Get in here boys, what do you want in the game?

Get in here boys, what do you want in the game?

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my nigga Cube

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Reasons to play the game for hours instead of a checklist I can tick off in a half hour and a bunch of frivolous shit that does nothing leftover.
I know that goes against the intentions of the game, but I always had so much fun doing the daily stuff just to have to stop playing after an hour or so because all that was left to do was fishing or doing random bullshit for the villagers for random items I'd never use.

a release date

More player character customization options and more ways to interact with villagers. I want to be able to call up my favorites and invite them over to play an SNES minigame, for example.

no isabelle

Bat villagers, non-watered down personalities, more complex town layouts
Yes, for god sakes please give me a reason NOT to time travel!
Based, but will never happen

I've had nightmares already

Roommates, dating, and marriage

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Once you completely pay off your house you get the option for Human Crossing mode, where you play as an animal in a town full of humans. The quiz at the begging determines what animal you are.

With random villagers or townies? I'd prefer one or the other

Let me have my girl Sable

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this slut

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Some of the new features from Pocket camp (mostly the variety stuff like the new fruits/trees, clothing types, pwp, etc.) but not the shitty mobile game mechanics

I want important NPCs like tom nook, able sisters, etc to have their own house and shit to do when they aren't working.

At least let me have roommates, they get their own room with some unique stuff when they move in, they'll sit around the public living space, you can have events at your house, etc.

Like Wild World with other human characters? Or with animal villagers?

unpopular opinion here:
Get rid of the 'log'
Bring back grids.

I'm fine with either. Been here since the beginning, ACGC is unironically better than Wild World

these, plus more control over where villagers move in- i don't need to be able to designate specific spots for houses, but i'd rather keep my perfect fruit trees and hybrid flowers without some shitty horse moving in on top of them

Basically just this.

No consequences for prolonged absence from the game except for weeds, couldn't give a fuck about weeds. I'm too scared to play New Leaf again after I abandoned it for months.

This is a kids game. There is no way there will be dating or marriage

there is literally nothing wrong with rolling log, sop being nostalgiafags

It doesn't even need to be the grid anymore, as that was a necessity of the limitations of the n64 hardware the original dobutsu no mori originally ran on. We can just have a normal 3d world thats not the damn rolling log.

Dating and marriage

This would hurt. All these years just for a HD Port.

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Get rid of the log, but have grids be a town map-only feature to help you/visitors get used to your town. There's not really a need for a rolling log or grid now that the processing power of the switch is enough to load in the whole map, or at least enough chunks that it wouldn't be an issue.

>furry harvest moon

honestly there's no way they would hold off this long and then even longer for actual details if it was just a HD port

Just the same thing because my 3ds hinge is broke. I don't really care too much

It's not even a nostalgia thing at this point. It's an aesthetic thing. I much preferred the top-down comfiness to the strange rolling of the log. I'd be fine with any of the other features added in as we went.

Harvest Moon is a kids game with marriage

Animal Crossing: Reeducation Camp

You're riding on a train and when you arrive they mistake you as the new Warden of the Reeducation Camp. Tom Nook is your contact with the outside world and you pay him for supplies. Isabelle is your lieutenant warden. You can choose to force "villagers" into working, you can punish them, and remove their favorite items. Also executions should be implemented. Isabelle would be the one to give all of this out. Villagers would live in little tents instead of houses, although you could build a cell block and force villagers with conflicting personalities to live together.

Also small rom hacks maybe of Gameboy games to make them AC themed as unlockables.


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Harvest Moon is a weeb game not a kids game

As long as the acres aren't separated as well. Running then stopping to transition to the next acre really killed my flow sometimes (I know it's just a hardware thing that that was there but still)

I like how you think user.

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All I can think about are where some of my cliffs were, and how I'd have these weird corners that I'd have to traverse in order to get around them. So yeah, the actual acres are more nostalgia than anything, but I'd be 100% ok with just top-down.

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This, where do they go at night? Do they sleep in the building like the museum owl?

I want Nintendo to put in a furfag detection chip that will explode the Switch if anyone tries to date a villager

Yeah, those were annoying when the ramp was diagonal from the acre you were in

A third person camera
New stores/sections of the city
More customization options
More fish/bugs
A better script with actually mean villagers
A relationship system

>complaining about furfags in an Animal Crossing thread

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That would really switch things up

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What about playing as an animal or a human, getting a choice?

>Animal Crossing suggestion threads are always just furfags who want to yiff

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What if it goes backwards and cuts features.
Not like the franchise hasn't done that before.

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Go fuck your sheep again, Arthfael.

Degenerates like animal fuckers have no safe space

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Puzzle League and other retro games

You guys will bitch but the only thing that would really hold my interest is persistent online player villagers in the same village. Plenty of npcs too, but in order to keep the world feeling alive, it needs a living village of at least 6 to 12 actual players in it permanently (unless they "move away").

I guess that means an always online mode but idgaf, that is the ONLY way to keep my interest like AC used to do since I'm not a little kid anymore.

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to be able to freeze time in real life

Still, I don't know what you were expecting.

Animal Crossing is basically how at least two generations got exposed to furshit, are you surprised?

I'm worried it'll be an Upgraded mobile version

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You're the type of of people that go into a gay bar and complain about it having too many gays

I'm here to Deus Vult furfags and furfsg enablers who ruin comfy Animal Crossing discussions

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Why exactly does this surprise you?

Please, for the love of god! Let's just go back to having a comfy wholesome thread!

Personally, I'd love to take non-house loans from nook. Only after you finish paying off your house, of course.

Much better dialogue, more things to do like cooking, a larger world size, a 3rd-person camera, and new character episodes for every single character.

I'm curious to see what a Sable and Nook episode would look like today


Stuff to do.

There is nothing wholesome about wanting to yiff and accepting furfags

You people always equate bestiality with homosexuality so maybe the fags should be given pink triangle tattoos and their meeting places demolished

>return of all good features
>ability to choose between being mayor or just a villager
>comfy lighting
>I wouldn't mind rolling log be back but I'd rather it didn't.
>Larger map
>more varied npc villager interaction
>shopowners roam around the village after hours and can be talked to like normal villagers
>villager types are now more expressive to their names and villagers arent automatically nice to you from the get go if thats not their personality.
>more collectables
>more stuff to do in multiplayer
>just lots of comfy small things

I want music that sounds similar to the gamecube game

Speaking about Nook, they should let you work for Tom again. I found it pretty cool when playing the GC game for the first time.

They can also add more jobs if they feel like it.

Can we have actual functional items?

Try to have some more meaningful content besides owning and decorating a house. Being a mayor is not the answer either. The interactions with villagers is alright just it gets not so exciting after awhile when theres only rumors or presents to exchange thats interesting. Like other than that theres catching bugs/fishing its a supplement but shouldnt be important. Like even ocarina of time has fishing/collecting.

Some of the best times ive had was when I used action replay and just played the nes games on the gamecube version. Animal crossing is a great game if you are alone and just want to be comfy. I just feel it needs some more solid gameplay, challenge, and variety.

Why the fuck can't we just have an adjustable camera. I want to see the sky but a rolling log is also weird. Is the switch seriously that gimped? Can we seriously not be able to see from a distance?

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Man I forgot about the new music. Honestly i'm fine with whatever decision they make about music since all the music from the series were good.

But I do wish they keep some of the OST charm from New Leaf for certain hours, like for 4am.

I'm going to have a controversial opinion, and it's fine if you don't agree with it it's just how I personally would like to see the series go. First off I would nix the rolling log mechanic and have the viewpoint be top down with a slight angle. Next I think it'd be cool to nix the idea of a village and instead have something more temporary. Something where you get new people coming and going into the map each day, and instead of hoarding your favorite villager designs you're now made to make lasting friendships with every passer by. Perhaps a sort of tourist center theme for this game. A more focus on multiplayer. The stuff you build on the map is not for decoration, but rather stuff that you and other players can actually PLAY with. Infinite possibilities for players to create their own activities with their own rules. Collectables are replaced with npcs who occasinally visit whom you can get donations from.

>Is the switch seriously that gimped?
No, which is why I imagine for the new game, they'll take the rolling log out back and blow its brains out with a 12-gauge Winchester.

Gamecube music might have been lightning in a bottle, the games all have good music but the original soundtrack is in its own category altogether. If they could pull it off it'd be fantastic, but I'm not holding my breath.

Cool idea, but Nook's a bro and I wouldn't want to do that to him.

Oh fuck, you're right. Would hate to cuck that guy after the shit he and Sable went through

I have no idea what they're going to do with them in this game.

at this point i really don't care about the actual type of dialogue but the new game really needs MORE dialogue in general. in NL you can have the same line repeating 5 times in a row it's ridiculous


Some more proper kitchen/dining room furniture.
We have a Kitchen Stove, a Kitchen Corner, a Kitchen Sink, a Refrigerator...
But no "Kitchen Counter" to make the kitchen area go as far as we'd like. There is also no dedicated dining table/chairs.
Anyone else bothered by this or is it just me?

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I'd like this too, and also the ability to cook food for stat boosts.

Tomodachi Life had dating and marriage.

I'm bothered that we have fruit, but they never added any sort of cooking mechanic, or expanded orchard growing or something.

they aren't animals mother fucker

>Only human in the known world moves to a town populated by animals to "get away"
You've been playing a furfag from day one, user.

>no cylindrical world
>no horrendous loading screens
>no influence whatsoever from that piece of shit Pocket Camp

That's literally all I ask for

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>no influence whatsoever from that piece of shit Pocket Camp

No way in hell they aren't gonna add something from that abortion of a mobile game

>no more rolling log
>size, scale and overall art style similar to the 2006 movie, or the MK8 track
>huge town (at least twice the size of the first game)
>all the cool geographical features they dropped in WW (
>whatever else NL forgot to bring back from the first game
>free 3rd person camera for an immersive experience
>shops and facilities are back in town
>the city is back, and acts as an MMO-styled hub where you can talk and trade with random players. like club tortimer, you can choose to go there offline if you want to
>height slider, shortest option is similar to the chibi characters from the pre-NL games but slightly taller (think villager from smash)
>more custom design options like pants, shoes, socks, etc.
>SOUL. energetic soundtrack similar to the first game's and focus more on atmosphere like the first game did. let blathers speak again and give sable new dialogue that isn't just copied and pasted from WW/CF. bring back WW's character episodes that gave more insight on the special NPCs' lives
>get rid of the mayor shit because it just gives them an excuse to make the villagers overly nice, and completely goes against the theme of AC being about living on your own. PWPs can still be a thing like in AFe+ where nook built them or like CF's town fund
>give resetti his balls back, have him do crazy shit like forcing the camera into first person or pretending to delete your data again
>isabelle shilling kept to the absolute minimum, rover is the greeter again

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I like Isabelle but she was WAAAY over present in New Leaf. Been here since 2003 btw

Maybe have jobs but they actually are decent for bells, and gives you promotions for more bells. And make those jobs relaxing or fun of course.

Bring back minigames, but make more variety AND FUCKING GIVE BELLS AND NOT TURTLEJEW TOKENS

I wouldn't mind a policeman job going around and solving mysteries around town and interrogating villagers.

more interesting animals
different town biomes

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Let me buy an NES for my room and be able to play all my Nintendo Switch Online games from there.

Different town biomes would be super neat and useful
This. Jewtendo better let me play some classics the comfy way


As long as they don't implement word filters, I'm good. I reckon the usual features from previous games will be there so anything else new I'm fine with.

>new personality types, like studious and/or goth.
>make the important villagers wander the village when off job, and like a few other's said have their own homes
>more town management and greater control as mayor

This. If they don't make it look like the MK8 maps, I'll be pretty upset.

bring back mean villagers

>MK8 graphics like other user said
>unlocked, 3rd person camera
>more interesting/worthwhile villager dialogue
>more interesting relationship growth
>no-move-in zones
>don't take away New Leaf clothing options, they were good
>keep Isabelle, but don't make her appear at every event this time

Oh, I forgot to add customizable facial features.

For Nintendo to acknowledge Sable's existence

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I don't mind her as a reclusive character and staying out of the spotlight because of it, but Sable's definitely deserving of at least an amiibo or something

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Bros, is there an easier job in the world than being an Animal Crossing developer?

What the fuck do these people all the time? Every game adds like 15 new furniture sets, some new clothing, one new gimmick, and a new area that's approximately two screens wide.

What do they do when they've cranked out all that stuff in 3 months?

A lot has to do with translating the game. Thousands of lines of dialogue plus several thousand items takes time to write.

Also, the map and scenery has always changed. New buildings, map shapes and map generation algorithm will take a lot of testing before they're sure that it doesn't fuck up.

She was the most popular female character prior to Isabelle, so to see her become flat-out forgotten since NL is a huge shame.