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god dead space was the GOAT
>someone buys the dead space IP off of EA
Who would be the best developer to get their hands on it?
no way fag
this, just look how the re2remake came out.
I still can't believe that EA is resonpsible for Dead Space in the first place. They went through a short awesome period. What caused it?
Should I try 3?
Hiring and listening to people that actually give a shit about making a good game instead of the suits wanting money
No, unless you want to coop.
Dead Space reboot entirely by Vicarious Studios without any sabotage from EA when?
They had a very competent and creative studio which got taken advantage of by DS2 with the forced multiplayer then ruined by DS3 by the forced co-op and action.
would you play it?
Japs really liked Dead Space didn't they.
They tried to copy it with Lost Planet 3
Everyone did
Armor is shit so no. Nice breasts though.
Just finished DS3 today, I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I didn't mind the weapon system, the setting was still pretty good. Even though it was a huge shift more towards action than horror. I also really enjoyed finding logs about survivors who were stuck on the planet slowly going insane
but what the fuck is with the ending to the DLC, it sucks and just comes out of nowhere with no satisfying resolution. were they dead the entire time? is the earth fucked? why didn't they explain anything
What are your thoughts on the CHONKer?
Never played DS3, is it even worth a playthrough?
>helmet isn't sealed by the neck with the rest of the suit
It's the end of the series, everyone dies
>literally just watched Mandalore's reviews last night
Was the ending really meant to say that the world got fucked? I thought the first letters of the chapters indicated as much as well.
when is dead space 3 coming out
here's the superior version
Yeah, its fun, but a bad DS game, i had to constantly cripple myself because i was one shotting everything mid game
It already came out :^)
Well since visceral is dead now yeah, that's the end
My dumb ass couldn't find the complete version for some reason.
Cute, got any more?
I love putting him in stassis and ignoring him after blowing his kneecaps
>uwu our armor has cat ears on it so the cute little frail girl inside can get caught on collapsed rubble and snap her own GIANT FUCKING HEAD off
I think so, but only if you can get it on sale, free, or used if your going physical. They already ended the franchise so try to not give EA any money for it.
Playing it you get the feel that there was still a lot of people on the team that really cared and gave a shit who had their hard work wasted by suits making shitty executive decisions.
Why is the plasma cutter so fucking good?
Where's my Line Gunfu?
The Co op is no way forced tho. It even seems like the team sabotaged the micro transaction model with material drop rates and respawning chests n shit.
It's a pistol-like weapon that hits like a rifle-like weapon.
How spooky is 3 if I go solo?
Who knows.
>muh nu-resident evil gameplay
fuck off with the REmake is good crap
at least dead space is already third person so they can't fuck it up
>inb4 the HUD stops being on the character
Damn it
There's a few decently spooky sections, mostly early on when you're trapped in orbit around the planet and you're jumping between dead space ships. There's also some good side quests in there too, one involving a crazy space cowboy who set up traps and caged necromorphs.
If it's as good as dead space 1&2 yes
It was an attempt to reinvent their brand. Before that early period EA was known for killing bullfrog, Origin, and other great devs while only putting out movie games.
They gave money to competent studios and went completely hands off. DS3 was legit going back to the horror atmosphere and trying to evoke that feeling of isolation from the Thing. They wanted to pull back from the action in DS2 to keep things fresh and unexpected.
EA's CEO at the time was about to get sacked for bad performance so they did everything they could to force Visceral to make DS3 appeal to industry threads. Completely killed the series and made a substandard sequel to both the horror and action feel of the previous games.
it wasn't EA who ruined it
it was visceral
It would've been good if they hadn't changed so much
honestly just play it once
I don't believe that
great games, but im taking the ending of 2 where isaac just sits there crying while the credits roll, and pretending ellie didnt return to save him as the true ending of the series.
I like to think the fucked off somewhere with no unitology shenaigans and lived happily ever after
happy endings are kinda anticlimactic on horror genre.
Yup, seePretty sure I read that in mandalore's voice as well
It was made for cutting through hardened metal with ease.
It was the real ending
>Ellie was a projection of EA saving the trilogy for one more milking
Dlc seemed to be making a hook for any sequels that may have been made.
The ending where Isaac dies happy knowing he finally ended it is the true kino ending
Dead Space 3 didn't sell good enough.
the grab death scene to that boss gave me fucking nightmares
Was kind of hoping that was a cute necromorph GF behind Isaac
EA gave it out for free ages ago. I claimed it for the same reason but i'd rather play lots of other things than DS3
>Isaac's screams
Fucking brutal
Which enemy scares you or creeps you out the most? Something about the unitologist skinned slashers in 2 gave me the creeps. Their roars were different and their bodies were fucked up. Also leapers.
I cannot believe how much of a letdown 3 was after 2. Dead Space 2 was unironically amazing. I'm still really impressed by Isaac's actor's voice acting performance too.
>everybody hates us what do we do?
>uhhh make good video games?
>hey people like us again and we have some popular games
>time to run this shit into the ground
>wtf why does everyone hate us???
>unitologist Slashers
I think I remember those. Were they the ones where the flesh was peeled back radially from their face like a flower? I always thought that was fucking terrifying.
My vote on "scariest enemy" goes to those niggas whomst've stuck to the wall, the immobile tentacle guys. They make these awful wheezing noises like they're still suffering. In general I wish it was explored whether
>mfw God tier aim so I never heard that scream
Literally just hear it for the first time yesterday while watching my brother.
Jesus fuck.
That's my ending to the series too.
Happy endings are fucking boss in horror stories. Especially when there's only a sole survivor. Its probably just Alien that imprinted that into me, but fuck it when its dark and depressing just because it's horror.
Sound wise, The Pack, the necromorph children
Yes and only to record and then relentlessly jack off to all the death animations.
Bonus points for womb/ stomach stuff.
desu, Deadspace 3 should had been about her, as the main character, she is an engeneering too, the gameplay shouldnt have changed too much.
also would been kino to she having hallucinations of Isaac
they are still suffering
don't remember where but I read that they're still conscious and are in agonizing pain
>horror means everyone dies
Didn't they give the girl from the second part bigger tits in 3 and HOMOSEXUALS actually complained about that? God I hate you literal fags so fucking much.
>accidentally posted before I was finished
fuck it all
Can't believer no one thought of making a Dead Space movie.
horror means boring
Imagine being scared of anything coming out of your tv screen. I bet you clap when you go to the movies too faggot.
Are exploders the most beta enemy?
>wimpy ass sounds
>thin and weak
>hunched over virgin walk
>literally born to die
Brothers and Sisters! It is truly a glorious day for us to gather together in this blessed thread. Let us tell tales of the Church and of our savior, Michael Altman. For it is written that all days spent with fellow believers are blessed. Soon we shall all be united in Convergence, under the glory of the Marker! Altman be praised!
>tfw no dead space but it's set at the bottom of europa's oceans
Fuck off back to Poland
I don't suppose anyone else is paying attention to that Negative Atmosphere game that's been floating around recently? It doesn't have the gimmicks for fights by the looks of things but it looks like it's aiming for a Dead Space-esque aesthetic and design philosophy at the very least.
Just like I never heard those leg / joint trauma screams, but what gets me about seeing it is that it seems like an awful long time to wait to get eaten. I played on the highest difficulty and now I am wondering if they bothered scaling the time per the difficulty setting or if it is still that slow on the highest setting.
stfu tripfaggot kys
it may not be GOAT but it is exceptionally good as an american RE4 or doom 3 done right
also lmao cope contrarian faggot
I might be wrong, but I think you get less time in higher difficulties, but then again the enemies have more health so it's far more likely you'll fuck up unless you are a bitch and play on NG+ with the upgrades like I did
>he's still screaming when the video ends, inside the thing
Just don't
What's up lads
Not much. Just got this SWEET new force gun. Wanna see?
There's two of them and the first one is pretty gud for what it is.
>There's two of them
downfall and aftermath, they're animated
I remember watching one of them on SciFi before 1 came out. Good times.
Dead Space: Downfall and Dead Space: Aftermath. Downfall is a prequel to the 1st game and Aftermath is of course after.
Fuck I spent a good 2 hours trying to get the relays on the fucking sphere without the spike rings insta gibing me. I feel like a idiot now
Ignore everything else everyone said.
EA's a publisher. They weren't "responsible" in any way for Dead Space, other than doing what publishers normally do to get the game released.
What EA does is buy good video game studios. Then they slowly kill them. This means that when a studio is first acquired by EA, they're still capable of making good video games. Then EA cuts budgets and makes deadlines faster and faster until the studios are no longer capable of making their games good.
Either if you pirate it or get it for cheap off a key site or if it's on sale.
Been playing it with one of my best friends.
I had pirated it when it had come out.
Gotta say I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
The game still has good environments and music.
It might be the worst Dead Space, but I still like it.
It could have been much worse.
Event Horizon already exists.
The creepy ass kid necromorphs from DS2 and the skinny ass necromorphs that move fast and fuck and have this horrific scream in DS3.
Oh and the thing from DS1 or 2 that is a bunch of little creatures and it stands really tall.
Shit that's humanoid that looks wrong fucks with me so much.
I'm sure you've heard this before but I'd like to remind you that you're fucking subhuman
No. Absolutely not even in COOP
Because of ea marketing
It's a stock scream