Halo 3 is overrated garbage with sensitive pussy players that cry like autists when you talk shit about their game

halo 3 is overrated garbage with sensitive pussy players that cry like autists when you talk shit about their game

why are their brains so small?

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OP = Faggot

like i was just saying, pussy autists getting sensitive once people start saying facts about their game


>gets shitted on in another Halo thread
>makes one himself and still gets shit on
Your life, Reachfag

i was shitting on everyone = me getting shit on everyone

keep proving to me youre literally autistic over and over again

Halo 3 isn't overrated but it is definitely trash lmao everything except a grunt is a definitive bullet sponge and the art style looks like a 8 year olds concept art.


ya i noticed that with these forums people get really toxic and angry when someone likes a halo game other than the first 3

i like all halo games btw but the hardcore fans of the first 3 games are people with terrible personalities

You seem to be the one angry when you went out of your way to make a thread about this.

lol the fact the youre figuring out only now that im pissed just proves youre legit dumb as fuck

im pissed because autists like you shit on every game that isnt halo 3

Don't be surprised all halo trilogy fans hate everything in the world that isn't halo trilogy, i pity them to be blatantly honest.

I knew you were pissed the moment you made the thread, it's actually pretty funny and kind of pathetic.

yeah its pretty pathetic how you white knight halo 3 as if it is literally god, i hope you eventually grow a brain one day because its pretty sad how you are right now

Everything you said is subjective.


if you believe halo 3 is not overrated than youre just delusional, nothing i said was subjective

Lmfao people still say reachfag? unbelievable how butthurt people still are.

You sound like a tranny.

Overrated is subjective, especially when you've given no evidence as to how it is overrated besides "people like it better than the other Halo games".

It really that bad, man.

yeah dont be surprised all the autists like him are like that, literally crying over a game that is objectively better than another as if it is sooo important

But aren't you talking about it right now as well? Doesn't that mean you care?


people have been crying about the same shit since the creation of this board

He isn't wrong my dude, when people say Halo 3 is overrated he's right, whenever people bring up Xbox 360 people will always be all on about how Xbox 360 is only successful because of Halo 3. Deny it all you want but Halo 3 really is a overrated game.


fucking based beyond comprehension. The forerunners were right to choose us because of FP

Based and redpilled

Halo 3 absolutely was the 360's killer app, though? Just because it's popular it doesn't mean it's overrated, even if I personally don't think it's that great.

Not even that guy but you are still failing to provide any reason for saying the game is overrated. Please use your fucking brain before posting

Fucking BASED!

If anyone isn't using their brain before posting it's you. Lol keep defending your overrated game little man, I could care less.

everyone knows youre the same person saying based lol honestly just go kill yourself pathetic pea brain

>I could care less
Then why did you reply?

Anyone that even says rEaChFaG in 2019 have to be the saddest people on these forums, imagine actually being that mad about another game someone likes for over a decade.

Halo 3 must be good if it makes one guy this butt mad.


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considering how much people on this thread dont like it, youd be in denial to believe that

I'm not mad people like it, Reach fans get called Reach fags because they defend every part of it religiously.

It's literally just you.

cod > halo

fuckin space fags

yeah plus half the thread retard jesus christ youre so in denial its hilarious


But hes not, i thought FP was indeed BP

Halo 3 had shit weapons and a shit FOV

This, everything in halo 3 is so fucking ugly

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Halo 2 is objectively the best

You're defining the people that only liked the first few halo games.....

Btw most people don't even like halo reach so people defending halo reach as if its their kid is a myth.

No people really just dont like halo 3 lol the retard is right when he says youre in denial


Their brains are so small because they can't let go of their god awfully pathetic nostalgia and keep denying the facts

Interesting, why do they do it though, is it because it was made by Bungie?

Not with that campaign.

How long are you gonna keep samefagging?

still holds up better than anything on your PS3 dorkus

Mario Galaxy is an overrated game by your logic

halo 2 is overrated garbage with sensitive pussy players that cry like autists when you talk shit about their game

why are their brains so small?

Never owned a 360 but played a lot of Halo 3. Just built a PC and can't wait for MCC on PC. Who's /hype/

Op is a faggot

This, it's because they're still crying over the backlash Halo 2 got in 2004.

The only people that say Halo 3 is trash are
>Doom / Quake / other fps elitists that talked smack about Halo even before CE launched
>people that didn't experience Halo 3 in 2007-2010
The first one is fine, the second is just the game not living up to your expectations after hearing everyone praising it.

Honestly based
