Nu/v/ prefers JRPGs to WRPGs and CRPGs

>nu/v/ prefers JRPGs to WRPGs and CRPGs
Where did it all go wrong?

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>not liking both

fuck off you furry

More like it all went right. Now fuck off.

Fuck off, jrpg's are fucking terrible. Classic crpg's are still king.

Dumb boomer

They stopped making good wrpgs and crpgs.

west went full retard, videogame industry follows

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TW3 probably made more people look into JRPGs than anything else in recent times

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Yes replace repetitive boring gameplay with cliched stories and even more repetitive gameplay. That's what did it!

I like both. Recently played Pathfinder Kingmaker and Ao no Kiseki. Both were great.

Is this Daggerfall?

Also ironically JRPGS for the most part have gotten worse over time. FF1 and DW3 are legitimately fun, and there were a ton of good Dragon Quest clones on Famicom.

Also unironically the first two gens of Pokemon are great JRPGs. Most other JRPGs just feel like you're watching an Anime in a really tedious way and you have very little input into the strategy and party composition.

Yea Forums barley plays games so nobody wouldn't care for their opinion even if it was the opposite

WRPG'S drank heavily from the SJW cool aid and also started getting incredibly half assed quality wise such as Fallout 76 and Mass Effect Andromeda. Because of this there was little reason for any of the old fans to stick around. CRPG's are more niche but they have also been infected but to a lesser degree

Meanwhile JRPG's had a period of being kind of shit mostly due to an obsession to appeal to western audiences in some idiotic effort to get that sweet COD money. The Japanese learned from this mistake and came back in top form while the west decided to poor feces and used tampons on the raging dumpster fire of their industry.

Perhaps the west will turn it around again but not until their current efforts fail and some big devs like Bioware go belly up. Bethesda may be able to pull in interest again in the ES game but considering they like things like paid mods now I fucking doubt it.

We always have. Fuck off.

Oblivion was the last good WRPG. Why bother after that?

>The Japanese learned from this mistake and came back in top form

Too bad Square-Enix is still stuck in the previous gen mindset.

>The Japanese learned from this mistake and came back in top form while the west decided to poor feces and used tampons on the raging dumpster fire of their industry.

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when you came here from r*ddit

>Meanwhile JRPG's had a period of being kind of shit mostly due to an obsession to appeal to western audiences in some idiotic effort to get that sweet COD money.
Ah yes, such jrpgs like FFXIII, Infinite Undiscovery, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles, Star Ocean 4, etc. were totally trying to appeal to western audiences. Those games are totally westernized.

Are you retarded? Jrpgs from the ps3/xbox360 are the same as they were during the PS2 era.

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>Are you retarded? Jrpgs from the ps3/xbox360 are the same as they were during the PS2 era.
Correction: not the same. They doubled down even more on the anime stuff/jrpg tropes (like extreme linearity and obsession with cutscenes), making them LESS appealing to western audiences.

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>making them LESS appealing to western audiences.
>Persona 5 went mainstream

Vancian Magic is boring

>Ever liking WRPGs

Skyrim? Fallout? The most literal of walking simulators?

no thanks

>Vancian Magic is boring

Must be why a jrpg like Dark Souls ripped it off from wrpgs.

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Anyone that actually cares about Western RPGs sticks to tabletop games.

Would you say that's a selling point of the game?

>The most literal of walking simulators?
That would be Final Fantasy.
>implying nu-fallout and Skyrim even have worlds big enough to be qualified for that title

DQXI, the most generic JRPG that exists still tops any CRPG or WRPG in the past decade aside from witcher3.

Most tabletop players are fucking degenerates

Those were always shit, OP.

There's absolutely no variety in WRPGs. It's all the same dragons and elves BS.

jrpgs are crpgs.
w means ComputerRpg and j means ConsoleRPG

>Weebs like you belong on a cross

Also DQ IX is the only good recent Drgon Quest outside of the Monsters series

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the only good answer
people who only like jrpgs are typically storyfags with low standards who like anything easy and colorful.
people who only like crpgs are typically insufferable autists with the most god-awful taste in aesthetics imaginable.

you are wrong all the kids these days hate turn based

What are the good recent wrpgs anyway?
And by recent I mean made this decade.

Peak zoomercore

>good recent wrpgs
>good wrpgs
No such thing ever existed nor will ever exist.

Grimrock. That's it.

Crpgs are immersion breaking, frustrating garbage because they never come with an option to automatically assign skill points to companions.

Good WRPGs stopped being made

Forget about the rest.
>inb4 D:OS2
It's crap.

It's not though. Better than D:OS1 for sure.


The only redeemable thing about WRPG is that they have prettier graphics.
So, if you want to bought a game just because you, uh, want to play a game, then WRPGs are always hard passes.

>Better than D:OS1 for sure.
On a purely visual side, sure.

>This post brought to you by the ZoomZoom who likes DQ11

Divinity OS and Grimrock + their respective sequels are the only WRPG/CRPGs I've enjoyed in a long ass time and they're absolutely fantastic. The overwhelming majority of them are absolute bores or shit. JRPGs are still hit and miss but far more enjoyable in comparison.

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>playing video games where you cannot root and toos your point and shoot

Dilate, seething tranny

Pleb opinion. Vancian system forces you to use a variety of spells in creative ways instead of just spamming your most effective spell until you run out of mana.
Dark Souls isn't a jrpg. It's mostly an action game and the magic works like it was designed to be in an action game not an RPG.

Kingmaker looks kind of cool but I haven't played it.

Yeah, and I'm sure that works great when you have the spell utility of a tabletop RPG. For the constraints of a videogame, using a vancian system to have "three casts of small ball, two casts of medium ball, one cast of big ball" isn't really interesting though.

Avellone fanboys need to commit suicide. You diva dick sucking losers.

>I came to Yea Forums in 2012 with my other intellectual redditor bros!
No one cares what you think.

>Vancian system forces you to use a variety of spells in creative ways
This is never the case, especially because all games with Vancian casting inevitably have mages designed with the D&D philosophy in mind, which means they maybe fart a few debuffs and become useless for the rest of a fight at low levels and turn into nuking machines at high levels.
Vancian casting is only good for dungeon crawlers since mages are actually useful at all levels in there and magic is a more valuable resource in the inherent context of dungeon crawling opposed to standard RPGs.

AP systems are the only right choice for videogames either way.

>implying the ultraweebs spamming west hate threads aren't the newest of faggots
we didn't have this nonsense 5 years ago, let alone 10

"nukes" aren't what makes high level mages strong.

>People on the anime website never made fun of wrpgs for being gay orc sex simulators
Okay there, newfriend.

>anime website

But I do.

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I don't give a fuck if it's Western or Japanese, I just want some decent dungeons to crawl through and both sides have been dropping the ball hard on that for the most part the past decade.

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This is the only correct answer. It's a God damn shame you need to replay 20 year old games or new ones that deliberately ape those to play an actual RPG

>I have to press an extra button every 20 minutes I level up
Might as well kill yourself then if a couple extra button clicks is frustrating to you.

What does etrian odyssey not count or something?

Not him but I like gay ass d&d aesthetics over gay ass weeb aesthetics.

>for the most part

EO's dungeons are fine, though they could stand to cut back on the FOE puzzles rooms a little bit. Those are starting to take up a bit too much real estate in more recent games.

recommend me some wrpgs then

I've played
-kotor 1
-fallout 1
-deus ex
-system shock 2
-ass effect 1
-diablo 1

I think it has more to do with time-sinking,. Crawling a dungeon, dying and having to recrawl it isn't fun and a waste of time.

but then again people scroll facebook for 6 hours straight so I'm not sure why it wouldn't be a problem.

Perhaps we should make a mobile dungeon crawler where you go through a dungeon and inside treasure chests are recent posts from your friends. Earn your social pellets.

>Oh boy a chest!!
>Aw, it's another "My friend has a wrong opinion in politics" post

oh and witcher 1 and 2

Wizardry, Stonekeep, Might and Magic, the Gold Box games.

I would get a Facebook again if this were a thing. Good job user.

Pillars of Eternity

because they know they're games and never pretended to be anything else. The most basic whining from your type is how cliche and cheesy they are with the story when that's the point of playing an RPG, to experience a world not as trash and boring as this one we live in. Enjoy your political "game" while I immerse myself in a world full of colorful and interesting characters

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How new r u?

>I'm sure that works great when you have the spell utility of a tabletop RPG
If Baldur's Gate 2 could implement a decent variety of spell utility in a game in 2000, a modern game should be able to do better.
- Conjuring
- Crowd control
- Buffs, Debuffs, and Protections
- Clouds/Stationary efects
- AoEs
- Save or Die spells

And that's without being able to interact with the environment at ALL. A modern game with some marginal level of dynamic environment should be able to improve on even that.

>Vancian casting inevitably have mages designed with the D&D philosophy in mind, which means they maybe fart a few debuffs and become useless for the rest of a fight at low levels and turn into nuking machines at high levels
More like, the mage casts one or two key spells in a strategy that effectively decides the battle in 1-2 rounds. Then he goes and has a drink while everyone else mops up.

Heroes of might and magic 3



What is CRPG? I assume WRPG is Western RPG?

China Role Playing Game's. Don't listen to China bots that say otherwise.

A word that faggots use to describe RPGs that's aren't "create your own character model and class" games.

Computer role playing game
The real old school shit like Ultima and Wizardy.

Best wrpg for ps4? I have enough weeb shit.

You fags will never stop seething it's fucking great.

yeah crpgs evolved into wrpgs and when wrpgs became pozzed and casual crpg nerds brought the old term back.
Also, "Console RPG" was the term for JRPG during that time period.

>Where did it all go wrong?
Right about the point at which WRPGs stopped being real RPGs and turned into glorified visual novels with crappy action-combat

Clicky Roll Playing Game. Clicky clicky.

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