You have the hands of a healer

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Why do I feel sexually harassed?

Stop smiling at me, I beg of you

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Is there anywhere comfier than Cloud Ruler Temple?

I saw a Blizzard fan the other day, horrible creatures.


You have the hands of a healer. Why don't you over to my house tonight, I am in need of "healing."

just asking for a friend

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>You have the han-
>Good day

I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.

all my diamonds
aka viri

You hear that? The Guards are coming, FOR YOU! HEHEHEHAHAHA!

You've got some nimble fingers. What have you been getting into?

Look at the muscles on you!

By the nine, ASSAULT!

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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!

It's you! The grand champion! Here, raping me!

Haha, imagine if the adoring fan was a cute girl, wouldn't that be funny? Haha just for laughs

Haha yeah that'd be funny

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how come morrowind feels more alive than the other games even though everyone just stands skill or walks set paths back and forth?

is it because all the NPCs in morrowind aren't waiting around to perform for you to try and coerce you into thinking they're alive?

Haha oh wow she is cute, I'd bet she'd do anything for you haha maybe like hold your hand as she shows you around the city

this turned me on as a teenager and I am not okay with that

I don't think Morrowind feels alive at all personally but we all have our opinions

It feels like an MMO without the other players. Questgivers are always in their designated spot even at 3am.

Oblivion feels far more alive


I’d hope so, I spam minor heal every 5 seconds.

Rosethorn Hall/Waterfront Home?

A few inns?

Those two inns off the side of the road in the woods were cozy

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*blocks your path*

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You're a sneaky lookin sort.

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Shivering Isles