After beating all of Shadow Warrior (the main game and expacks)

I can officially declare Blood as the worst of the Build trilogy

Pros in regards to SW compared to Blood:
>Hitscanning enemies don't instantly rape you on No Pain No Gain unlike how they can on Well Done (the ninjas are just as common as the cultists, but you can actually fight them)
>Variety of weapons, whereas you have nearly worthless weapons in Blood
>Variety of enemies, whereas you just fight mainly cultists and zombies in Blood
>Armor that actually protects you, unlike the three nonsensical ones in Blood
>Not only can weapons have secondaries, they can have thirds as well
>Lo Wang is a cool character/actually entertaining unlike a tryhard like Caleb

In regards to Caleb, let me give you an example of what I mean: Shadow Warrior ends with a pretty based Lo Wang rap, Bloodfags would consider it cringe if Caleb tried to rap, and in my opinion, Caleb himself is cringe as a result because Bloodfags think Caleb is "too cool" to rap.

And obviously the ranking goes Duke 3D > Shadow Warrior > Redneck Rampage > dog shit > Blood > Build crap like Nam or WW2

Attached: yozt.jpg (1339x1170, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I was dogshit at this one game so it's bad


the cycle of autism continues

okay please stop. Lo Wang is as much of a fucking joke character as Caleb, they're just different notes on the gay edgelord piano. One is a fucking racist character fruit bat and the other is a 14 year old boy.

all your other points are fair though, blood is dog shit

its not a git gud issue, its an artificial difficulty issue. the cultists are aimbots, give practically no warning or have any windup time, and do a ton of damage. the game is fundamentally broken

Attached: Capture.png (614x278, 76K)

>okay please stop. Lo Wang is as much of a fucking joke character as Caleb,

Except Caleb isn't, Lo Wang is actually a character and a fun one at that.

>they're just different notes on the gay edgelord piano.

There's literally nothing edgy about Lo Wang

Based refunder

Attached: blood refund 2.jpg (1978x1398, 250K)


Attached: 1553042535736.jpg (182x268, 29K)

Why is the mouse movement so fucking garbage in shadow warrior class redux? How to fix anons it always feels like its on a grid

>One is a fucking racist character fruit bat

Lo Wang isn't racist, he's a foreigner whose first language isn't English and it's p funny like most other races when they try to speak English. So despite his mastery of kung fu and ninjitsu, dude sucks at the language, which is a fun flaw that makes him more relatable

Caleb is just a tryhard, he's Not Important without a character flaw (hating everybody)

>Sneed drone

Makes my crusade against Blood even more justified.

Check Y/X axis sensitivity in the controls (different from mouse sensitivity)

change the mouse scale in the cfg file. all the info you need is on pcgw

>Sneed drone
It's not even Sneed you fucking noob

you dummy, i hate blood every bit as much as you, but to say lo wang is a superior character as a point of argument is just wrong. they're both faggots.

Shit, there's so much wrong with blood you don't need to make Lo Wang out to be good to make a point against Blood.

He switched off Duke3D because a few anons in a thread hijacked it and talked about Shadow Warrior and cracking STANREY ROO jokes.

Based and glad you agree, but there's lit nothing wrong with Lo Wang.

Fine, chuck, now go suck and fuck yourself

You're new on Yea Forums aren't you

Attached: laughh.jpg (220x230, 8K)

Its more like the deadzone on the mouse doesn't register, it doesnt feel smooth it feels like your mouse is running on graph paper


I'd say try it out mouse aiming in a Shadow Warrior source port, but it's not very good

Sup shitter.

Attached: Blood train room.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>All those other webms of you savescumming and replaying of this scene to just get it right


Attached: Blood (1997) - Extra Crispy Walkthrough Episode 1.webm (1280x720, 962K)

I've told you multiple times now that I don't use midlevel saves.

Attached: Was that really so hard full.webm (532x300, 2.94M)

>35 damage incurred instantly
fuck this game

>I don't use the feature that PC gaming was known for

Also memorization of a level isn't a skill

Attached: bloodfags btfo.png (2050x310, 62K)

imagine doing this

Skill and memorization are one in the same. And saying that savescumming like a coward is a feature PC gaming is known for is an insult to PC gaming.

>Skill and memorization are one in the same.

... no they're not. Knowing to throw dynamite around a corner either because of intuition of bad game design or because you autistically memorized a level is not a skill

>And saying that savescumming like a coward is a feature PC gaming is known for is an insult to PC gaming.

And savescumming is literally a term born from PC gaming.

>doing something proficiently through practice isn't a skill
It's like you get dumber with each thread.

Who the fuck cares? Stop posting the same stupid fucking thread everyday because you suck at a game that clearly wasn't meant for you

Throw yourself at something enough times and it'll eventually stick - that doesn't ring of skill to me.

Except I like Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior

Blood was made in the Build engine, so it's made for me - but it's a trash game

they all hit for that amount usually before you can even react. there are two cultists in the very beginning of the game that have extremely high body counts due to fucking mercing every single new player that touches this game

>Throw yourself at something enough times and it'll eventually stick
You'd be right if I was using midlevel saves, however I do not. Being able to complete a whole level means only a set number of mistakes are allowed for its duration if not using midlevel saves. Being able to complete a level despite this limitation requires skill, skill you obviously lack.

i don't mind unavoidable attacks, that lends to a game of attrition, but this game handles is all ass backwards. it's fucking garbage.

What did Duke3d do so right??

>What did Duke3d do so right??

Hitscanners in Duke 3D have wind ups. Pig cops will eventually stop scanning for you once they fire, meaning if you circle strafe them you can dodge it

imagine samefagging to look like people agree with yourself

>Hitscanners in Duke 3D have wind ups

Attached: AssaultEnforcerSprite.gif (156x96, 5K)

There's 21 sane people that agree with me

Later stage enemy, not a common one like the cultist, not that you'd see the difference dishonest bloodfag

Attached: Duke Nukem pistol animation .webm (444x276, 470K)

all chaingun enemies are fucking assholes. this asshole is 90% of the reason doom1 > doom2

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Enforcers are way worse than any cultist.

they dont do nearly as much damage and their reflexes are nowhere near as fast or have the range cultists have

... no, just no

Lunar Apocalypse has the most enforcers that early on and at 2:06, he gets hit once and doesn't lose half his health unlike a cultist hitting you in Blood

You've made this thread enough, thanks.

The only reason he kills them without taking damage is because he insta kills them with rockets, enforcers rarely get hitstunned. Also do you actually play these games yourself or do you just look up footage on youtube? How hard is it to start up Eduke and record your own footage?

if that was a blood cultist he would have died from full health

>because he insta kills them with rockets

Which is the smart thing to do on Damn I'm Good difficulty

>Also do you actually play these games yourself or do you just look up footage on youtube?

YouTube links provide the full context (what difficulty, what kind of playthrough etc)

>How hard is it to start up Eduke and record your own footage?

I don't make videos for YouTube so I'm a bit of a boomer when it comes to that.

Attached: bait.jpg (236x236, 12K)

this. the enforcers have the benefit of a low damage/inaccurate weapon compared to the THIRTY FIVE DAMAGE PER HIT the cultists manage repeatedly

That's because Blood is a much harder game. If you substitute the pistol for the tommy gun since Blood doesn't really have a normal pistol then he would have been fine since it stuns them.

>That's because Blood is a much harder game

*Due to bad design

Like I Wanna Be The Guy and Super Meat Boy are harder than Shovel Knight purely because of bad design, intentionally or not.

>Which is the smart thing to do on Damn I'm Good difficulty
He also clearly memorized where all the secrets and enemies are. I thought you were against that kind of thing.

Cultists aren't consistent, if you were to try this exact move ten times you would find that sometimes the cultist would quickdraw shoot you right away like in the webm, sometimes they don't shoot at all and just stand there while you gun them down, and sometimes they start running sideways and you just shoot them. Even on extra crispy this happens.

>*Due to bad design
Being able to avoid damage from a one on one encounter without resorting to insta kill methods is objectively better design.

um cringe?

yea....the aimbotting cultists aren't fun. def prefer Shadow Warrior and Duke.

This infamous webm of how shit Blood is comes from an Extra Crisply playthrough, he also knows the game like the back of his hand and still gets chip raped.

its not the good kind of hard its the bullshit punishing hard that isn't even fun i believe the meme is artificial difficulty. the game is supposed to provide fair challenge to encourage you to play better, BLOOD just smashes you in the face every single chance it gets without even attempting to be fun

Maybe he shouldn't have played on the difficulty designed to be unfair.

Just git gud. The game is plenty fair.

Attached: Blood d1.webm (888x500, 2.95M)

This is what I noticed in my playthrough of Shadow Warrior on No Pain No Gain (the difficulty similar to Well Done in Blood): I can go 10-15 minutes without saving and have a good time, whereas with Blood, I saved before every corner I turned, and then I just threw some TNT around the corner once I knew what was on the other side

Meanwhile in SW, I take multiple approaches, use different weapons, etc

blood is basically hotline miami in 3d and i feel like a faggot telling you to get gud but holy shit get gud

What I've learned from these threads is that Shadow Warrior is by far the easier game.

Hotline Miami is actually more fair than Blood

HM1 (a good game)=Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior
HM2 (a garbage game that only tryhards like)=Blood

>easy = good
>hard = bad
Casuals like you belong on a cross.

Due to good design

What you should take from the thread is Blood is badly designed, all 3 games, Duke, SW and Blood were made in Build, and only Blood is the poorly designed one

There's a difference between well designed difficulty and artificial difficulty

Like look at Mega Man - you have multiple lives, unlimited continues, multiple hits, you can start with any stage, e tanks, etc

If Mega Man were poorly designed, you'd always start on Guts Man stage, you'd have no lives and no continues and you'd die in one hit with no e tanks in the game

>If Mega Man were poorly designed, you'd always start on Guts Man stage, you'd have no lives and no continues and you'd die in one hit with no e tanks in the game
Well good thing Mega Man isn't like that. Not sure what the point of this is really.

Blood is like poorly designed Mega Man, if your brain couldn't pick up on that.

But Blood is nothing like that at all.

Attached: Blood (1997) - Extra Crispy Walkthrough Episode 1 part 2.webm (1280x1024, 1.98M)

Explain how Blood is like Megaman aside from being a shooter.

Now Bloodfags can't tell what simple RNG is

You got lucky, he didn't

Reread the example

Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior are Mega Man

Blood is poorly designed Mega Man (the one without extra lives, no e tanks, etc)

Attached: bloodfags btfo.jpg (2050x310, 208K)

>>Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior are Mega Man
Yes, how?

>Blood is poorly designed Mega Man (the one without extra lives, no e tanks, etc)
Blood has medkits that are directly analogous to Mega Man's e tanks and no hitscanners one shot you. Your comparison makes no sense at all.

Hard but fair

You're missing the forest for the trees

>Duke 3D
>Shadow Warrior

This is the new tactic of Bloodfags: Pretending peak 90's FPSes like Duke and SW are "casual"

Jesus christ you mentally ill faggots.

Hey so can you take these threads to /vr/ for a while? You post them like every day so give us a break why don't ya?

Does crouching help you dodge Cultist hitscan or is that a meme?
I've spent hours testing it and sometimes it seems like it does, sometimes it seems like placebo bullshit
Jumping around seems to throw them off far more consistently. My best room clears without damage involved a lot of jumping around

The new tactic of the faggot who got filtered hard by Blood is to pretend Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior are hard. Lmaoing @ your life dude.

>The new tactic of the faggot who got filtered hard by Blood

I literally beat episode 1, but nice try.

I noticed this too near the end of my playthrough. Don't know what Bloodfags are even talking about with crouching.

>Anti-build game thread
>Nobody linking to the shitty duke3d mod in the second post
Thread is better than expected.

So it's luck now? I thought they could hitscan rape you before you can react even if you 'know the level like the back of your hand'.

It's a great Duke mod though

>runs away crying for over a week after savescumming the first episode
The definition of getting filtered.

Did Blood rape your mom or something for you to make these seething threads day after day?

Is Blood 2 worth a try if I liked the first one or is just too janky?
I'm looking at YT footage and I'm not gonna lie, it looks really fucking bad

Try getting lucky with all the cultists

Watch his playthrough, he's good but has to abuse so many tactics to survive at this bullshit game.

No. It's complete trash. I played through the whole game trying to enjoy it and it's just impossible to like.

How is it possible to make a FPS as brilliant as Blood and then have the same people make the sequel and it's not even 1/10 of the predecessor's quality? Not even the decrease in quality from Duke 3D to DNF is as sharp

It is a well known fact that Extra Crispy is intended for co-op play, not solo play.

I'm pretty sure the story is the game was rushed and basically released unfinished. Plus they were working on SHOGO at the same time, which ended up having most of the same issues Blood 2 had. Maybe it was the game engine itself.

i'll be honest i have no dog in this fight but i played some blood recently and i have to agree it's no where near duke3d and worse than shadow warrior. that is all. it's a shame because the theme is much more up my alley than wooky kooky quacky daffy ninja man.

its because of the publishers the devs had at the time pulling an EA on them
>yo the game needs more to time to finish do you want extend the dev time
>lol no just release it already

Attached: 1552615809472.jpg (1800x2444, 1.04M)

Blood's only real problem is hyperactive hitscanners.
fite me.

>Blood's only real problem is hyperactive hitscanners.

I mean, kinda

The problem is cultists are such a common enemy type and dotted in places as a fuck you to the player for not looking right behind them as they walk into a room.

A good example of how badly designed Blood is: I'm in fact relieved to fight gargoyles (when they should be tougher than cultists)

how many people have gotten into classic FPS recently because of Civvie



You're supposed to put blood on the third or second level of difficulty rather then the fourth or fifth like other classic 2.5d fps games.

I'm totally OK if more people get into classic FPS because of an e-celeb. Ensures games like Ion Maiden, DUSK, Wrath and these other throwbacks keep being released

>Ensures games like Ion Maiden, DUSK, Wrath and these other throwbacks keep being released

Their poor sales won't

theres fair, and theres hard.

you guys are fucking retards holy shit.
just joined the thread and im out, enjoy defending your piece of shit spinoff shooter.