader hours on a weekday

15k concurrent on one platform for a multiplat is dead? I guess if a game isn't a moba, battle royale or counterstrike its fucking dead on arrival then

I want something like the weapon styles from the older games. It would be nice to be able to use the same weapon and change up the gameplay.

Is this the part where I say "cope"?
Regardless, I own the game on ps4. Unlike you I have more than one system.

i think i have a pretty good gpu, have r9 290x
However my cpu is like pretty old (i5 2500k 3.3)

>the implication was that appreantlyyy mhw is dead but somehow there are more people on nintendos goy online
Not him but I'm pretty sure no one made that implication.

>say mhw is dead
>goes on to describe how GU filles up
ok "user" no one" did that

i have an i5 2500 and let me tell you it runs fine, maybe a bit loud but nothing terrible, and no real lag unless i have a twitch stream open in the background

He literally starts with how GU is dead in LR and HR.

You realise people like you are the problem? Every MonHun thread is filled with bing posters.

>You realise people like you are the problem
No, no they don't.

Probably not, it is gonna be ok/great unless you are one of "those" fags

hey mongo, are "you", totally not him, inbred?
he say, mhw, which has multiple times of the players on one plattform, is dead
but then goes on lengthy explnation on how the ranks are structured in GU and then how G fills up

MHGU is easier than world in HR

>would u say more players on ps4 or steam if i had no preferences?
probably steam since we got A. Leshsen, but ps4 recently got an update too. just pick whichever you're most comfortable with

I'm pretty optimistic about it, but i'm not gonna get excited unless they show something good during E3

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You're going to call anyone else inbred with that broken English?
You couldn't even comprehend his or my post.

I wish, I blitzed Bazel the first time I saw him with constant mounts and stuns. Can't do that kind of shit in any other game but world.

i dont want Steve in World though

A mix of 6 new and returning monsters being fought, a turf war between Savage Deviljho and [insert adjective] Bazelgeuse then a Gore Magala roar.

You will get him and you WILL like it

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I like that they imply that Beetlejuice is a relative of Steve.

I just dodged tigrex while wielding my greatsword, by dashing around. Then I slapped him with a TCS from draw on his face, before dodging his attack by sheathing.
Talking about easy.
I still love MHGU more, but it's a plain lie to pretend HR is harder than in MHW.

Steve and bazel's lovechild with exploding pinecones being flung at you.

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You literally just proved me right.
You with a HR set still had to actively fight Tiggy.
Me, fresh out of LR completely shut down what many a worldfag called the hardest monster until Behemoth with juts mounts.

You are literally bullshitting

do they? where?

I wish, weapons in World do a hell of a lot more damage than any other game to date while the monsters dong have nearly as much health.
On top of that mounting is just as broken as it was in 4 not to mention you can get free headshots and with an impact CB it's just straight up death for anything you're riding.

15k is nothing retard. Even xbone has bigger numbers. Min 30k peak at 60k or more

Nerg is the best monster to come out of World

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Nerg is a joke though. Only good and fun monster to fight is odogaron

Is there anything new for SnS?

Lmao, show me those stats

You're just lying user, nobody is taking you seriously. For a HR game, MHW is pretty hard. Bazel isn't even hard by MHW standards, it's just one of the many casual filters. You do know tempered monsters get flash resist? Maybe try playing the game next time.

I can live with your conclusion.

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You can mount spam in more MonHun games than world user.

Everyone knows it's true

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still havent finished world so i cant tell honestly my dudes wtf you even care that much

>MHW is pretty hard.
It really isn't, all things considered using an LR weapon upgraded as far as it can go against an HR monster is about the equivalent of LR lobby in previous games.

>it's just one of the many casual filters.
Then why did so many of you supposed vets cry about it? Even when it drops bombs it takes a while for them to go off making them easily avoidable.
>You do know tempered monsters get flash resist?
And? Is that really your only remaining argument here?
Half the time I don't even carry them.

Not really, like I said World has 4's broken mounting. Along with the terrain that allows you to jump almost anywhere and the slower monsters it's a lot easier to do.

Also mounting was nerfed hard in Gens.

i love these yakiudon pictures, i used to hate them but now... bros!

>You realise people like you are the problem?
Bro they literally have zero self awareness. We are talking about the same people that unironically compiled posts whining about World in one picture and put "I don't think about you at all" in the middle. They are actually too stupid to get it.


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But they need some way to artifically keep the game alive. Nobody would come back for these trash events if there weren't any good rewards for it. Fuck this shit, I want old DLC back, this new shit is fucking cancer.

It's sad, the only reason we can't have good world threads is because they can't stop thinking about Nintendo. If I knew it would hurt them that bad I wouldn't have partaken in the ps3 jokes last gen.

Guys help, this thing keeps following me.

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Take off your pants and flash it right back.

>y-y-y-you guys are j-just s-s-seething tendies! so t-t-there

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Valstrax not in World = "omg cheesy anime jet dragon"
Valstrax in World = "omg super based lambo ED"

I want to break nergi's horns.

the rotating events was cancer back then and it's cancer now, but don't you dare say anything about it or you get called a tendie.

Don't be mean to Nergi boy

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Aside from Barrioth getting fucked raw with a spiked nerfbat for some forsaken reason, they didn't really neutere anything so far, on the contrary, most of the old monsters are better than ever in World.

Layered is a bad idea for little snowflakes in a game where armor stats don't matter all that much. You can beat any monster with any armor so you don't need this ridiculous clownsuit of destruction. Great Faggies.
Nice WoW term o most powerful of homosexuals.
I managed to make 20+ great looking gearsets by mixing armors and no layers and i'm able to beat up any monsters because i'm good, stats are useless and when i fight Hazaak i put on a miasma charm like a normal person. If you ask for layered armor you probably don't even have any fashion sense and you rage like a cancer cell until capcom lets you equip a fucking thong.
They've been so reluctant to do it because they actually have a clue that when an armor piece looks that way no other way it gains value and feels real but you wouldn't care about that. You'll baby scream until everyone caves in just to make it stop. You baby.
Sorry for insulting you so much. That was uncalled for.

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I always feel somewhat bad because he looks very sad when you do that.

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That's probably the worst part, World brought back a lot of shit that was hated in previous games but now you can't say shit about it without derailing the thread.
It's like that one user in SMT threads who gets triggered about SJ.

Did you smek your Nerg today?

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Finally getting to and fight shagaru was pure kino tho. But yes the story is pretty shit for the most part and especially in mhw simply because muh pardner tripping over shit is how it progresses

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But isn't Bazel already Steve with exploding pinecones?
Well the moveset is completely different but both look like flying conifer seeds.

>using an LR weapon upgraded as far as it can go against an HR monster is about the equivalent of LR lobby in previous games.
Pulled this right out your ass
t. FUbab-Trifetus

>as broken as 4
There is literally no way ANYTHING in world can match the absolute fuckery of je suis monte hon hon's in 4, what are you in about
Even in solo after 3 mounts the monster has built so much resistance you'd be lucky to get another one off, much less multi

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are they going to be in?

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Just punch it in head

Can't blame that user, i wanna give him a smooch too

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More than enough to find quests and people fill up your room like 1 min after a flare.

*shitposts on mobile*
i want him in World bros

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>Pulled this right out your ass
Anyone have that cap of the damage and monster hp? This faggot needs it.

I don't get how people say MHW is dead, if anything it's a miracle how it survives and manages to retain its playerbase if all these supposed vets's bitchings are true.
Anything not MMO/moba/lootershooter getting MHW numbers is unheard of, especially considering it's mainly a singleplayer game.
>15 during dead weekdays
>50k+ weekends

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Dead? On what fucking planet? Plenty of games have playerbases that would be envious for those numbers or even a third of that.

Me too man

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It's shitposting and warped perception of people that know nothing outside of this place.
If there aren't threads hourly it's dead, even if it has ten times and more the playerbase of some random Yea Forums's fotm shit.

>Even in solo after 3 mounts the monster has built so much resistance you'd be lucky to get another one off
You do know resistance exists in 4 as well right? In fact it went up faster than it did in World meaning mounting became less effective fastest than it would in World. That's why je suis monte became a thing because frogs would mount spam without knowing that detail causing a triple cart.

4 also didn't have ledges and slopes everywhere like World meaning you couldn't just parkour on everything constantly.

>wiggler posters
not even once

Well that's a nonissue if the best weapon in 4 was the fucking baguette.

i finally beat behemoth today, that was really fun and i honestly wanna do it again

nobody did the whole tank and healer thing, we just made sure the tornados were out of the way

It wasn't unless you were in a team of decent baguette users that knew how a monster fought otherwise it's triple cart city.
The best weapon in general however was an impact CB which is even more broken in World when combined with mounting.

i hope it's not the same everything but in just a winter layout

no it wasn't it was impact CB

Baguette was a shit weapon unless you had a team effort which was almost impossible

>in GU
oh god

*bombs you*

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Whoever gets caught by his bombs deserves to get killed.

I love it because it is so versatile. You can mount with it, you can dodge with it, you can stun with it and you can cut shit. You can even block of some things, and while you do lose hp sometimes it is faster than repositioning.

>game that made monster faster
>game that made monster hit harder

wasn't the exact opposite the case since they overworked the monsters rage mode in gen3?

*dungs you*

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What the fuck happened to the transparency?

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I like you, mad bomber mon.

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post cute monsters

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One oft he researchers in world makes some remarks about Beetlejuice when you capture one. He mentions how the ones back home are different, and some other thing and it seems like hes talking about Serge.

Anyone else stick a dragon dildo up their ass if they triple cart to add to the immersion? I can't be the only person.

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no but i wouldnt mind buying a dragon fleshlight or something

>Stories 2 never
fucking dammit

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I just started playing MHW again. I had like 400 hours on PS4, but I've found that almost all my friends have it for PC, so I figured I'd buy it on PC and grind back up again before Iceborne dropped. I got really burnt out and stopped playing on PS4 before Kulve Taroth was released, so I'm excited to try all that new content with a group of friends.

I forgot how much of a slog some of these missions feel. Without being able to skip cutscenes and you can't even play with friends until you finish the cutscenes, and there's almost always a cutscene in every assigned mission, it just feels tortuously slow.

It's weird to me that they're going for this story-heavy approach, but they never do anything fun or interesting during missions. I heard that for the Witcher quest, there's a whole subquest line where you can fight some Gajakala (Gajalaka?) King and then get a Pukei-Pukei as a tailrider basically to help you fight the big monster at the end. And then you get more rewards and a special cutscene if you keep it alive during the quest. That's pretty neat for MH and I don't get why they don't do more stuff like that. We have this delivery system where you're tasked with getting small amounts of materials for camp upgrades or ropes in the Coral Highlands, but that kind of thing is never really used in the progression of assigned quests. An easy one would be to lure out a monster with specifically crafted bait; you could even use this to spawn specific monsters during expeditions so it isn't so random.

Also, with all the environmental traps and the fact that you can instantly craft things upon gathering them, I kind of wish there was a survival quest. You get separated from the group and lose your weapon and pouch (you can keep the armor), so you have to take out a monster using only environmental traps, baiting monsters to fight each other, and stuff like bombs that you gather from the world. The monster would have to have severely lowered health, but it'd be cool.

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Because Sonyfags are chronic shitposters. That's not me trying to incite more console war shit here, that's literally the reason. It's not limited to just Monster Hunter threads either.


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They'll keep doing layered armor so long as they can lock it behind doing a harder version of an event

You do know resistance exists in 4 as well right? In fact it went up faster than it did in World meaning mounting became less effective fastest than it would in World.
What the fuck, have you even played 4U lobbies a few weeks post-release??
>be IG
>fly and do no damage
>but mounts
>this mount leads to a triple the length of KO's worth of 'monster literally can't do nothing and the other 3 can bash away'
>this mounts ON MULTIPLAYER is often 5+, sometimes reaching 8-9
>be staple even if you can't do shit
Meanwhile i can't get 4 mounts for the life of me, and i spam Hammer and GS's charged airs.

>impact CB which is even more broken in World when combined with mounting.
There is literally no "mount" focused play with CB anywhere in World though

So did they ever do anything about the group options on steam

>World on Console
>you can put your friends in groups so you always have an instanced room you can hop in and out of at any time
>World on Steam
>lol we got rid of that because uhhhhhhhhhh, steam groups????
>that nobody uses?

Aisha best girl. It'll probably suck but at least we'll have some psuedowyverns back.

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>Got mounts periodically in GU because aerial IG is kickass and chasing a monster down and toppling it with my pole vaults does a lot of damage
>Never get mounts as IG in World because aerial attacks are useless and showy but do no fucking damage why am I flipping around and shit
>happens more often with Hammer because flip2win

I want more FUCKING arena challenges with preset gear. It's fun working around the limitations of the presets and coming up with a strategy to beat the timer after you've become a bit compacent with endgame ubersets, it rewards not being a 1 trick pony with weapons, and they surely can't be that hard to throw together. Yet we only have like 9 permanently available timed arenas and a handful on rotation.

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>it rewards not being a 1 trick pony

I mean that's if it actually rewards you. Not much of a reason to if the reward is shittier than what you can make for less effort

Interestingly, maybe that has to do with Hammer's signature spin2win dealing huge damage and may in proportion deals equally heavy mounting damage.
GU is way better mountwise than 4U, on par with World's. The best saving grace in World is that monster tends to run away across the room while mounted, fuckhuge mount gauge damage during minigames, and the fact that there's no Rodeo God or Mounting Master to trivialize mounting like 4's.

>love doing arena
>have friends who love arena
>there are very few options
I just want more arenas.

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Arena has always been about the 'trying things out' for me, even on older games.
The rotated ones are fun in itself, but yes i agree there needs to be more challenge arenas. The same with the 9 base set because it acts as a good riddle to solve especially with the tools available in World's.

I hope Tower or that one arena in FU makes a return somewhere in Hoarfrost Reach, it makes for a way better challenge than arenas with its bullshit monsters desu

I wouldn't even want to get any gear for doing them, the sport of trying to get the A rank is enough.

I just started playing the steam version. Should I play mostly solo, or multiplayer? Is there any good communities out there for multiplayer?

More hip window armor

Solo until you get the hang of HR to not gimp your self with the allure of getting carried, thus not gitting gud with monster pattern yourself.

just pub bro :^) /mhg/ mostly plays on ps4, some pc rooms get posted every so often though. If not stick with what you stumble on, the playerbase on steam is large enough for you to find one eventually.

They're making a physical version right? My jew magic doesn't work on digital only stuff.

I personally think it'll put world into top 3 status with FU and 4u for me.

wait when was this picture made whats its context?

15th anniversary image of all the flagships.

I just hope ol' shovelface Ukanlos is in

so its not a guarantee they're in?

>tfw got this as my wallpaper since way back
>just now noticed Velkhana is now in what was supposed to be the empty back end of Fatalis's wings

Nothing on that image has anything to do with Iceborne specifically, so no. They did update it to add Frosty Daora after the livestream but that likewise meant nothing beyond adding the latest flagship.

damn i wanted to see graphially upgraded gore magala

A shit ton of monsters added. Like at least 20.

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I think 20 is a pretty realistic expectation.

weapon and armor designs i suppose

>more players on ps4 or steam if i had no preferences
i only play on PC but i think PS4 has more players and it also has earlier updates

Hope he's in

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are there any brodogama ones?

factually wrong

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I hope he's in and completely unaltered. I want unga bungas to cry.

Yeah, I too want to see the spaz bird updated with less janky animations. They'll probably make him piss easy tho.

I actually like layered armor. Just put an arch tempered rathalos that gives me his layered armor. It will keep the game alive for me, as I don't care for gamma sets

Is HH really THAT bad? I mean yes, this shit is not playable in solo games and pretty weak in terms of damage, but buffs are pretty good and for groups it should be nice weapon

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It's tough as shit to play properly, meaning playing songs while attacking, which even deas the most damage with HH anyway, and not sitting in the corner playing and then occasional vailing on the monster, compared to anything else in the game and then it still does shit dmg.

Lance or Gunlance, bros? Which weapon is more rad?

mounting and stuning and hitting him between these actions is actively fighting

I really dont see that many CB and IG users in world honestly.

> 200 Lavasioth runs
> A bunch of artillery and spread gems
> Literally zero attack gems
> Guys on reddit told me that i have to do another 200-400 runs to get it
Jesus, why they have to make drop chances so fucking low. This game don't even have microtransactions! Fuck...

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-Gold and Silver

Post launch
-Gore and Shaggy
-Rusted Kush special mission
-White Fatalis

Fatalis will be the new Kulve. Everything else will be "new" monsters.
Crossover events will be Dragon's Dogma, a new DMC for V, Persona5R, FF7R, and GranBlue Fantasy.

You will be disappointed.
Ilsa is best girl fuck you she's FUCKING IN.
Next March they'll announce the PS5 version and another expansion set for Jan.2021.

> CB
Best weapon for solo speedruns
> IG
Just shitty nooby weapon for weak solo players

>want to play MHW again after getting a switch and nolifing GenU
>arch tempered garbage
>shitty siege quests
>temporal mantle
>crossover quests
>time limited cancer
I want to love world but so many things about it just rub me the wrong way

GL explodes which makes it the more rad option a priori, but I find the lance playstyle more entertaining.

Can somebody update this image with the Assasins Creed shit and Iceborne?

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>Gore and Shaggy
I fucking wish

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We went through this already. Itchynose isn't working on IB but rather some literally who that handled the XX Switch port job.

ok shitterrs getting new pc and gonna try out this game
which controller should i get
also how much does it suck to get the game later? Is the prime base at ps4 or can i still have a good time on pc without cheat engine fuckers?

>Doesn't even bother making new skeletons
>My thicc boi never ever with any unique skeleton also

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>Still no AT Dodo

>> IG
>Just shitty nooby weapon for weak solo players
Fucking trash casualshitter, IG has never been better and the focus on ground combos saved it from JE SUIS MONTE memes that stuck to it like a curse

HH is great in the hands of a good player, but unfortunately most players are shit. Between corner horners and people who can't manage buffs properly they usually just end up being a detriment.

>greatest girros never
>greatest gama never

are they at least going to update the basic bitch movesets for the weapons? pretty boring overall game desu.

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No one plays events for the armors.
They play them for the layers armors.

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next level seething

>yet they step in become part of the problem

all of you neck yourself

But this shit is true

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To be fair, if there wasn't any console war faggotry you're left with Pokemon-style generation wars.

It's probably gonna be more of World but improved so Iceborne is GOTY for me already

At least gen wars relate to the actual games rather than just what system they happen to be on.

Gen wars are at least on the merit of the games

I suppose, but they do get tiresome.

yes that post is true
however that dipshit 2posts are just facts, like the guys just seethes about and say something that is or isnt in the game, he doesnt even tell if its bad or why its bad. Some next level autism/seething

My thoughts exactly, I went from SnS to Charge Blade and going from charging phials to that slide attack and dodging Nergigante is so satisfying

is there even a currernt gen wars? I thought even the biggest cuck on /vp/ agreed what a lazy piece of trash lets go was. That game killed all the new game discussions lol

I hated the PSP games and Tri for bringing casuals to the franchise (giving armor from the beginning is the biggest offender along with the fatigue system) but seeing what World has done to this series I'm now nostalgic for the wii days. A thing I didn't know was even possible. Bravo Crapcom...
They should never have shut down the PS2 nor the wii online servers. World is pure garbage and the 3DS/PSP games too.

XX is the last MH game worth playing and it's a 7/10 at best. MH PS2 and its online mode was the prime hunting experience and you fucking children cannot even comprehend how great things were back then...

Kek I've never realised this, but the damn Geralt quest I kept repeating to keep Pukei Pukei alive and the fucking cutscenes for completing it are unskippable

>endless complaints from even the most diehard worldfags about shitty iron/bone reskins
>iceborne just adds new iron/bone models

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Oh yeah well what's SnS getting?


Is there something I'm missing with that quest? I went in and did everything fine first try and never had much trouble keeping Pukei alive.

Stealing MHO's guardpoints and MHF's spin evade.

Maybe he wouldn't post it so much if he were allowed to actually talk about it. Since day one you people have been trying your hardest to make these threads a circlejerk of absolute positivity.

Apex / frenzy > tempered / arch tempered > hyper

This is a fact

Swap hyper and tempered and you've got it.

Apex sucked. Bouncing was lame. I like Arch tempered more than that. Frenzy was cool though.

>Bouncing Sports
>Fey Stones doesnt last shit

Fuck apex

Hyper is the most absolute shit of them all.

>watch as this part glows and Insta kills you
>oh btw the monster switches attacks super fast with no recovery at all

Hence why its better than
>monster is shiny
>monster now hit a little harder!

Somehow I find them more lazy in term of design and worse in term of game play than tempered.

>Apex the best
>le you bounce you die xd
Fuck off

Do you use your stones or what

Of course man. It just wasn't a good mechanic.

This. Frenzy monsters were fine, as so are tempered. Apex and hyper are both shit and were unnecessary honestly.

Wouldn't have been so obnoxious if you didn't need to put your weapon away to use em

>1 minute stones on 10 minute fights
Dude just admit it, the mechanic was fucking garbage. Tempered may be simpler by its it's 100X better

Dude, you know you can knock them out of apex with time to spare, right?

You guys seem to forget that you gain a huge window of attack advantage o c'è you get them out of apex

Weapons that don't have big burst damage like GS can have trouble doing that alone on some apex monsters.
And desu I don't like the counter to a special mechanic being a way to turn off that mechanic

its gonna shit if your nintendard

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>posts godtier stuff
idk if ur being sarcastic or what
but seeing this image wanna play this even more
whats ur endgame?

1. Bring back the blademaster/gunner split so armor can actually look unique again.
2. Give the weapons for each brand new monster a design all their own that isn't steel/bone pasted with scales.
3. Remove scoutflies entirely.
4. Add more complexity to the monster fights. For fuck's sake it's embarrassing when a fucking Gypceros has more tactics and strategy involved than 90% of the new kids. How'd we go from a retarded bird that can poison, steal, blind, feign death, and even literally defend its ass with an uncuttable tail to everything literally having one gimmick that gets shut down in two seconds?
5. Allow me to gather more from all nodes. I want to get my shit and go home, not run around a damn map all day.

>Weapons that don't have big burst damage like GS can have trouble doing that alone on some apex monsters
As a GS main you're full of shit.

That’s actually one of the selling points they’ve been shilling, every weapon gets new moves or mechanics.

Oh great, more OP shit.

No double notes, no buy

I don't care just give me any fucking monkey, i want to see the glorious return of the double rajang dick

m8 it's a lot easier to land whatever arbitrary damage you need to break Apex within your stone duration when you can do that much in like 2 or 3 well placed charge attacks.

People still argue over 1-6. The current gen is always shit on but after like three or so years people start looking back on them fondly. Once you’ve followed /vp/ or any Pokémon community for that matter for two or three gens, the patterns are so obvious it hurts. That said the Let’s Go games were such complete fucking abortions that the few defenders of the current gen couldn’t stand them.

I did the same last year. I pushed through MHGU for 30 hours with a friend and it never got better. MHW is just way more fun

GU has an extremely slow start if you're doing village. Either push through that to around 5* or just hop into the guild quests to fast track to the good shit.

>The current gen is always shit on but after like three or so years people start looking back on them fondly.
That has never been a pattern in pokemon ever. /vp/, your prime example, is proof of that seeing as they always loved gen 5 and that period of hate for it never existed. The opposite can be said for the general public as well as not many look back fondly on gen 5 outside of here.

>GU has an extremely slow start if you're doing village
Not really, there's only like 3 or 4 key quests until you hit rank 4 I think?

Very sneaky of you picking things like that.

Then let us top it off with bringing back instant item use after the advancing slash.

>Game that added blights
But that one was Tri ,dunce

Are you retarded

And you spend most of those key quests fighting basic bitch monsters. It takes forever to get to the real meat.

>And you spend most of those key quests fighting basic bitch monsters
Literally every game does that including World.

>It's gonna be shit isn't it?

Isn't that what people said about World? When it ended up being the best selling MH game OF ALL TIME?

>time to add a flagship monster to this expansion
>another boring ass dragon-type
Fuck this shit, mate.

Don't Zamtrios and Dodogama have the same skeleton?

Dodogoma uses Royal Ludroth’s skeleton, what are you talking about? The former and Great Jagras use the exact same skeleton and both monsters borrow heavily from RL in terms of movement and attacks.

That sounds even worse

cant they just alter the skeleton a bit?
how fucking hard is it to just transfer the skeleton over?

But a lot of the moves from Gen are already built into the movesets in world.

If your game doesn't have 6 billion concurrent players it might as well be dead these days. in the mind of retards and shitposters

Nah Zamtrios shares one with Tetsucabra, and it isn’t used by any other monsters. The ones we have in World are;

Flying Wyvern
Pseudo Wyvern (added in Iceborne)
Flying Bird Wyvern
Raptor Bird Wyvern
Piscine Wyvern
Brute Wyvern
Upright Fanged Wyvern (it walks raised on all 4s like a dog. Tobi and Odogaron use this. It’s new in World)
Flat Fanged Wyvern (the Leviathan skeleton from older games but with a drastically shortened neck, so technically it’s ‘new’. The other three Fanged Wyverns are in this category)
Kushala style Elder Dragon
Xeno’jiiva custom
Zorah Magdaros custom

shit yourself? yes

Add slinger usage after and between every attack including after the charged slash jump as well as more runestone type items except not shit unless you're Geralt and then we're starting to get somewhere.

Apparently you can use the slinger during attacks now. Greatsword’s new mechanic is that you can improve the slinger pod’s effect by timing it properly with your swings.

I know, but they didn't specify how SnS will use it in particular, which will need to be special since it was the original slinger weapon. Using the new Clutch Claw from midair might be nice and was what came to mind before.

Yeah I dunno what SnS will get but it’ll get something for sure. Midair Clutch Claw is a good start but it’s gotta get more than just that. I’m genuinely curious what all the other weapons are gonna get for new mechanics and if they’ll be tied to the new slinger mechanics or not.

Making genetic abominations was a blast. Imagine a fucking nerscylla blasting you with lasers from across the map

Yeah of course, as I said that'd be a start but it's something that would look cool rather than be strong. It definitely needs something big although I think I'd prefer if it was more than just oils, even though I know most mention them as an idea. I'm also really curious about the new stuff, most of it probably will be slinger based but the examples they showed were already pretty unique and I already really liked the slinger so they'll likely still be interesting. Plus the Clutch Claw looks like it guarantees ammo drops which I'm already hyped for.

world is trash, bring back REAL mh

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Bring back pine cones dragon

Apparently it’s proven difficult because every monster in World has the most basic maneuvers.
>Zorah Magdoras custom
It’s Loa Shen with even more basic movement. Let’s not kid ourselves with believing Capcom would make a brand new skeleton for fucking Zorah.

You get exploding pine cone dragon instead

wow looking at those odds i must've been really lucky to get 2 ironwalls from grinding Jagras for a few hours tops

why would they add gravios post game when he is a mid game monster

Which slow and hard hitting weapon is the easiest for new player?

Is going to be disappointing, still gonna buy it because I didn't played the base game since I'm not a casual scum that plays HR games.

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