Is VR a gimmick?

Attached: headpats.webm (1600x900, 2.92M)

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Something something meme gimmick fad

Something something literally tying a monitor to your face

it isnt but if you have to be convinced, its too early for you to get it. Most vrcucks had a thing or two to justify the purchase

if someone made a VR game that let me slap anime thots around while they cower in fear id immediately drop a ton of cash on the best set.

Attached: donut_gore.webm (854x480, 2.13M)

top tier bullying.

Wow I love this



Yes, VR is a meme gimmick fad.

>patreon link
Ugh...stop advertising for free.

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>google this
>set in mexico


Because she's a spic, obviously.

Post more

The loli or the person developing the software?

god I want to wash a loli


Anything out of the norm is a fucking GIMMICK

Motion controls are a gimmick. Headsets are bonafide visual enhancers, like stereo headphones.

VR would be fucking awesome if the industry abandoned motion controls, focused solely on improving the headsets until they were at the $150 price level, and were funding AAA devs to give all their games headset support.

>VR would be fucking awesome if the industry abandoned motion controls
It seems someone doesn't understand what VR is. The entire point is that it is Virtual REALITY. We need to get closer to mimicking real movement in games, not farther away from it. That being said, current motion controller design is fucking retarded.

>We need to get closer to mimicking real movement in games
No, we don't. All it does is make shittier games. The immersion from it is not a good trade-off.

>All it does is make shittier games.
Opinion. It's true that most games are shit, but that is hardly the fault of the medium. The reason everything is so goddamn awful is because there is no global standard for it yet, and the technology itself still has a way to go.
Once the tech finally settles down into something that everyone can agree on, you'll see better games for it, instead of tech demo's that people shit out.

Good thread.

game is free tho

I have yet to see anything that proves that motion controls do anything good for video games. The Wii library was shit, and so is VR's right now. What do motion controls really add to video games? They don't seem to make them more complex, they seem more a hindrance than anything.

>that look on her face of pure happiness when she had the two donuts

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Being in a virtual world but being unable to use your hands is immersion breaking. Why do vrlets always use this argument?

Do you find playing on a monitor or TV immersion breaking too?

Some VR games feel like they're in a spot between gimmick and actual game. Either way, I have the disposable income to buy this dumb shit so I can shoot people and play that shinobu game, so I don't care

Relative to VR? Uhhh... yeah. That's why people are interested in VR you know. The whole point is immersion. Being in the world, greater interactivity / natural interactions like actually aiming a gun, throwing things, etc.
HMDs and motion controls go together very well, to the point where either on its own is a significant downgrade desu.

The only exception I can think of is sims, but it still helps to have some control scheme similar to whatever's in the sim

god i hope Pavlov comes to quest

God I hope there's a bully simulator where you can bully any anime girl you want.

dave already tested it on an android tablet and said that they are good on draw calls. He seems positive about it, its probably a matter of time
really can't wait for mine to arrive

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That sounds awful. Can you imagine playing Superhot VR with a mouse?

I can't imagine wanting to play Superhot period

Look nigger, vr will never get out into mainstream if they don't make the rest of it a compliment rather than a requirement. PSVR is kicking ass for a reason in terms of vr. It's simple as shit to get into.

VR would be literately unplayable with nothing but input devices make for 2 dimensional displays, what the fuck is it supposed to compliment??? You have to either be morbidly obese or a paraplegic to see motion controls as being a bad thing. And the PSVR is kicking ass because you don't need a $700 PC to use it.

Most PSVR games right now are dualshock friendly or only support the dualshock, and it is working fine for PSVR. Also, the price is definitely part of the appeal, but so are the games.

Being able to use the DS4 is not a selling point. The most sold PSVR games all use motion controls. Also it's not comparable since the DS4 able to be tracked and can move on all three axis' like a typical motion controller.

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Ddon't bully Shinobu!

>Being able to use the DS4 is not a selling point.
Uh, yeah it is lol

>The most sold PSVR games all use motion controls.
The highest rated ones don't (RE7 and Astro Bot)

>Also it's not comparable since the DS4 able to be tracked and can move on all three axis' like a typical motion controller.
While true, dualshock's motion sensing is still simpler. Also, games that work with a gamepad just happen to be better games, for now at least.

Attached: blade & sorcery come and get it.webm (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Still doesn't make it a selling point since the best selling gaming don't use, rating be damned. And the DS4's motion sensng is on par with wand type controllers. It has a built in accelerometer, gyroscope and it can be tracked by the camera.

>rating be damned.
Well if you care more about sales than quality than I have nothing else to say to you. Tons of people are interested in playing quality games though (for obvious reasons) and not ones that just sold a lot.

The difference with the dualshock and regular motion controllers is that the dualshock (along with the camera tracking) doesn't encourage you to stand up, because it doesn't encourage room scale level interactions. People can just chill on their couch with the dualshock and headset on. And that's exactly what a ton of people are doing with PSVR.

I tried that Star Wars VR demo at Disney a few months ago, and it made me really want a VR Laser Tag arcade. In the demo you play as stormtroopers and they give you a blaster prop and you walk around a small maze and shoot some things.

It was a bit janky but really immersive: it's really cool holding a 1:1 prop where you can actually pull a trigger and aim down the sights, and it's really cool seeing your friends and storm troopers and being able to hi-five them and wave to them and stuff.

Having an actual multiplayer shooting experience would be fucking great. Imagine Pavlov or one of the other VR shooters out there but your team and the enemies are actually there with you and all movement is 1:1.

It would be insanely expensive to build anything of scale, but even a smallish maze like we have in laser tag right now would be engaging.

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Why would a fundamentally 3d medium use control schemes developed for flatscreen anyway? Imagine using a fucking mouse to look around instead of just turning your head.
And using a controller is even more shit than a mouse. Why not just aim naturally?

The reason PSVR uses a controller is because it's fundamentally a bargain-bin option and the PSmove tech is crap. The moment Sony updates the tech all the sonyfags are going to start talking about how important tracking and motion controls are, mark my words.

I never said I don't care. I said what sales the most = the selling point.

There's a game where you're in a boxing ring with an anime thot, and you can punch her, choke her, and do other nasty things. I think it's name was 'purin-chan boxing gym'.

>PSVR is kicking ass
Lol what? Everything outside of RE7 and Astro Bot are tech demos in every sense of the word. Ace Combat 7 has three VR missions that are ten minutes each, and stuff like Battlefront: Rouge One and The Last Guardian fall just as short. If there's ever a more shining poster child for VR being a gimmick with glorified tech demo it's Sony VR.

Attached: VR Games Oculus.jpg (4813x4255, 3.69M)

This one?

Attached: purin chan boxing gym 2.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

Yes, that one. Though i more vividly remember the webm of the player choking a thot with unity settings menu visible on the screen.

Attached: Retro Arcade Neon VR 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

Video games have been 3D for decades. VR with motion controls isn't suddenly this big innovation in video game design like you're making it out to be.

They will only do that if the games that use it are better than the ones that don't. Considering more of the playerbase has a dualshock than motion controllers, it's likely this won't change even when the tech improves. And why would it when people just want to sit down and relax when they play video games?

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Stop saying thot

Compared to PC which is 100% tech demos, PSVR is kicking ass. But it also sold more headsets than any of the PC headsets iirc

You won't be calling it a gimmick in ten years, when you and everyone else will be spending most of their free time in it.

damn this is hot. i like choking thots.

Thank you

Yes I will bitch because VR is not new and your faggot ancestors said the same shit 2 decades ago too.

She likes BBC (Big Bean Cock)

Kinda but I live in the middle of nowhere with no way of meeting anyone new so it's my only form of genuine social interaction
The moment I land a job I'm going to spend a thousand dollars to lay down in VR

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Counterpoint: games like counter strike and quake are 3d games that use a 2x2d control scheme(WASD for movement + mouse for aiming). Using that sort of control in VR is kinda stupid, if not outright counteractive to the whole idea of VR.



:'(((((((( stop

questcucks get the bullet first

Only if the best games are being made for VR by then. If not, then I will be calling it just that, since that's the whole reason why I'm calling it that now.

>two decades ago
so about 2000?
I suppose that is around the time The Singularity Is Near was written, and he did say that in 2030 most people would spend most of their time in fully immersive VR, so, yeah I guess you are correct.

Forte VFX1 was 1995 so 2-3 decades

>But it also sold more headsets than any of the PC headsets iirc

Mark: "I'm sorry...but you appear to be mistaken"

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Oh no...

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How is this allowed on Youtube?

>rush of blood

that game is pure fucking kino
i wish they'd port it to the rift

Motion controls are so cool though. I think we should just give the technology time to get better. Also VR games are super tense. I played some horror VR game at my buddy’s one time and really liked it. It was only some piece of shit demo where you couldn’t do much, but it felt really cool. I haven’t genuinely enjoyed a video game experience like that in a really long time. Hopefully in a decade or so it will be more developed.

But yeah I’d agree it’s kind of a gimmick right now. Not really because VR itself is a gimmick, but because the GAMES are gimmicks. I haven’t heard of one serious thought out developed VR game that’s come out. They’re all low energy jokes that have cookie cutter ways of showing of the “VR EXPERIENCE”. I want a fucking zombie game like any other with free range of movement and a campaign and cool multiplayer. No VR gimmicks. Just a game that is built for VR. Once one of those bad boys come out I think VR will take off. Someone just needs to take it seriously.

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>when you and everyone else will be spending most of their free time in it.
it had to be alive first though

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>Considering more of the playerbase has a dualshock than motion controllers, it's likely this won't change even when the tech improves
By this logic, since more people have TVs than PSVR sets, why make any VR games at all?
That logic isn't wrong but the frankenstein's mess that is "VR with 2d controllers" definitely won't survive very long. It sucks.
Tbh your post is the only point where I realized that Sony isn't bundling controllers with their headset like everyone else. That's hilarious since even the budget WMR headsets come with controllers. Truly it's the bottom of the barrel for Sonybros.

>just want to sit down and relax
Fatty detected

Why on earth do you think people want to do physical exercise while playing video games? You know you can get exercise without fucking up a form of entertainment, right?

>standing is physical exercise
I can hear the wheezing from here

Nigger, people call Beat Saber a work out all over the internet. They actually like standing and flailing their arms for hours straight, because they're retarded, like you.

>implying shinobu cares if ararararagi sees her naked
What is this bullshit.



yes, until set price drops down to ~$150

I want to believe that you're right. RE7 was a wonderful experience that could have been better on PC with motion controller support. If we had games like that, and several of them, then VR could be the next big and awesome thing.

Until then though, I can only see it as a gimmick. Potential is a made up thing that doesn't have any real existence in the world.

are you guys enjoying Everybody's Golf on your Index and Rift? Oh that's right, you pc-tards can't play anything but tech demos

I kek'd

Only if those fags on infinitychan, ATF, LL, and fag95 get there shit together and pump out the mods and games I want.

Should I get a PS4 VR? I know steam is coming out with one, but I like the selection better on ps4.

> I want to buy her game

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Imagine being this delusional

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