Ok Yea Forums. This is a y*llow fever test

Ok Yea Forums. This is a y*llow fever test.
Left or right?

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Right looks fucking disgusting like she takes BBC regularly

Right has a better body.
Left has a better face.

This, swap the heads and right would be best

right looks more like the original official art imho

maybe it's just the pose she's in or the choice of color

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Both at once and stop randomly censoring words you n*gger fagg*t.

mommy gimme milkies

I will also add that left looks like a cartoon character while right looks like that hot, shy girl who went to the same high school as you who was really into dance class but wasn't a cheerleader for some reason who married Chad and then aged like milk.

Left. But only because right is the spitting image of someone I would much rather forget.


did you stalk her because she had a fantastic ass and send her e-mails for months despite never having interacted with her in real life?

Your basically retarded if you think left is a chink

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Left has a better body.
Left has a better face.

Call a fucking doctor because I'm balls deep left

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No. I'm not sure if your thing or mine is worse. Your thing sounds, and I would feel hypocritical using this word but can't find a better one, creepy.

I have yellow fever if I like left who is clearly white?

That's not what yellow fever means, gook. So when is your double eyelid and jaw surgery coming up?

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Tifa should be Asian. That's how it's always been.


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aNimE ilLuStRATioNs ArE AsIAN bECauSE I sAY sO!

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I'm pretty sure you are using RSS or something because you always show up in yellow fever threads and you always post the same exact crap that has been debunkee a billion fucking times over and over.

Nice mental illness tho, I'm sure you would be an excellent subject for a good psychiatrist.

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This is a bias sample since not every white girl looks like the one on the right. I'm definitely not attracted to the right.

Also the one on the left doesn't look real, the artist barely drew in her nose, her eyes are bigger than what is in reality, you're comparing a gross realistic depiction that took creative liberties with a quasi anime girl.

You can always tell a western drawing to a Japanese one because japan never draw any fucking noses or lips, just giant Bobble heads with eyes. While the west always needs to accentuate the noses for whatever reason.

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none of your meme pictures make any sense and you seriously need to kill yourself instead of being the asian barneyfag, it is a FACT that asians want to look white and they self insert as white people

you have no argument, give it up, put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, let your nightmare come to an end.

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Imagine being so autistic and delusional that you actually believe your self inserts are Asian

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Left is clearly a hapa or a maybe light skinned latina. Definitely not asian. Also Right

I like how the red line on the anime pic is on top of her nose tip and lip to more resemble the asian girl picture to the left of it than be something inbetween the two on the left

Left doesn't look asian/hapa at all. Fuck off with your shit bait.

>Brown eyes

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It really makes me want to kill myself the more I think back on it. My biggest regret in this life. Worse even than I when I lost touch with reality and went to jail and had to be hospitalized.

they're both shit kind of shit

>y*llow fever test
kill yourself

wow this is a very autistic thread


Right is ok
Left is boring/generic anime trash

The anime illustration of a girl in a Japanese neighborhood, with a Japanese first and last name, who was born in Japan, has Japanese parents with Japanese names while attending a Japanese school, speaking Japanese, eating Japanese food and having no coloration that doesn't natively show up in the Japanese population isn't Japanese.

>bu bu bu BLUE EYES

Japanese girls wear contacts, so do girls from every other race. On top of that, due to a native population, that rarely had blue eyes and blonde or reddish hair, which the Japanese took over, blue eyes and blonde or reddish hair sometimes, albeit rarely, pop up in the population.