Xbox Live Hate Thread

Why has XBox Live been going down so often lately, and why won't they admit their service is down? This has happened twice in the past two months, where I've been in the middle of a game and then booted offline for several days. XBox support always tries to blame my ISP, even though every other device works fine.

>be me
>last night
>play Ark Survival Evolved
>blow up some dipshit's raft with rockets
>he calls in two of his buddies on Managermrs to take out my turret boat
>they stalk me all over the map, but can't get too close because my turrets are set to take out survivors only, and not tames
>Mana Guys start trolling in chat, saying they're going to fuck me up
>laugh at them
>park out in the middle of the water to set up more turrets and craft more rockets
>about to place the new turrets
>game lags out
>kicked completely off XBox Live
>can't sign back in
>can't sign back in
>can't sign back in
>know that I'm fucked and about to lose all of my shit, but decide to check on my turret boat in the morning
>next morning, still can't sign in
>tribe mate messages me on the XBox iPhone app and says that all my shit got destroyed and that I lost everything
>tribe mate suspects that those dudes somehow IP sniffed me and DDOS'ed me offline so that I couldn't defend myself
>don't believe that theory because all other devices are working fine, only XBox Live is affected

Why the fuck has XBox Live gone to such shit over the past year? There are lots of unreported service outages that they refuse to acknowledge. Why has it gotten so bad and unreliable over the past year?? I lost about two weeks worth of grinding because of their shitty service. I'm pretty sure I could have defended against the manas if I had been able to, you know, stay online and actually defend my turret boat.

Fuck XBox Live.

Attached: iu.jpg (600x600, 108K)

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reminder that xbox live is the reason every console has paid online now. BASED MICROSOFT

Must be just you user.

Unlike the PSN, the XBL is an actual good service.

>xbox one is hitler
WTF I love Xbox now.

Nah, according to, there was a massive spike in outages last night around the time I got kicked off. Not saying that ALL players are affected but it seems to be a wide area of players in the US, Canada, Britain, and France that we're affected. I still can't sign in and it's been over 24 hours. It's XBox and their shitty service.

No it isn't, Microsoft shill. It's a shit fucking service that constantly goes down.

Microsoft forced Sony and Nintendo to have paid online? Isnt that illegal?? Howd they do that?

They normalized paid online, and since Nintendo and Sony have shareholders who they are legally obligated to make as much money for as possible, they were essentially forced into making their online play service paid as well. Seeing how XBox succeeded with a paid online service, the companies could have easily been sued by their shareholders for leaving money on the table.

Wait... so what you're saying is... no one FORCED Sony and Nintendo to do it... and they're not my best friends?

>It's a shit fucking service that constantly goes down.
Never seen it down in almost 4 years. That's the PSN.

Snoy detected.

>X console hate
Are these threads allowed here?

Blatant console war thread.

>reminder that xbox live is the reason every console has paid online now
Pretty sure ps+ is.

>They normalized paid online
How can they normalise it when only 1 of 3 were doing it?
Sony doing it normalised it.

nah xbox live was use by dumb boomer consolewars trash as a beacon of online multiplayer unironically during the 360 gen

>nah xbox live was use by dumb boomer consolewars trash as a beacon of online multiplayer unironically during the 360 gen
Now replace that with ps+ and you have the normalisation of paid online that Sony did this gen. And don't forget that more people own a ps4 than 360s last gen.

You are a fucking retard.
One Microsoft started doing it, Sony and Nintendo HAD to start doing it or risk being sued by their shareholders. HOW HARD IS THAT TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND, YOU MONGOLOID?

Nothing but falseflags in this thread.

>make a cool nazi xbox
>xbox hate thread
I'm so confused right now

>One Microsoft started doing it,
Which is absolutely irrelevant. One company doing something doesn't normalize it.
>Sony and Nintendo HAD to start doing it or risk being sued by their shareholders.
Also wrong, Nintendo in particular would have had it on the Wii U if that were the case but oh look, it's free. Guess Nintendo was sued 10 times over until last year huh.
Sony on the other hand made PS plus in the first place because they were failing. When it didn't work as the monthly game service they intended it to be they slapped it on as a paid service with the ps4.

And why in the ever loving fuck would a shareholder even sue the company they're getting money from?

nah change your isp then faggot

Are you fucking stupid it's down right now

Pretty sure it was Xbox live sweetie

Also this thread is a bunch of bullshit

No its not.

>had to do it or risk being sued by their shareholders
Christ you're stupid, where is your citation faggot? You think Sony would 0ass up easy money out of the kindness of their hearts? Fucking fanboys.

Yes it is.

Dumb fucking faggot doesn't know how corporate laws work. Corporations are legally obligated to make as much money for their shareholders as possible. If there is a possibility of making money, and they don't do it, they are legally fucked and WILL be sued by their shareholders.

Not exactly.
XBL existed first, sure but it was Sony that made it more than just this weird thing Microsoft did. Especially since they paraded it as a sign of quality despite the fact that its still just as unstable as it was on ps3 meaning even more would be interested in this premium product. There's a reason why PS+ was the only one that was actively defended unironically.

Anyway to sum up MS started it, Sony made it a standard.

Where is this EXACT law.

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Why are my games installing and pretty much everything working as normal then?

Do you seriously need to lie to feel validated?

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Soooo..... no citation? Lol k

Xbox live was based when it first came out. I owned every console back then and the online was th4 best of any console ever by far. I still dont mind paying. I pay on average $30 a year and get dozens of free games.

You obviously weren't around when xbox live launched. I played the early days of both and playstation online was terrible. There wasnt even an ethernet port

zoomer dont you have summer camp tomoroow

Two second Google search, you retarded faggots. Both of you should an hero.

Well you sure did prove me wrong with that whole bunch of nothing.

>There wasnt even an ethernet port
Which system are you even talking about?

It was so bad i skipped every online playstation game and used it for single player exclusives. I did play final fantasy xi and would be in box party chat playing our ps2s.

were you not alive during x360 days or something
jesus christ the state of this board

Actually Sega was the first console manufacturer to have paid online. You had to pay $25/month for Dreamcast multiplayer.

>Constantly goes down.
[citation needed]
11 years and counting on XBL, playing damn regularly and I can count the number of major outages on one hand.

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You tried and failed.

LOL the Dreamcast. The console that pretty much put Sega out of business because nobody bought it.

The only time I can remember it going down was around boxing day 2014, and that only lasted like one day. If I also remember correctly PSN was down for like a week during the same time.

Learn how to read you dumb faggot. This took place in America you fucking retard.

>If I also remember correctly PSN was down for like a week during the same time
A week every month.
And it still happens, though that might just be the system itself because it can't run most games without crashing

I dont see Sony there, am I mistaken? Where does it say that sony had no choice but to do paid online against their will, I'm having trouble seeing your exact words in this article

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Snoygoys now shilling BC like it matters only now that Sony wants to do it for PS5.
Bunch of fucking trannys

>This took place in America you fucking retard.
Oh wow I didn't notice that despite very clearly mentioning this in my previous post!
I guess I'll just have to concede that two JAPANESE companies working under JAPANESE law have to abide by America's laws.

Imagine being this consumed by consolewars
t. idortchad

It was the Saturn that killed Sega. Pissed off consumers for dying so early, pissed off devs for being a bitch to program on, and pissed off Sega of America because Sega of Japan kept it a secret from them until it was near launch. The Dreamcast actually sold pretty well for the first couple of years, but it was over when the PS2 launched.

You do realise that you're still replying to him, correct?

Consider this, nigger:
If Xbox Live is constantly down, then how did those fags destroy all of your things in your shitty online game? If everybody else can connect to Xbox Live, why does it NEED to be a problem on Microsoft's end, and not yours? Does the thought of having a shitty ISP hurt your feelings?

>pissed off devs for being a bitch to program on
That's not really much of an issue all things considered. I mean, just look at the PlayStations.

Sony casualized gaming forever with playstation. Also, Dreamcast sold poorly in Japan so yeah.

No dude. Halo on original Xbox set it in stone. Halo 2 set up everything thing that would be the Xbox dashboard. Microsoft did this

They have to follow American corporate law you dumb fuck.

I clearly said it didn't go down for literally everyone.

You do realise you can't even buy their stocks outside of japan, right.

You're a fucking moron, dude. There are pockets of outages that happen routinely. This can affect thousands of players, but not the entire player base.

Sure. But Sony made it a standard and appealed to more of the idiot masses.

The Saturn was basically a genesis with two cpus glued together. Its not comparable at all.

It actually didn't sell to bad, after the first few months I think it was 1 million to America's. The only reason they decided to go all in on American was because they hired Xbox's former CEO who almost destroyed the brand and thought more means better.
And Sony wasn't responsible for casuals, that was the Wii combined with the rise of mobile gaming and Facebook shit like farmville.

PC is better in every way, I can't remember the last time I was affected by a Steam outage.

LOL get better internet fuck boy.

So it just hurts your feelies to have a shitty ISP?

So then why do foreign companies buy stock in American companies all the time?

>So then why do foreign companies buy stock in American companies all the time?
Maybe because they're buying American stock where that restriction doesn't exist?
Are you retarded or something or do you not realise that different parts of the world have different laws?

Peter Moore was at Sega before Xbox existed though. But yea Sony casualized gaming 100%. I lived it

How does that matter? Japanese law forbids foreign companies from owning any part of a Japanese company.

Completely irrelevant argument that you're pulling out of your ass because you can't admit that you are both wrong and retarded.

Both Sony and Nintendo have American divisions and have to follow American Corporate Law. Sony Of America. Nintendo Of America. You are a dumb fuck that is probably 13 years old and has never seen a vagina that wasn't your mom's, grandma's, or sister's.

Dumb fuck doesn't know how buying shares works.

Yes, you're right. My internet is totally down. That's why I'm talking to you.... on the internet.... right now.

>Peter Moore was at Sega before Xbox
Yeah that's what I meant, I just phrased it awkwardly. But I disagree with you on Sony. What's your argument?

>Both Sony and Nintendo have American divisions and have to follow American Corporate Law
Key word, divisions.
As in not the company proper and they don't have their own stocks that can be traded in America and thus are exempt from and trading laws.

Nice try buddy.

THEY HAVE AMERICAN SUBSIDIARIES YOU DUMB FUCKING RETARD. Americans sure as fuck can buy shares in Sony Of America and Nintendo Of America. You fucking complete moron. Holy fuck.

You don't know how corporations work, prepubescent teenager. They ARE essentially different companies. SOA and NOA are both incorporated in America, and SOJ and NOJ own the majority of shares. They are technically not Japanese companies in that regard. You are retarded as fuck.

Nearly doubled the next highest console ever sold up to that point. It literally brought normies on board. I'm not attacking Sony. It was a huge success.

And? A Japanese company can own an American company just fine. If they decide they want to play Texas hold em on wall street, that's only from their own greed, not the law.

No way. Halo did that. Don't followed suite but it was cemented by Halo absolutely

I see that more coming from the exponential rise in video gaming's popularity, Sony being a better known brand in the electronics space and their support for Europe compared to Nintendo.

Just because everything can connect to the internet doesn't mean your Xbox can connect to Xbox live, I used to have the very same problem, you fucking idiot.

Haven't had a problem in over a year at least with Xbox live. Get better connection

I've seen this argument that MS is to blame while paying the big blue man and blaming the bigger green man. Sony isn't your friend, they're charging you because they can get away with it and you are just the living example.

Legitimately kill yourself, the massive success of the Halo franchise and the 360 are what normalized paid online and caused Sony and Nintendo to adopt it you contrarian dipshit

Snoys on suicide watch

>underaged moron alert
Get fucked kid

>How can they normalise it when only 1 of 3 were doing it?
by convincing enough paypigs to pay for it.

Yeah but Sony being a known good brand played a part in video games becoming so popular. That's kind of my point. Everyone wanted a Sony tv back then.

That was Sega you fucking pleb.

i personally refuse to pay for online from any of the big three, and i blame microsoft because they're the ones who started it.

the dreamcast had free online, zoomer. you can thank xbox live for making paid online an industry standard.

I guess it depends on your definition of casual. To me, casuals are someone who buys a console with secondary features in mind or who game develops intentionally make mechanics more appealing toward. I don't think the PS1's library suffered from having a large install based, I'd argue the reverse is true for the PS2.