I work as management at a Gamestop.
Any questions you've got?
I havent had too many story worthy moments but I'll respond to the best of my ability.
I work as management at a Gamestop.
Any questions you've got?
I havent had too many story worthy moments but I'll respond to the best of my ability.
Why do you push your memberships and pre-orders so hard? Why can't you respect someone's decision to just come in with the sole purpose of buying one (1) game? How much do you get paid? Are you happy?
Do you have Battletoads?
Do you have a copy of Battletoads?
What is your plan for after your store goes out of business due to the shift to digital sales?
How much sex goes on in the back room?
how fast is the company dying? I'm having to get games off amazon now since you guys arn't carrying them
Do you actually require employees to have a fucking Faceberg before employing them or is that just a rumor?
How closely tied are Eb Games and gamespot?
How long do you think you'll work at gamestop before you kill yourself?
who was creepiest customer you even served.
Are there lots of Gamer GRRRL employees?
>7 minutes
>hasn't responded to a single post
I guess OP really is an employee of gamestop, definitely shows in the service.
It's a make your own adventure thread.
Respond to questions with a funni answer
Do people really dumpster dive in your dumpsters as often as you guys say? Do you guys even throw out anything worth dumpster diving for?
Also if you're a girl how many neckbeards or betas try to flirt with you per day?
hi op, i expect you'll get chewed out in this thread by angry dickheads, but not me. i wanna ask if you've ever been good to a fellow long-suffering employee... or if you've ever found any neat treasure brought in by customers who didn't realize what they were parting with.
also tell us about how much you fucking hate corporate and their predatory, criminal behavior
not op, but i can answer this: the only way gamestop can turn a profit off of their cluttered inventory is if every idiot who sets foot inside the store walks out with two armloads of garbage. most retailers have a similar problem, but gamestop suffers more than e.g. walmart because of digital downloads becoming increasingly common. if we could download fried chicken, potato wedges, and cat litter, walmart would also force its employees to upsell beyond what is socially acceptable.
Unless ps5 and xbox2 go full digital they're fine, all my friends irl with consoles buy used shit all the time.
Why are Gamestop prices so shit?
How many copies of Team Sonic Racing were you shipped?
Why would I ask questions to a cashier? You think you're on the same level of importance as a game developer?
Do you like what you do?
Any awkward moments you've experienced so far?
>my friends IRL
Many such cases!
Not op but I worked at GS a few years ago, only for a couple of months though. I was never fired. GS slowly dwindled everyone's hours away to incorporate new staff just to do it to them too.
I wonder if I'm still on payroll.
1) Thats what gamestop wanst because it makes the most direct profit for them. I couldnt give less of a shit about them.
2) I dont bother asking unless someones account expired or is about to for the same reason above
3)i make about 16$ an hour which isnt great but its experience at least.
Im decently happy enough, I have a loving girlfriend and am actually enjoying vidya again.
Yes in the rare replay and as a cartridge.
Wont be happening. People say this like the physical format is just going to evaporate overnight and gamestop will go under because of what it buys before it goes under because of digital sales.
Its not. Older games or more niche stuff are usually better found online anyways since most stuff we get traded looks like ass, so i defect a lot of things out.
Not really sure
Ive wanted to kill myself for less and I havent.
Some ass named Mike, was flirting with one of my female employees and was an overall creep. She was already slorping me up so it didnt matter.
Not as many but its definitely younger women that are coming and applying.
I was eating, my bad
Not that much anumore, we destroy the fuck out of whatever we get the chance to. Most stuff goes to a warehouse.
And im a guy but ive had girls flirt with me and say I look like Lin Manuel Miranda.
Sellers market.
We laugh at people like you at cashwrap
For the most part yeah. Not many embarrassing moments but theres been plenty of times where ive had to raise my voice at people in my store.
I'm a salesman at heart so it doesnt bother me, especially since I'm not really held accountable for anything. I can just pass the buck or demand things from others that I need done.
Do you bully customers?
>Respond to questions with a funni answer
Oh okay. I can do that.
>Why do you push your memberships and pre-orders so hard?
Because we get a 100% cut of that, compared to the relatively small cut we get from actual games. We make maybe $5-$10 net profit on a game sale but if your dumb ass pays $10 for insurance then we just made twice the money on that game.
This is also why we have our employees pushing those services so hard.
>Do you have Battletoads?
Only if it's in the used games bin, sorry. It's no longer available to stock from the publisher.
>What is your plan for after your store goes out of business due to the shift to digital sales?
Get digital sales shut down for being racist and sexist, and try to put the most butthurt authoritarian tyrants in charge of the major distribution platforms, that a brick and mortar retailer becomes a preferable alernative to being your games locked for your use of disrespectful tone or trolling.
>how fast is the company dying?
Not as fast as Amazon Prime.
>How closely tied are Eb Games and gamespot?
Are WHO and Gamespot? what's EB Games?
>How long do you think you'll work at gamestop before you kill yourself?
A lot longer than I would if I were unironically posting on a bulletin board for promiscuous crossdressers with anxiety and acne!
>who was creepiest customer you even served.
A fat woman with 3 kids, that had to have been from all different fathers, who left her spawn at the store to fuck with the games display. She comes back and makes a pass at me in ... you'd have to hear her voice to understand how unnerving it was.
Kids bought a Nintendo though so that was cool.
Yes, I talk to people in the real world every day user
OP is a fraud, people. I worked at a Gamestop, and you don't get just 7 copies of even a small-range game on three different platforms.
No OP who has revealed himself to be a retard but they are the same company. EB is just the trading name in Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
Is it true they intentionally hire retards who can't figure out how to use a trip as managers?
>Do people really dumpster dive in your dumpsters as often as you guys say?
We have to lock the dumpsters because yes, yes they do.
>Also if you're a girl how many neckbeards or betas try to flirt with you per day?
Would you believe that it's not the neckbeards who try to flirt, it's the dads? I think the neckbeards are upset at how 3d I am.
>Why are Gamestop prices so shit?
Because people keep paying them.
>How many copies of Team Sonic Racing were you shipped?
None. ... Hey! Fuck you, buddy.
>Why would I ask questions to a cashier? You think you're on the same level of importance as a game developer?
As a person with an actual job, I'm more important than a """game developer""".
>Do you like what you do?
Maybe not, but it beats working next to an always-on deep frier or packing shelves for hours.
>Any awkward moments you've experienced so far?
Swear to god the amount of people who feel shame and anxiety when asking for completely fucking normal games like Command and Conquer or Minecraft. I don't understand what would cause people to feel shame for wanting to play a game that's not "The on-meta pick" or whatever.
>Do you bully customers?
I did mention the promiscusous crossdressers with anxiety and acne in my previous post.
Yes! If you come into my store and I can see your ass, I'm ignoring you and getting a short mexican named Raul to come out and throw your games at you without looking you in the eye.
Do you like beating off to anime girls?
>Yes, I talk to people in the real world every day user
Sure you do bro!
I like my 7-day workweek too. Having holidays, sick days, or weekends is for FAGGOT GAYS.
How did you know I have acne and crossdress. Where do you get your information?
How does it feel knowing that you work for an utterly incompetent company and that your job is circling the drain?
>Do you like beating off to anime girls?
Of course!
But I tell you what I don't like? When someone's pretending to post anime girls, but they're more interested in me describing my dick. You know a person like that is either trapped in their room all day and unhealthy as fuck, or has so much STDs that you can't get close to them without being repulsed by the smell.
>How does it feel knowing that you work for an utterly incompetent company and that your job is circling the drain?
They're required to give me severance pay. Feels COMPED man.
how much?
is this the extent of your career aspirations?
>if we could download fried chicken, potato wedges, and cat litter,
You wouldn't download a tendies.
3-5 days a week, why are you so ass mad?
EB Games is the Canadian version of Gamestop, as far as I'm aware. It used to just be Electronics Boutique. At any rate, both names have the exact same store layouts.
but user, how can I go to gamestop if I only ever leave the house for food?
IRL friendcount is a more exaggerated stat than dicksize. It's a weird flex too because IRL friends don't even do anything.
Oh well, seeing people IRL 3-5 days a week is at least plausible so I'll let it slide.
You do if you get preorders son. Maybe do your job well?
Who the hell uses trips anymore user
Nope, but management is easy enough so I may as well grab some xp
Oh I think I saw one of those once! They were closing down.
No wonder I didn't recognise them at first.
what is the ideal job then?
>Who the hell uses trips anymore user
I do!
>what is the ideal job then?
Gaming revolutionary.
>gaming revolutionary
care to explain more?
Well, it's a job that doesn't exist yet
Your job is to commit acts of extremist violence against anyone who infringes upon Gamers' rights, such as the right to lolita-themed VNs, the right to review bomb games in a way potential buyers are likely to see, the right to offline LAN play and custom servers, and of course the right to advocate for Gamer rights via any means necessary.
Pay's a bit low but it's a good service for Gamers as a whole, and I'd gladly quit my job and sign up for it the instant there's a position open.