Cloud loves Aerith. Prove me wrong. You can't

Cloud loves Aerith. Prove me wrong. You can't.

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Based. Tifa a shit.

I can't.

Aerith loves Zack. Prove me wrong. You can't.

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Aeris loves Cloud.

Nobody loves Zack.

Zack X Aeirth

Cloud X Tifa

She gets over him, but it’s based on a mistaken idea he left her

He definitely had feelings for her and theoretically they could have ended up together but he also has feelings for Tifa and they get more romantic development (perks of living)

I've never even played this game and even I know it's Cloud with Tifa, and Aeris with the black haired guy

That’s how they end up but it’s not inaccurate to say Cloud and Aerith also had feelings for one another.

I think with, you know, her dying it’s safe to assume TifaCloud was inevitable though.

Ffvii Aerith novella, she refers to cloud as her most important person/love


I do, he's a true bro.

the love "triangle" is unironically the worst part about FF7, it's not even a triangle since Cloud lives with Tifa by AC

to makes things worse Cloud and Aeris had more chemistry in the original game

I think there was a culmination of aeris bringing clod out of his shell and in the end it made him realize his feelings for tifa. Not to get pretentious but aeris felt like a dream girl, just this cute supportive thing then she is swept from under you. They knew what they were doing.

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Yea the whole game was written around her death. That’s inescapable.

That’s to make her death hurt more

I love Zack.

Not really, his feelings for her are only really addressed in the highwind scene, and thats if you actively pursue that scene with her, other than that, cloud and aerith have a lot more chemistry with each other

Well not really, Cloud in disk one was mentally fucked up to the point that he could barely remember his own past. And was acting in the way how he believed that Soldiers should behave.

It's more that after disc one you realize that Cloud's behavior was fake and that everything we thought were knew about him was wrong.

That's wrong, Cloud's subconscious outright tells Tifa that he loves her. And he also will tell her even if you get the low affection scene.

It’s silly to pretend everything he expressed in disc 1 was fake. Becase he retains the same motivations after getting his memories back

First of all, nobody is saying he does not love Tifa or loves her less.

Secondly he actually does not explicitly say that, it’s just clear that’s what is being communicated anyway

He talks about his crush when they were kids in his subconscious, not what he feels now

In the official novella, she was with Cloud when he regained his true memories and actually enabled Tifa to help Cloud. Even after learning about the "real Cloud," she preferred Cloud over both Zack and the "fake" Cloud although Cloud's indifference in the beginning of the game was not Zack's personality.

You got reckt.

Except user's point is that Cloud having feelings for Tifa are only addressed in optional content when it isn't. That's my point, though the fact that you have to make such a disclaimer makes me wonder of the point you were actually trying to make.

At no point in time has he ever said to her that his feelings changed. You'd have to be pretty daft to not realize he means in the here and now.

You mean the novella the maiden novella?

Because I know where this is going... so I am pre-empting it. You guys get defensive over small differences.

Did not know she helped. But makes sense she would, being in the lofestream after all

Right because he should totally let the world be destroyed.

Yes, I can. Cloud is canonically gay. You cannot read this and not instantly admit that he's entirely homosexual and has never had any interest in women.

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cloud loves zack. cloud is gay, he doesn't give a shit about either aerith or tifa.

There’s no reason to think everything Cloud did in disc 1 is automatically inauthentic. Especially when people only ever bring up that possibility in shipper wars, which reeks of convenience

Cloud is canonically gay and the whole story is an allegory for his cock lust. Sephiroth is the guy he wants to fuck, Zack is the straight Chad he wishes he could be, and he tries but fails. Aerith ends up dying because he kept his buttsex with Sephiroth on the DL and essentially gave her AIDS. Mako is symbolic for life's desire to express itself and Shinra tapping it is basically the government trying to control everyone's lifestyle. Sephiroth wants to give the whole world AIDS but Cloud stops him by finally accepting himself, combined with Aeris's forgiveness

Based and redpilled

if cloud is gay how come he didn't lust after barret even once? checkmate

If someone isn't themselves then you do have to question if their behavior when they weren't themselves was authentic.

It's actually more convenient to ignore the uncomfortable truth that maybe the person might in reality have not be authentic when you met them.

>Fags are incapable of understanding the beauty of a purely heterosexual, platonic bond between battle brothers
I pity you.

he's also racist

Who are you quoting?

It’s questionable he’d have wholly fabricated feeling anything more than friendship for Aeris and only brought up in this context.

If I were to say he “obviously loved Aeris more than Tifa” that would be silly too

They're right though, and straights are the pitiful ones. Love between two men is real, and it's meaningful. There is no such thing as love between a man and a woman, all straight relationships are shallow, loveless shams.

And again, nothing else about his motivations from disc 1 is revealed to be inauthentic. Just his outwardly affected behavior and he memories he thought these motivations came from.

So nah.

I understand the love between two men, platonic or not, better than you ever will. Most straight men can't even admit to a friendly love with a man, it's laughable

I didn't know that Cloud was a necrophile.

That was in the gritty original draft. He also calls Barret the n-word in that

I think Aeris is legally a plant

This is correct. OP has been objectively proven wrong.

And never once did he say his feelings stayed the same, and his whole relationship with aerith shows us they did, the only way you can get him to love tifa is if you actively pursue that relationship, if it was that cut and dry we wouldnt be having this discussion

No, Cait Sith is the plant.

God you fags actually arguing this, you realize you're seriously autistic

No dude, it’s canon he also showed affection to Tifa.

The story is better if he loves Aeris, their budding chemistry is cut down prematurely, and at his lowest moment Tifa stops being passive and helps shoulder the burden.

With them both citing Aeris as important to them before taking on Seph and avenging her.

The low is lower and the high higher, a good thrust to the story.

And the novel apparently has Aeris help Tifa find Cloud in the stream

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Cloud loves whoever you want him to, being that he's the player character abd his feelings are both open to interpretation and subject to the choices you make as a player. He's probably best off with Aeris, though.

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He canonically doesn't love Aeris, sorry. And the story would be shit if he did. You're just a cuck wtih no taste.

Both that and the Advent Children tie-ins paint it that way, really.

It’s canon she wins the affection game disc 1. You can’t handle the idea of romantic ambiguity

>Cloud loves Tifa

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It's an RPG, you morons, there's no definitive choice, it's whatever you wanted it to be

They say both the Aeris date and high affection highwind scene are canon in the ultimania to get around that as well. Means Cloud showed affections to both.

>Tifa are only addressed in optional content when it isn't
Strictly speaking, he IS right from a purely technical perspective. Official tie-in media that isn't FFVII itself takes special care to ensure that nothing is told with Cloud as the narrator or central perspective specifically to avoid having to clarify Cloud's feelings on the subject of Aeris and Tifa and who he had romantic feelings for as well as his preference. Even Advent Children itself makes sure to leave the degree of closeness between of Cloud and Tifa somewhat ambiguous in the interest of preserving the player's perspective from the game.

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It varies and his feelings are not straightforward. But I think it’s entirely fair to say he does not view either as just a friend

>wojak redditor

I unironically interpret the ambiguity as Cloud being gay. He knows he should be interested in one or the other (or both) but he isn't and that's part of his inner turmoil

Not to mention Cloud and Sephiroth just look so god damn gay. They look gayer with each revision. These are super effeminate men who would be far better off being gay because no straight woman will take them seriously

I wouldn't doubt the gay undertones being deliberate as Nomura is almost certainly gay

>These are super effeminate men who would be far better off being gay because no straight woman will take them seriously
The FFVII universe is full of effeminate men, though. Even Cid looks about 10-15 years younger than he actually is in Advent Children due to this in-universe phenomenon of exceptionally young-looking grown-ass men

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This is canon, whether you like it or not.

Tifa is Cloud's wife.
Aeris(th) is Zack's wife.
Yuffie is my wife.

Nomura is a laborsexual.

>Prove me wrong.
That was easy.

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>Aeris(th) is Zack's wife.
Zack's a tree somewhere

Now that we've established the fact that Tifa is a typical South European women, what is Aerith's ethnicity?

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Northern Euro

Next page

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These are both true.

But ya'll do realize that people move on even after loved ones die.

I always interpreted it as
>Zack loves Aerith
>Cloud gets his memories and psyche mixed with Zack's
>Cloud ends up attracted to Aerith because of how much Zack is in his brain
>How much Cloud ends up being into Aerith is up to the player

no, zak loves aerith.
cloud is mental and think he is zak to the point of copying is tastes.
cloud loves tifa. he went to become a soldier to prove himself to her (even if he didnt need to.)

>But ya'll do realize that people move on even after loved ones die.
There's a surprising amount of romantic faggots on Yea Forums. It should be made clear that OTPs aren't real. Aeris can love Zack then Cloud; Cloud can love Aeris then Tifa.

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I think the reverse is more tenable, that his feelings for Tifa might be stronger after fixing his brain.

It is up to the player a fair extent of the way but at the same time in order to not show affection to Aeris you have to be total dick, which is meant to discourage that


But Tifith is the most pure ship

He does not copy Zack’s personality anywhere near enough for that. I think it’s safer to argue his feelings for Tifa were less manifest in disc 1 because his memories were all dopey.

You can flirt with her heavily in disc 1 but it’s not at all like the near puppy love he shows her in disc 2

If you ship the two together but can't even get her name right, you lose the shipping war by default.

Japan views effeminate men as the badass guys in their culture. The buff guys on steroids are viewed the exact opposite over there as well. This is literally Japan 101. How are still having this discussion?

Reminder that Cloud hates Tifa.

Body builders are seen as too into themselves and thus probably gay, but that's just bullshit Japanese stereotypes. I don't even think they have a concept of "bad ass" in the 80s action movie hero way
Cloud definitely isn't it though, even non-fujoshis think he's gay

Your interpenetration is correct. Cloud is literally, canonically gay.

Wrong. Japan views guys like Cloud as homosexual. Same goes for Link. There's a reason 99% of their fan art is yaoi.

Don't bother, there's a mentally ill faggot (or faggots) that derail threads by claiming the obviously straight characters are gay. They do the exact same shit in Zelda threads, do not give them replies or engage them in any way.

thing is that at the time of FF7 itself, Zack wasn't an established character so all of these Aerith and Zack relationship is more of an afterthought. I still think that Aerith and Tifa are supposed to be toying with the usual tropes of the early 90's RPGs of
>Spunky, outgoing tomboy childhood friend physical attacker
>Shy and cute girl predesigned romantic interest that handles the healing.
At first glance Tifa seems the former and Aerith the latter, but then it turns out Tifa is actually shy, insecure and reserved, Aerith ends up being spunky and outgoing and not a love interest because she ends up sinking like an anchor.

I myself wasn't a dick to Aerith and I still got all my scenes with Tifa, then again back then when I played the originals I didn't know shit about how to trigger those events.

Even in the core game Cid says Cloud’s (fake) personality is incoherent sk the idea he ales Zack enough to have his taste in women is questionable. And on the date aeris also says he and zack do not behave the same.

And CC is canon

And the Aeris date and High Affection Highwind scene are both canon if that matters.

There’s a bug where if you cooly reassure Tifa in the Shinra Holding Cells over and over it keeps building up her affection btw, maybe that’s why

I think you’re somewhat mistaken: Aeris is a love interest, it just stops when she dies. If she was not they’d not call it a love triangle and rig the dating game in her favor.

>obviously straight characters

I personally am under the impression that Aerith has the cannon date on the highwind more because she actually delivers exposition if you do, because if you never see Aerith scenes and sidequests you actually learn very little about Zack.

Crisis Core might be canon, but it was written after FFVII, and possibly written by people who didn't work on FFVII either. I hope the remake adds proper backshadowing to Crisis Core so it links well with FFVII

Cloud did, no homo though

>Shy and cute girl predesigned romantic interest that handles the healing.

Aeris isn't shy though, she's a city girl through and through.

That’s what he says

In order to get that date you have to have shown her affection though, that’s required