TLOU is one of the most beloved games ever, why does nobody give a shit about the sequel?

TLOU is one of the most beloved games ever, why does nobody give a shit about the sequel?

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Because it's "beloved" by people who move onto the next "beloved" thing like a cheep hooker goes onto a new client

The actual answer is that it was revealed too early and there's been the drip-feed of information
There's not enough to speculate or theorize about to keep it alive throughout long information droughts, like with BOTW's annual delays

Because Joel's story ended. It had a very good ending and it did not need a sequel. Unlike the drooling pop-culture obsessed idiots, I don't need everything I love to be part of and endless series because I've allowed my identity to become linked to media.

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the trash of us fucking sucked

The gameplay reveal has 12 million views. There's been no official updates other than Neil's twitter for a while so people haven't been talking about it as much. Release date will probably get revealed at E3 this year

Somethings end perfectly & didn't need sequels because what happens after the ending is better left to the imagination. This was one of them

Is it tasty?

>Is it tasty?

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TLOU story was generic shallow crap that people somehow praise

but user, i still play the multiplayer from time to time, it's great!!!! maybe not perfect and the wifi warriors do suck but it's nice to have a game without killstreaks or anything whacky

Why are you posting this instagram shit here?

Get cancer and fuck off

>TLOU is one of the most beloved games ever
No it isn't

>third person shooter but with stealth

Why does every TPS (and every other FPS) nowadays have these shallow stealth mechanics?

so that the story comes first

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Because how many people actually care about Ellie. She was just a plot device for Joel, whose story was meant to be over. He fucks over the human race because muh baby girl. The end. It was good.

Why does everything need a sequel?

Is it the most beloved game to you?

It's a waste of a resource

seething manbabies

TLOU was trendy bullshit. Only sheep like it

honestly? seriously? TLOU was one of the best games I ever played. I am hyped for the sequel. You know that Kermit the frog meme where it's all like "you, after the best game ever" reflecting on it and all that shit? TLOU had me reflecting on it for days. One of the best games of all time.

Want to know how I know you never played it? Please kill yourself you fat miserable fuck

Oh it should play like Gears of War, should it?

How else would the gameplay feel consistent with the story of being a normal human trying to survive in a post-apocalypse if not with stealth mechanics.

>posts opinion
>receives counter opinion
>gets triggered and starts insulting people

Because the game was done at the end of the first series. The second one is tacked on 'DUDE WE GOTTA MAKE A SEQUEL I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS OUR BIG BREAK OUT' shit that undoes a lot of the progress of the previous one in order to make you feel 'invested'.
Instead it just made no one want to play it.

The fact that the big draw was Dr. Nose and Ellie, someone most people know as that 9 year old you had to escort, snogging on E3's stage.

I wanted another game in the world of Last of Us but with different characters.
anthologies are dying.

Hey Yea Forums
You can brutally kill minorities in this game

Attached: TLOU2 demo.webm (1920x1080, 2.21M)

I hate scripted bullshots that clearly won't be effective or as immersive in the actual game

and also women

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Nobody cares faggot

It’s easily the most beloved game of the decade behind BOTW

looks cool but i won't be buying it because tlou didn't need a sequel

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It was a shallow, forgettable theme park ride that loads of people played and then immediately forgot about. It's the videogame equivalent of a Trigger show or a Michael Bay movie.

Here's the average "person" who claims that it's beloved. As you can see, this fine xer is purely motivated by its love of great videogames.

both are done by a white woman.
This is the future they want. white women only care about themselves. equality and minorities are a front.

>what is GTAV
>what is FIFA
>what is Mario Kart 8
>what is smash
>what is fortnight
>what is pubg


TLoU2 is being done only because the first was a sony hit. I think it ended perfectly and the fate of humanity never mattered nor was the world that unique. It was just a story of a dead man finding something to live for again. It was a simple story that couldn't carry a trilogy or sequel which is what I appreciated about it.

I don't care about whatever identity politics naughty dog is playing or if TLoU2 turns out to be one of the best games ever made. The fact it's a sequel is a no buy / no pirate / no play to me.

Normalfags are hyped for this game.
Why do you judge it's anticipation from bitter reactionary weeb incels on this board?

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None of those are remotely as universally acclaimed as TLOU. GTA V fucking lost all of its awards to TLOU

That explosion was fucking nasty, seeing human giblets in a modern AAA game. He/she got shredded into a floppy torn bloody ragdoll flying over the counter

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Effortless GOTY.

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I agree with this. I liked the first one, really enjoyed playing it. Had zero zero to touch the prequel DLC and have zero desire to touch the sequel.

It’s sad that this will end up being Sony’s first & only 97 on Metacritic

I think TLoU just looked better, even if its early footage, than TLoU2.

TLoU advertised pretty strongly what it was from the outset: The first story trailer was Joel barely overpowering one guy and killing him as Ellie walks in and shows him the handful of ammunition she found. He picks out the three or four that are usable before creepy looking fungus zombies run in. They hide and it's a tense scene as Joel slowly pulls the hammer back on his revolver as to not alert the zombies with the noise from the gun. There's some gunshots and they're both sprinting down a hallway pell-mell. It's a man and a girl scraping out a living in a post-apocalyptic zombie world through begrudging brutality.

The first gameplay trailer was in the exact same vein with it showcasing TPS and stealth elements with human enemies that react in neat ways and you have a partner AI that helps you out. It was full of a bunch of context-sensitive flavor actions and animations.

TLoU2 has advertised its story in really clunky and unappealing ways. The first one, with Ellie playing guitar before Joel walks in, doesn't really convey what the fuck the game is going to be about aside from "more TLoU". Then they released another story trailer that was super long where you have some women escaping from some kind of raincoat death cult. What the game is going to be about seems to be some vague post-apocalyptic world where people are shithead cultists, but that seems kind of weird given that Ellie's character wasn't even involved in that story trailer. Then for the big gameplay reveal, it's actually like 4 minutes of awkward flirting and dancing with a strangely loud lesbian make out scene. Then they cut to the gameplay and there's no partner AI, just more TLoU, but with prettier graphics and animations.

TLoU2 doesn't have a hook yet and seems to let the success of the first game's story go to its head. Hopefully it's good, but I'm getting weird vibes from it.

>caring about a circlejerk between suits and activists

It was severely overrated and the sequel is vaporware with nothing to show aside from cg jew dykes kissing.

>Already coping

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>TLOU is one of the most overrated games ever

za joos

>those tanlines and armpits

who is that

movie sequels are usually not so good as the original

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I wish dark souls ended with 1

>tomahawk steak
>gold leaf
I'm surprised they're not using pink Himalayan salt.

>moves goalposts from beloved to critical acclaim

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That's not how you use that buzzword

Awards only count for nincel games.

Bought the first game never played it then traded it in and still have no desire to play it.
Devs don't like fun the Fucking purpose of games

imagine being memed so hard you become rich off it?

But it's one of the most anticipated games right now tards

Console war harder resetera tranny

wow I love every button press to turn into an unskippable cutscene playing the same kill animations I've seen before, this surely won't get boring

Can't wait to see half of this shit downgraded or outright removed before the game comes out.

except the only one that counts

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>deathblow animations are unskippable cutscenes!
ever played Sekiro

Sekiro's deathblows needed to be earned and were purposefully extremely fast to cut down on this bullshit.
That death blow took one hit to engage and then went on way too long.
In Sekiro you could have deathblown 3 enemies in that time.

Because it didn't need a direct sequel, the ending was perfect. I'd have been fine with them showing up for a scene in some other characters game but this just feels like milking and it isn't even out yet.

All I know about the game is that journos called it the "Citizen Kane of video games", which I found ridiculous until I saw a walkthrough on Youtube, then the phrase became fucking hilarious.

>That death blow took one hit to engage
that's because she had already shot her in the neck with an arrow before the webm started

>and then went on way too long.
it's 3 seconds long. You had the same length brutal animations in the first game and performing them was one of the coolest things about the combat

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Pls tell me he died eating this retardation.

>animations are cool
how does it feel to still have a mind of an 8 year old?

>nobody gives a shit about the sequel

Haha, take a peek outside of Yea Forums every once in a while. The sequel is one of the most anticipated games for this gen.

/vpol/ handbook strat
>target major release featuring some "inclusive" element
>pretend nobody cares about upcoming major release. make it sound as unhype as possible
>when it releases, immediately review bomb it with 1/10s or 0/10s saying it panders to [insert group]. if sequel, say the game "abandons its roots" as part of the review.
>pray the game has *actual* design issues that will keep the review score low once real gamers start playing it.
>combine points from legitimate negative reviews with the criticisms in the outrage reviews, and send drones to reiterate those points in any major forum/discussion about the game.
>continue to strike until review score rises to majority positive, or until next major release.

feels good man

Nobody gives a fuck because TLoU ended perfectly and didn't need a sequel, same as World Ends With You despite all the Nintendo faggots clamoring for more with which to ruin it. Neil Druckman taking over full writing control has also led to lame, insipid bullshit. After three (four?) trailers we still have no idea what the game's even the fuck about. All bad signs, though I'd like to be proven wrong.

In the end, I'll be hyped once we see some multiplayer. Last of Us is a 7/10 with one of the greatest multiplayer third-person shooters I've ever enjoyed. The game's still fucking active and a blast to play. If the sequel has equal or better MP then I'm set. I'm already convinced the campaign will suck.

yikes virgin

>TLOU is one of the most beloved games ever
what planet is this nigga living on

Beloved by journalists because it has a satisfying story mediocre gameplay and is not too long

Imaginus. The planet where imagination becomes reality.

just like the original

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>this is what snoycucks actually believe

New last of game in a nutshell.
>Elly is still immune and may have had a child via rape or maybe she was bisexual at the time.
>the child is then kidnapped and Elly must go on a mission across part of the country to find her
>Another scenario is some group of nut jobs destroys the colony she is in and she goes on a mission of revenge or it could be to recover some kind of medicine to save people at her community
>regardless its another trek across the ruined world where we once again meet crazy survivors,the fireflies and maybe the military or a new faction and come into conflict with them
>you run around killing humans and zombies with a couple new infected types showing up
>you spend large segments in walking simulator mode while looking at the ruins of the world around you
>you encounter other survivors most of which end up getting killed by the infected or other humans with someone committing suicide like always happens in zombie fiction, Last time it was regular gun shot to the head so this time they will die heroically taking one for the team
>Elly is an adult now and will occasionally muse about the old world and perhaps spout out a pro feminist/LGBT talking point or two but probably not too heavy handed
>Gameplay will be similar but more on the rails making the game way easier than the first game since lots of casuals complained about the difficulty
>bigger concentration on multiplayer and I expect the game to be shorter over all because of it

So basically its going to be the first game over again with worse story and gameplay. Maybe they will toss in hunting as being a more regular activity for survival aspects and maybe elaborate on the origin of the infection a bit.
10/10 greatest game ever made and anyone that reviews otherwise is a bigot

I wonder how "brutally" they'll neuter the AI, like they did in the first game.

I dont care about Ellie as much as Joel and his story is pretty much over/peaked

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That's a beautiful animal.