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>epic game store

>epic games store

Isn't Dauntless the MH clone that completely failed to be like MH due to misunderstanding what makes MH good?

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No one cares about your shitty clone ever since MHW was announced on PC.

This post was the only thing that reminded me that this is a thing


the only good thing about this game is the Shrike
Owlbear's are the coolest shit and they made a really good one

Seething steamcucks.

>western shit
>chink exclusive

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>epic games store
get fucked you retards

no ty

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b-but muh monopoly...

cope harder chang

I honestly thought the game was already out.

Does anyone actually even care about this game?
Monster Hunter is on PC now.

How much has changed since the first public beta?

I'm surprised they kept this game afloat long enough to release it.
And what's that? EGS? I see they don't like success do they? God bless free chink millions.

not even an EGS release can save this pile of shit

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Is it free? I'll play it on my xbone x. PC is used for good games only

>Defending a shovel-ware MH clone.
Remember when they said Epic games store wouldnt have shitty games.

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But he'll be able to play it while steamcucks won't, who really got the last laugh

>guaranteed money from epic > maybe see a profit on steam and other stores

makes sense from a business standpoint

Seething valve bootlicker.

>Good games
Pick one

its barebones god eater with fortnite graphics

nobody's going to play this shit now lmao

>Bootlicking one Corp while attacking another.
Dumb chang poster

it's not going to sell well anyway so might as well get guaranteed cash from EGS.

But it's been out..

does the character creator still make everyone look like a tranny

>iceborne releases on PC exclusively on the EGS
>People forget about this game AGAIN

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Epic cares unlike vale you steamtard.

Just like all of the other MH clones.


not enough to add a shopping cart function to their store.

>Epic Cares
>Devalues their partners works so hard they literally have to de-list their games from the store during their first sale because of how bad it fucks them over

And you can emulate most if not all of the rest, even with multiplayer

Devs are making more money and epic store has only games of quality unlike steams clutter.

It's the MH clone that completely failed becahse MHW was announced

you're not fooling anyone



Fuck steamcels

Tell your codemonkeys to code a storefront that doesn't block people out of purchases, Tim. Or are you too busy crunching them for Fortnite cosmetics?

oh you mean the monster hunter clone that feels like a floaty freemium souless pile of garbage? oh boy! thanks for telling us dauntless dev!

I guess I'll cope by playing an actual Monster Hunter game

lul even your fucking press release can't go without saying it's a monster hunter clone. fucking embarrassing.

Just admit it steam is screwing over devs by taking 30 percent and allowing low quality indie shit.

consolefag chiming in o/, what epic is doing is bad for the industry.

The game is boring and trash. Wouldn't recommend anyone to play it even if you had 2 hours to waste.

I played Dauntless a few months ago. Not that impressed. Fun enough game, but God Eater 3 is a deeper and better looking game. And MHW is basically on a different planet in terms of quality. Why bother?

>taking 30%
While providing stuff like anticheat, cloud saves, servers, networking APIs, forums where players can give feedback or report errors, but of course I guess those don't count
>allowing low quality indie shit
Because snagging a playmobile Souls clone, David Cage games and a shitty MH clone really is high quality.

This shit looks like every other pixar rip off.

The only weapon I'm choosing is the THICC

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Another fantastic exclusive brought to us PC gamers by our friends at Epic! Thanks for all the hard work, Tim!

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>every character has DUDE SPIKES AND PELTS
I see they went to the Lords of The Fallen school of visual design

what are these fucking character faces

Yep. Shitty weps and gear, no searching, too few monsters, it's cringe as fuck.

played it. the guns and scythes are kind of cool and stunning monsters is satisfying, but other than that it's an attempt to be MH without any of the depth or complexity or the good aesthetic. if you can't play ANY monhun game for SOME reason, it might tide you over in short bursts, at least

Enjoy your 2d pixel indieshit while Epic chads play immersive 3d games.

Thanks, I'll be over playing the actual Dark Souls and Monster Hunter.

Followed and played Dauntless from the beginning.
MHW suffers zero threat from this shambling mass of failure.

I hope Iceborne is an Epic store exclusive just to see this board have a meltdown

>chain blades
>no chain

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I played during the beta and it was pretty good, killed all the monsters and made a decent set
I'll pick it up again tomorrow to see the new stuff

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When does it release tomorrow, is it a midnight release. aka 2 hours? EGS is dogshit and has no indication of an incoming release

Ah yes, let me just release the expansion (which requires the base game) on a different platform to piss off customers. You're even more retarded for thinking there's the slightest chance of that happening.

I was in closed beta and man it sucked dick. I mean yeah I get it it's beta but literally everything from character creation to armor and worst of all hunting sucked. These idiots missed their timewindow too. Lazy fucks

Dauntless is a shitty Monster Hunter ripoff, chang. Meanwhile Steam has ACTUAL Monster Hunter with a huge expansion coming up later this year

As someone who plays dauntless regularly let me tell you that only 2 monsters in the whole game are on the level of monster hunter monsters
Blood fire embermane
These monsters are truly unique and well designed fights everything else is kinda slobby and wack not to mention the hitboxes and damage values that still need to get fixed.

Gunhammer repeaters and sword are very nice weapons.

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7am PST
4pm CET

The only reason I'd see myself playing this is
>its free
>I arealdy have the EGS installed because of subnautica and fortnite
>it looks like it could run on my toaster while MHW absolutely doesnt
I played MHW on a friends PS4 but he moved away, though MHW was probably one of the most fun games I have ever played. Unless this game has a big draw in relation to combat, pacing and animations, I probably wont even bother.

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The big draw is
There is no big draw, its a MH clone that didn't capture the essence as well as it should, this is simply an Epic shill thread

Deleted my closed beta account the second this got announced

Imagine being the guy who scored that exclusivity deal. A guaranteed mega bomb was basically paid in full because he decided to go for it.

Epic game store? Thank you comrade China for making this game free for me.

Dauntless was such a pitiful game.

O-oh okay
That was very anti climatic
Now I really miss MHW. I have a hacked switch but SP MHGU sucks

This game already came out. It was kind of fun to play for a bit before MHW came out on PC but there isn't really any reason to revisit it now.

I tried it and it had a gender preference slider so I uninstalled it.

You epic shills are legitimately the most retarded motherfuckers

>MHW gets announced
>Dauntless fucking dies
>take a deal with epic because at this point they're that desparate
>Iceborne suddenly gets announced
>Dauntless dies all over again

My fucking sides.

Why would I need to play a shitty knockoff when I already have the real deal on Steam? There's barely anything interesting enough to make me consider using the EGS JUST to play this shit

Wasn't there another clone that died as well? Scalebound or something? Or was that not a monhun clone?

>on console
Alright, i'll try it.

actually, My toaster runs MHW better than this game. It was in beta though.

Piracy you dumb faggot

Yep but that's also what MHW did and that succeeded.

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>Ashen is a shitty Dark Souls ripoff with cel shading graphics
>Epic Games Store exclusive
>Dauntless is a shitty MH ripoff with cel shading graphics
>Epic Games Store exclusive
Why are these hipsters and their uninspiring games with unoriginal "artsy" graphics so drawn to Epic Games Store?

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They pulled a Sekiro and died twice.

>not a single white male

I played Dauntless while playing MH:World and Dauntless was paiinful to play. I don't know how anyone can deal with those character designs and that god awful movement.

I keep saying this because the chinkshills have no retort against it.

Epic literally supports mediocrity.
They enable incompetence.
They pay off shit devs.

Instead of getting baptized in the fires of steam where the true trash gets filtered, they're all cowards who use the safety net of Epic so they have no incentive to actually make a good game.

I've honestly only heard good things about ashen. gonna get it when it comes to steam.

And user reviews hurt their feelings

It's really not that good unless you think barely better than the Surge is praise.

Very shallow game with little to no variety.

Sekiro didn't die twice, the shadows did(even though it only died once, bravo miyazakazooie)

I didn't realize giving money to starving devs is a bad thing.
But I guess it's only natural that gaymers are sociopaths in the making who don't care about the plight of the people who actually make vidya for them.

If devs were truly starving, their backs would be against the wall and producing top of the line games

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>unlocking weapons
that's a big nope from me, thanks

lmao they willingly went into their line of work knowing the consequences of it.

Unironically just make a good video game. If you can't even make a game good enough to rise up above all the shovelware, puzzle porn games, and asset flips on steam then just go back being a codemonkey for some mobile app company.

what you playing right now user?

it had potential and was fun to play before MHW came out for PC.

But they announced it was going to the Epic launcher a while ago and I uninstalled it.

And I was a founder for this game. Never again unless these companies start explicitly stating they won't agree to epic exclusivity will I kickstart or found a game again.

Actually I'm happy for Dauntless, a lot of their updates have finally turned the game from something really barebones to still barebones but at least more of a game instead of a demonstration of how to crash in various environments.
I love the weapons, War Pike and Hammer are my favorite. The level of jankiness reminds me of MHFU and it's definitely not as polished as World, but it's nice to have variety.

that game has the ugliest western character models I have ever seen

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stop being so triggerd you sissy

>mhw but for fortnite kids
No thanks.

SJW devs, they have trannies in the game what did you expect

Sex irl
You should try it some time, but I doubt an incel like you could get past the tutorial lol.

>shitty graphics and boring combat system
>Still unable to release content fast enough to overwhelm MHW
They are so fucking stupid, the only reason Fortnite was able to beat PUBG and Apex was by releasing content like crazy, they could have done that to actually compete against MH but they didn't, the game has barely changed since the open beta.


So what's happened after they shit on founders?

>the only reason Fortnite was able to beat PUBG and Apex was by releasing content like crazy
Fortnite run way better than PUBG and it was a bug free triple-A quality game, those were the biggest factors when it comes to its popularity.

Oh no, they'll have to work a normal programming jo making amazing money with great benefits. The horror. Someone think of these poor people suffering in upper middle class white collar hell.

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have sex

Not a clone. It was a Platinum game about a dragon companion.

the best way to release your always online free 2 play game is to lock it to an obscure storefront

not to mention you're locking on a platform that doesn't even have monster hunter, which means you're missing out on the entirety of the PC monster hunter fanbase

if you're a starving dev you're going to be even more starving by limiting your audience

Dauntless should have released before MHW.
They've already lost.

This guy gets it.

The sad fact is Phoenix labs needed the money Epic probably gave them but in the end it'll hang them. The negative PR that is around the EGS, and the limited playerbase will turn that short term cash infusion into a longterm hole for them to fall into.

They're deleting any tweet bashing them about the epic store

this game is pretty ass though, it's free I guess though

Steam has the real Monster Hunter. While the EGS only has the chinese bootleg knockoff. The joke writes itself. kek

I wonder if Epic will continue to begrudgingly accept indie games that are just rip-offs of more popular games on other launchers.