Dragon's Dogma

Is it just me or do Assassins not really feel like assassins in this game?

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do assassins ever feel like that? do they ever have the ability to sneak up and assassinate or do they just have shitty dumb abilities that are gay as fuck and inappropriate for the style of the game 100% of the time?

Guild Wars


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Mmmm yes charging that spell for half a minute is so fun mmm

It's just you.

Sorcerers would be fun if you could actually get your fucking pawns to tank so you have time to cast spells

You don’t have to cast Bolide every battle. You have Miasma and Frigor and Comestion

Sorcs just end up holy bolting

Comestion went A LOT more hardcore than the skill description leads you to believe

If the enemies are dumb enough to stand in it

Also High Brontide will fucking nuke Garm and Cyclopes if you have decent gear

You cast comestion for the extremely fast cast time and good initial damage, not the damage over time. That's what miasma is for.

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I like it for dealing with Death. You might knock him down with the initial blast.

Assassins in dnd games feel pretty close. pretty much anything that can kill super fast and get out, but is also super squishy. Assassin in this game doesn't even do that great of dps.

They did before Dark Arisen was released (the first time) and Invisibility was nerfed into the ground.
You could maintain Invisibility indefinitely with a character built for high max stamina and enough stamina-boosting items.

can someone tell me where to fucking find a griffen? ive spent almost 2 hours finding one to no avail. hillfigure knoll my ass theres no griffen there.

They show up most commonly around dawn. Killing oxen will attract them.

ash in warframe felt edgy as fuk when I last played him, sitting on draco leaning on 4

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>Estan Plains, respawns every 5-6 days. If a Cyclops appears instead, sleep one more day.
>Hillfigure Knoll in Northface Forest, will not appear if a Chimera is stalking the forest.
>Eradication Site, respawns every 5 days, replaced by a Cockatrice during Post-Game

I think Assassin should be able to forgo the secondary equipment to use 6 sword/dagger skills.

Does archer get fun later on? I just changed voc to ranger and I like the idea of playing a bowman but my aim is shit and I feel like I do more damage rushing in with stabs and juggles.

they show up regularly after you finish the griffin main quest

stop using a controller

Can confirm. Also, if you're already in Post-game, one will still show up at Hillfigure if no other big mosters are nearby (cyclops or chimera).

As others have said, they hunt more often in the morning, so look then for best results. What sucks is that after arriving at HFK, you have to wait a minute or two before the Griffin spawns...IF it does.

This would be amazing. Idk why this isn't allowed -_-

I wish mystic knight felt more like a paladin instead of some guy who smacks an orb

What is the most fun knight class? Mystic Knight? Warrior? Fighter? Assassin?

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I wish MK could use two shields and double parry.

And even before that. I've killed two of the fuckers just outside of Gran Soren.

time to play dark souls 3 if you want that lol

Installing it now, what am I in for?


Yeah Assassins are actually men-at-arms, weird.

>wait five million years cast time
>kill everything in 1 or 2 hits

it's honestly the most I've ever felt like a wizard in any game


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Is your pawn always available to be summoned by other players if you have the online option enabled? I started playing this game on Switch a couple of weeks ago, and I find it odd that my pawn has only been summoned once by other players. I must have summoned around 20 pawns from other players already, so assuming every player shares a similar playstyle I would expect mine to be summoned around that number of times too.

Is your pawn male?

>wanted to make best mage loli pawn
>accidentally leveled her to 115, not thinking anything of it
>only been borrowed by a couple Japanese guys
>she won't be able to help newbies because of her high RC cost

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You know, Mystic Knight is more fun than it should be unlike Magick Archer. Kinda wished I didn't went with Assassin before being knighted but oh well. I don't understand how Holy Guard thing works though.

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It's just your average cute loli sorcerer that is not wearing any of the ugly full sets.
Also I wish more people made good male pawns, I'm 80% of the time with a full female party.

Too bad they don't feel like paladins

My male ranger pawn ended up looking super edgy with the BBI stuff but I just let it rock. He gets hired though, and people who bother to leave reviews always leave good ones.

How well are your pawns doing?
I haven't played in like a year. Mine used to be in the top 100 Pawns, just checked in and she's down to 190.

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does Yea Forums use gamepad or kb+m?

I only have a toaster so it's kbm for me. Also MT Framework is fucking magic, I didn't expect the game to run on it in the first place.

pad, honestly both are fine though

How do you know what element monsters are weak to, is there an indicator? I’m a 19 Mage and my Stamina is ass I can barely run for long. I cast High Engle repeatedly because it does the best damage. I test my High Levin and High Frazil and Fire always does most dmg so why would I use any other spell. What are some good spells?


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got like 90% of the way through the game on my first run but then I got a new computer and forgot about it. What class should I be this time around? I remember everyone saying magick archer was the strongest but I ended up being a wizard and casting fuckhuge magic being really satisfying. How do I have the most fun

I wish the Switch version had motion controls for aiming, it would make aiming with my bow so much easier.

Pawns would usually shout out loud a monster's weakness if they have fought a monster enough times. I don't think you can check weaknesses ingame.

With bestiary knowledge, pawns will often shout it out.
In time, you’ll face enemies that are resistant, immune, or become more dangerous when exposed to fire damage.

No one rented my pawn until I was 100

"Assassin" isn't a specific term that only describes people in hoods with hidden wrist blades, OP.
A guy who shoots a rocket launcher at a politician's hotel room and kills him is still an assassin. A mafia hitman who blows a guy away with a shotgun on his doorstep is still an assassin.

Just check for the first time in 5 months, no rents. Level 105. She's only ever been rented once.

Probably not that well since I started from scratch on the PC version and hardly done anything. I actually migrated to the Switch game and have been playing that one non stop and my pawn gets hired occasionally. Enough for me to actually care about raising him properly.

KB+M is really fun for bow classes

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I don't even know if I should bother using my assassin's bow with a gamepad, I don't really do much damage unless I hit their head with a skill which is more often than not a hard task with a stick, and even then my sorcerer pawn is likely going to one shot the enemy anyways so probably is not worth the effort.

Mystic Knight Assassin is only if you want to easy mode the whole game.

Is there a certain technique to get people to hire your pawn or does it just boil down to dressing a female character up as a complete slut?

Have everything gold dragonforged and have some decent inclinations.

You can oneshot any enemy in the game as a ranger, yes it is fun.

if there was a pink aura around mercedes after i finished her quest does that mean she's my waifu? i gave her 4 cloudwines.

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>all these discussion about using and renting pawns online
The sad life of a third world pirate.

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Usually I look for pawns that have decent fashion/aren't just wearing whatever ultimate gear, non-retarded name, no shitty inclinations, and have a skill ring or two

Make absolutely sure she’s the last high-affinity person you talk to before departing to do the quest Deny Salvation.

She will be as long as you don't interact with anyone who also has max affinity until you beat the dragon.

Same...same. Probably changes the feel of the game a bit. But I'll never know because I'm a poor fag NEET

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stop using nyaggers outside dedicated threads.

i think my female pawn has max affinity as well. i can't talk to my pawn? i haven't given any other npcs gifts

Pawns don't get affinity.

Just make sure your pawn has good equipment, decent skills, and good inclinations (basically anything not Guardian or Nexus). Your pawn is essentially a cpu controlled version of you since it'll will take up the habits it exhibits you do so build them as if you were trying to sell your own worth as a potential teammate.

Slave to a broken order

>Warrior only gets 3 skills
It's just not fair, the class would be so much fun if you could have 6.

Half the reason why I dropped that class.

I was so fucking confused by this the first time it happened. And then I had to pay a nigger to get out.

Get the wyrmking ring, fag

>my aim is shit
Should have went Magik Archer user.

>tfw I had to watch my beloved character have sex with Caxton the armorer on my first playthrough
They're masterworks all, ya can't go wrong.

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Just use charge shot

>get to that scene
>it's that main quest giver by the castle at the start
>save my bro
>Wait what are you

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Should I use eminence on MK if i'm playing on PC?


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I had Valmiro, and even knowing about the affinity system it seemed pretty in-character for him to be there at the first part of that cutscene

I still had fun with it though.
Fuck the magic golem questline though.
And that one room in BBI.
You know the one.

So I just started the game, I'm only level 24 atm, playing as assassin. But man, my damage seems soooo bad compared to everyone in my group, including the fighter pawn. Does assassin ever pick up or should I just choose a different class?

>not running a 4x Sorcerer party with Wrym King Ring + the fast casting augment
You can cast the high levels spells like every 4 seconds

I feel like I should finally get this game and give it a try. What's gonna give me the best experience on my first playthrough? Do you need to use the pawn guys to get by?

You definitely want pawns. If you have any friends who have played it before no matter the system use theirs. Go for a pure class.

Mystic Knight if you like blocking and countering, or Strider if you like dodging, climbing, and doing massive dps
Good augments + decent armor (doesn't have to be the bbi sets, just good stats + aesthetically pleasing) + a pretty face. I've never had to sell out my pawn by making them wear slutty gear, or making them a loli, my pawns are always tall girls in full armor, and I ALWAYS have 2 million + riftcrystals on my characters. And I have a lot of characters since I regularly start restart the game and create a new character
What's your favorite playstyle in fighting games? Do you like sword and board, dodging, or magic? Do you like to counter/parry? Do you perfer archery or magic? Are you interested in climbing? Etc. Tell me and I'll recommend a class for you.

>Tfw ranger firing shot gun arrow spreads like a machine gun


Autonomy is some good shit.
Are you running shield or what?

I usually like wizards and pew pew magic stuff if done right, or slow big gun/cannon stuff.
Failing that dick ass thief spazzing out with knives.

Pls help i only run the game at 60 fps and 1/12th of a second does not seem that helpful

Running daggers because I wanted to feel like an assassin

What weapon are you using? And what enemies are making you feel like tour damage output is low? You might now be exploiting their weakspot or elemental weakness
Magic Archer was made for you. It's magic + thief mixed together. You use a combination of a magic bow, daggers, and a staff to attack.

How often are you jumping?
As a Warrior I would’ve loved that shit but not at the expense of Bastion.

They do when you reach level 100 and one shot everything in the game
Attack stat on Assassin is fucking busted

Wait for your attack stat to start getting ridiculous at higher levels.
You should be fine.

I'm fucking retarded, I meant prescience

I was tired of playing a loli so I re-customized myself to be as big as possible, and I maxed out my muscles as well, but somewhere along the line I fucked up and now I look like Juda.

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Why don't you try not smacking the orb? Outside of knocking down flying enemies, it's not like you need to. Just buff your mace/sword and your shield and go to town.

Use Abyssal anguish and go to town with sky rapture/blink strike then.

But it's so much stronger than everything else MK offers

Well shit dude. Tripping me up over here.
I personally never ran it but if you’re having trouble getting the timing down there’s no shame.

What's the difference between a str based or magic based mk?

And blast arrows are so much stronger than anything else ranger, assassin, or strider offer. But if you spam them, you'll get bored of those classes very fast.

Strength based MKs focus on playstyle built around perfect blocking + counter, and meele attacks while magic based MKs focus on spamming great canon. Magic based MKs are more efficient, but its boring a shit, while strength based MKs are way more fun but less efficent. I almost always run a melee mystic knight (1 weapon enchant skill + 2 shield enchant skills + blink strike + tusk toss/fullmoon slash)

The former doesn't exist. Any and all strength scaling they have is only from weapon strength, not base strength.

I like goats.

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Those dragons at bbi are starting to get on my nerves especially the ones that breathe fire and those faggots that sling spells. Nothing really comes close even lol 3 armors is manageable.

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Ash has long since gotten a rework to that ability and it now sucks fucking cock so no one uses him anymore, at best you can use a CL dagger Fatal Teleport build to achieve the effect it used to have except single target so not nearly even a tenth as good

>Mystic Knight if you like blocking and countering

Lmao you will never actually do any of that as a MK because Magick Cannon and Perilous Sigil exist, ironically the game's only greatshield-using class is one of the best offensive damage dealers in the game next to Assassin

Is that the reason why their animations never have their fucking shield on their hand? God it’s triggering my autism whenever I see the shield just magically pop on to your hand and to your back even when using the counter skills.

No, it's just isolated jank i guess

one of you nerds give me a bloodred crystal

Hey Arisens,
My name is Daimon, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are base, trifling, slaves to a broken order who spend every second of their day completing stupid ass quests. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pawnssy? I mean, I guess it's fun killing random stuff because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than doing radial quests on Skyrim.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I played 190 lvls as a Sorcerer, and started as a Mage. What builds do you play, other than "jack off to shameless princesses"? I also have every other Vocation maxed, and have a banging hot pawnfu (She just told me wolves hunt in packs; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just godsbane yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my waifu

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Is there also some weird shit going on with spell syncing? I sometimes get my casting bar at mid level 2 and experience casting bolide 3 times and 1 high bolide in the end whenever my pawn starts casting but never got to perfectly duplicate it. This is without standing at their circle and works at any distance as long as the pawn is in mid cast. What exactly are the conditions for the trigger?

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for extra fun, set up 3-4 great cannons stacked on top of eachother

Fighter is insanely fun. I don't think I've ever played another class in a game with such satisfying sword-and-board combat.

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Too bad you can't have your pawn as a beloved. If Ashe did it so should have you.

You don't have to stand in their circle, the circles just have to be touching.

I don't get it

The problem is I don't even need to touch their circle. I'm pretty sure I ran around that lich bishop while my pawn was casting in front of him and pretty sure I was some distance away from the circle. Could it have worked because I already initiated casting with him but cancelled halfway and when I decided to run around the sync is still in effect?

Rangers report in

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Unfortunately the mystic knight only applied back in the ps3. Kinda good nostalgia though even though I just started playing recently and haven't experienced the ps3 version.

>Lmao you will never actually do any of that as a MK
I do. I don't even use great canon or the sigil anymore becauae they're op and boring. The shield counters can easily take off a bar or more of a boss's health if done right, so I generally run those while I'm balls deep in a mob of enemies. Melee with perfect blocks > canon spam in my opinion

Can I give Madeleine the Arisen's Bond during or directly after Bad Business or do I need to do it before? I know she leaves till the post game after the quest but I'm wondering if she stays lingering on the map for a few mins or if she teleports away.

>The Assassin class has skills called 'stealth' and 'invisibility'
>these skills don't actually make you less visible or invisible, they make you invincible, i.e. essentially grant you godmode for a few seconds.
>So the assassin, ostensibly a class all about being stealthy, can't actually be stealthy in Dragon's Dogma.
What were they thinking here?

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>Is it just me or do Assassins not really feel like assassins in this game?
They don't, at all. This problem is not exclusive to Dragon's Dogma though, all Japanese RPGs seem to suffer from it, weirdly enough.

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Why can't the affection system work properly? I had to punch Madeline to stop her from having the pink fog thing and I'm pretty sure Valmiro still has it, though at least he fucked off.

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You can gift people a bottle of puke to make them hate you.

What's the combination?

glass bottle + puke

How do I get puke?

Ok guys, I want to ask, what makes this game so good? Compared to Witcher 3, what am I in for? Do I HAVE to use pawns to play or can I play solo?

It’s Liquid Effluvium.

3 is optimal, at 4 the hitbox on at least one of them will be just far enough to be unreliable and even with the wyrmking's ring you'll have wasted too much time on their duration by casting that 4th one

Watching a video on the quest, it seems that the Present option shows up when you first talk to her outside Gran Soren, so presumably you can give it then. She disappears after the next cutscenes, though.

Fun gameplay, neat twists, comfy setting, old-school jank (in a good way)
You can play solo and you'll get 4x exp for it but it feels way less soulful and you'll miss out on all the class synergy and pawn mechanics.

people still hire pawns when they reach max level?

people always seem to like my pawns. my new one gotten hired 5 times already and im level 110.

whoring out my pawn

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Yeah I, too, hate being able to kill Urdragon and Daimon in one minute each


i do blocking and countering all the time against dragons and ogers. otherwise, im fucking dead.

> sitting on draco leaning on 4
wew lad draco stop being a thing like a thousand years ago

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is it a gurdian?

I just rent pawns for fun. Not like they're extremely useful unless you spend RC or keep rehiring to keep them at your level.

Utilitarian ,scather

Doing an assassin build in Skyrim felt pretty good. The slit throat animation is really satisfying

Switch or PC version for this game? What are the main differences?

>What are the main differences?
The fact that I have 5 times more testosterone than you

Sick man, but that doesn't really answer my question

Which is more fun and/or skill based: Ranger or Magic Knight? I'm on PC so I'll be mouse aiming if that matters.

After the griffin quest I had most success farming griffins teleporting to mauls camp and going towards the beach, killing a few saurians and spamming shield summons